
Defines functions GeneOntologyFilter printf

Documented in GeneOntologyFilter

#' @title Create a GeneOntologyFilter object
#' @description
#' A GeneOntologyFilter object allows for filtering based on gene ontology (GO) terms. Its
#' associated \code{getCandidates} method uses an organism database and a GO term (e.g. GO:#######)
#' to filter a list of possible regulators factors to those that match the GO term.
#' @include CandidateFilter.R
#' @import methods
#' @import org.Hs.eg.db
#' @rdname GeneOntologyFilter-class
#' @aliases GeneOntologyFilter
.GeneOntologyFilter <- setClass("GeneOntologyFilter",
printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))
# some candidate terms:
#  GO:0010467                        gene expression
#  GO:0097659   nucleic acid-templated transcription
#  GO:0001172           transcription, RNA-templated
#  GO:0006351           transcription, DNA-templated
#' Create a CandidateFilter using Gene Ontology 
#' @param organismDatabase An organism-specific database of type 'OrgDb'
#' @param GOTerm A character matching an accepted gene ontology term. The default term corresponds
#' to "transcription, DNA-templated". (default="GO:0006351")
#' @param quiet A logical denoting whether or not the filter should print output
#' @return A GeneOntologyFilter object
#' @seealso  \code{\link{CandidateFilter}}
#' @family CandidateFilter class objects
#' @export
#' @rdname GeneOntologyFilter-class
#' @examples
#' # Make a filter for "transcription, DNA-templated"
#' library(org.Hs.eg.db)
#' goFilter <- GeneOntologyFilter(org.Hs.eg.db, GOTerm="GO:0006351")

GeneOntologyFilter <- function(organismDatabase=org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg.db,
                               GOTerm="GO:0006351", quiet=TRUE)
    data.file <- system.file(package="trena", "extdata", "human.regulatory.genes.RData")
    .GeneOntologyFilter(organismDatabase=organismDatabase, GOTerm=GOTerm, quiet=quiet)
} # GeneOntologyFilter, the constructor
#' Get candidate genes using a gene ontology filter
#' @aliases getCandidates-GeneOntologyFilter
#' @param obj An object of class GeneOntologyFilter
#' @seealso \code{\link{GeneOntologyFilter}}
#' @family getCandidate Methods
#' @return A list, where one element a character vector of transcription factors that match
#' the GO term and the other is an empty data frame. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Make a filter for "transcription, DNA-templated" and use it to filter candidates
#' library(org.Hs.eg.db)
#' goFilter <- GeneOntologyFilter(org.Hs.eg.db, GOTerm="GO:0006351")
#' candidates <- getCandidates(goFilter)

setMethod("getCandidates", "GeneOntologyFilter",

                  regulatory.genes <- AnnotationDbi::select(obj@organismDatabase, keys=obj@GOTerm,
                                                            keytype="GO", columns=c("SYMBOL", "GO"))$SYMBOL
              list(tbl=data.frame(), tfs=regulatory.genes)
          }) # getCandidates
PriceLab/trena documentation built on March 16, 2023, 10:01 a.m.