
Defines functions plot_trend plot_track

Documented in plot_track plot_trend

#' Plot track
#' @param track  track data.frame from \code{\link{fit_ssm}}
#' @param title  title of plot
#' @param discrete color movement by discrete state? If FALSE, colored by gamma
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @import plotly

plot_track <- function(track, title = "", discrete = FALSE) {

    # ggplot(data = track) +
    #     geom_point(aes(x = lon, y = lat), size = 1, alpha = 0.2) +
    #     geom_path(aes(x = lon_est, y = lat_est, colour = gamma_est), size = 1) +
    #     scale_color_viridis_c(name = "gamma") +
    #     theme_void() + coord_fixed()

    ax <- list(title = "",
               zeroline = FALSE,
               showline = FALSE,
               showticklabels = FALSE)

    if (discrete) {
        track$gamma_col <- factor(track$state)
    } else {
        track$gamma_col <- cut(track$gamma_est, breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1))

    plot_ly(data = track, x = ~lon, y = ~lat, colors = viridis::viridis(100)) %>%
        add_markers(size = I(2), color = I("black"), name = "Observed") %>%
        add_segments(x = ~lon_est[-nrow(track)], xend = ~lon_est[-1],
                     y = ~lat_est[-nrow(track)], yend = ~lat_est[-1],
                     color = ~gamma_col[-nrow(track)], showlegend = TRUE,
                     text = ~round(gamma_est[-nrow(track)], 2), name = "") %>%
            title = title,
            yaxis = c(ax, list(scaleanchor = "x")),
            xaxis = ax


#' Plot temporal trend
#' @param track     track data.frame from \code{\link{fit_ssm}}
#' @param y_name    name of variable to plot
#' @param xlab      label for x axis
#' @param ylab      label for y axis
#' @param col_est   colour for model estimates
#' @param col_obs   colour for observations
#' @export

plot_trend <- function(track, y_name = "lon", xlab = "time", ylab = y_name,
                       col_est = "steelblue", col_obs = "black") {

    col_est_rgb <- paste0("rgb(", paste(col2rgb(col_est), collapse = ","), ")")

    d <- track[, c("DATETIME", paste0(y_name, c("_est", "_lwr", "_upr")))]
    names(d) <- gsub(y_name, "y", names(d))
    if (y_name %in% names(track)) d$y <- track[, y_name]
    p <- plot_ly(data = d, x = ~DATETIME)
    if (y_name %in% names(track)) {
        p <- p %>% add_markers(y = ~y, size = I(2), color = I(col_obs), name = "Observed")
    p %>% add_ribbons(ymin = ~y_lwr, ymax = ~y_upr, name = "95% CI", line = list(width = 0),
                      color = I(col_est), opacity = 0.4) %>%
        add_lines(y = ~y_est, size = I(1), name = "Estimated", color = I(col_est),
                  legendgroup = "Estimated") %>%
        add_markers(y = ~y_est, name = "Estimated", legendgroup = "Estimated",
                    showlegend = FALSE,
                    marker = list(size = 5, color = "white",
                                  line = list(color = col_est_rgb,
                                              width = 1))) %>%
        layout(yaxis = list(title = ylab),
               xaxis = list(title = xlab))

PaulRegular/motus documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 6:11 p.m.