
#generic parameter class
#should expose:
#  - min_value:  minimum parameter value in optimization
#  - max_value:  maximum parameter value
#  - init_value: initial parameter value
#  - cur_value:  current parameter value
#  - getRTUpdate: compute contribution to RT prediction for this parameter

#general sanity checks and field assignment handled here so subordinate classes need not duplicate
#' helper function to check parameter values and bounds at instantiation
#' Also sets up by-condition field and empty workspace, w.
#' @keywords internal
initialize_par <- function(obj, min_value=NULL, max_value=NULL, init_value=NULL, cur_value=NULL, par_scale=NULL, by=NULL) {
  stopifnot(all(cur_value <= max_value))
  stopifnot(all(cur_value >= min_value))
  stopifnot(all(init_value <= max_value))
  stopifnot(all(init_value >= min_value))
  obj$min_value <- min_value
  obj$max_value <- max_value
  obj$init_value <- init_value
  obj$cur_value <- cur_value
  obj$par_scale <- par_scale
  #name each parameter value so that when flattened to theta vector, all elements can be identified
  names(obj$min_value) <- names(obj$max_value) <- names(obj$init_value) <- names(obj$cur_value) <- names(obj$par_scale) <- obj$name  
  obj$by <- by
  obj$w <- emptyenv() #workspace should never be unique to parameter, but is set upstream by clock_model

#meanRT constructor
#' K: baseline response speed parameter.
#' Essentially the RT intercept in the multiple regression prediction equation. 
#' @param min_value Lower bound for K parameter.
#' @param max_value Upper bound for K parameter.
#' @param init_value Initial value for K parameter.
#' @param cur_value Current value for K parameter.
#' @param par_scale Expected parameter scale (log scale)
#' @param by character vector defining one or more run-level fields over which this parameter varies.
#' @export
meanRT <- function(min_value=100, max_value=5000, init_value=1000, cur_value=init_value, par_scale=1e3, by=NULL) {
  obj <- structure(
          name = "K"
      ), class=c("p_meanRT", "param"))
  obj <- initialize_par(obj, min_value, max_value, init_value, cur_value, par_scale, by) #check and initialize fields
  ##by is a character vector specifying which fields of a clockdata_run object should be used for setting multiple named cur_value fields just prior to fit.
  ##so, $fit (and predict?) should check the unique values for all by fields, then do an expand.grid, then name cur_values things like K.run_condition:IEV, etc.

#' lambda: autocorrelation with previous timepoint.
#' Weight for similarity of RT_t and RT_t-1, ranging from 0-1. 
#' @param min_value Lower bound for lambda parameter.
#' @param max_value Upper bound for lambda parameter.
#' @param init_value Initial value for lambda parameter.
#' @param cur_value Current value for lambda parameter.
#' @param par_scale Expected parameter scale.
#' @param by character vector defining one or more run-level fields over which this parameter varies.
#' @export
autocorrPrevRT <- function(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, init_value=0.3, cur_value=init_value, par_scale=1e-1, by=NULL) {  
  obj <- structure(
      list(name = "lambda"),
      class=c("p_autocorrPrevRT", "param")
  if (min_value < 0.0) { stop("Autocorr prev RT (lambda) parameter cannot be negative") }
  if (max_value > 1.0) { stop("Autocorr prev RT (lambda) parameter cannot exceed 1.0") }
  obj <- initialize_par(obj, min_value, max_value, init_value, cur_value, par_scale, by) #check and initialize fields

#' stickyChoice: weight and decay parameters to scale effect of prior RTs on current RT
#' @param min_value Lower bound for stickyChoice parameter.
#' @param max_value Upper bound for stickyChoice parameter.
#' @param init_value Initial value for stickyChoice parameter.
#' @param cur_value Current value for stickyChoice parameter.
#' @param par_scale Expected parameter scale.
#' @param by character vector defining one or more run-level fields over which this parameter varies.
#' @export
stickyChoice <- function(min_value=c(weight=0.0, decay=0.0), max_value=c(weight=1.0, decay=1.0), 
    init_value=c(weight=0.3, decay=0.1), cur_value=init_value, par_scale=c(weight=1e-1, decay=1e-1), by=NULL) {  

  obj <- structure(
      list(name = c("stickyWeight", "stickyDecay")),
      class=c("p_stickyChoice", "param")
  lapply(list(min_value, max_value, init_value, cur_value, par_scale), function(v) {
        if (is.null(names(v)) || length(v) != 2 || any(! c("weight", "decay") %in% names(v))) {
          stop("For sticky choice, all parameter initialization values must be two-element vectors with names c(\"weight\", \"decay\")")
  if (min_value["weight"] < 0.0) { stop("Sticky weight prev RT (stickyWeight) parameter cannot be negative") }
  if (max_value["weight"] > 1.0) { stop("Sticky weight prev RT (stickyWeight) parameter cannot exceed 1.0") }
  if (min_value["decay"] < 0.0) { stop("Sticky decay prev RT (stickyDecay) parameter cannot be negative") }
  if (max_value["decay"] > 1.0) { stop("Sticky decay prev RT (stickyDecay) parameter cannot exceed 1.0") }
  obj <- initialize_par(obj, min_value, max_value, init_value, cur_value, par_scale, by) #check and initialize fields

#' go: speedup of RT for positive prediction error.
#' @param min_value Lower bound for go parameter.
#' @param max_value Upper bound for go parameter.
#' @param init_value Initial value for go parameter.
#' @param cur_value Current value for go parameter.
#' @param par_scale Expected parameter scale.
#' @param by character vector defining one or more run-level fields over which this parameter varies.
#' @export
go <- function(min_value=0.01, max_value=5.0, init_value=0.2, cur_value=init_value, par_scale=1e-1, by=NULL) {
  obj <- structure(
      list(name = "alphaG"),
      class=c("p_go", "param")
  if (min_value < 0.01) { stop("alphaG min_value must be at least 0.01") }
  if (max_value > 5.0) { stop("alphaG max_value must be less than 5.0") }
  obj <- initialize_par(obj, min_value, max_value, init_value, cur_value, par_scale, by) #check and initialize fields

#' noGo: slowdown of RT for negative prediction error.
#' @param min_value Lower bound for go parameter.
#' @param max_value Upper bound for go parameter.
#' @param init_value Initial value for go parameter.
#' @param cur_value Current value for go parameter.
#' @param par_scale Expected parameter scale.
#' @param by character vector defining one or more run-level fields over which this parameter varies.
#' @export
noGo <- function(min_value=0.01, max_value=5.0, init_value=0.2, cur_value=init_value, par_scale=1e-1, by=NULL) {
  obj <- structure(
      list(name = "alphaN"),
      class=c("p_nogo", "param")
  if (min_value < 0.01) { stop("alphaN min_value must be at least 0.01") }
  if (max_value > 5.0) { stop("alphaN max_value must be less than 5.0") }
  obj <- initialize_par(obj, min_value, max_value, init_value, cur_value, par_scale, by) #check and initialize fields

#' goForGold: adapt RT toward the best reward thus far.
#' @param min_value Lower bound for goForGold parameter.
#' @param max_value Upper bound for goForGold parameter.
#' @param init_value Initial value for goForGold parameter.
#' @param cur_value Current value for goForGold parameter.
#' @param par_scale Expected parameter scale.
#' @param by character vector defining one or more run-level fields over which this parameter varies.
#' @param bestRT_t1 assumption of best reaction time on the first trial
#' @export
goForGold <- function(min_value=0.0, max_value=100.0, init_value=0.1, cur_value=init_value, par_scale=1e-1, by=NULL, bestRT_t1=numeric(0)) {
  obj <- structure(
          name = "scale",
          bestRT_t1 = bestRT_t1 #initial value for best reaction time on trial 1
      ), class=c("p_gold", "param"))
  if (min_value < 0) { stop("Go for gold (nu) parameter cannot be negative") }
  obj <- initialize_par(obj, min_value, max_value, init_value, cur_value, par_scale, by) #check and initialize fields

#' rho: Adapt toward fast responses if these have been better thus far
#' @param min_value Lower bound for rho parameter.
#' @param max_value Upper bound for rho parameter.
#' @param init_value Initial value for rho parameter.
#' @param cur_value Current value for rho parameter.
#' @param par_scale Expected parameter scale.
#' @param by character vector defining one or more run-level fields over which this parameter varies.
#' @export
meanSlowFast <- function(min_value=0, max_value=10000, init_value=300, cur_value=init_value, par_scale=1e2, by=NULL) {
  obj <- structure(
      list(name = "rho"), 
      class=c("p_meanSlowFast", "param")
  if (min_value < 0) { stop("Slow versus fast mean parameter (rho) cannot be negative") }
  obj <- initialize_par(obj, min_value, max_value, init_value, cur_value, par_scale, by) #check and initialize fields

#' epsilon: adapt to fast/slow responses in proportion to uncertainty about other dist
#' @param min_value Lower bound for epsilon parameter.
#' @param max_value Upper bound for epsilon parameter.
#' @param init_value Initial value for epsilon parameter.
#' @param cur_value Current value for epsilon parameter.
#' @param par_scale Expected parameter scale.
#' @param by character vector defining one or more run-level fields over which this parameter varies.
#' @export
exploreBeta <- function(min_value=c(epsilon=0.0, tau=NA_real_), max_value=c(epsilon=100000, tau=100000), init_value=c(epsilon=2000, tau=2000), cur_value=init_value, par_scale=c(epsilon=1e3, tau=1e3), by=NULL) {
  obj <- structure(
      list(name = c("epsilonBeta", "tau")), 
      class=c("p_epsilonBeta", "param")
  #no tau model by default
  if (is.na(min_value["tau"])) {
    obj$name <- "epsilonBeta"
    min_value <- min_value[1L]
    max_value <- max_value[1L]
    init_value <- init_value[1L]
    cur_value <- cur_value[1L]
    par_scale <- par_scale[1L]
  obj <- initialize_par(obj, min_value, max_value, init_value, cur_value, par_scale, by) #check and initialize fields

#' beta distribution worker class (handled as environment shared by epsilon and rho)
#' @param w=NULL Shared workspace environment
#' @param alpha_slow alpha shape parameter for slow (above average) RTs
#' @param beta_slow beta shape parameter for slow RTs
#' @param alpha_fast alpha parameter for fast RTs 
#' @param beta_fast beta parameter for fast RTs 
#' @param decay decay parameter (knowledge of fast and slow reward dists decays with time)
#' @param lastUpdateTrial what is the latest trial number for which beta updates were computed (necessary because betas are shared by rho and epsilon -- avoid double update) 
#' @param local_RT_learning_rate learning rate modulating running calculation of recent mean RT. 
#' @keywords internal
betaFastSlow <- function(
    w=NULL, #shared workspace
    alpha_slow=1.01, #alpha shape parameter for slow (above average) RTs 
    beta_slow=1.01, #beta shape parameter for slow RTs
    local_RT_learning_rate=0.1) #TODO: Does the learning rate for RT need to be yoked to alphaV for the critic update, as in MF's code? 
  stopifnot(decay <= 1.0)
  if (is.null(w) || !is.environment(w)) { stop ("Shared workspace w must be passed at initialization into betaFastSlow") }
  fparams <- as.list(environment()) #copy initial function parameters to list object
  #new tack: use environment for beta dists
  obj <- new.env(parent=baseenv()) #create empty new environment with base as parent to allow for curly evaluation
  for(n in ls(fparams, all.names=TRUE)) assign(n, get(n, fparams), obj) #copy all objects to new environment
  obj$local_RT[1L] <- obj$local_RT_last[1L] <- w$avg_RT #set initial local average to the block mean RT

#' gamma: reverse momentum parameter, adjust RTs incrementally in a direction before switching
#' @param min_value Lower bound for gamma parameter.
#' @param max_value Upper bound for gamma parameter.
#' @param init_value Initial value for gamma parameter.
#' @param cur_value Current value for gamma parameter.
#' @param par_scale Expected parameter scale.
#' @param by character vector defining one or more run-level fields over which this parameter varies.
#' @export
revMomentum <- function(min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, init_value=0.5, cur_value=init_value, par_scale=1e-1, by=NULL) {
  obj <- structure(
      list(name = "gamma"), 
      class=c("p_revMomentum", "param")
  obj <- initialize_par(obj, min_value, max_value, init_value, cur_value, par_scale, by) #check and initialize fields

#RT prediction functions for each parameter
#' general dispatch of RT prediction for a parameter
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate <- function(obj, theta) { UseMethod("getRTUpdate") } #general dispatch

#' default RT prediction method for a parameter (not used)
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate.default <- function(obj, theta) {
  return (NULL)
} #shouldn't have an empty rt update

#' internal function to lookup the correct value of theta when a parameter varies by condition
#' @keywords internal
getTheta <- function(obj, condition) {
  if (is.null(obj$by)) {
    v <- obj$name
    names(v) <- obj$name
  } else {
    v <- obj$name[sapply(obj$base_name, function(n) { which(obj$name == paste0(n, "/",  paste(obj$by, condition[obj$by], sep=":", collapse="/"))) }) ]
    names(v) <- obj$base_name

#' Compute reaction time contribution for K (baseline response speed)
#' @param obj the parameter object to be used for prediction.
#' @param theta named vector of current values for parameters in model.
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate.p_meanRT <- function(obj, theta) {
  #theta[obj$name] #for baseline RT, the parameter itself is the speed in ms
  theta[obj$theta_lookup] #for baseline RT, the parameter itself is the speed in ms

#' Compute reaction time contribution for lambda (autocorr with RT_t-1)
#' @param obj the parameter object to be used for prediction.
#' @param theta named vector of current values for parameters in model.
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate.p_autocorrPrevRT <- function(obj, theta) {

#' Compute reaction time contribution for stickyChoice (weight and decay for influence of sticky choice function)
#' @param obj the parameter object to be used for prediction.
#' @param theta named vector of current values for parameters in model.
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate.p_stickyChoice <- function(obj, theta) {
  #compute current value of sticky function
  obj$w$sticky <- obj$w$RT_last + theta[obj$theta_lookup["stickyDecay"]]*obj$w$sticky
  theta[obj$theta_lookup["stickyWeight"]]*obj$w$sticky #rtContrib

#' Compute reaction time contribution for nu (adapt toward best reward)
#' @param obj the parameter object to be used for prediction.
#' @param theta named vector of current values for parameters in model.
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate.p_gold <- function(obj, theta) {
  #compute maximum reward and reward variability up to current trial
            rew_max <- max(Reward[1:lastTrial]) # max reward received in block thus far -- used for updating best RT
            rew_sd  <- if(lastTrial > 1) { stats::sd(Reward[1:lastTrial]) } else { 0 } # sd of rewards in block thus far (use a value of 0 if just one trial).
            # If PPE on prior trial and obtained reward falls within one SD of max, save as bestRT
            #N.B. This works magically well in the test case
            #was trying to see whether the PPE aspect here is necessary
            #if (Rew_last >= (rew_max - rew_sd)) {
            if (Rew_last > V_last && Rew_last >= (rew_max - rew_sd)) {
              bestRT[cur_trial] <- RT_last
            } else {
              bestRT[cur_trial] <- bestRT[lastTrial] #carry forward best so far
  theta[obj$theta_lookup]*with(obj$w, bestRT[cur_trial] - avg_RT) #rtContrib

#' Compute reaction time contribution for go (speedup for PPE)
#' @param obj the parameter object to be used for prediction.
#' @param theta named vector of current values for parameters in model.
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate.p_go <- function(obj, theta) {
  #a bit of a hack here to copy the alphaG learning rate into w for easier code below
  obj$w$cur_value <- theta[obj$theta_lookup]
            Go_last   <- Go[lastTrial]
            #carry forward Go term unless updated below by PPE
            Go_new <- Go_last
            #if obtained reward was better than expected (PPE), speed up (scaled by alphaG)
            if (Rew_last > V_last) {                  
              Go_new <- Go_last + cur_value*(Rew_last - V_last)
            Go[cur_trial] <- Go_new              
  #N.B. The call below drastically slows down optimization
  #rm(cur_value, envir=obj$w)
  -1.0*obj$w$Go_new #rtContrib

#' Compute reaction time contribution for noGo (slowdown for NPE)
#' @param obj the parameter object to be used for prediction.
#' @param theta named vector of current values for parameters in model.
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate.p_nogo <- function(obj, theta) {
  #a bit of a hack here to copy the alphaN learning rate into w for easier code below
  obj$w$cur_value <- theta[obj$theta_lookup]
            NoGo_last   <- NoGo[lastTrial]
            #carry forward NoGo term unless updated below by NPE
            NoGo_new <- NoGo_last
            #if obtained reward was worse than expected (NPE), slow down (scaled by alphaN)
            if (Rew_last <= V_last) {                  
              NoGo_new <- NoGo_last + cur_value*(V_last - Rew_last)
            NoGo[cur_trial] <- NoGo_new                
  #N.B. The call below drastically slows down optimization.
  #rm(cur_value, envir=obj$w)
  +1.0*obj$w$NoGo_new #rtContrib

#beta distribution tracking
#' updates counts of beta distributions for fast and slow responses
#' when there is a PPE in the fast versus slow direction.
#' @param bfs betaFastSlow object containing fast and slow beta dist parameters
#' @keywords internal

#updateBetaDists <- compiler::cmpfun(l_updateBetaDists)
updateBetaDists=function(bfs) {
  #because explore and meandiff parameters may both be present in the model
  #need to check whether the beta distribution has already been updated on this trial
  #if so, do not update again  
  if (bfs$lastUpdateTrial == bfs$w$cur_trial) { return(invisible(NULL)) }
  bfs$lastUpdateTrial <- bfs$w$cur_trial
  #model tracks two distributions, one for fast responses (less than mean RT)
  #and one for slow responses (above mean RT)
  #here, we update the estimates of the corresponding beta distribution for slow or fast responses
  #cache means and variances of prior trial
            mean_fast_last <- mean_fast
            mean_slow_last <- mean_slow
            var_fast_last  <- var_fast
            var_slow_last  <- var_slow
            local_RT_last  <- local_RT
            if (w$RT_last > local_RT_last) { #last response was slower than local average
              if (w$Rew_last > w$V_last) { #ppe: increment alpha shape parameter for slow dist
                alpha_slow <- alpha_slow + 1
              } else {
                beta_slow <- beta_slow + 1
            } else if (w$RT_last <= local_RT_last) { #last response was faster than average
              if(w$Rew_last > w$V_last) {
                alpha_fast <- alpha_fast + 1
              } else {
                beta_fast <- beta_fast + 1
            if (decay < 1.0) {
              alpha_slow     <- decay * alpha_slow # if decay < 1 then this decays counts, making beta dists less confident
              beta_slow      <- decay * beta_slow
              alpha_fast     <- decay * alpha_fast
              beta_fast      <- decay * beta_fast
            # compute mode and variances of beta distribution
            var_fast[lastUpdateTrial]    <- alpha_fast * beta_fast / ( (alpha_fast + beta_fast)^2 * (alpha_fast + beta_fast + 1) )
            var_slow[lastUpdateTrial]    <- alpha_slow*beta_slow/( (alpha_slow + beta_slow)^2 * (alpha_slow + beta_slow + 1) )
            #mode_slow[lastUpdateTrial]  <- (alpha_slow - 1) / (alpha_slow + beta_slow - 2) #not used at present, omit for optimization speed
            #mode_fast[lastUpdateTrial]  <- (alpha_fast - 1) / (alpha_fast + beta_fast - 2) 
            mean_slow[lastUpdateTrial]   <- alpha_slow / (alpha_slow + beta_slow)
            mean_fast[lastUpdateTrial]   <- alpha_fast / (alpha_fast + beta_fast)
            local_RT <- local_RT_last + local_RT_learning_rate * (w$RT_last - local_RT_last) # update estimate of recent RTs by 10% (0.1) of deviation of this trial's RT from the local average      

#' Compute reaction time contribution for rho (slow-fast mean adaptation)
#' @param obj the parameter object to be used for prediction.
#' @param theta named vector of current values for parameters in model.
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate.p_meanSlowFast=function(obj, theta) {
  updateBetaDists(obj$w$betaFastSlow) #update fast/slow beta dists
  theta[obj$theta_lookup] * with(obj$w$betaFastSlow, mean_slow[lastUpdateTrial] - mean_fast[lastUpdateTrial]) #rtContrib

#' Compute reaction time contribution for epsilon (explore)
#' @param obj the parameter object to be used for prediction.
#' @param theta named vector of current values for parameters in model.
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate.p_epsilonBeta=function(obj, theta) {
  #model tracks two distributions, one for fast responses (less than mean RT)
  #and one for slow responses (above mean RT)
  #here, we update the estimates of the corresponding beta distribution for slow or fast responses
  obj$w$explore_last <- obj$w$explore
  updateBetaDists(obj$w$betaFastSlow) #update fast/slow beta dists
  obj$w$cur_value <- theta[obj$theta_lookup]
  #emo linear (note that this necessarily collides with use of by="run_condition")
  if (length(obj$w$cur_value) == 2L) {
    if (obj$w$run_condition == "fear") { obj$w$emoLinear <- -1*obj$w$cur_value["tau"]        
    } else if (obj$w$run_condition == "happy") { obj$w$emoLinear <- 1*obj$w$cur_value["tau"]        
    } else if (obj$w$run_condition == "scram") { obj$w$emoLinear <- 0 
    } else { stop("Cannot identify run condition for emo linear tau: ", obj$w$run_condition) }
  } else {
    obj$w$emoLinear <- 0 #no emotion tau model (just usual eps)
            if (RT_last > betaFastSlow$local_RT_last) {
              #explore parameter scales the difference in SDs between the fast and slow beta dists
              explore <- -1.0*(cur_value[grepl("epsilonBeta", names(cur_value))] + emoLinear) * (sqrt(betaFastSlow$var_fast[cur_trial]) - sqrt(betaFastSlow$var_slow[cur_trial]))  # speed up if more uncertain about fast responses
            } else {
              explore <- +1.0*(cur_value[grepl("epsilonBeta", names(cur_value))] + emoLinear) * (sqrt(betaFastSlow$var_slow[cur_trial]) - sqrt(betaFastSlow$var_fast[cur_trial])) #slow down if more uncertain about slow responses
            # reset if already explored in this direction last trial (see supplement of Frank et al 09)
            # logVal <- tryCatch(if ((RT_last < RT_last2 && explore < 0) || (RT_last > RT_last2 && explore > 0)) { NULL }, error=function(e) { print(e); browser() })
            if ( (RT_last < RT_last2 && explore < 0) ||
                (RT_last > RT_last2 && explore > 0) ) {
              explore <- 0
  obj$w$explore #rtContrib  

#' Compute reaction time contribution for gamma (reverse momentum parameter)
#' @param obj the parameter object to be used for prediction.
#' @param theta named vector of current values for parameters in model.
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate.p_revMomentum <- function(obj, theta) {

#' Compute reaction time contribution for xi (regress to mean parameter)
#' @param obj the parameter object to be used for prediction.
#' @param theta named vector of current values for parameters in model.
#' @keywords internal
getRTUpdate.p_regressMean <- function(obj, theta) {
  #regress = -exp_alt;  % for simple oscillation regression to mean explore control model

##TODO: Does preallocating the pred_contrib vectors buy any time?
# does not seem to slow down optimization at all to pre-initialize, although doesn't seem needed during
# optimization per se, since pred_contrib is only really useful at optimized parameter values.

#' Generic dispatch to reset relevant variables in the workspace for a parameter.
#' @param obj the parameter object whose workspace will be reset.
#' @export reset_workspace 
reset_workspace <- function(obj) { UseMethod("reset_workspace") }

#' Generic reset method for all parameters. 
#' Currently this resets the trialwise RT prediction contribution of each parameter to NA.
#' @param obj the parameter object whose workspace will be reset.   
#' @method reset_workspace param
#' @export reset_workspace.param

#no real advantage to allocating these in advance since RT contribution of parameters only need to be computed after parameter optimization 
#N.B., should probably set pred_contrib name based on class name of param, not the lapply on the parameter name/names themselves
#because a given param object can only contribute on RT prediction (even if a function of two parameters).
#reset_workspace.param <- function(obj) { lapply(obj$name, function(f) { obj$w$pred_contrib[[f]] <- rep(NA_real_, obj$w$ntrials) } ) }
reset_workspace.param <- function(obj) { NULL }

#' reset workspace for go parameter
#' Resets the Go term for scaling PPE speedup
#' @param obj the parameter object whose workspace will be reset.
#' @method reset_workspace p_go
#' @export reset_workspace.p_go
reset_workspace.p_go <- function(obj) {
  obj$w$Go <- rep(NA_real_, obj$w$ntrials) #vector of Go term
  obj$w$Go[1L] <- 0.0 #may want to override this later...

#' reset workspace for noGo parameter
#' Resets the NoGo term for scaling NPE slowdown
#' @param obj the parameter object whose workspace will be reset.
#' @method reset_workspace p_nogo
#' @export reset_workspace.p_nogo
reset_workspace.p_nogo <- function(obj) {
  obj$w$NoGo <- rep(NA_real_, obj$w$ntrials) #vector of NoGo term
  obj$w$NoGo[1L] <- 0.0 #may want to override this later...

#' reset workspace for stickyChoice parameter
#' Reset the sticky choice function value
#' @param obj the parameter object whose workspace will be reset.
#' @method reset_workspace p_stickyChoice
#' @export reset_workspace.p_stickyChoice
reset_workspace.p_stickyChoice <- function(obj) {
  obj$w$sticky <- 0

#' reset workspace for goForGold parameter
#' Resets the bestRT for scale parameter
#' @param obj the parameter object whose workspace will be reset.
#' @method reset_workspace p_gold
#' @export reset_workspace.p_gold
reset_workspace.p_gold <- function(obj) {
  #After shared workspace (w) address is passed in, setup expectation on bestRT for first trial
  obj$w$bestRT  <- rep(NA_real_, obj$w$ntrials) #initialize empty bestRT vector
  if (identical(obj$bestRT_t1, numeric(0))) {
    #default to average RT
    #message("Using average reaction time across block as best RT prior.")
    obj$w$bestRT[1L] <- obj$w$avg_RT
  } else {
    #use the user-specified value for the bestRT on t=1
    obj$w$bestRT[1L] <- obj$bestRT_t1

#' reset workspace for rho parameter
#' Allocates the beta distribution tracker if not yet instantiated.
#' @param obj the parameter object whose workspace will be reset.
#' @method reset_workspace p_meanSlowFast
#' @export reset_workspace.p_meanSlowFast
reset_workspace.p_meanSlowFast=function(obj) {
  if (!exists("betaFastSlow", envir=obj$w, inherits=FALSE)) { obj$w$betaFastSlow <- betaFastSlow(obj$w) }

#' reset workspace for epsilonBeta parameter
#' Allocates the beta distribution tracker if not yet instantiated.
#' @param obj the parameter object whose workspace will be reset.
#' @method reset_workspace p_epsilonBeta
#' @export reset_workspace.p_epsilonBeta
reset_workspace.p_epsilonBeta=function(obj) {
  if (!exists("betaFastSlow", envir=obj$w, inherits=FALSE)) { obj$w$betaFastSlow <- betaFastSlow(obj$w) }
PennStateDEPENdLab/fitclock documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:29 a.m.