
Defines functions .googleMapURL leaflet_map googleMap rgeo2 rgeo rlonlat rlatlon lonlat2xyz latlon2xyz xyz2latlon rad2deg deg2rad

Documented in deg2rad googleMap .googleMapURL latlon2xyz leaflet_map lonlat2xyz rad2deg rgeo rgeo2 rlatlon rlonlat xyz2latlon

#' Convert between degrees and radians
#' Facilitates conversion between degrees and radians.
#' @rdname deg2rad
#' @return a numeric vector
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @examples
#' deg2rad(180)
#' @export

deg2rad <- function(x) {
	x/180 * base::pi

#' @rdname deg2rad
#' @examples
#' rad2deg(2*pi)
#' @seealso [latlon2xyz()], [googleMap()], and [rgeo()].
#' @export

rad2deg <- function(x) {
	x / base::pi * 180

#' Convert back and forth between latitude/longitude and XYZ-space
#' @rdname latlon2xyz
#' @return a matrix each row of which describes the latitudes and longitudes
#' @param x,y,z numeric vectors
#' @examples
#' xyz2latlon(1, 1, 1)     # point may be on sphere of any radius
#' xyz2latlon(0, 0, 0)     # this produces a NaN for latitude
#' @export

xyz2latlon <- function(x,y,z) {
	# rescale to unit sphere
	R <- sqrt( x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
	x <- x/R; y <- y/R; z <- z/R;

	r <- sqrt( x^2 + y^2)
	lat <- rad2deg( asin(z) )

	long <- (r>0) * rad2deg( acos(x/r) ) 
	long <- ( 1 - 2 * (y < 0) ) * long
	long [ is.na(long) ] <- 0
	return( cbind(lat=lat, lon=long) )

#' @rdname latlon2xyz
#' @param latitude,longitude vectors of latitude and longitude values
#' @return a matrix each row of which contains the x, y, and z coordinates of a point on a unit sphere
#' @examples
#' latlon2xyz(30, 45)
#' lonlat2xyz(45, 30)
#' @seealso [deg2rad()], [googleMap()], and [rgeo()].
#' @export

latlon2xyz <- function(latitude,longitude) {
	z <- sin(deg2rad(latitude))
	r <- sqrt(1 - z^2)
	x <- rad2deg(cos( longitude ))
	y <- rad2deg(sin( longitude ))
	return(cbind( x=x, y=y, z=z ))

#' @rdname latlon2xyz
#' @export
lonlat2xyz <- function(longitude, latitude) {
  latlon2xyz(latitude, longitude)

#' @rdname rgeo
#' @export
rlatlon <- function(...) { 

#' @rdname rgeo
#' @export
rlonlat <- function(...){

#' Sample longitude and latitude on a sphere
#' Randomly samples longitude and latitude on earth so that equal areas are
#' (approximately) equally likely to be sampled.  
#' (Approximation assumes earth as a perfect sphere.)
#' @rdname rgeo
#' @param n number of random locations
#' @param latlim,lonlim  
#'   range of latitudes and longitudes to sample within, only implemented for `rgeo`.
#' @param verbose 
#'   return verbose output that includes Euclidean coordinates on unit sphere as well as 
#' longitude and latitude.
#' @param ... arguments passed through to other functions
#' @return a data frame with variables `long` and `lat`.  If `verbose` is
#' TRUE, then x, y, and z coordinates are also included in the data frame.
#' @examples
#' rgeo(4)
#' # sample from a region that contains the continental US
#' rgeo(4, latlim = c(25,50), lonlim = c(-65, -125))
#' @details
#' `rgeo` and `rgeo2` differ in the algorithms used to generate random positions.  
#' Each assumes a spherical globe.  `rgeo` uses that fact that each of the x, y and z
#' coordinates is uniformly distributed (but not independent of each other).  Furthermore, the 
#' angle about the z-axis is uniformly distributed and independent of z.  This provides 
#' a straightforward way to generate Euclidean coordinates using `runif`.  These are then
#' translated into latitude and longitude.
#' `rlatlon` is an alias for `rgeo` and 
#' `rlonlat` is too, expect that it reverses the 
#' order in which the latitude and longitude values are 
#' returned.
#' `rgeo2` samples points in a cube by independently sampling each coordinate.  It then
#' discards any point outside the sphere contained in the cube and projects the non-discarded points
#' to the sphere.  This method must oversample to allow for the discarded points.
#' @seealso [deg2rad()], [googleMap()] and [latlon2xyz()].
#' @keywords random 
#' @keywords geometry 
#' @keywords map 
#' @export

rgeo <- function( n=1, latlim=c(-90,90), lonlim=c(-180,180), verbose=FALSE ) {

	zlim <- sin(sort(deg2rad(latlim)))
	z <- runif( n,  zlim[1], zlim[2] )

	#beta <- runif( n, min(deg2rad(lonlim)), max(deg2rad(lonlim)) )
	blim <- deg2rad(sort(lonlim))
	beta <- runif( n, blim[1], blim[2] )

	r <- sqrt(1-z^2)
	x <- r * cos(beta)
	y <- r * sin(beta)

	# now convert this to latitude and longitude 
	latlon <- xyz2latlon(x,y,z)
	if (verbose) {
		return(data.frame(lat=latlon[,1], lon=latlon[,2], x=x, y=y, z=z))
	return(data.frame(lat=latlon[,1], lon=latlon[,2]))

#' @rdname rgeo
#' @examples
#' rgeo2(4)
#' @export

rgeo2 <- function( n=1, latlim=c(-90,90), lonlim=c(-180,180), verbose=FALSE ) {

	# oversample pts in a cube

	m <- 10 + 3*n
	x <- runif(m,-1,1)
	y <- runif(m,-1,1)
	z <- runif(m,-1,1)

	# select pts inside unit sphere and project them onto surface

	r <- sqrt( x^2 + y^2 + z^2 )
	ids <- which( r < 1 ) [1:n]
	x <- x[ids]
	y <- y[ids]
	z <- z[ids]
	r <- r[ids]
	x <- x/r
	y <- y/r
	z <- z/r

	# now convert this to latitude and longitude 
	latlon <- xyz2latlon(x,y,z)
	if (verbose) {
		return(data.frame(lat=latlon[,1], lon=latlon[,2], x=x, y=y, z=z))
	return(data.frame(lat=latlon[,1], lon=latlon[,2]))
#' Display a point on earth on a Google Map
#' Creates a URL for Google Maps for a particular latitude and
#' longitude position.  This function has been deprecated due to changes in
#' Google's access policies.  Give [leaflet_map()] a try as an alternative.

#' @rdname googleMap
#' @param latitude,longitude vectors of latitude and longitude values
#' @param position a data frame containing latitude and longitude positions
#' @param zoom zoom level for initial map (1-20)
#' @param maptype one of `'roadmap'`, `'satellite'`, `'terrain'`, and `'hybrid'`
#' @param mark a logical indicating whether the location should be marked with a pin
#' @param radius a vector of radii of circles centered at position that are displayed on the map
#' @param browse a logical indicating whether the URL should be browsed (else only returned as a string)
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to `browseURL`
#' @return a string containing a URL.  Optionally, as a side-effect, the URL is visited in a browser
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' googleMap(40.7566, -73.9863, radius=1)   # Times Square
#' googleMap(position=rgeo(2), radius=1)    # 2 random locations
#' }
#' @seealso [leaflet_map()], [deg2rad()], [latlon2xyz()] and [rgeo()].
#' @export

googleMap <- function(latitude, longitude, position=NULL,
  .Deprecated(new = "leaflet_map")
	urls <- .googleMapURL( 
				latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude,
				position=position, zoom=zoom, 
				maptype = maptype, mark=mark, radius=radius

	if (browse) {
		return(invisible( sapply( urls, function(x) { browseURL(x,...) } ) ))
	} else {
#' Simple Leaflet Maps
#' Primarily designed to work with [rgeo()] to display randomly sampled
#' points on the globe.
# @importFrom leaflet leaflet addTiles addCircles addMarkers
#' @param latitude,longitude vectors of latitude and longitude values.
#'   If `latitude` is a data frame, then it is treated as `position`.
#'   This facilitates "piping" from [rgeo()].  See examples.
#' @param position a data frame containing latitude and longitude positions
#' @param zoom zoom level for initial map (1-20)
# #' @param maptype one of `'roadmap'`, `'satellite'`, `'terrain'`, and `'hybrid'`
#' @param mark a logical indicating whether the location should be marked with a pin
#' @param radius a vector of radii of circles (in miles) centered at position that are displayed on the map
#' @param units units for radii of circles (km, miles, meters, or feet).
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to [leaflet::addCircles()]
#' @return a leaflet map
#' @examples
#' # the leaflet package is required
#' if (require(leaflet)) {
#'   # Times Square
#'   leaflet_map(40.7566, -73.9863, radius = 1, units = "miles")  
#'   # 3 random locations; 5 km circles
#'   leaflet_map(position = rgeo(3), radius = 5, mark = TRUE, color = "red") 
#'   # using pipes
#'   rgeo(4, latlim = c(25,50), lonlim = c(-65, -125)) |>
#'     leaflet_map(radius = 5, mark = TRUE, color = "purple")
#' }
#' @seealso [deg2rad()], [latlon2xyz()] and [rgeo()].
#' @export
leaflet_map <- 
  function(latitude = NULL, longitude = NULL, position = NULL,
           zoom = 12,  
           mark = FALSE, radius = 0, 
           units = c("km", "miles", "meters", "feet"),
  ) {
    units <- match.arg(units)
    # how many meters per unit?
    if (inherits(latitude, "data.frame")) {
      position <- latitude
      latitude <- NULL
      longitude <- NULL
    conversion <- switch(
      miles = 1609.34,
      km = 1000,
      meters = 1,
      feet = 1609.34 / 5280
    if (! is.null(position)) {
      if (!is.null(latitude) || !is.null(longitude)) {
        stop("Specify either position or lat/lon, but not both.")
      if ("latitude" %in% names(position)) {
        latitude  <- position[, "latitude"]
      } else {
        latitude  <- position[, 1]
      if ("longitude" %in% names(position)) {
        longitude  <- position[, "longitude"]
      } else {
        longitude  <- position[, 2]
    m <-
      leaflet::leaflet() |>
      leaflet::addTiles() # Add default OpenStreetMap map tiles
    if (mark) {
      m <- m |> leaflet::addMarkers(
        lng = longitude, lat = latitude, 
        popup = paste("lat/lon: ", format(latitude, digits = 5), 
                      "/", format(longitude, digits = 5), sep = "")
    m <- m |> 
        lng = longitude,
        lat = latitude,
        radius = radius * conversion,  # convert from unit to meters
        popup = paste(
          "radius: ", radius, " ", units, "; 
          lat/lon: ",  format(latitude, digits = 5),  "/", format(longitude, digits = 5), 
          sep = ""),

#' rgeo internal functions
#' These are not really intended for public consumption.
#' @name rgeo-internals
#' @rdname rgeo-internals
#' @return a URL as a string
#' @inheritParams googleMap
#' @keywords internal
.googleMapURL <- function(latitude, longitude, position=NULL,
	filename <- "googlemap3.html"

	if (FALSE) { # can't get browseURL to accept a file with parameters added on
		package <- "mosaic"
		paths <- .find.package(package, verbose = TRUE)
		paths <- paths[file_test("-d", file.path(paths, "google"))]
		paths <- file.path(paths, "google")
		paths <- paths[file_test("-f", file.path(paths, filename))]
		url <- file.path(paths, filename)
		url <- paste("file://",url,sep="")
	url <- paste('http://www.mosaic-web.org/go/',filename,sep="")
	if (is.null(position)) {
		position <- data.frame(lat=latitude,lon=longitude)
	latitude  <- position[,1]
	longitude <- position[,2]
	maptype <- match.arg(maptype)
	center <- paste(latitude,",",longitude,sep="")
	markString <- ""
	if (mark == TRUE) { markString <- paste('&mlat=',round(latitude,6),'&mlon=',round(longitude,6) ,sep="") } 

		'?lat=', round(latitude,6),
		'&lon=', round(longitude,6),
		'&zoom=', zoom,
		'&radius=', paste(as.character(radius),collapse=","),

#' .openStreetMapURL <- function(latitude, longitude, position=NULL,
#' 	zoom=11, 
#' 	maptype=c('roadmap','satellite','terrain','hybrid'),
#' 	mark=FALSE,
#' 	radius=0
#' 	) 
#' {
#' 	filename <- "openstreet.html"
#' 	if (FALSE) { # can't get browseURL to accept a file with parameters added on
#' 		package <- "mosaic"
#' 		paths <- .find.package(package, verbose = TRUE)
#' 		paths <- paths[file_test("-d", file.path(paths, "google"))]
#' 		paths <- file.path(paths, "google")
#' 		paths <- paths[file_test("-f", file.path(paths, filename))]
#' 		url <- file.path(paths, filename)
#' 		url <- paste("file://",url,sep="")
#' 	}
#' 	url <- paste('http://www.mosaic-web.org/go/',filename,sep="")
#' 	if (is.null(position)) {
#' 		position <- data.frame(lat=latitude,lon=longitude)
#' 	}
#' 	latitude  <- position[,1]
#' 	longitude <- position[,2]
#' 	maptype <- match.arg(maptype)
#' 	center <- paste(latitude,",",longitude,sep="")
#' 	markString <- ""
#' 	if (mark == TRUE) { markString <- paste('&mlat=',round(latitude,6),'&mlon=',round(longitude,6) ,sep="") } 
#' 	return(invisible(paste(
#' 		url,
#' 		'?lat=', round(latitude,6),
#' 		'&lon=', round(longitude,6),
#' 		markString,
#' 		'&zoom=', zoom,
#' 		'&radius=', paste(as.character(radius),collapse=","),
#' 		sep="")))
#' }
#' #' @rdname rgeo-internals
#' #' @param width,height width and height of window containing google map
#' #' @keywords internal
#' #'
#' .googleMapURL2 <- function(latitude, longitude, position=NULL,
#' 	zoom=12, 
#' 	width=600, 
#' 	height=400, 
#' 	maptype=c('roadmap','satellite','terrain','hybrid'),
#' 	mark=FALSE
#' 	) 
#' {
#' 	latitude  <- position[,1]
#' 	longitude <- position[,2]
#' 	url <- "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?"
#' 	maptype <- match.arg(maptype)
#' 	center <- paste(latitude,",",longitude,sep="")
#' 	size <- paste(width,'x',height,sep="")
#' 	markString <- ""
#' 	if (mark == TRUE) { markString <- paste('&markers=size:tiny|', center,sep="") } 
#' 	return(invisible(paste(
#' 		url,
#' 		'center=', center,
#' 		markString,
#' 		'&zoom=', zoom,
#' 		'&size=', size,
#' 		'&sensor=false', 
#' 		'&maptype=', maptype,
#' 		sep="")))
#' }
ProjectMOSAIC/mosaic documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 2:11 a.m.