
Defines functions renderTemplate renderTitle renderCopyright renderSidebar getModuleById renderParameters renderTabItem renderTabItems renderMenuItem renderMenuItems renderSpadesShinyUI renderCallModuleDirective renderCallModuleDirectives renderSimInitDirective renderExperimentDirectives renderSpadesShinyServer renderSpadesShinyGlobal shinyModule newApp

Documented in getModuleById newApp renderCallModuleDirective renderCallModuleDirectives renderCopyright renderExperimentDirectives renderMenuItem renderMenuItems renderParameters renderSidebar renderSimInitDirective renderSpadesShinyGlobal renderSpadesShinyServer renderSpadesShinyUI renderTabItem renderTabItems renderTemplate renderTitle shinyModule

if (getRversion() >= "3.1.0") {

#' Render a template using \pkg{whisker} package.
#' @param templatePath     Path to the template file.
#' @param data             Named list or environment with variables that will be
#'                         used during rendering.
#' @return Rendered template.
#' @importFrom whisker whisker.render
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
renderTemplate <- function(templatePath, data) {
  template <- readLines(templatePath)
  whisker.render(template, data)

#' Render the name of the app.
#' @param title  Name of the app to be displayed in the top left (above the sidebar).
#' @return Rendered app name.
#' @author Alex Chubaty
renderTitle <- function(title) {
  name <- ifelse(is.null(title), "Template App", title)

#' Render the copyright holder name of the app.
#' @param copyright  Name of the app copyright holder.
#' @return Rendered app copyright holder name.
#' @author Alex Chubaty
renderCopyright <- function(copyright) {
  cph <- ifelse(is.null(copyright), "The Author(s)", copyright)

#' Render additional sidebar footer info.
#' @param text  Custom text to insert into app sidebar footer.
#' @return Rendered additional sidebar footer info.
#' @author Alex Chubaty
renderSidebar <- function(text) {

#' Retrieve a module metadata from modules tibble.
#' @param modules   \code{tibble} with modules metadata.
#'                  \code{tibble} format: \code{type}, \code{name}, \code{id}, \code{parameters}.
#' @param moduleId  id of the module to retrieve.
#' @return \code{tibble} containing the module if it was found. Empty \code{tibble} otherwise.
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom utils head
getModuleById <- function(modules, moduleId) {
  module <- modules %>%
    dplyr::filter(id == moduleId) %>%


#' Render parameters
#' @param parameters description needed (TODO)
renderParameters <- function(parameters) {
  renderedParameters <- if (length(parameters) > 0) {
    paste(",", paste(parameters, collapse = ", "))
  } else {

#' Render a tab item.
#' @param tabName   Name of the tab that this item corresponds to.
#' @param module    \code{tibble} with module metadata.
#'                  \code{tibble} format: \code{type}, \code{name}, \code{id}, \code{parameters}.
#' @param moduleUIParameters Module UI parameters.
#' @return Rendered tab item.
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
renderTabItem <- function(tabName, module, moduleUIParameters) {
  # TODO: Separate id for each module so that user can have two modules A with different ids.
  #ns <- NS(id)

  parameters <- renderParameters(moduleUIParameters)
  tabContent <- paste0(module$name, "UI(\"", module$id, "\"", parameters, ")")
  #tabContent <- paste0(module$name, "UI(\"", ns(module$id), "\"", parameters, ")")
  tabItem <- renderTemplate(.pkgEnv$tabItemTemplatePath,
                            list(tabName = tabName, tabContent = tabContent))


#' Render tab items for provided layout and available modules.
#' @param layout    \code{tibble} with layout metadata.
#'                  \code{tibble} format: \code{tabName}, \code{menuItemName}, \code{icon},
#'                  \code{moduleName}.
#' @param modules   \code{tibble} with modules metadata.
#'                  \code{tibble} format: \code{type}, \code{name}, \code{id}, \code{parameters}.
#' @return Rendered tab items.
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
renderTabItems <- function(layout, modules) {
  tabItems <- purrr::pmap(
    list(layout$tabName, layout$moduleId, layout$moduleUIParameters),
    function(tabName, moduleId, moduleUIParameters) {
      module <- getModuleById(modules, moduleId)
      renderTabItem(tabName, module, moduleUIParameters)

  return(paste0(tabItems, collapse = ",\n      "))

#' Render a menu item.
#' @param tabName          Name of the tab that this item corresponds to.
#' @param menuItemName     Name of the menu item to display.
#' @param icon             Icon to display next to menu item name.
#' @return Rendered menu item.
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
renderMenuItem <- function(tabName, menuItemName, icon) {
  menuItem <- renderTemplate(.pkgEnv$menuItemTemplatePath,
                             list(tabName = tabName,
                                  menuItemName = menuItemName, icon = icon))


#' Render menu items for provided layout and available modules.
#' @inheritParams renderTabItems
#' @return Rendered menu items.
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
renderMenuItems <- function(layout, modules) {
  menuItems <- purrr::pmap(list(layout$tabName, layout$menuItemName, layout$icon), renderMenuItem)

  return(paste(menuItems, collapse = ",\n      "))

#' Render and save \file{ui.R} file.
#' @param appDir         The directory path to use for the new app.
#' @param appMetadata    Application metadata.
#' @return None. Invoked for the side-effect of writing rendered template to file.
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
renderSpadesShinyUI <- function(appDir, appMetadata) {
  uiPath <- file.path(appDir, "ui.R")

  data <- list(
    title = renderTitle(appMetadata$title),
    menuItems = renderMenuItems(appMetadata$layout, appMetadata$modules),
    tabItems = renderTabItems(appMetadata$layout, appMetadata$modules),
    sidebarWidth = ifelse(is.null(appMetadata$sidebar$width), 300, appMetadata$sidebar$width)

  renderedContent <- renderTemplate(.pkgEnv$uiTemplatePath, data)
  writeLines(renderedContent, uiPath)

#' Render a \code{callModule} directive.
#' @param name             Module name.
#' @template id
#' @param parameters       Server parameters used when calling the module.
#' @return Rendered \code{callModule} directive.
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
renderCallModuleDirective <- function(name, id, parameters) {
  # TODO: Separate id for each module so that user can have two modules A with different ids.
  #ns <- NS(id)

  renderedParameters <- renderParameters(parameters)
  callModuleDirective <- paste0("callModule(", name, ", \"", id, "\"", renderedParameters, ")")
  #callModuleDirective <- paste0("callModule(", name, ", \"", ns(id), "\"", renderedParameters, ")")


#' Render \code{callModule} directives for provided modules.
#' @note \code{spades_simInit} and \code{spades_expt} modules are omitted,
#'       as they are rendered separately using \code{\link{renderSimInitDirective}}
#'       and \code{\link{renderExperimentDirectives}}, respectively.
#' @param modules  \code{tibble} with modules metadata.
#'                 \code{tibble} format: \code{type}, \code{name}, \code{id}, \code{parameters}.
#' @return Rendered \code{callModule} directives.
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
renderCallModuleDirectives <- function(modules) {
  # omit simInit and experiment modules
  omit <- which(c("spades_simInit", "spades_expt") %in% modules$name)

  callModuleDirectives <- purrr::pmap(
    list(modules$name[-omit], modules$id[-omit], modules$parameters[-omit]),

  return(paste(callModuleDirectives, collapse = "\n  "))

#' Render \code{callModule} directives for \code{simInit} module if provided.
#' @param modules  \code{tibble} with modules metadata.
#'                 \code{tibble} format: \code{type}, \code{name}, \code{id}, \code{parameters}.
#' @return Rendered \code{callModule} directives.
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
renderSimInitDirective <- function(modules) {
  if ("spades_simInit" %in% modules$name) {
    id <- which(modules$name == "spades_simInit")
    directive <- purrr::pmap(
      list(modules$name[id], modules$id[id], modules$parameters[id]),
    directive <- paste("mySim <-", directive)

    line1 <- "### simulation initialization"
    line2 <- paste(directive, "\n")

    return(paste(c(line1, line2), collapse = "\n  "))
  } else {

#' Render \code{callModule} directives for experiment module if provided.
#' Additional customizations can be provided via two files: \file{pre_experiment.R}
#' and \file{post_experiment.R}.
#' @param modules  \code{tibble} with modules metadata.
#'                 \code{tibble} format: \code{type}, \code{name}, \code{id}, \code{parameters}.
#' @return Rendered \code{callModule} directives.
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
renderExperimentDirectives <- function(modules) {
  if ("spades_expt" %in% modules$name) {
    id <- which(modules$name == "spades_expt")
    directive <- purrr::pmap(
      list(modules$name[id], modules$id[id], modules$parameters[id]),
    directive <- paste("mySimOut <-", directive)

    line1 <- "## pre-experiment customizations"
    line2 <- "if (file.exists(\"pre_experiment.R\")) source(\"pre_experiment.R\", local = TRUE)\n  "
    line3 <- "## run the simulation experiment"
    line4 <- paste(directive, "\n  ")
    line5 <- "## post-experiment customizations"
    line6 <- "if (file.exists(\"post_experiment.R\")) source(\"post_experiment.R\", local = TRUE)\n"

    return(paste(c(line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6), collapse = "\n  "))
  } else {

#' Render and save server.R file.
#' @param appDir         The directory path to use for the new app.
#' @param appMetadata    Application metadata.
#' @return None. Invoked for the side-effect of writing rendered template to file.
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
renderSpadesShinyServer <- function(appDir, appMetadata) {
  serverPath <- file.path(appDir, "server.R")
  modules <- appMetadata$modules

  data <- list(
    simInitDirectives = renderSimInitDirective(appMetadata$modules),
    experimentDirectives = renderExperimentDirectives(appMetadata$modules),
    callModuleDirectives = renderCallModuleDirectives(appMetadata$modules),
    copyright = renderCopyright(appMetadata$copyright),
    sidebarFooter = renderSidebar(appMetadata$sidebar$footer)

  renderedContent <- renderTemplate(.pkgEnv$serverTemplatePath, data)
  writeLines(renderedContent, serverPath)

#' Render and save global.R file.
#' @param appDir         The directory path to use for the new app.
#' @param appMetadata    Application metadata.
#' @return None. Invoked for the side-effect of writing rendered template to file.
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
renderSpadesShinyGlobal <- function(appDir, appMetadata) {
  globalPath <- file.path(appDir, "global.R")

  renderedContent <- renderTemplate(.pkgEnv$globalTemplatePath, appMetadata)
  writeLines(renderedContent, globalPath)

#' Use an existing shiny module.
#' Creates a metadata object to use in application metadata.
#' Created object describes an existing shiny module.
#' @param moduleName     Name of the module to use.
#' @return Metadata object that describes an existing shiny module.
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
shinyModule <- function(moduleName) {

#' Create a new \pkg{SpaDES.shiny} app
#' Setup the necessary directory structure for a new app, and create a new app
#' based on a template.
#' @param appDir         The directory path to use for the new app.
#' @param appMetadata    Application metadata.
#' @return None. Invoked for the side-effect of creating a new app.
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
#' @export
#' @importFrom R.utils isAbsolutePath
#' @importFrom reproducible checkPath
#' @rdname newApp
newApp <- function(appDir, appMetadata) {
  appDir <- if (isAbsolutePath(appDir)) {
  } else {
    file.path("/srv/shiny-server", appDir)

  checkPath(appDir, create = TRUE)
  renderSpadesShinyUI(appDir, appMetadata)
  renderSpadesShinyServer(appDir, appMetadata)
  renderSpadesShinyGlobal(appDir, appMetadata)

  message("New SpaDES.shiny app created!\n",
          "If running on shiny server, please ensure the app directory has the",
          " correct permissions set:\n",
          "  chmod -R shiny:shiny ", appDir) # TODO revisit deployment

PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.shiny documentation built on Nov. 11, 2019, 7:12 p.m.