
Defines functions convert_symbols

Documented in convert_symbols

#' @export
#' @import doParallel
#' @import parallel
#' @import foreach
#' @import limma
#' @import utils
#' @import org.Hs.eg.db
#' @importFrom  AnnotationDbi mapIds
#' @title Multi resources gene symbols conversion to entrez ID (Human)
#' @description
#' This function is used to convert gene symbols, previous symbols or aliases to gene entrez ID\cr
#' It performs :\cr
#' -a gene query to limma::alias2Symbol to map gene alias to official symbols\cr
#' -looks for LOC* symbols\cr
#' -tries to find correspondence within HGNC database\cr
#' -queries org.Hs.eg.db\cr
#' -checks again with adaptive symbol parsing (e.g. transforms BRCA-1 to BRCA1)
#' @name convert_symbols
#' @usage
#' convert_symbols(symbols,HGNC,c=1)
#' @param symbols gene matrix from which rownames (gene symbols) are extracted
#' @param HGNC HGNC correspondence file.
#' @param c number of cores to use for parallel processes
#' @examples
#' # import the correspondence file
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "HGNC.txt", package = "aliases2entrez")
#' HGNC <- read.delim(file)
#' # alternatively update a new one with update_symbols()
#' symbols <- c("BRCA1", "TP53")
#' # run the main function
#' ids <- convert_symbols(symbols, HGNC)
#' @return returns a vector containing IDs if match were found or NA if unknown or withdrawn symbol

convert_symbols <- function(symbols, HGNC, c = 1) {
  genes <- symbols
  # expected <- c("Approved.symbol", "Previous.symbols", "Synonyms", "NCBI.Gene.ID")
  expected <- c("Approved.symbol", "Previous.symbols", "Alias.symbols", "NCBI.Gene.ID","Ensembl.gene.ID")

  if (dim(HGNC)[2] != 5) {
    stop("HGNC correspondence table was not load properly, please consider updating with HGNC=update_symbols()")
  } else if (!identical(colnames(HGNC), expected)) {
    stop("HGNC correspondence table was not load properly, please consider updating with HGNC=update_symbols()")

  message("calling limma::alias2Symbol on provided data")
  genes <- ifelse(is.na(alias2SymbolTable(genes)), genes, alias2SymbolTable(genes))

  message(paste("-> matching ", length(genes), " symbols to HGNC Approved symbol", sep = ""))
  matched <- HGNC$NCBI.Gene.ID[match(tolower(genes), tolower(HGNC$Approved.symbol))]

  # loc 2 entrezid
  id <- which(is.na(matched))
  if (length(id) == 0) {
    message("all symbols found")
    aliases <- data.frame(Symbols = genes, entrezID = as.numeric(matched))

  missing_ids <- genes[id]
  message(paste(length(id), " symbols remaining", sep = ""))
  message(paste("-> matching ", length(id), " symbols to ^LOC symbols", sep = ""))
  id2 <- grep("^LOC", missing_ids, perl = TRUE)
  matched[id][id2] <- as.numeric(gsub("LOC", "", missing_ids[id2]))
  # elements not found

  i <- which(is.na(matched))
  if (length(i) == 0) {
    message("all symbols found")
    aliases <- data.frame(Symbols = genes, entrezID = as.numeric(matched))

  if (length(i)!=length(id))
  {message(paste(length(i), " symbols remaining", sep = ""))
  message(paste("-> matching ", length(i), " symbols to approved symbols (adaptative parsing)", sep = ""))

  cl <- makeCluster(c)
  g <- NULL
  l <- 0
  l <- foreach(g = seq_along(i), .combine = cbind) %dopar% {
    # for each element not found get corresponding gene
    gene_to_find <- tolower(genes[i[g]])
    for (line in seq_along(HGNC$Approved.symbol)) {}
    if (length(grep("-", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0 & length(grep("-[0-9].*$", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0) {
      gene_to_find <- gsub("-", "", gene_to_find)
      for (line in seq_along(HGNC$Approved.symbol)) {
        # split multiple elements
        res <- gene_to_find %in% tolower(strsplit(as.character(HGNC$Approved.symbol[line]), split = ", ")[[1]])
        # if found stop
        if (res) {
    } else if (length(grep("-", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0 & length(grep("(-1)$", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0) {
      gene_to_find <- strsplit(gene_to_find, "-")[[1]][1]
      for (line in seq_along(HGNC$Approved.symbol)) {
        # split multiple elements
        res <- gene_to_find %in% tolower(strsplit(as.character(HGNC$Approved.symbol[line]), split = ", ")[[1]])
        # if found stop
        if (res) {
    if (line != length(HGNC$Approved.symbol)) {
    } else {
  if (sum(is.na(l)) != length(l)) {
    matched[i] <- HGNC$NCBI.Gene.ID[l]

  i0 <- which(is.na(matched))
  if (length(i0) == 0) {
    message("all symbols found")
    aliases <- data.frame(Symbols = genes, entrezID = as.numeric(matched))
  if (length(i0)!=length(i))
  {message(paste(length(i0), " symbols remaining", sep = ""))

  # match to second column: previous symbols (1 elements in column)
  matched[i0] <- HGNC$NCBI.Gene.ID[match(tolower(genes[i0]), tolower(HGNC$Previous.symbols))]
  # element not found
  message(paste("-> matching ", length(i0), " symbols to HGNC previous symbol", sep = ""))

  i2 <- which(is.na(matched))
  if (length(i2) == 0) {
    message("all symbols found")
    aliases <- data.frame(Symbols = genes, entrezID = as.numeric(matched))

  if (length(i0)!=length(i2))
  {message(paste(length(i2), " symbols remaining", sep = ""))

  message(paste("-> matching ", length(i2), " symbols to HGNC previous symbol (adapt. parsing)", sep = ""))

  # match to second column: previous symbols (2+ elements in column)
  cl <- makeCluster(c)
  g <- NULL
  l <- 0
  l <- foreach(g = seq_along(i2), .combine = cbind) %dopar% {
    # for each element not found get corresponding gene
    gene_to_find <- tolower(genes[i2[g]])
    # check if element not found is present in symbols of columns 2 of HGNC
    for (line in seq_along(HGNC$Previous.symbols)) {
      # split multiple elements
      res <- gene_to_find %in% tolower(strsplit(as.character(HGNC$Previous.symbols[line]), split = ", ")[[1]])
      # if found stop
      if (res) {
    # get corresponding line or NA and store in l
    if (line == length(HGNC$Previous.symbols)) {
      if (length(grep("-", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0 & length(grep("-[0-9].*$", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0) {
        gene_to_find <- gsub("-", "", gene_to_find)
        for (line in seq_along(HGNC$Previous.symbols)) {
          # split multiple elements
          res <- gene_to_find %in% tolower(strsplit(as.character(HGNC$Previous.symbols[line]), split = ", ")[[1]])
          # if found stop
          if (res) {
      } else if (length(grep("-", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0 & length(grep("(-1)$", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0) {
        gene_to_find <- strsplit(gene_to_find, "-")[[1]][1]
        for (line in seq_along(HGNC$Previous.symbols)) {
          # split multiple elements
          res <- gene_to_find %in% tolower(strsplit(as.character(HGNC$Previous.symbols[line]), split = ", ")[[1]])
          # if found stop
          if (res) {
    if (line != length(HGNC$Previous.symbols)) {
    } else {
  if (sum(is.na(l)) != length(l)) {
    matched[i2] <- HGNC$NCBI.Gene.ID[l]

  # elements not found
  j <- which(is.na(matched))
  if (length(j) == 0) {
    message("all symbols found")
    aliases <- data.frame(Symbols = genes, entrezID = as.numeric(matched))

  if (length(i2)!=length(j))
  {message(paste(length(j), " symbols remaining", sep = ""))

  # match to third column: Synonyms (1 elements in column)
  matched[j] <- HGNC$NCBI.Gene.ID[match(tolower(genes[j]), tolower(HGNC$Alias.symbols))]
  # elements not found:
  j2 <- which(is.na(matched))
  if (length(j2) == 0) {
    message("all symbols found")
    aliases <- data.frame(Symbols = genes, entrezID = as.numeric(matched))
  message(paste("-> matching ", length(j), " symbols to HGNC aliases symbols", sep = ""))

  if (length(j)!=length(j2))
  {message(paste(length(j2), " symbols remaining", sep = ""))

  message(paste("-> matching ", length(j2), " symbols to HGNC aliases symbols (adapt. parsing)", sep = ""))
  # match to third column: Synonyms (2+ elements in column)
  cl <- makeCluster(c)
  g <- NULL
  l <- 0
  # same as above parse each line (3rd column) look for correspondence
  l <- foreach(g = seq_along(j2), .combine = cbind) %dopar% {
    # for each element not found get corresponding gene
    gene_to_find <- tolower(genes[j2[g]])
    # check if element not found is present in symbols of columns 2 of HGNC
    for (line in seq_along(HGNC$Alias.symbols)) {
      # split multiple elements
      res <- gene_to_find %in% tolower(strsplit(as.character(HGNC$Alias.symbols[line]), split = ", ")[[1]])
      # if found stop
      if (res) {
    # get corresponding line or NA and store in l
    if (line == length(HGNC$Alias.symbols)) {
      if (length(grep("-", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0 & length(grep("-[0-9].*$", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0) {
        gene_to_find <- gsub("-", "", gene_to_find)
        for (line in seq_along(HGNC$Alias.symbols)) {
          # split multiple elements
          res <- gene_to_find %in% tolower(strsplit(as.character(HGNC$Alias.symbols[line]), split = ", ")[[1]])
          # if found stop
          if (res) {
      } else if (length(grep("-", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0 & length(grep("(-1)$", gene_to_find, perl = TRUE)) > 0) {
        gene_to_find <- strsplit(gene_to_find, "-")[[1]][1]
        for (line in seq_along(HGNC$Alias.symbols)) {
          # split multiple elements
          res <- gene_to_find %in% tolower(strsplit(as.character(HGNC$Alias.symbols[line]), split = ", ")[[1]])
          # if found stop
          if (res) {
    if (line != length(HGNC$Alias.symbols)) {
    } else {
  if (sum(is.na(l)) != length(l)) {
    matched[j2] <- HGNC$NCBI.Gene.ID[l]

  # elements not found:
  k <- which(is.na(matched))
  if (length(k) == 0) {
    message("all symbols found")
    aliases <- data.frame(Symbols = genes, entrezID = as.numeric(matched))

  if (length(j2)!=length(k))
  {message(paste(length(k), " symbols remaining", sep = ""))

  # other.

  symbols <- genes[which(is.na(matched))]

  other_ids <- tryCatch(
  {suppressMessages(mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db, symbols,"ENTREZID", "SYMBOL"))
    if (length(symbols)==1){
if (length(other_ids)==0){

  if (sum(!(names(other_ids) == symbols)) != 0) {
    warning("org.Hs.eg.db correspondence error")
  #######check if single gene or no gene found
  message(paste("-> matching ", length(k), " symbols to org.Hs.eg.db", sep = ""))

  matched[k] <- as.numeric(other_ids)

  m <- which(is.na(matched))
  if (length(m) == 0) {
    message("all symbols found")
    aliases <- data.frame(Symbols = genes, entrezID = as.numeric(matched))
  if (length(k)!=length(m))
  {message(paste(length(m), " symbols remaining", sep = ""))

  symbols <- genes[which(is.na(matched))]

  message(paste("-> matching ", length(m), " symbols to ~withdrawn gene symbols", sep = ""))

  withd <- match(tolower(paste(symbols, "~withdrawn", sep = "")), tolower(HGNC$Approved.symbol))

  l <- which(!is.na(withd))
  if (length(l) != 0) {
    found_withd <- withd[!is.na(withd)]
    message(paste(length(found_withd), " symbols withdrawn from databases", sep = ""))
  } else {
    message("No withdrawn symbols found\n", sep = "")


  message(paste(length(m), " symbols not found", sep = ""))

  message(paste(round(length(m) / length(genes), 5)*100, "% of genes were not found:", sep = ""))
  message('Genes not found:\n', paste(as.character(genes[m]),collapse=','))

  aliases <- data.frame(Symbols = genes, entrezID = as.numeric(matched))

Peyronlab/aliases2entrez documentation built on March 11, 2021, 1:29 a.m.