db <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL(), host="whovian", user="trena", password="trena", dbname="hg38")
# find the chrom loc for piez02
target.gene <- "PIEZO2"
biotype <- "protein_coding"
moleculetype <- "gene"
query <- paste("select gene_name, chr, start, endpos, strand from gtf where ",
sprintf("gene_name='%s' ", target.gene),
sprintf("and gene_biotype='%s' and moleculetype='%s'", biotype, moleculetype),
collapse=" ") <- dbGetQuery(db, query)
# gene_name chr start endpos strand
# PIEZO2 chr18 10666483 11148762 -
anchor.loc <-[1, "start"] # note: on reverse strand, so start > endpos
anchor.chrom <-[1, "chr"]
# find all genes withing 1MB of this anchor.loc
shoulder <- 10^6
query <- paste("select gene_name, chr, start, endpos, strand, gene_biotype, moleculetype from gtf ",
sprintf("where start >= %d ", anchor.loc - shoulder),
sprintf("and chr = '%s' ", anchor.chrom),
sprintf("and endpos <= %d ", anchor.loc + shoulder),
sprintf("and gene_biotype in ('protein_coding', 'lincRNA') "),
sprintf("and moleculetype = 'gene'"),
collapse=" ")
tbl.region <- dbGetQuery(db, query) # 6 protein-coding, 14 lincRNA genes for shoulder of 10^6
genome.db.uri <- "postgres://whovian/hg38"
project.db.uri <- "postgres://whovian/wholeBrain"
fp <- FootprintFinder(genome.db.uri, project.db.uri, quiet=TRUE)
shoulder <- 10^3
# create an empty list, then fill it with data.frames, one for each gene in the specified
# region around PIEZO2
tbls.all <- list()
for(row in 1:nrow(tbl.region)){
chrom <- tbl.region$chr[row]
gene <- tbl.region$gene_name[row]
printf("about to query fp for region of gene %s", gene)
start.loc <- tbl.region$start[row] - shoulder
end.loc <- tbl.region$start[row] + shoulder
tbl.fp <- getFootprintsInRegion(fp, chrom, start.loc, end.loc)
if(nrow(tbl.fp) > 0)
tbl.fp$target <- gene
tbls.all[[gene]] <- tbl.fp
} # for gene
# collapse the list into a single data.frame
tbl <-'rbind', tbls.all)
# ponder the distribution of footprints in the vicinity of each gene
# create a list of lists, one per gene in the nominated region, in
# which each sublist is candidate transcription factors for that gene
target.genes <- unique(tbl$target) <- lapply(target.genes, function(target.gene) {tfs <- unique(subset(tbl, target==target.gene)$tf)})
names( <- target.genes
print(sapply(, length))
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