#' @title A set of function for data QC plot
#' @usage plotQC(mat, cols, labels, panel, ...)
#' @param mat A p by n matrix, where p is the number of phosphosites and n is
#' the number of samples.
#' @param cols A vector of colours to be used in the plot. The length should be
#' equal to the columns of the mat.
#' @param labels A vector of sample names. Used the label points in PCA plot
#' (panel=4)
#' @param panel A numeric value (0-4) to choose the plot type. See description
#' for details.
#' @param ... Plotting parameters for base plots
#' @description
#' The `panel` parameter allows different type of visualisation for output
#' object from PhosR.
#' `panel = 0` is used to create a 2*2 panel of plots including the following.
#' `panel = 1` is used to visualise percentage of quantification after
#' imputataion.
#' `panel = 2` is used to visualise dendrogram (hierarchical clustering) of the
#' input matrix.
#' `panel = 3` is used to visualise abundance level of samples from the input
#' matrix.
#' `panel = 4` is used to show PCA plot
#' @return A graphical plot
#' @importFrom dendextend labels_colors
#' @importFrom calibrate textxy
#' @importFrom pcaMethods pca
#' @importFrom graphics barplot plot boxplot par title
#' @examples
#' # Imputation
#' data('phospho.cells.Ins.sample')
#' grps = gsub('_[0-9]{1}', '', colnames(phospho.cells.Ins))
#' phospho.cells.Ins.filtered <- selectGrps(phospho.cells.Ins, grps, 0.5, n=1)
#' set.seed(123)
#' phospho.cells.Ins.impute <-
#' scImpute(
#' phospho.cells.Ins.filtered,
#' 0.5,
#' grps)[,colnames(phospho.cells.Ins.filtered)]
#' set.seed(123)
#' phospho.cells.Ins.impute[,1:5] <- ptImpute(phospho.cells.Ins.impute[,6:10],
#' phospho.cells.Ins.impute[,1:5], percent1 = 0.6, percent2 = 0, paired = FALSE)
#' phospho.cells.Ins.ms <- medianScaling(phospho.cells.Ins.impute,
#' scale = FALSE)
#' cols <- rep(c('#ED4024', '#7FBF42', '#3F61AD', '#9B822F'), each=6)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plotQC(phospho.cells.Ins.filtered,
#' labels=colnames(phospho.cells.Ins.filtered),
#' panel = 1, cols = cols)
#' plotQC(phospho.cells.Ins.ms,
#' labels=colnames(phospho.cells.Ins.ms),
#' panel = 1, cols = cols)
#' # Batch correction
#' data('phospho_L6_ratio')
#' data('SPSs')
#' grps = gsub('_.+', '', colnames(phospho.L6.ratio))
#' # Cleaning phosphosite label
#' phospho.site.names = rownames(phospho.L6.ratio)
#' L6.sites = gsub(' ', '', sapply(strsplit(rownames(phospho.L6.ratio), '~'),
#' function(x){paste(toupper(x[2]), x[3], '',
#' sep=';')}))
#' phospho.L6.ratio = t(sapply(split(data.frame(phospho.L6.ratio), L6.sites),
#' colMeans))
#' phospho.site.names = split(phospho.site.names, L6.sites)
#' # Construct a design matrix by condition
#' design = model.matrix(~ grps - 1)
#' # phosphoproteomics data normalisation using RUV
#' ctl = which(rownames(phospho.L6.ratio) %in% SPSs)
#' phospho.L6.ratio.RUV = RUVphospho(phospho.L6.ratio, M = design, k = 3,
#' ctl = ctl)
#' cs = rainbow(length(unique(grps)))
#' colorCodes = sapply(grps, switch, AICAR=cs[1], Ins=cs[2], AICARIns=cs[3])
#' # plot after batch correction
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plotQC(phospho.L6.ratio, panel = 2, cols=colorCodes)
#' plotQC(phospho.L6.ratio.RUV, cols=colorCodes,
#' labels = colnames(phospho.L6.ratio),
#' panel=2, ylim=c(-20, 20), xlim=c(-30, 30))
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plotQC(phospho.L6.ratio, panel = 4, cols=colorCodes,
#' labels = colnames(phospho.L6.ratio),
#' main='Before Batch correction')
#' plotQC(phospho.L6.ratio.RUV, cols=colorCodes,
#' labels = colnames(phospho.L6.ratio),
#' panel=4, ylim=c(-20, 20), xlim=c(-30, 30),
#' main='After Batch correction')
#' @export
plotQC <- function(mat, cols = NA, labels = NULL, panel = 0, ...) {
if (missing(mat))
stop("Paramter mat is missing!")
if (panel == 1) {
quantPlot(mat, cols, ...)
} else if (panel == 2) {
dendPlot(mat, cols, ...)
} else if (panel == 3) {
abundPlot(mat, cols, ...)
} else if (panel == 4) {
pcaPlot(mat, cols, labels, ...)
if (panel == 0) {
graphics::par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
quantPlot(mat, cols, ...)
dendPlot(mat, cols, ...)
abundPlot(mat, cols, ...)
pcaPlot(mat, cols, labels, ...)
quantPlot = function(mat, cols, ...) {
graphics::barplot((1 - colSums(is.na(mat))/nrow(mat)) *
100, las = 2, col = cols, ylab = "Quantification (%)",
main = "Quantification per sample", ylim = c(0, 100))
dendPlot = function(mat, cols, ...) {
dend <- stats::as.dendrogram(stats::hclust(stats::dist(t(mat))))
dendextend::labels_colors(dend) <- cols[stats::order.dendrogram(dend)]
graphics::plot(dend, main = "Sample hierarchical clustering",
ylab = "Tree height")
abundPlot = function(mat, cols, ...) {
graphics::boxplot(mat, las = 2, col = cols,
ylab = "Expression/Abundance level")
pcaPlot = function(mat, cols, labels, ...) {
result <- pcaMethods::pca(t(mat), method = "ppca", nPcs = 2,
seed = 123, main = "PCA")
graphics::plot(result@scores[, 1], result@scores[, 2],
col = cols, pch = 16, cex = 1.5, xlab = paste("PC1",
round(result@R2[1] * 100), "%"), ylab = paste("PC2",
round(result@R2[2] * 100), "%"), ...)
textxy(result@scores[, 1], result@scores[, 2], labels,
cex = 0.75)
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