
# R (http://r-project.org/) Instrument Class Model
# Copyright (c) 2009-2012
# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Jeffrey Ryan, 
# Joshua Ulrich, Brian G. Peterson, and Garrett See
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$

#' Convert tick data to one-second data
#' This is like taking a snapshot of the market at the end of every second, 
#' except the volume over the second is summed.
#' From tick data with columns: \dQuote{Price}, \dQuote{Volume}, 
#' \dQuote{Bid.Price}, \dQuote{Bid.Size}, \dQuote{Ask.Price}, \dQuote{Ask.Size}, 
#' to data of one second frequency with columns \dQuote{Bid.Price}, 
#' \dQuote{Bid.Size}, \dQuote{Ask.Price}, \dQuote{Ask.Size},
#' \dQuote{Trade.Price}, and \dQuote{Volume}
#' The primary purpose of these functions is to reduce the amount of data on 
#' disk so that it will take less time to load the data into memory.
#' If there are no trades or bid/ask price updates in a given second, we will 
#' not make a row for that timestamp.  If there were no trades, but the bid or 
#' ask price changed, then we _will_ have a row but the Volume and Trade.Price 
#' will be NA.  
#' If there are multiple trades in the same second, Volume will be the sum of 
#' the volume, but only the last trade price in that second will be printed. 
#' Similarly, if there is a trade, and then later in the same second, there is 
#' a bid/ask update, the last Bid/Ask Price/Size will be used.
#' \code{alltick2sec} is used to convert the data of several files from tick to 
#' one second frequency data.
#' @param x the xts series to convert to 1 minute BATV
#' @param getdir Directory that contains tick data
#' @param savedir Directory in which to save converted data
#' @param Symbols String names of instruments to convert
#' @param overwrite TRUE/FALSE. If file already exists in savedir, should it be 
#'   overwritten?
#' @return \code{to_secBATV} returns an xts object of one second frequency.
#'   \code{alltick2sec} returns a list of files that were converted.
#' @author gsee
#' @note \code{to_secBATV} is used by the TRTH_BackFill.R script in the 
#'   inst/parser directory of the FinancialInstrument package.  These functions
#'   are specific to to data created by that script and are not intended for
#'   more general use.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getSymbols("CLU1")
#' system.time(xsec <- to_secBATV(CLU1))
#' convert.log <- alltick2sec()
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname Tick2Sec
to_secBATV <- function(x) {
    # Define Bi and As functions (copied from qmao package)
    Bi <- function(x) {
        if (has.Bid(x)) 
            return(x[, grep("Bid", colnames(x), ignore.case = TRUE)])
        stop("subscript out of bounds: no column name containing \"Bid\"")
    As <- function(x) {
        if (has.Ask(x)) 
            return(x[, grep("Ask", colnames(x), ignore.case = TRUE)])
        stop("subscript out of bounds: no column name containing \"Ask\"")
    ohlcv <- suppressWarnings(to.period(x[, 1:2], 'seconds', 1))
    ba <- x[, -c(1:2)]
    Volm <- if (!has.Vo(ohlcv)) {
        rep(NA, NROW(ohlcv)) 
    } else Vo(ohlcv)
    ClVo <- if(length(ohlcv) != 0) { ohlcv[, 4:5] } else {
        tmp <- xts(cbind(rep(NA, NROW(x)), rep(NA, NROW(x))), index(x))
        tmp[endpoints(tmp, 'seconds')]
    ClVo <- align.time(ClVo, 1)
    ba.sec <- align.time(to.period(ba, 'seconds', 1, OHLC=FALSE), 1)
    ba.sec <- na.locf(ba.sec)
    xx <- cbind(ba.sec, ClVo, all=TRUE)
    colnames(xx) <- c("Bid.Price", "Bid.Size", "Ask.Price", "Ask.Size", "Trade.Price", "Volume")

#' @rdname Tick2Sec
alltick2sec <- function(getdir = '~/TRTH/tick/', 
                        savedir = '~/TRTH/sec/', 
                        overwrite = FALSE) {
    if (!file.exists(savedir)) stop(paste("Please create savedir (", savedir, ") first", sep=""))
    Symbols <- Symbols[!Symbols %in% c("instruments.rda")]
    gsep <- if(substr(getdir, nchar(getdir), nchar(getdir)) == "/") { "" } else "/"
    ssep <- if(substr(savedir, nchar(savedir), nchar(savedir)) == "/") {""} else "/"
    foreach(s = Symbols) %dopar% {
        cat("converting ", s, ' ...\n')
        gdir <- paste(getdir, s, sep=gsep)
        if (file.exists(gdir)) {
            sdir <- paste(savedir, s, sep=ssep) 
            if (!file.exists(sdir)) dir.create(sdir) #create dir for symbol if it doesn't exist
            fls <- list.files(gdir)
            fls <- fls[!fls %in% c("Bid.Image", "Ask.Image", "Price.Image")]
            tmpenv <- new.env() 
            unname(sapply(fls, function(fl) {
                if (!file.exists(paste(sdir, fl, sep='/')) || overwrite) {
                    xsym <- try(load(paste(gdir, fl, sep="/")))
                    if (!inherits(xsym, 'try-error') && !is.null(get(xsym))) {
                        #x <- to_secBATMV(get(xsym))
                        x <- try(to_secBATV(get(xsym)), silent=TRUE)
                        if (!inherits(x, 'try-error')) {
                            assign(xsym, x, pos=tmpenv)
                            sfl <- paste(sdir, fl, sep="/")
                            save(list = xsym, file = sfl, envir = tmpenv)
                            rm(xsym, pos=tmpenv)
                } else warning(paste(sdir, '/', fl, 
                    " already exists and will not be overwritten. Use overwrite=TRUE to overwrite.", sep=""))
        } else warning(paste(gdir, 'does not exist'))
R-Finance/FinancialInstrument documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:52 a.m.