
mcCalcStart <- quote({
  if( input$runcalc == 0 )  return()
  if( is.null( isolate(values$proc)) ) {
    values$calcID <- input$runcalc
    updateSelectInput(session, 'publicRdata', 'Load public file', c( '', dir('publicFiles')))
    values$grfile <- NULL
    pb_max <- isolate( (length(input$trackDT_rows_selected)+length(values$SFsetup))*length(input$featureDT_rows_selected) )
    if( pb_max == 0 ) {
        session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", 'Select >=1 track(s) or pattern and >=1 feature(s)!' )
    selected_genomes <- c(
    if ( length(unique(selected_genomes)) > 1 ) {
        msg <- paste0(
            "More than one genome or genome version selected: ", paste0(unique(selected_genomes), collapse=', '), ". \n\n",
            "All tracks and feature files should be in the same genome version. ",
            "This setup is most likely to produce an error or non reliable plot. "
            #"If you want to continue anyway press OK."
        session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", msg )	
    values$progress <- shiny::Progress$new(session, min=0, max=pb_max)
  do <- quote({
    session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", '$("#calcModal").modal("hide");')
    session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", '$("#progressModal").modal("show");')
    values$progress$set(value = 0, message = 'Calculation in progress...', detail = '')
    session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "$('#progressModal').modal('show').find('#summary2').text('Initializing...').parent().find('#summary3').text('')")
    last_msg <- Sys.time()
    cat3 <- function(x) { 
        if(Sys.time() - last_msg > 1) {
            session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", sprintf("$('#summary2').text('%s')", x))
            values$progress$set(value = as.numeric(sub('.+\\[(.+)\\/.+\\]$', '\\1', x )), message = NULL, detail = sub('.+\\[(.+)]$', '\\1', x ))
            last_msg <<- Sys.time()
    cat4 <- function(x) { 
        if(Sys.time() - last_msg > 1) {
            session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", sprintf("$('#summary3').text('%s')", x)) 
            last_msg <<- Sys.time()
    tracks <- values$track[input$trackDT_rows_selected,'name']
    features <- values$feature[input$featureDT_rows_selected,'name']
    #rownames(tracks) <- NULL
    #rownames(features) <- NULL
    out <- seqplots::getPlotSetArray(
        tracks = c(file.path('files', tracks), values$SFsetup),
        features = file.path('files', features),
        refgenome = con,
        xmin = input$plot_upstream,
        xanchored = input$anchored_downstream,
        xmax = input$plot_downstream,
        type = gsub('^(.)[a-z]+ (.).+', '\\1\\2', tolower(input$plot_type)),
        bin = as.numeric(input$BWbin),
        rm0 = input$rm0,
        ignore_strand = input$ignore_strand,
        add_heatmap = input$add_heatmap,
        stat = input$stat,
        verbose = TRUE, lvl1m = cat3, lvl2m = message
    return( out$data )

  if( .Platform$OS.type == 'windows' | isolate(input$setup_multithread) == FALSE) {
      session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "$('#progressModal').modal('show').find('#summary2').text('Calculating plot set single process...').parent().find('button').prop('disabled', true);") 
      values$grfile <- try( eval( do ) )
      session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "$('#progressModal').modal('hide').find('#summary2').text('').parent().find('button').prop('disabled', false);")
    if (class(values$grfile) == "try-error") {
      session$sendCustomMessage( "jsAlert", paste('ERROR:', attr(values$grfile, 'condition')$message) ) 
  } else {
            session$sendCustomMessage("jsDots", ".") 
            values$grfile <- res
            #session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", "Job done!")
#     if (is.null(isolate(values$proc))) {
#       values$proc <- parallel::mcparallel(do)
#       invalidateLater(100, session)
#     } else if ( parallel:::selectChildren(isolate(values$proc)) == parallel:::processID(isolate(values$proc)) ) {
#       res <- parallel::mccollect(isolate(values$proc), wait=FALSE)[[1]]
#       if( class(res) == 'character' ) {
#         invalidateLater(100, session)
#         values[[ res[1] ]] <- res[2]  
#         stop(res)
#       } else {
#         if(class(res) == 'try-error' ) {
#           parallel::mccollect( isolate(values$proc) ); values$proc <- NULL 
#           session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", res); session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "$('#progressModal').modal('hide');")
#         } else if ( is.null(res) ) {
#           parallel::mccollect( isolate(values$proc) ); values$proc <- NULL 
#           session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "$('#progressModal').modal('hide'); alert('Job canceled.');")
#         } else {
#           parallel::mccollect( isolate(values$proc) )
#           values$proc <- NULL
#           session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "$('#progressModal').modal('hide').find('#summary2').text('')")
#         }
#       }
#     } else { invalidateLater(100, session); }
Przemol/seqplots documentation built on May 14, 2022, 6:47 a.m.