
#' Contribution of individual links
#' Uses a jackknife procedure to estimate the degree to which individual interactions are more supportive of a hypothesis of phylogenetic congruence than others. Interactions are iteratively removed, the global fit of the two phylogenies is reassessed and the difference between global fit with and without an interaction estimates the strength of support of said interaction to a hypothesis of phylogenetic congruence.
#' @param D A list of class \code{paco} as returned by \code{paco::PACo}. 
#' @param .parallel If TRUE, calculate the jackknife contribution in parallel using the backend provided by foreach.
#' @param proc.warnings As in PACo. If \code{TRUE}, any warnings produced by internal calls of \code{paco::PACo} will be available for the user to view. If \code{FALSE}, warnings are internally suppressed.
#' @return The input list of class \code{paco} with the added object jackknife which containing the mean and upper CI values for each link.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(gopherlice)
#' require(ape)
#' gdist <- cophenetic(gophertree)
#' ldist <- cophenetic(licetree)
#' D <- prepare_paco_data(gdist, ldist, gl_links)
#' D <- add_pcoord(D)
#' D <- PACo(D, nperm=10, seed=42, method="r0")
#' D <- paco_links(D)

paco_links <- function(D, .parallel = FALSE, proc.warnings=TRUE)
   correction <- D$correction
   HP.ones <- which(D$HP > 0, arr.ind=TRUE)
   SQres.jackn <- matrix(rep(NA, sum(D$HP)^2), sum(D$HP))# empty matrix of jackknifed squared residuals
   colnames(SQres.jackn) <- paste(rownames(D$proc$X),rownames(D$proc$Yrot), sep="-") #colnames identify the H-P link
   t.critical = stats::qt(0.975,sum(D$HP)-1) #Needed to compute 95% confidence intervals.
   nlinks <- sum(D$HP)

  #if .parallel is TRUE
  SQres.jackn <- plyr::adply(1:nlinks, 1, function(x) single_paco_link(D, HP.ones, x, correction, proc.warnings), .parallel=.parallel)
} else{
  #if .parallel is FALSE
  for(i in c(1:nlinks))
  res.Proc.ind <- single_paco_link (D, HP.ones, i, correction, proc.warnings)
  SQres.jackn[i, ] <- res.Proc.ind

   SQres.jackn <- SQres.jackn^2 #Jackknifed residuals are squared
   SQres <- (stats::residuals(D$proc))^2 # Vector of original square residuals
   #jackknife calculations:
   SQres.jackn <- SQres.jackn*(-(sum(D$HP)-1))
   SQres <- SQres*sum(D$HP)
   SQres.jackn <- t(apply(SQres.jackn, 1, "+", SQres)) #apply jackknife function to matrix
   phi.mean <- apply(SQres.jackn, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE) #mean jackknife estimate per link
   phi.UCI <- apply(SQres.jackn, 2, stats::sd, na.rm = TRUE) #standard deviation of estimates
   phi.UCI <- phi.mean + t.critical * phi.UCI/sqrt(sum(D$HP))
   D$jackknife <- list(mean = phi.mean, upper = phi.UCI)

#PACo setting the ith link = 0
single_paco_link <- function (D, HP.ones, i, correction, proc.warnings) {
  HP_ind <- D$HP
  PACo.ind <- add_pcoord(list(H=D$H, P=D$P, HP=HP_ind), correction=correction)
    Proc.ind <- vegan::procrustes(X=PACo.ind$H_PCo, Y=PACo.ind$P_PCo)
      Proc.ind <- suppressWarnings(vegan::procrustes(X=PACo.ind$H_PCo, Y=PACo.ind$P_PCo))
  res.Proc.ind <- c(residuals_paco(Proc.ind))
  res.Proc.ind <- append(res.Proc.ind, NA, after= i-1)
PoisotLab/paco documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:09 p.m.