
Defines functions calc_IEU

Documented in calc_IEU

#' Apply the internal-external-uncertainty (IEU) model after Thomsen et al.
#' (2007) to a given De distribution
#' Function to calculate the IEU De for a De data set.
#' This function uses the equations of Thomsen et al. (2007). The parameters a
#' and b are estimated from dose-recovery experiments.
#' @param data [RLum.Results-class] or [data.frame] (**required**):
#' for [data.frame]: two columns with De `(data[,1])` and
#' De error `(values[,2])`
#' @param a [numeric] (**required**):
#' slope
#' @param b [numeric] (**required**):
#' intercept
#' @param interval [numeric] (**required**):
#' fixed interval (e.g. 5 Gy) used for iteration of `Dbar`, from the mean to
#' Lowest.De used to create Graph.IEU `[Dbar.Fixed vs Z]`
#' @param decimal.point [numeric] (*with default*):
#' number of decimal points for rounding calculations (e.g. 2)
#' @param plot [logical] (*with default*):
#' plot output
#' @param ... further arguments (`trace, verbose`).
#' @return
#' Returns a plot (*optional*) and terminal output. In addition an
#' [RLum.Results-class] object is returned containing the
#' following elements:
#' \item{.$summary}{[data.frame] summary of all relevant model results.}
#' \item{.$data}{[data.frame] original input data}
#' \item{.$args}{[list] used arguments}
#' \item{.$call}{[call] the function call}
#' \item{.$tables}{[list] a list of data frames containing all calculation tables}
#' The output should be accessed using the function [get_RLum].
#' @section Function version: 0.1.1
#' @author
#' Rachel Smedley, Geography & Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University (United Kingdom) \cr
#' Based on an excel spreadsheet and accompanying macro written by Kristina Thomsen.
#' @seealso [plot], [calc_CommonDose], [calc_CentralDose], [calc_FiniteMixture],
#' [calc_FuchsLang2001], [calc_MinDose]
#' @references
#' Smedley, R.K., 2015. A new R function for the Internal External Uncertainty (IEU) model.
#' Ancient TL 33, 16-21.
#' Thomsen, K.J., Murray, A.S., Boetter-Jensen, L. & Kinahan, J.,
#' 2007. Determination of burial dose in incompletely bleached fluvial samples
#' using single grains of quartz. Radiation Measurements 42, 370-379.
#' @examples
#' ## load data
#' data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment())
#' ## apply the IEU model
#' ieu <- calc_IEU(ExampleData.DeValues$CA1, a = 0.2, b = 1.9, interval = 1)
#' @md
#' @export
calc_IEU <- function(
  decimal.point = 2,
  plot = TRUE,
) {
  on.exit(.unset_function_name(), add = TRUE)

  .validate_class(data, c("data.frame", "RLum.Results"))
  if (inherits(data, "RLum.Results")) {
    data <- get_RLum(data)

  ## ... ARGUMENTS
  extraArgs <- list(...)
  ## console output
  if ("verbose" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    verbose <- extraArgs$verbose
  } else {
    verbose <- TRUE
  # trace calculations
  if ("trace" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    trace <- extraArgs$trace
  } else {
    trace <- FALSE
  # TODO: main, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, pch, col

  empty <- NULL
  Table.Fixed.Iteration <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 9))
  colnames(data) <- c("De", "De.Error")
  data <- data[order(data$De), ]
  Mean <- mean(data$De)
  Dbar <- round(Mean, decimal.point)
  Lowest.De <- round(data$De[1], decimal.point)

  # (a) Calculate IEU at fixed intervals of Dbar starting from the Mean and
  # subtracting the interval until Dbar is < Lowest.De; this creates a plot
  N <- nrow(data)
  Rank.number <- t(c(1:N))
  De.Total.Error <- sqrt((data$De.Error^2) + (((a * Dbar) + b)^2))
  Table.Calculations <- data.frame(Rank.number = c(Rank.number),
                                   De = c(data$De),
                                   De.Total.Error = c(De.Total.Error))
  Z.top <- cumsum(Table.Calculations$De/(Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error^2))
  Z.bottom <- cumsum(1/(Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error^2))
  Z <- Z.top/Z.bottom
  Table.Calculations["Z"] <- Z

  temp <- NULL
  for (j in 1:N) {
    for (i in j) {
      Z <- Table.Calculations$Z[j]
      x <- ((Table.Calculations$De[1:i] - Z)^2)/((Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error[1:i])^2)
      y <- (sum(x))
      temp <- rbind(temp, data.frame(y))

  EXT.top <- temp
  EXT.bottom <- (Table.Calculations$Rank.number - 1) * Z.bottom
  EXT <- EXT.top/EXT.bottom
  INT <- 1/Z.bottom
  R <- sqrt(INT/EXT)
  R.Error <- (2 * (Table.Calculations$Rank.number - 1))^(-0.5)

  Table.IEU <- data.frame(Table.Calculations$Rank.number, Table.Calculations$De,
                          Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error, Table.Calculations$Z,
                          EXT.top, EXT, INT, R, R.Error)

  colnames(Table.IEU) <- c("Rank.number", "De", "De.Error", "Z", "EXT.top",
                           "EXT", "INT", "R", "R.Uncertainty")

  Unity <- Table.IEU[R >= 1, ]
  Max <- max(Unity$Rank.number, na.rm = TRUE)
  Above.Z <- Table.IEU[Max, 4]
  Above.Error <- Table.IEU[Max, 6]
  Below.Z <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 4]
  Below.Error <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 6]
  Above.R <- Table.IEU[Max, 8]
  Below.R <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 8]
  Slope <- (Above.R - Below.R)/(Above.Z - Below.Z)
  Intercept <- Above.R - (Slope * Above.Z)
  IEU.De <- round(((1 - Intercept)/Slope), decimal.point)
  IEU.Error <- max(sqrt(Above.Error), sqrt(Below.Error))
  IEU.Error <- round(IEU.Error, decimal.point)
  n <- Max + 1

  Dbar.Fixed <- Dbar - interval
  Dbar.Mean <- c(1, Dbar, Dbar.Fixed, IEU.De, IEU.Error, n, Below.R, a, b)

  repeat {
    if (Dbar.Fixed < Lowest.De) {
    } else {
      Dbar <- Dbar.Fixed
    De.Total.Error <- sqrt((data$De.Error^2) + (((a * Dbar) + b)^2))
    Table.Calculations <- data.frame(Rank.number = c(Rank.number),
                                     De = c(data$De),
                                     De.Total.Error = c(De.Total.Error))
    Z.top <- cumsum(Table.Calculations$De/(Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error^2))
    Z.bottom <- cumsum(1/(Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error^2))
    Z <- Z.top/Z.bottom
    Table.Calculations["Z"] <- Z

    temp <- NULL
    for (j in 1:N) {
      for (i in j) {
        Z <- Table.Calculations$Z[j]
        x <- ((Table.Calculations$De[1:i] - Z)^2)/((Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error[1:i])^2)
        y <- (sum(x))
        temp <- rbind(temp, data.frame(y))

    EXT.top <- temp
    EXT.bottom <- (Table.Calculations$Rank.number - 1) * Z.bottom
    EXT <- EXT.top/EXT.bottom
    INT <- 1/Z.bottom
    R <- sqrt(INT/EXT)
    R.Error <- (2 * (Table.Calculations$Rank.number - 1))^(-0.5)

    Table.IEU <- data.frame(Table.Calculations$Rank.number, Table.Calculations$De,
                            Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error, Table.Calculations$Z,
                            EXT.top, EXT, INT, R, R.Error)

    colnames(Table.IEU) <- c("Rank.number", "De", "De.Error", "Z", "EXT.top",
                             "EXT", "INT", "R", "R.Uncertainty")

    Unity <- Table.IEU[R >= 1, ]
    Max <- max(Unity$Rank.number, na.rm = TRUE)
    Above.Z <- Table.IEU[Max, 4]
    Above.Error <- Table.IEU[Max, 6]
    Below.Z <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 4]
    Below.Error <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 6]
    Above.R <- Table.IEU[Max, 8]
    Below.R <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 8]
    Slope <- (Above.R - Below.R)/(Above.Z - Below.Z)
    Intercept <- Above.R - (Slope * Above.Z)
    Zbar <- round(((1 - Intercept)/Slope), decimal.point)
    Zbar.Error <- max(sqrt(Above.Error), sqrt(Below.Error))
    Zbar.Error <- round(IEU.Error, decimal.point)
    n <- Max + 1
    Dbar.Fixed <- Dbar - interval
    Table.Fixed.Iteration <- rbind(Table.Fixed.Iteration,
                                   cbind(1, Dbar, Dbar.Fixed, Zbar, Zbar.Error,
                                         n, Below.R, a, b))

  Table.Fixed.Iteration <- rbind(Dbar.Mean, Table.Fixed.Iteration)
  colnames(Table.Fixed.Iteration) <- c(FALSE, "Dbar", "Dbar.Fixed", "Zbar",
                                       "Zbar.Error", "n", "Below.R", "a", "b")

  if (plot) {
         type = "b",
         ylab = "Zbar, weighted mean  (Gy)",
         xlab = "Dbar (Gy)",
         asp = 1/1)

    arrows(Table.Fixed.Iteration$Dbar, Table.Fixed.Iteration$Zbar + Table.Fixed.Iteration$Zbar.Error,
           Table.Fixed.Iteration$Dbar, Table.Fixed.Iteration$Zbar - Table.Fixed.Iteration$Zbar.Error,
           col = 1, angle = 90, length = 0.05, code = 3)

    abline(0, 1, untf = FALSE, lty = 3)

  # (b) Calculate Dbar by iteration from [Dbar = Lowest.De] until [IEU.De = Dbar];
  # this calculates the IEU De
  Dbar <- Lowest.De
  N <- nrow(data)
  Rank.number <- t(c(1:N))
  De.Total.Error <- sqrt((data$De.Error^2) + (((a * Dbar) + b)^2))
  Table.Calculations <- data.frame(Rank.number = c(Rank.number),
                                   De = c(data$De),
                                   De.Total.Error = c(De.Total.Error))
  Z.top <- cumsum(Table.Calculations$De/(Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error^2))
  Z.bottom <- cumsum(1/(Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error^2))
  Z <- Z.top/Z.bottom
  Table.Calculations["Z"] <- Z

  temp <- NULL
  for (j in 1:N) {
    for (i in j) {
      Z <- Table.Calculations$Z[j]
      x <- ((Table.Calculations$De[1:i] - Z)^2)/((Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error[1:i])^2)
      y <- (sum(x))
      temp <- rbind(temp, data.frame(y))

  EXT.top <- temp
  EXT.bottom <- (Table.Calculations$Rank.number - 1) * Z.bottom
  EXT <- EXT.top/EXT.bottom
  INT <- 1/Z.bottom
  R <- sqrt(INT/EXT)
  R.Error <- (2 * (Table.Calculations$Rank.number - 1))^(-0.5)

  Table.IEU <- data.frame(Table.Calculations$Rank.number, Table.Calculations$De,
                          Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error, Table.Calculations$Z,
                          EXT.top, EXT, INT, R, R.Error)

  colnames(Table.IEU) <- c("Rank.number", "De", "De.Error", "Z",
                           "EXT.top", "EXT", "INT", "R", "R.Uncertainty")

  Unity <- Table.IEU[R >= 1, ]
  Max <- max(Unity$Rank.number, na.rm = TRUE)
  Above.Z <- Table.IEU[Max, 4]
  Above.Error <- Table.IEU[Max, 6]
  Below.Z <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 4]
  Below.Error <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 6]
  Above.R <- Table.IEU[Max, 8]
  Below.R <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 8]
  Slope <- (Above.R - Below.R)/(Above.Z - Below.Z)
  Intercept <- Above.R - (Slope * Above.Z)
  IEU.De <- round(((1 - Intercept)/Slope), decimal.point)
  IEU.Error <- max(sqrt(Above.Error), sqrt(Below.Error))
  IEU.Error <- round(IEU.Error, decimal.point)
  n <- Max + 1

  repeat {
    if (IEU.De <= Dbar) {
    } else {
      Dbar <- IEU.De
    De.Total.Error <- sqrt((data$De.Error^2) + (((a * Dbar) + b)^2))
    Table.Calculations <- data.frame(Rank.number = c(Rank.number),
                                     De = c(data$De),
                                     De.Total.Error = c(De.Total.Error))
    Z.top <- cumsum(Table.Calculations$De/(Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error^2))
    Z.bottom <- cumsum(1/(Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error^2))
    Z <- round((Z.top/Z.bottom), decimal.point)
    Table.Calculations["Z"] <- Z

    temp <- NULL
    for (j in 1:N) {
      for (i in j) {
        Z <- Table.Calculations$Z[j]
        x <- ((Table.Calculations$De[1:i] - Z)^2)/((Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error[1:i])^2)
        y <- (sum(x))
        temp <- rbind(temp, data.frame(y))

    EXT.top <- temp
    EXT.bottom <- (Table.Calculations$Rank.number - 1) * Z.bottom
    EXT <- EXT.top/EXT.bottom
    INT <- 1/Z.bottom
    R <- sqrt(INT/EXT)
    R.Error <- (2 * (Table.Calculations$Rank.number - 1))^(-0.5)

    Table.IEU <- data.frame(Table.Calculations$Rank.number, Table.Calculations$De,
                            Table.Calculations$De.Total.Error, Table.Calculations$Z,
                            EXT.top, EXT, INT, R, R.Error)

    colnames(Table.IEU) <- c("Rank.number", "De", "De.Error", "Z", "EXT.top",
                             "EXT", "INT", "R", "R.Error")

    # to reduce the number of plots and increase perfomance
    # intermediate calculations are only plotted when trace = TRUE
    if (plot && trace) {
      ymin <- min(Table.IEU$R[2:nrow(Table.IEU)] - Table.IEU$R.Error[2:nrow(Table.IEU)])
      ymax <- max(Table.IEU$R[2:nrow(Table.IEU)] + Table.IEU$R.Error[2:nrow(Table.IEU)])
      ylim <- c(ifelse(ymin > 0, 0, ymin), ymax)

      plot(Table.IEU$Z, Table.IEU$R,
           type = "b",
           ylab = expression(paste("R = [", alpha["in"], "/", alpha["ex"],"]")),
           xlab = "Z [Gy]",
           ylim = ylim)

      arrows(Table.IEU$Z, Table.IEU$R + Table.IEU$R.Error,
             Table.IEU$Z, Table.IEU$R - Table.IEU$R.Error,
             col = 1, angle = 90,
             length = 0.05, code = 3)

      abline(1, 0, untf = FALSE, lty = 3)

    Unity <- Table.IEU[R >= 1, ]
    Max <- max(Unity$Rank.number, na.rm = TRUE)
    Above.Z <- Table.IEU[Max, 4]
    Above.Error <- Table.IEU[Max, 6]
    Below.Z <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 4]
    Below.Error <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 6]
    Above.R <- Table.IEU[Max, 8]
    Below.R <- Table.IEU[Max + 1, 8]
    Slope <- (Above.R - Below.R)/(Above.Z - Below.Z)
    Intercept <- Above.R - (Slope * Above.Z)
    IEU.De <- round(((1 - Intercept)/Slope), decimal.point)
    IEU.Error <- max(sqrt(Above.Error), sqrt(Below.Error))
    IEU.Error <- round(IEU.Error, decimal.point)
    n <- Max + 1

    if (trace) {
      message(sprintf("[Iteration of Dbar] \n Dbar: %.4f \n IEU.De: %.4f \n IEU.Error: %.4f \n n: %i \n R: %.4f \n",
                      Dbar, IEU.De, IEU.Error, n, Below.R))


  # final plot
  if (plot) {
    ymin <- min(Table.IEU$R[2:nrow(Table.IEU)] - Table.IEU$R.Error[2:nrow(Table.IEU)])
    ymax <- max(Table.IEU$R[2:nrow(Table.IEU)] + Table.IEU$R.Error[2:nrow(Table.IEU)])
    ylim <- c(ifelse(ymin > 0, 0, ymin), ymax)

    plot(Table.IEU$Z, Table.IEU$R,
         type = "b",
         ylab = expression(paste("R = [", alpha["in"], "/", alpha["ex"],"]")),
         xlab = "Z [Gy]",
         ylim = ylim)

    arrows(Table.IEU$Z, Table.IEU$R + Table.IEU$R.Error,
           Table.IEU$Z, Table.IEU$R - Table.IEU$R.Error,
           col = 1, angle = 90,
           length = 0.05, code = 3)

    abline(1, 0, untf = FALSE, lty = 3)

  Table.Results <- data.frame(Dbar, IEU.De, IEU.Error, n, a, b)
  colnames(Table.Results) <- c("Dbar", "IEU.De (Gy)", "IEU.Error (Gy)",
                               "Number of De", "a", "b")

  if (verbose) {
      "\n [calc_IEU] \n\n Dbar: %.2f \n IEU.De (Gy): %.2f \n IEU.Error (Gy): %.2f Number of De: %.0f \n a: %.4f \n b: %.4f",
      Table.Results[1], Table.Results[2], Table.Results[3],
      Table.Results[4], Table.Results[5], Table.Results[6]))

  summary <- Table.Results[ ,c(-1, -5, -6)]
  colnames(summary) <- c("de", "de_err", "n")

  call <- sys.call()
  args <- list(a = a, b = b, interval = interval,
               decimal.point = decimal.point, plot = plot)

  newRLumResults.calc_IEU <- set_RLum(
    class = "RLum.Results",
    data = list(summary = summary,
                data = data,
                args = args,
                call = call,
                tables = list(
                  Table.IEUCalculations = Table.IEU,
                  Table.Fixed.Iteration = Table.Fixed.Iteration,
                  Table.IEUResults = Table.Results


R-Lum/Luminescence documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 5:49 a.m.