#' EMD-R1 preparation
#' Prepare a data.frame to be used in a regression function for EMD-R1,
#' including the predictors MIMF and the response.
#' @param x \code{mimf} object to be prepared for regression.
#' @param y Vector containing the response variable of the regression.
#' @param covariates List containing eventual covariates to be added to the
#' output data.frame.
#' @param tt Vector of custom time indices. Useful to lag irregular time series.
#' @param lag Vector of lagging values for the IMFs in \code{x}. If NA (the
#' default) lags are automatically chosen by the function
#' \code{\link{choose_lag}}.
#' @param lag.max The maximum lag to consider in the automatic lag choice. See
#' \code{\link{choose_lag}}.
#' @param fill.na Logical indicating if irregularly sampled IMFs should be
#' filled with NAs.
#' This function take a \code{mimf} object, a response vector and prepare them
#' to be easily used in any regression function. It essentially transform
#' the MIMF array into a matrix containing all IMFs and lags these
#' IMFs if necessary.
#' Also allows the inclusion of non-IMF predictors in \code{covariates} that
#' are included in the output data.frame.
#' @return A data.frame containing all necessary variables for a regression
#' function. The first column contains the response vector \code{y}. The
#' following columns contain the IMFs to be used and the last columns
#' contain the eventual covariates.
#' @references
#' Masselot, P., Chebana, F., Belanger, D., St-Hilaire, A., Abdous, B.,
#' Gosselin, P., Ouarda, T.B.M.J., 2018. EMD-regression for modelling
#' multi-scale relationships, and application to weather-related
#' cardiovascular mortality. \emph{Science of The Total Environment}
#' 612, 1018-1029.
#' @examples
#' library(dlnm)
#' # Predictor decomposition
#' X <- chicagoNMMAPS[,c("temp", "rhum")]
#' set.seed(123)
#' mimfs <- memd(X, l = 2) # Takes a couple of minutes
#' cmimfs <- combine.mimf(mimfs, list(10:11, 12:13),
#' new.names = c("C10", "C11"))
#' # Response variable
#' Y <- chicagoNMMAPS$resp[attr(cmimfs, "tt")]
#' # Data preparation: includes the day-of-week variable as potential
#' # confounder
#' dataR1 <- pimf(cmimfs, Y, covariates = list(dow =
#' chicagoNMMAPS$dow[attr(cmimfs, "tt")]))
#' # Apply the Lasso
#' library(glmnet)
#' lasso.res <- cv.glmnet(data.matrix(dataR1[,-1]), dataR1[,1],
#' family = "poisson")
#' # Compute sensitivity and plot results
#' amps <- mean_amplitude(dataR1[,2:25])
#' betas <- coef(lasso.res)
#' s <- sensitivity(amps, coefs = betas[2:25])
#' plot_emdr(matrix(s, ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE), periods = period(cmimfs),
#' show.coef = "nonzero", col = c("red", "blue"), pch = 16:17)
#' abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
#' @export
pimf <- function(x, y, covariates = NULL, tt = attr(x,"tt"), lag = NA, lag.max = 0.5, fill.na = FALSE)
if (length(dim(y)) == 2) y <- y[,1]
dims <- dim(x)
if (length(dim(x))>2){
dm <- dimnames(x)
if (is.null(dm[[3]])) dm[[3]] <- 1:dims[3]
dim(x) <- c(dims[1],prod(dims[2:3]))
dimnames(x) <- list(dm[[1]],apply(expand.grid(dm[[2]],dm[[3]]), 1, paste, collapse="."))
stopifnot(nrow(x) == length(y))
x <- fill.mimf(x,tt)
yf <- fill.mimf(y,tt)
lagged <- array(NA,dim(x))
lag <- rep_len(lag,ncol(x))
for (i in which(!is.na(lag))){
lagged[,i] <- c(rep(NA,lag[i]),x[1:(dims[1]-lag[i]),i])
if (sum(is.na(lag)) > 0){
if (is.null(y)) stop("y missing")
tolag <- x[,is.na(lag)]
attr(tolag,"tt") <- attr(x,"tt")
auto <- choose_lag(tolag, yf, lag.max = lag.max)
lagged[,is.na(lag)] <- auto
lag[is.na(lag)] <- attr(auto,"lag")
dimnames(lagged) <- dimnames(x)
result <- data.frame(y = yf, lagged)
if (!is.null(covariates)){
covsf <- sapply(covariates, fill.mimf, tt)
result <- cbind(result,covsf)
if (!fill.na){
nas <- apply(result,1,function(x) any(is.na(x)))
result <- result[!nas,]
tt <- attr(x,"tt")[!nas]
attributes(result) <- c(attributes(result),list(lag = lag, tt = tt))
fill.mimf <- function(x, tt = attr(x,"tt"))
steps <- diff(tt)
tstep <- min(steps)
where <- which((steps - tstep) > tstep)
final <- array(NA, dim = c((max(tt)-(min(tt) - tstep))/tstep,max(c(dim(x)[2],1),na.rm=T), max(c(dim(x)[3],1),na.rm=T)), dimnames = dimnames(x))
final[tt/tstep,,] <- x
final <- drop(final)
class(final) <- class(x)
attr(final,"tt") <- seq(min(tt),max(tt),tstep)
attr(final,"added.ind") <- setdiff(1:length(attr(final,"tt")),as.integer(tt/tstep))
attr(final,"call") <- c(attr(x,"call"),match.call())
attributes(final) <- c(attributes(final), attributes(x)[setdiff(names(attributes(x)),names(attributes(final)))])
#' Lag IMFs
#' This function lags the all series in \code{x} according to their cross-
#' correlation with \code{y}.
#' @param x Array containing the IMFs to lag.
#' @param y vector containing the response with which to maximize the
#' correlation.
#' @param lag.max The maximum lag to consider relatively to the mean period of
#' each IMF.
#' @details In this function, the lag is determined automatically for each IMF
#' in \code{x}. The lag chosen is the one maximizing the cross-correlation
#' (in absolute value) between the IMF and \code{y}.
#' For each IMF in \code{x}, the maximum lag considered in the search
#' is lag.max * IMF period (rounded). For example, for an IMF of mean period
#' 10 and \code{lag.max = 0.5}, the maximum lag considered is 5.
#' @return An array with the same dimensions as \code{x} containing the lagged
#' IMFs. In addition contains an attribute \code{lag} storing the lags chosen
#' for each IMF.
#' @examples
#' choose_lag(cos(3:22), cos(1:20))
#' choose_lag(cos(2:21), cos(1:20))
#' @export
choose_lag <- function(x, y, lag.max = 0.5)
n <- length(y)
xper <- period(x)
xarr <- as.matrix(x)
dims <- dim(xarr)
if (length(dims) == 2){
dims <- dim(xarr) <- c(dims,1)
xlag <- array(NA, dims)
mlag <- array(NA, dims[-1])
inds <- expand.grid(lapply(dims[-1],function(x) 1:x))
for (i in 1:nrow(inds)){
xi <- xarr[,inds[i,1],inds[i,2]]
peri <- xper[inds[i,1],inds[i,2]]
if(is.na(peri) || is.infinite(peri)) peri <- dims[1]
ccfi <- stats::ccf(y,xi,lag.max=lag.max*peri,plot=F,
na.action = stats::na.pass)
lagi <- which.max(abs(ccfi$acf[ccfi$lag>=0])) - 1
mlag[inds[i,1],inds[i,2]] <- lagi
xlag[,inds[i,1],inds[i,2]] <- c(rep(NA,lagi),xarr[1:(dims[1]-lagi),inds[i,1],inds[i,2]])
attributes(xlag) <- attributes(x)
attr(xlag,"lag") <- drop(mlag)
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