
# Ants
# by Wilensky (1997) NetLogo Ants model.
# Converted into R using the NetLogoR package
# by Sarah Bauduin

## Packages required

## Global variables (model parameters)
nAnts <- 125 # varies from 0 to 200 in the NetLogo model
rDiff <- 50 # varies from 0 to 99 in the NetLogo model
rEvap <- 10 # varies from 0 to 99 in the NetLogo model
# The world is not wrapped (torus <- FALSE)

## Model setup
# World
# One worldMatrix for each patch variable, then stack them
# As all the worldMatrix must have the same extent, you can copy past the object to a new name
# Patch values must be assigned to each world before stacking them

# Chemical
chemical <- createWorld(minPxcor = -35, maxPxcor = 35, minPycor = -35, maxPycor = 35,
                        data = 0) # amount of chemical on the patches

# Nest
nest <- chemical # 1 on nest patches, 0 elsewhere
nestScent <- chemical # higher closer to the nest
distNest <- NLdist(agents = patches(nest), agents2 = cbind(x = 0, y = 0))
patchNest <- which(distNest < 5) # patches at distance less than 5 from [x = 0, y = 0]
nest <- NLset(world = nest, agents = patches(nest), val = 0) # 0 to all the patches
nest <- NLset(world = nest, agents = PxcorPycorFromCell(world = nest, cellNum = patchNest),
              val = 1) # and reassign 1 to the patches in the nest
# Spread nestScent over the whole world, stronger near the nest
nestScent <- NLset(world = nestScent, agents = patches(nestScent), val = 200 - distNest)

# Food
foodSource <- chemical # number (1, 2, or 3) to identify the food sources
food <- chemical # amount of food on the patches (0, 1, or 2)
# Setup food source 1 (on the right)
distFood1 <- NLdist(agents = patches(foodSource),
                    agents2 = cbind(x = 0.6 * maxPxcor(foodSource), y = 0))
patchFood1 <- which(distFood1 < 5)
foodSource <- NLset(world = foodSource, agents = patches(foodSource), val = 0) # 0 to all patches
foodSource <- NLset(world = foodSource,
                    agents = PxcorPycorFromCell(world = foodSource, cellNum = patchFood1),
                    val = 1) # and reassign 1 to the patches in the foodSource 1
# Setup food source 2 (on the lower-left)
distFood2 <- NLdist(agents = patches(foodSource),
                    agents2 = cbind(x = -0.6 * maxPxcor(foodSource),
                                    y = -0.6 * maxPycor(foodSource)))
patchFood2 <- which(distFood2 < 5)
foodSource <- NLset(world = foodSource,
                    agents = PxcorPycorFromCell(world = foodSource, cellNum = patchFood2),
                    val = 2) # and reassign 2 to the patches in the foodSource 2
# Setup food source 3 on the upper-left
distFood3 <- NLdist(agents = patches(foodSource),
                    agents2 = cbind(x = -0.8 * maxPxcor(foodSource),
                                    y = 0.8 * maxPycor(foodSource)))
patchFood3 <- which(distFood3 < 5)
foodSource <- NLset(world = foodSource,
                    agents = PxcorPycorFromCell(world = foodSource, cellNum = patchFood3),
                    val = 3) # and reassign 3 to the patches in the foodSource 3
food <- NLset(world = food, agents = patches(food), val = 0)
patchFood123 <- PxcorPycorFromCell(world = food, cellNum = c(patchFood1, patchFood2, patchFood3))
# Set "food" at sources to either 1 or 2, randomly
food <- NLset(world = food, agents = patchFood123,
              val = sample(c(1, 2), size = NLcount(patchFood123), replace = TRUE))
world <- stackWorlds(chemical, nest, nestScent, foodSource, food)

# Ants
ants <- createTurtles(n = nAnts, coords = cbind(xcor = 0, ycor = 0),
                      color = "red") # red = not carrying food
bbox(ants) <- bbox(world) # For Plot, which uses bbox to create frame

## Visualize the world
dev() # on Windows and non-server Linux, this opens a new window that is faster than RStudio
Plot(world) # all the layers
Plot(ants, addTo = "world$food", pch = 16) # add the ants on the food layer

# Initialize the output objects
foodWorld <- of(world = world, var = c("food", "foodSource"), agents = patches(world))
# Sum of food values for the patches with foodSource equals to 1
food1 <- sum(foodWorld[foodWorld[, "foodSource"] == 1, "food"])
# Sum of food values for the patches with foodSource equals to 2
food2 <- sum(foodWorld[foodWorld[, "foodSource"] == 2, "food"])
# Sum of food values for the patches with foodSource equals to 3
food3 <- sum(foodWorld[foodWorld[, "foodSource"] == 3, "food"])

## Functions used in the go procedure
toNest <- function(turtles) {
  pHere <- patchHere(world = world, turtles = turtles)
  # Nest values (1 or 0) and chemical in the order of the turtles
  nestChemHere <- of(world = world, agents = pHere, var = c("nest", "chemical"))
  whoTurtles <- of(agents = turtles, var = "who")

  # Inside the nest
  # whoTurtles for which their nest value equals 1
  turtlesIn <- turtle(turtles, who = whoTurtles[nestChemHere[, "nest"] == 1])
  if (NLcount(turtlesIn) != 0) {
    turtlesIn <- NLset(turtles = turtlesIn, agents = turtlesIn, var = "color", val = "red")
    turtlesIn <- right(turtles = turtlesIn, angle = 180) # drop food and head out again

  # Outside of the nest
  # whoTurtles for which their nest value equals 0
  turtlesOut <- turtle(turtles, who = whoTurtles[nestChemHere[, "nest"] == 0])
  if (NLcount(turtlesOut) != 0) {
    # pHere for which their nest value equals 0
    pHereOut <- pHere[nestChemHere[, "nest"] == 0, ,
                      drop = FALSE] # drop = FALSE keeps a format matrix when 1 row
    # Drop some chemical
    world <- NLset(world = world, agents = pHereOut, var = "chemical",
                   val = nestChemHere[nestChemHere[, "nest"] == 0, "chemical"] + 60)
    # Head toward the greatest value of nestScent
    turtlesOut <- upPatch(turtles = turtlesOut, varPatch = "nestScent")

  # Because turtles have been modified separately as turtlesIn and turtlesOut,
  # we need to put them back together to execute the following procedure
  turtles <- turtleSet(turtlesIn, turtlesOut)
  # there should not be any problem (e.g., duplicates)
  # turtles are always either in or out, but never both or neither
  return(list(turtles, world))

lookFood <- function(turtles) {

  pHere <- patchHere(world = world, turtles = turtles)

  # faster to extract both values at once
  foodChemHere <- of(world = world, agents = pHere, var = c("food", "chemical"))
  whoTurtles <- of(agents = turtles, var = "who")

  # Where there is food
  turtlesFood <- turtle(turtles, who = whoTurtles[foodChemHere[, "food"] > 0])
  if (NLcount(turtlesFood) != 0) {
    # Pick up food
    turtlesFood <- NLset(turtles = turtlesFood, agents = turtlesFood, var = "color",
                         val = "orange")
    turtlesFood <- right(turtles = turtlesFood, angle = 180) # and turn around
    # Reconstruct the turtles with turtlesFood modified and the others
    turtles <- turtleSet(turtlesFood, other(agents = turtles, except = turtlesFood))
    # And reduce the food source
    world <- NLset(world = world, agents = pHere[foodChemHere[, "food"] > 0, , drop = FALSE],
                   var = "food", val = foodChemHere[foodChemHere[, "food"] > 0, "food"] - 1)

  # Go in the direction where the chemical smell is strongest
  turtlesChem <- turtle(turtles,
                        who = whoTurtles[foodChemHere[, "chemical"] >= 0.05 &
                                           foodChemHere[, "chemical"] < 2])
  if (NLcount(turtlesChem) != 0) {
    turtlesChem <- upPatch(turtles = turtlesChem, varPatch = "chemical")
    # Reconstruct the turtles with turtlesChem modified and the others
    turtles <- turtleSet(turtlesChem, other(agents = turtles, except = turtlesChem))

  return(list(turtles, world))

upPatch <- function(turtles, varPatch) {
  # sniff left and right, and go where the strongest smell is
  pAhead <- patchAhead(world = world, turtles = turtles, dist = 1)
  scentAhead <- of(world = world, var = varPatch, agents = pAhead)
  pRight <- patchRight(world = world, turtles = turtles, dist = 1, angle = 45)
  scentRight <- of(world = world, var = varPatch, agents = pRight)
  pLeft <- patchLeft(world = world, turtles = turtles, dist = 1, angle = 45)
  scentLeft <- of(world = world, var = varPatch, agents = pLeft)

  whoTurtles <- of(agents = turtles, var = "who")
  tRight <- turtle(turtles, who = whoTurtles[scentRight > scentLeft & scentRight > scentAhead])
  tRight <- right(turtles = tRight, angle = 45)
  tLeft <- turtle(turtles, who = whoTurtles[scentLeft > scentRight & scentLeft > scentAhead])
  tLeft <- left(turtles = tLeft, angle = 45)

  turtlesMoved <- turtleSet(tRight, tLeft)
  turtles <- turtleSet(turtlesMoved, other(agents = turtles, except = turtlesMoved))

wiggle <- function(turtles) {
  # Give a random angle between - 40 (40 to left) and 40 (40 to right)
  turtles <- right(turtles, angle = runif(n = NLcount(turtles), min = -40, max = 40))
  turtlesMove <- canMove(world = world, turtles = turtles, dist = 1)
  whoTurtles <- of(agents = turtles, var = "who")
  turtlesCannot <- turtle(turtles, whoTurtles[turtlesMove == FALSE])
  # If a turtle is in a corner, rotating 180 degrees may not solve the problem
  # e.g., turtlesCannot <- right(turtles = turtlesCannot, angle = 180)
  # For an easier solution, it will face the center of the world
  turtlesCannot <- face(turtles = turtlesCannot, agents2 = cbind(x = 0, y = 0))

  turtles <- turtleSet(turtlesCannot, turtle(turtles, whoTurtles[turtlesMove == TRUE]))

## Go
time <- 1 # to keep track of the time step if wanted

# as long as there is food in the world...
while (sum(foodWorld[, "food"]) != 0) {

  # Ants not carrying food
  aRed <- NLwith(agents = ants, var = "color", val = "red")
  if (NLcount(aRed) != 0) {
    resLookFood <- lookFood(aRed) # look for it
    aRed <- resLookFood[[1]]
    world <- resLookFood[[2]]

  # Ants carrying food
  aOrange <- NLwith(agents = ants, var = "color", val = "orange")
  if (NLcount(aOrange) != 0) {
    resToNest <- toNest(aOrange) # take it back to nest
    aOrange <- resToNest[[1]]
    world <- resToNest[[2]]

  # Ants moving
  ants <- turtleSet(aRed, aOrange)
  ants <- wiggle(ants)
  ants <- fd(ants, dist = 1)

  # World update
  world <- diffuse(world = world, pVar = "chemical", share = rDiff / 100, nNeighbors = 8)
  pWorld <- patches(world)
  pChem <- of(world = world, var = "chemical", agents = pWorld)
  # Slowly evaporate chemical
  world <- NLset(world = world, agents = pWorld, var = "chemical",
                 val = pChem * (100 - rEvap) / 100)

  # Output update
  foodWorld <- of(world = world, var = c("food", "foodSource"), agents = patches(world))
  food1 <- c(food1, sum(foodWorld[foodWorld[, "foodSource"] == 1, "food"]))
  food2 <- c(food2, sum(foodWorld[foodWorld[, "foodSource"] == 2, "food"]))
  food3 <- c(food3, sum(foodWorld[foodWorld[, "foodSource"] == 3, "food"]))

  # Update the time
  time <- time + 1

  Plot(ants, addTo = "world$food", pch = 16, size = 0.25)

## Plot outputs
timeStep <- seq_along(food1)
Plot(timeStep, food1, type = "l", addTo = "Abundance",
     col = "coral", lwd = 2, ylab = "Food", xlab = "Time step",
     ylim = c(min = 0, max = max(c(max(food1), max(food2), max(food3)))))
Plot(timeStep, food2, type = "l", addTo = "Abundance", col = "yellow", lwd = 2)
Plot(timeStep, food3, type = "l", addTo = "Abundance", col = "green", lwd = 2)
legend("bottomleft", legend = c("food1", "food2", "food3"), lwd = c(2, 2, 2),
       col = c("coral", "yellow", "green"), bg = "white", cex = 0.5)
PredictiveEcology/NetLogoR documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 9:31 p.m.