#' Check for .(m)cool file and contents
#' @author Sarah Parker
#' @param file Path to .(m)cool file
#' @importFrom glue glue glue_collapse
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Fis_hdf5 h5ls
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
.checkCool <- function(file){
## Check if file is hdf5
isHDF5 <- H5Fis_hdf5(file)
abort(c("File must be a `.cool` or `.mcool` file",
"x" = glue("{file} is not in HDF5 format")))
lvl1contents <- h5ls(file, recursive = 1)
expectedContents <- c("bins", "chroms", "indexes", "pixels")
## Check if it is mcool or cool
if (nrow(lvl1contents) == 1){
## mcool file has 1 row-resolutions
## Get deeper contents of mcool
lvl2contents <- h5ls(file, recursive = 3) |>
pull(name) |>
## Check for expected datasets and resolutions
if (all(expectedContents %in% lvl2contents) &
lvl1contents$name == "resolutions"){
} else {
## check that cool file contains expected datasets
if (all(expectedContents %in% lvl1contents$name)){
## Abort with message if not a cool file and doesn't contain expected contents
expectedNames <- glue_collapse(glue("`{expectedContents}`"), sep = ", ")
abort(c("File must be a `.cool` or `.mcool` file",
"x" = glue("{file} does not contain expected datasets"),
"i" = glue("Expected datasets {expectedNames}")))
#' Read basepair resolutions from an .(m)cool file
#' @author Sarah Parker
#' @param file A character value specifying the path to the .(m)cool file
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5ls h5read
#' @returns Vector of basepair resolutions
#' @export
readCoolBpResolutions <- function(file){
## Check if file is `.mcool` or `.cool`
fileType <- .checkCool(file)
## find all valid resolutions
if(fileType == ".mcool"){
## get contents from cool file
contents <- h5ls(file, recursive = 2)
res <- contents[contents$group == "/resolutions","name"] |>
as.integer() |>
} else {
## .cool files only have one resolution, calculate from bins
start <- h5read(file, name = "/bins/start", index = list(1))
end <- h5read(file, name = "/bins/end", index = list(1))
res <- as.integer(end - start)
#' Read normalizations included in .(m)cool files
#' @author Sarah Parker, Nicole Kramer
#' @details
#' The "BALANCE" normalization refers to applying the pre-calculated matrix
#' balancing weights in the `weight` dataset of `file`, typically present
#' in files created using cooler. VC is vanilla coverage,
#' VC_SQRT is square root of vanilla coverage,
#' and KR is Knight-Ruiz normalization.
#' Please note that if using a file from HiC-Pro, ICE normalizations will come
#' from files stored in a separate folder, and thus will not contain any
#' normalizations explicitly called "ICE" or "BALANCE" since values are
#' included already normalized. This normalization can be specified as "NONE".
#' @param file A character value specifying the path to the .(m)cool file
#' @param resolution optional, specify which resolution(s) to read
#' normalization types from. Default is all resolutions in `file`.
#' @importFrom rlang arg_match
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5ls
#' @returns A vector or list of vectors of available normalizations
#' @export
readCoolNorms <- function(file, resolution = NULL){
readBpNorm <- function(resolutionPath, file){
bpNorm <- h5read(file, name = paste0(resolutionPath, "/bins")) |>
bpNorm <- bpNorm[!(bpNorm %in% c("chrom", "start", "end"))] |>
gsub("weight","BALANCE", x = _) |> # replace "weight" with "BALANCE"
c("NONE") # add "NONE" for raw counts
fileType <- .checkCool(file)
if (is.null(resolution)){
if (fileType == ".mcool"){
## Get all resolutions from mcool file
resolutions <- readCoolBpResolutions(file)
## Set dataset paths for each resolution
datasetPaths <- paste0("/resolutions/", as.integer(resolutions))
## Get normalizations from the names of datasets in bins
fileNorms <- lapply(datasetPaths, readBpNorm, file)
names(fileNorms) <- resolutions
} else {
## Get normalizations just from /bins
fileNorms <- readBpNorm("", file)
} else {
if (!resolution %in% readCoolBpResolutions(file)) {
glue("resolution={resolution} is not found in {file}."),
"i"= glue("Use `readCoolBpResolutions({file})` to \\
see available resolutions.")
datasetPath <- ""
## if `.mcool` file, add the proper resolution to path
if (fileType == ".mcool"){
datasetPath <- paste0("/resolutions/", as.integer(resolution))
fileNorms <- readBpNorm(datasetPath, file)
#' Read chromosomes included in .(m)cool files
#' @author Sarah Parker, Nicole Kramer
#' @param file A character value specifying the path to the .(m)cool file
#' @param resolution optional, specify which resolution(s) to read
#' chromosomes from. Default is all resolutions in `file`.
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @returns Data frame or list of data frames of chromosome names and lengths
#' @export
readCoolChroms <- function(file, resolution = NULL){
readBpChrom <- function(resolutionPath, file){
bpChrom <- h5read(file, name = paste0(resolutionPath, "/chroms")) |>
## add index column of the order of chromosomes
bpChrom$index <- 1:nrow(bpChrom)
## check if input is a cool file
fileType <- .checkCool(file)
if (is.null(resolution)){
if (fileType == ".mcool"){
## Get all resolutions from mcool file
resolutions <- readCoolBpResolutions(file)
## Set dataset paths for each resolution
datasetPaths <- paste0("/resolutions/", as.integer(resolutions))
## Get chroms for each resolution
chromInfo <- lapply(datasetPaths, readBpChrom, file)
names(chromInfo) <- resolutions
} else {
chromInfo <- readBpChrom("", file)
} else {
if (!resolution %in% readCoolBpResolutions(file)) {
glue("resolution={resolution} is not found in {file}."),
"i"= glue("Use `readCoolBpResolutions({file})` to \\
see available resolutions.")
datasetPath <- ""
## if `.mcool` file, add the proper resolution to path
if (fileType == ".mcool"){
datasetPath <- paste0("/resolutions/", as.integer(resolution))
chromInfo <- readBpChrom(datasetPath, file)
#' Determine best resolution for size of region for .(m)cool files
#' @param file Path to .(m)cool file
#' @param chromstart Chromstart of region
#' @param chromend Chromend of region
.coolAutoResolution <- function(file, chromstart, chromend){
fileResolutions <- readCoolBpResolutions(file)
if (is.null(chromstart) & is.null(chromend)){
autoRes <- max(fileResolutions)
} else {
dataRange <- chromend - chromstart
if (dataRange >= 150000000) {
autoRes <- max(fileResolutions)
} else if (dataRange >= 75000000 & dataRange < 150000000) {
autoRes <- 250000
autoRes <- fileResolutions[which(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes) == min(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes)
} else if (dataRange >= 35000000 & dataRange < 75000000) {
autoRes <- 100000
autoRes <- fileResolutions[which(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes) == min(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes)
} else if (dataRange >= 20000000 & dataRange < 35000000) {
autoRes <- 50000
autoRes <- fileResolutions[which(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes) == min(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes)
} else if (dataRange >= 5000000 & dataRange < 20000000) {
autoRes <- 25000
autoRes <- fileResolutions[which(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes) == min(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes)
} else if (dataRange >= 3000000 & dataRange < 5000000) {
autoRes <- 10000
autoRes <- fileResolutions[which(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes) == min(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes)
} else {
autoRes <- 5000
autoRes <- fileResolutions[which(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes) == min(
abs(fileResolutions - autoRes)
#' Add (alt)chromstart and (alt)chromend for NULL (alt)chrom region of
#' .(m)cool files
#' @param file Path to .(m)cool file
#' @param chrom Chromosome of region; can also be altchromosome
#' @param resolution Resolution to read chromsome info from
.coolRegion <- function(file, chrom, resolution){
chromInfo <- readCoolChroms(file, resolution = resolution)
chromLength <- chromInfo[chromInfo$name == chrom, "length"]
return(list(1, chromLength))
#' Read in data for a bin chunk
#' @param binChunk The binChunk indeces to read
#' @param file Path to .(m)cool file
#' @param bin_offsets Read in bin1 offsets
#' @param binChunkSize Size of bin chunk, for comparison against the end of
#' the bin chunk
#' @param datasetPath Dataset path, for specifying resolution in .mcool file
#' @param end1bin Bin where end1 starts
#' @param start2bin Bin for chr2 starts
#' @param end2bin Bin for end2 starts
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
.pullBinChunks <- function(binChunk, file, bin_offsets, binChunkSize,
datasetPath, end1bin,
start2bin, end2bin){
binChunkEnd <- binChunk + binChunkSize - 1
if (binChunkEnd > bin_offsets[end1bin+1]+1){
binChunkEnd <- bin_offsets[end1bin+1]+1
if (binChunkEnd > binChunk){
bin2s <- h5read(file,
name = paste0(datasetPath,"/pixels/bin2_id"),
index = list(binChunk:binChunkEnd))
## Find indexes for interactions with all bin2s between start2 and end2
count_idx <- which(bin2s %in% start2bin:end2bin) + binChunk - 1
} else {
count_idx <- NA
#' Error checking function for .(m)cool files
#' @param file Path to .(m)cool file
#' @param chrom User-inputted chromosome
#' @param chromstart User-inputted chromstart, can still be NULL at this point.
#' @param chromend User-inputted chromend, can still be NULL at this point.
#' @param zrange User-inputted zrange.
#' @param altchrom User-inputted alt chromosome.
#' @param altchromstart User-inputted alt chromstart.
#' @param altchromend User-inputted alt chromend.
#' @param norm User-inputted normalization.
#' @param resolution Resolution, either user-inputted or determined by 'auto'.
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom rlang abort
.checkCoolErrors <- function(file, chrom, chromstart, chromend, zrange,
altchrom, altchromstart, altchromend, norm, resolution){
## File input
## Norm
fileNorms <- readCoolNorms(file, resolution = resolution)
if (!norm %in% fileNorms){
glue("norm={norm} is not found in {file}."),
"i" = glue("Use `readCoolNorms({file})` to see available norms.")
## Chroms
chromInfo <- readCoolChroms(file, resolution = resolution)
if (!chrom %in% chromInfo$name){
glue("chrom={chrom} not found in {file}."),
"i" = glue("Check file chromosome names with \\
## Genomic region
regionErrors(chromstart = chromstart, chromend = chromend)
## Check that chromstart is in bounds
if (!is.null(chromstart)){
chromLength <- chromInfo[chromInfo$name == chrom, "length"]
if (chromstart < 0 | chromstart > chromLength){
abort(c(glue("chromstart must be between 0 and chromosome end."),
"i" = "{chrom} length is {chromLength} bp."))
if (!is.null(altchrom)){
if (!altchrom %in% chromInfo$name){
glue("altchrom={altchrom} not found in {file}."),
"i" = glue("Check file chromosome names with \\
## Can't specify altchrom without a chrom
if (is.null(chrom)){
abort(c("Specified altchrom={altchrom} but did not give chrom."))
regionErrors(chromstart = altchromstart,
chromend = altchromend)
altchromLength <- chromInfo[chromInfo$name == altchrom, "length"]
if (altchromstart < 0 | altchromstart > altchromLength){
abort(c(glue("altchromstart must be between 0 and alt chromosome end."),
"i" = "{altchrom} length is {altchromLength} bp."))
## If giving same chrom and altchrom, need to specify
## chromstart/chromend and altchromstart/altchromend
if (chrom == altchrom) {
if (is.null(chromstart) |
is.null(chromend) |
is.null(altchromstart) |
is.null(altchromend)) {
abort(c(glue("No chromstart, chromend, altchromstart, and \\
altchromend given for same chrom and altchrom."),
"i" = glue("If trying to get all interactions between \\
one chromsome, just specify chrom.")))
## zrange errors
rangeErrors(range = zrange)
#' Read a .(m)cool file and return Hi-C data as a dataframe
#' @author Sarah Parker, Nicole Kramer
#' @usage readCool(
#' file,
#' chrom,
#' chromstart = NULL,
#' chromend = NULL,
#' altchrom = NULL,
#' altchromstart = NULL,
#' altchromend = NULL,
#' resolution = "auto",
#' zrange = NULL,
#' norm = "NONE",
#' binChunkSize = 5e6,
#' params = NULL,
#' quiet = FALSE
#' )
#' @param file A character value specifying the path to the .(m)cool file.
#' @param chrom Chromosome of data, as a string.
#' @param chromstart Integer start position on chromosome.
#' @param chromend Integer end position on chromosome.
#' @param altchrom Alternate chromosome for interchromosomal data,
#' as a string.
#' @param altchromstart Alternate chromosome integer start position
#' for interchromosomal data.
#' @param altchromend Alternate chromosome integer end position
#' for interchromosomal data.
#' @param resolution A numeric specifying the width of each pixel.
#' "auto" will attempt to choose a resolution in basepairs based on
#' the size of the region.
#' @param zrange A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the range of
#' interaction scores, where extreme values will be set to the max or min.
#' @param norm Character value specifying hic data normalization method.
#' This value must be found in the .(m)cool file.
#' Default value is \code{norm = "NONE"}.
#' @param binChunkSize A numeric specifying the number of bin indices to read
#' from a file for a given region at a given resolution. If the total amount of
#' data is larger than the \code{binChunkSize}, data will be read in multiple
#' chunks. Default value is \code{binChunkSize = 5e6}.
#' @param params An optional \link[plotgardener]{pgParams} object
#' containing relevant function parameters.
#' @param quiet A logical indicating whether or not to print messages.
#' @return Returns a 3-column dataframe in sparse upper triangular
#' format with the following columns: \code{chrom}, \code{altchrom},
#' \code{counts}.
#' @examples
#' ## .cool file
#' coolFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "Rao2014-IMR90-MboI-allreps-filtered.1000kb.cool")
#' download.file(url = "https://usgs2.osn.mghpcc.org/cooler01/examples/hg19/Rao2014-IMR90-MboI-allreps-filtered.1000kb.cool",
#' destfile = coolFile)
#' ## Read in region `chr2:10000000-22000000` at 1000Kb cool file resolution
#' coolData <- readCool(file = coolFile, chrom = "chr2", chromstart = 10000000,
#' chromend = 22000000,
#' resolution = 1000000)
#' ## .mcool file
#' mcoolFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "LEUK_HEK_PJA27_inter_30.mcool")
#' download.file(url = "https://zenodo.org/records/10906240/files/LEUK_HEK_PJA27_inter_30.mcool?download=1",
#' destfile = mcoolFile)
#' ## Read in region `chr2:1000000-5000000` at 100Kb resolution
#' mcoolData_100Kb <- readCool(file = mcoolFile, chrom = "2",
#' chromstart = 1000000, chromend = 5000000,
#' resolution = 100000)
#' ## Read in data for chr2 at 2500Kb resolution
#' mcoolData_2500Kb <- readCool(file = mcoolFile, chrom = "2",
#' resolution = 2500000)
#' @seealso \link[plotgardener]{readHic}
#' @importFrom rlang inform warn
#' @export
readCool <- function(file, chrom, chromstart = NULL, chromend = NULL,
altchrom = NULL, altchromstart = NULL, altchromend = NULL,
resolution = "auto", zrange = NULL, norm = "NONE",
binChunkSize = 5e6, params = NULL, quiet = FALSE){
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
rcool <- parseParams(params = params,
defaultArgs = formals(eval(match.call()[[1]])),
declaredArgs = lapply(match.call()[-1],
eval.parent, n = 2),
class = "rcool")
if (is.null(rcool$file)){
abort(c("argument \"file\" is missing, with no default."))}
if (is.null(rcool$chrom)){
abort(c("argument \"chrom\" is missing, with no default."))}
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (rcool$resolution == "auto") {
rcool$resolution <- .coolAutoResolution(
file = rcool$file,
chromstart = rcool$chromstart,
chromend = rcool$chromend
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
file = rcool$file, chrom = rcool$chrom,
chromstart = rcool$chromstart,
chromend = rcool$chromend, zrange = rcool$zrange,
altchrom = rcool$altchrom,
altchromstart = rcool$altchromstart,
altchromend = rcool$altchromend, norm = rcool$norm,
resolution = rcool$resolution
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (is.null(rcool$chromstart) & is.null(rcool$chromend)){
chrRegion <- .coolRegion(file = rcool$file,
chrom = rcool$chrom,
resolution = rcool$resolution)
rcool$chromstart <- chrRegion[[1]]
rcool$chromend <- chrRegion[[2]]
## For off diagonal plotting, grabbing whole symmetric region
if (!is.null(rcool$altchrom)) {
if (is.null(rcool$altchromstart) & is.null(rcool$altchromend)){
altchrRegion <- .coolRegion(file = rcool$file,
chrom = rcool$altchrom,
resolution = rcool$resolution)
rcool$altchromstart <- altchrRegion[[1]]
rcool$altchromend <- altchrRegion[[2]]
if (rcool$chrom == rcool$altchrom) {
rcool$chromstart <- min(rcool$chromstart, rcool$altchromstart)
rcool$chromend <- max(rcool$chromend, rcool$altchromend)
} else {
rcool$altchrom <- rcool$chrom
rcool$altchromstart <- rcool$chromstart
rcool$altchromend <- rcool$chromend
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
fileType <- .checkCool(rcool$file)
chrInfo <- readCoolChroms(rcool$file, rcool$resolution)
datasetPath <- ""
if (fileType == ".mcool"){
datasetPath <- paste0("/resolutions/", as.integer(rcool$resolution))
## Find bin IDs for both chrom locations -----------------------------------
## adjust starts and ends to start of bins
start1 <- (rcool$chromstart %/% rcool$resolution) * rcool$resolution
start2 <- (rcool$altchromstart %/% rcool$resolution) * rcool$resolution
end1 <- (rcool$chromend %/% rcool$resolution) * rcool$resolution
end2 <- (rcool$altchromend %/% rcool$resolution) * rcool$resolution
## Get vector of chromosome offsets
chrom_offsets <- h5read(rcool$file,
name = paste0(datasetPath, "/indexes/chrom_offset"))
## find bin id for chr1:start1:end1
chr1indx <- chrInfo[chrInfo$name == rcool$chrom, "index"]
## get start1 bin
chr1_starts <- h5read(rcool$file, name = paste0(datasetPath, "/bins/start"),
index = list((chrom_offsets[chr1indx]+1):
start1bin <- which(chr1_starts == start1) + chrom_offsets[chr1indx] - 1
## get end1 bin (i.e. bin where end1 starts)
end1bin <- which(chr1_starts == end1) + chrom_offsets[chr1indx] - 1
## find bin id for chr2:start2:end2
chr2indx <- chrInfo[chrInfo$name == rcool$altchrom, "index"]
## get start2 bin
chr2_starts <- h5read(rcool$file, name = paste0(datasetPath,"/bins/start"),
index = list((chrom_offsets[chr2indx]+1):
start2bin <- which(chr2_starts == start2) + chrom_offsets[chr2indx] - 1
## get end2 bin
end2bin <- which(chr2_starts == end2) + chrom_offsets[chr2indx] - 1
## Extract counts and match locations --------------------------------------
## Get bin offsets for counts
bin_offsets <- h5read(rcool$file,
name = paste0(datasetPath,"/indexes/bin1_offset"))
## Pull all bin2 ids for interactions with all bin1s between start1 and end1
## Read 5 million indices at a time for more efficient calling
allBin1s <- (bin_offsets[start1bin+1]+1):(bin_offsets[end1bin+1]+1)
if (length(allBin1s) > rcool$binChunkSize){
binChunks <- seq(bin_offsets[start1bin+1]+1,
count_idx <- na.omit(unlist(lapply(binChunks, .pullBinChunks,
file = rcool$file,
bin_offsets = bin_offsets, binChunkSize = rcool$binChunkSize,
datasetPath = datasetPath, end1bin = end1bin,
start2bin = start2bin, end2bin = end2bin)))
} else {
bin2s <- h5read(rcool$file,
name = paste0(datasetPath,"/pixels/bin2_id"),
index = list(allBin1s))
## Find indexes for interactions with all bin2s between start2 and end2
count_idx <- which(bin2s %in% start2bin:end2bin) +
## Pull out bin1 ids, bin2 ids, and counts for all interactions in slice
bin1ids <- h5read(rcool$file, name = paste0(datasetPath,"/pixels/bin1_id"),
index = list(count_idx))
bin2ids <- h5read(rcool$file, name = paste0(datasetPath,"/pixels/bin2_id"),
index = list(count_idx))
counts <- h5read(rcool$file, name = paste0(datasetPath,"/pixels/count"),
index = list(count_idx)) |>
#defaults to integer, needs to be numeric to convert to NA correctly
## Multiply by normalization factors, if applicable
if (rcool$norm == "BALANCE"){
bin1norm <- h5read(rcool$file,
name = paste0(datasetPath,"/bins/weight"),
bin2norm <- h5read(rcool$file,
name = paste0(datasetPath,"/bins/weight"),
counts <- counts / (bin1norm * bin2norm)
} else if (rcool$norm != "NONE"){
bin1norm <- h5read(rcool$file,
name = paste0(datasetPath,"/bins/", rcool$norm),
bin2norm <- h5read(rcool$file,
name = paste0(datasetPath,"/bins/", rcool$norm),
counts <- counts / (bin1norm * bin2norm)
## Get genomic locations for each bin id
xs <- h5read(rcool$file,
name = paste0(datasetPath,"/bins/start"),
index = list(as.numeric(bin1ids+1)))
ys <- h5read(rcool$file,
name = paste0(datasetPath,"/bins/start"),
index = list(as.numeric(bin2ids+1)))
## create sparse upper triangular matrix
upper <- data.frame(x = xs, y = ys, counts = counts)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
upper <- scale_data(upper = upper, zrange = rcool$zrange)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
## Rename columns based on chrom/altchrom
if (rcool$chrom == rcool$altchrom){
colnames(upper) <- c(paste0(rcool$chrom, "_A"),
paste0(rcool$altchrom, "_B"),
} else {
colnames(upper) <- c(rcool$chrom, rcool$altchrom, "counts")
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
upper <- na.omit(upper)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (nrow(upper) == 0) {
warn(c(glue("No data found in region.")))
} else {
if (!rcool$quiet) {
inform(c(glue("Read in {fileType} file with {rcool$norm} \\
normalization at {rcool$resolution} BP resolution.")))
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