
test_that("pasting numerical variables works", {
  x <- data.frame(V1 = runif(100))
  y <- 5*x[[1]] + rnorm(100)
  small.box <- list(c(.1, .2))
  nbox <- sum(in.box(x, small.box))
  past_res <- paste.one(y, x, alpha = .2, small.box = small.box,
    obj.fun = construct_objfun(mean))
  # Check that 2 obs have been added
  expect_equal(length(past_res$y), ceiling(nbox * 1.2)) 
  # Check that it had been added on the right
  past_res <- paste.one(y, x, alpha = .2, small.box = small.box, 
    peeling.side = 1, obj.fun = construct_objfun(mean))
  expect_equal(past_res$limits[[1]][1], min(x[x >= .1]))
  expect_gt(past_res$limits[[1]][2], .2)
  # Check that it had been added on the left
  past_res <- paste.one(y, x, alpha = .2, small.box = small.box, 
    peeling.side = -1, obj.fun = construct_objfun(mean))
  expect_equal(past_res$limits[[1]][2], max(x[x <= .2]))
  expect_lt(past_res$limits[[1]][1], .1)
  # Check that it works with several variables
  x <- data.frame(V1 = runif(1000), V2 = runif(1000))
  y <- 5*x[[1]] + rnorm(1000)
  small.box <- list(c(.1, .2), c(.1, .2))
  nbox <- sum(in.box(x, small.box))
  past_res <- paste.one(y, x, alpha = .2, small.box = small.box,
    obj.fun = construct_objfun(mean))
  # Check that 2 obs have been added
  expect_equal(length(past_res$y), ceiling(nbox * 1.2)) 

test_that("pasting categorical variables works", {
  x <- data.frame(V1 = sample(letters[1:5], 100, replace = T))
  y <- rnorm(100)
  lettermeans <- aggregate(y, by = x, mean)
  worstletter <- as.character(lettermeans[which.min(lettermeans[,2]),1])
  bestletter <- as.character(lettermeans[which.max(lettermeans[,2]),1])
  past_res <- paste.one(y, x, small.box = list(worstletter), numeric.vars = F,
    obj.fun = construct_objfun(mean))
  # Check that limits now contains the new best letter
  expect_setequal(past_res$limits[[1]], c(worstletter, bestletter))
  expect_gt(length(past_res$y), sum(x == worstletter)) 

test_that("sequence pasting works", {
  x <- runif(100)
  y <- -10 * abs(x - .5)
  peeled <- peeling(y, x, peeling.side = 1)
  past_res <- pasting(peeled, npeel = peeled$npeel, 
    peeling.side = 0)
    past_res$npaste + peeled$npeel + 1)
    past_res$npaste + peeled$npeel + 1)
    past_res$npaste + peeled$npeel + 1)
  expect_gte(past_res$support[past_res$npaste + peeled$npeel + 1], 
    peeled$support[peeled$npeel+ 1])

    # Check robustness to misspecification of the chosen box
    past_res <- pasting(peeled, npeel = peeled$npeel, support = 0.5))
  expect_length(past_res$support, past_res$npeel + past_res$npaste + 1)
PierreMasselot/primr documentation built on Feb. 5, 2021, 7:33 p.m.