Man pages for QuackenbushLab/MONSTER
Modeling Network State Transitions from Expression and Regulatory data (MONSTER)

bereFullBipartite Edge Reconstruction from Expression data (composite... p-values for a tranformation matrix
checkDataTypeChecks that data is something MONSTER can handle
dTFIPlotThis function plots the Off diagonal mass of an observed...
hcl.heatmap.plotTransformation matrix plot
monsterMOdeling Network State Transitions from Expression and...
monsterAnalysis-classClass "monsterAnalysis" - a list containing the transition...
monsterNIBipartite Edge Reconstruction from Expression data
MONSTER-packageModeling Network State Transitions from Expression and...
monsterResMONSTER results from example cell-cycle yeast transition
transformation.matrixBi-partite network analysis tools
transitionNetworkPlotThis function uses igraph to plot the transition matrix as a...
transitionPCAPlotPrincipal Components plot of transformation matrix
yeastToy data derived from three gene expression datasets and a...
QuackenbushLab/MONSTER documentation built on Oct. 22, 2020, 8:07 a.m.