
Defines functions calc_OSLLxTxRatio

Documented in calc_OSLLxTxRatio

#' @title Calculate `Lx/Tx` ratio for CW-OSL curves
#' @description
#' Calculate `Lx/Tx` ratios from a given set of CW-OSL curves assuming late light
#' background subtraction.
#' @details
#' The integrity of the chosen values for the signal and background integral is
#' checked by the function; the signal integral limits have to be lower than
#' the background integral limits. If a [vector] is given as input instead
#' of a [data.frame], an artificial [data.frame] is produced. The
#' error calculation is done according to Galbraith (2002).
#' **Please note:** In cases where the calculation results in `NaN` values (for
#' example due to zero-signal, and therefore a division of 0 by 0), these `NaN`
#' values are replaced by 0.
#' **`sigmab`**
#' The default value of `sigmab` is calculated assuming the background is
#' constant and **would not** applicable when the background varies as,
#' e.g., as observed for the early light subtraction method.
#' **sig0**
#' This argument allows to add an extra component of error to the final `Lx/Tx`
#' error value. The input will be treated as factor that is multiplied with
#' the already calculated `LxTx` and the result is add up by:
#' \deqn{se(LxTx) = \sqrt(se(LxTx)^2 + (LxTx * sig0)^2)}
#' **background.count.distribution**
#' This argument allows selecting the distribution assumption that is used for
#' the error calculation. According to Galbraith (2002, 2014) the background
#' counts may be overdispersed (i.e. do not follow a Poisson distribution,
#' which is assumed for the photomultiplier counts). In that case (might be the
#' normal case) it has to be accounted for the overdispersion by estimating
#' \eqn{\sigma^2} (i.e. the overdispersion value). Therefore the relative
#' standard error is calculated as:
#' - `poisson`
#' \deqn{rse(\mu_{S}) \approx \sqrt(Y_{0} + Y_{1}/k^2)/Y_{0} - Y_{1}/k}
#' - `non-poisson`
#' \deqn{rse(\mu_{S}) \approx \sqrt(Y_{0} + Y_{1}/k^2 + \sigma^2(1+1/k))/Y_{0} - Y_{1}/k}
#' **Please note** that when using the early background subtraction method in
#' combination with the 'non-poisson' distribution argument, the corresponding `Lx/Tx` error
#' may considerably increase due to a high `sigmab` value.
#' Please check whether this is valid for your data set and  if necessary
#' consider to provide an own `sigmab` value using the corresponding argument `sigmab`.
#' @param Lx.data [RLum.Data.Curve-class] or [data.frame] (**required**):
#' requires a CW-OSL shine down curve (x = time, y = counts)
#' @param Tx.data [RLum.Data.Curve-class] or [data.frame] (*optional*):
#' requires a CW-OSL shine down curve (x = time, y = counts). If no
#' input is given the `Tx.data` will be treated as `NA` and no `Lx/Tx` ratio
#' is calculated.
#' @param signal.integral [numeric] (**required**): vector with the limits for the signal integral.
#' Can be set to `NA` than now integrals are considered and all other integrals are set to `NA` as well.
#' @param signal.integral.Tx [numeric] (*optional*):
#' vector with the limits for the signal integral for the `Tx`-curve. If nothing is provided the
#' value from `signal.integral` is used.
#' @param background.integral [numeric] (**required**):
#' vector with the bounds for the background integral.
#' Can be set to `NA` than now integrals are considered and all other integrals are set to `NA` as well.
#' @param background.integral.Tx [numeric] (*optional*):
#' vector with the limits for the background integral for the `Tx` curve.
#' If nothing is provided the value from `background.integral` is used.
#' @param background.count.distribution [character] (*with default*):
#' sets the count distribution assumed for the error calculation.
#' Possible arguments `poisson` or `non-poisson`. See details for further information
#' @param use_previousBG [logical] (*with default*):
#' If set to `TRUE` the background of the `Lx`-signal is subtracted also
#' from the `Tx`-signal. Please note that in this case separate
#' signal integral limits for the `Tx`-signal are not allowed and will be reset.
#' @param sigmab [numeric] (*optional*):
#' option to set a manual value for the overdispersion (for `LnTx` and `TnTx`),
#' used for the `Lx/Tx` error calculation. The value should be provided as
#' absolute squared count values, e.g. `sigmab = c(300,300)`.
#' **Note:** If only one value is provided this value is taken for both (`LnTx` and `TnTx`) signals.
#' @param sig0 [numeric] (*with default*):
#' allow adding an extra component of error to the final `Lx/Tx` error value
#' (e.g., instrumental error, see details).
#' @param digits [integer] (*with default*):
#' round numbers to the specified digits.
#' If digits is set to `NULL` nothing is rounded.
#' @return
#' Returns an S4 object of type [RLum.Results-class].
#' Slot `data` contains a [list] with the following structure:
#' **@data**
#' ```
#' $LxTx.table (data.frame)
#' .. $ LnLx
#' .. $ LnLx.BG
#' .. $ TnTx
#' .. $ TnTx.BG
#' .. $ Net_LnLx
#' .. $ Net_LnLx.Error
#' .. $ Net_TnTx
#' .. $ Net_TnTx.Error
#' .. $ LxTx
#' .. $ LxTx.Error
#' $ calc.parameters (list)
#' .. $ sigmab.LnTx
#' .. $ sigmab.TnTx
#' .. $ k
#' ```
#' **@info**
#' ```
#' $ call (original function call)
#' ```
#' @note
#' The results of this function have been cross-checked with the Analyst
#' (version 3.24b). Access to the results object via [get_RLum].
#' **Caution:** If you are using early light subtraction (EBG), please either provide your
#' own `sigmab` value or use `background.count.distribution = "poisson"`.
#' @section Function version: 0.8.0
#' @author
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @seealso [RLum.Data.Curve-class], [Analyse_SAR.OSLdata], [plot_GrowthCurve],
#' [analyse_SAR.CWOSL]
#' @references Duller, G., 2018. Analyst v4.57 - User Manual.
#' `https://users.aber.ac.uk/ggd`\cr
#' Galbraith, R.F., 2002. A note on the variance of a background-corrected OSL
#' count. Ancient TL, 20 (2), 49-51.
#' Galbraith, R.F., 2014. A further note on the variance of a
#' background-corrected OSL count. Ancient TL, 31 (2), 1-3.
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' ##load data
#' data(ExampleData.LxTxOSLData, envir = environment())
#' ##calculate Lx/Tx ratio
#' results <- calc_OSLLxTxRatio(
#'  Lx.data = Lx.data,
#'  Tx.data = Tx.data,
#'  signal.integral = c(1:2),
#'  background.integral = c(85:100))
#' ##get results object
#' get_RLum(results)
#' @md
#' @export
calc_OSLLxTxRatio <- function(
  Tx.data = NULL,
  signal.integral.Tx = NULL,
  background.integral.Tx = NULL,
  background.count.distribution = "non-poisson",
  use_previousBG = FALSE,
  sigmab = NULL,
  sig0 = 0,
  digits = NULL

# Test input data ---------------------------------------------------------
  ##(1) - integrity checks
    ##(a) - check data type
      stop("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] Data type of Lx and Tx data differs!",
           call. = FALSE)

    ##(b) - test if data.type is valid in general
    if(inherits(Lx.data, "RLum.Data.Curve")){
      Lx.data <- as(Lx.data, "data.frame")
      Tx.data <- as(Tx.data, "data.frame")

      ##go further
      if((is(Lx.data)[1] != "data.frame" &
          is(Lx.data)[1] != "numeric") &
         is(Lx.data)[1] != "matrix"){
        stop("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] Data type error! Required types are data.frame or numeric vector.", call. = FALSE)

    ##(c) - convert vector to data.frame if necessary
    if(is(Lx.data)[1] != "data.frame" &
       is(Lx.data)[1] != "matrix"){
      Lx.data <- data.frame(x = 1:length(Lx.data), y = Lx.data)
      Tx.data <- data.frame(x = 1:length(Tx.data), y = Tx.data)

    ##(d) - check if Lx and Tx curves have the same channel length
    if(length(Lx.data[,2]) != length(Tx.data[,2]))
      stop("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] Channel numbers of Lx and Tx data differ!",
           call. = FALSE)

    Tx.data <- data.frame(x = NA,y = NA)

    ##support RLum.objects
    if(inherits(Lx.data, "RLum.Data.Curve")){
      Lx.data <- as(Lx.data, "data.frame")


    ##check for matrix
    if(is(Lx.data)[1] == "matrix"){
      Lx.data <- as.data.frame(Lx.data)


    ##no it should be a data.frame, if not, try to produce one
    if(is(Lx.data)[1]!="data.frame") {
      Lx.data <- data.frame(x = 1:length(Lx.data),y = Lx.data)

  }#endif::missing Tx.data

  # Alternate mode ----------------------------------------------------------
  if(any(is.na(c(signal.integral, background.integral)))){
    signal.integral <- background.integral <- NA
    LnLx <- sum(Lx.data[,2])
    TnTx <- sum(Tx.data[,2])

    LnLxTnTx <- data.frame(
      LnLx = LnLx,
      LnLx.BG = 0,
      TnTx = TnTx,
      TnTx.BG = 0,
      Net_LnLx = LnLx,
      Net_LnLx.Error = 0,
      Net_TnTx = TnTx,
      Net_TnTx.Error = 0,
      LxTx = LnLx/TnTx,
      LxTx.Error = 0)

      class = "RLum.Results",
      data = list(
        LxTx.table = LnLxTnTx,
        calc.parameters = NULL,
      info = list(call = sys.call())


  # Continue checks ---------------------------------------------------------
  ##(e) - check if signal integral is valid
  if(min(signal.integral) < 1 | max(signal.integral>length(Lx.data[,2]))){
    stop("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] signal.integral is not valid!", call. = FALSE)}

  ##(f) - check if background integral is valid
  if(min(background.integral)<1 | max(background.integral>length(Lx.data[,2]))){
    stop(paste("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] background.integral is not valid! Max: ",length(Lx.data[,2]),sep=""), call. = FALSE)}

  ##(g) - check if signal and background integral overlapping
    stop("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] Overlapping of 'signal.integral' and 'background.integral' is not permitted!", call. = FALSE)}

  ##(h) - similar procedure for the Tx limits

      warning("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] For option use_previousBG = TRUE independent Lx and Tx integral limits are not allowed. Integral limits of Lx used for Tx.", call. = FALSE)
      signal.integral.Tx <- signal.integral
      background.integral.Tx <- background.integral


    if(min(signal.integral.Tx) < 1 | max(signal.integral.Tx>length(Tx.data[,2]))){
      stop("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] signal.integral.Tx is not valid!", call. = FALSE)}

    if(min(background.integral.Tx)<1 | max(background.integral.Tx>length(Tx.data[,2]))){
      stop(paste("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] background.integral.Tx is not valid! Max: ",length(Tx.data[,2]),sep=""),
           call. = FALSE)}

      stop("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] Overlapping of 'signal.integral.Tx' and 'background.integral.Tx' is not permitted!",
           call. = FALSE)}

  }else if(!all(c(is.null(signal.integral.Tx),is.null(background.integral.Tx)))){
    stop("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] You have to provide both: signal.integral.Tx and background.integral.Tx!",
         call. = FALSE)

    signal.integral.Tx <- signal.integral
    background.integral.Tx <- background.integral


  ##check sigmab
  if (!is.null(sigmab)) {
      if (!is(sigmab, "numeric")) {
        stop("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] 'sigmab' has to be of type numeric.", call. = FALSE)

      if (length(sigmab) > 2) {
        stop("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] Maximum allowed vector length for 'sigmab' is 2.", call. = FALSE)

  ##(2) - read data and produce background subtracted values

  ## calculate k value - express the background as mutiple value from the number
  ## of signal integral channels, however, it can be < 1 also
  n <- length(signal.integral)
  m <- length(background.integral)
  k <- m/n
  n.Tx <- length(signal.integral.Tx)

  ##use previous BG and account for the option to set different integral limits
    m.Tx <- m

    m.Tx <- length(background.integral.Tx)


  k.Tx <- m.Tx/n.Tx

  ##LnLx (comments are corresponding variables to Galbraith, 2002)
  Lx.curve <- Lx.data[,2]
  Lx.signal <- sum(Lx.curve[signal.integral])                #Y.0
  Lx.background <- sum(Lx.curve[background.integral])        #Y.1
  Lx.background <- Lx.background*1/k                         #mu.B
  LnLx <- Lx.signal - Lx.background

  Tx.curve <- ifelse(is.na(Tx.data[,1])==FALSE, Tx.data[,2], NA)
  Tx.signal <- sum(Tx.curve[signal.integral.Tx])

  ##use previous BG
    Tx.background <- Lx.background

    Tx.background <- sum(Tx.curve[background.integral.Tx])*1/k.Tx


  TnTx <- (Tx.signal-Tx.background)

  ## calculate Lx/Tx Errors according Galbraith (2002) and the personal
  ## communication of Galbraith (2014) via e-mail
  ## Nomenclature as stated in the articles

  ## set Y.0 (sum OSL signal including the background) and
  ## Y.1 (total counts over m later channels)
  Y.0 <- Lx.signal
  Y.0_TnTx <- Tx.signal
  Y.1 <- sum(Lx.curve[background.integral])
  Y.1_TnTx <- sum(Tx.curve[background.integral.Tx])

  ##(b) estimate overdispersion (here called sigmab), see equation (4) in
  ## Galbraith (2002), Galbraith (2014)
  ## If else condition for the case that k < 2

  if(round(k,digits = 1) >= 2 & ((min(background.integral) + length(signal.integral)*(2+1)) <= length(Lx.curve))){

    ## note that m = n*k = multiple of background.integral from signal.integral
    Y.i <- vapply(0:round(k,digits=0), function(i){
    }, FUN.VALUE = vector(mode = "numeric", length = 1L))

    Y.i <- na.exclude(Y.i)
    sigmab.LnLx <- abs(var(Y.i) - mean(Y.i))  ##sigmab is denoted as sigma^2 = s.Y^2-Y.mean
    ##therefore here absolute values are given

    ## provide warning if m is < 25, as suggested by Rex Galbraith
    ## low number of degree of freedom
    if (m < 25) {
        "[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] Number of background channels for Lx < 25; error estimation might not be reliable!",
        call. = FALSE)


    sigmab.LnLx <- abs((var(Lx.curve[background.integral]) -
                          mean(Lx.curve[background.integral])) * n)


  if (round(k.Tx, digits = 1) >= 2 &
        min(background.integral.Tx) + length(signal.integral.Tx) * (2 + 1)
      ) <= length(Tx.curve))) {
    ## note that m.Tx = n.Tx*k.Tx = multiple of background.integral.Tx from signal.integral.Tx
    ## also for the TnTx signal
    Y.i_TnTx <- vapply(0:round(k.Tx, digits = 0), function(i) {
      sum(Tx.curve[(min(background.integral.Tx) + length(signal.integral.Tx) *
                        min(background.integral.Tx) + length(signal.integral.Tx) + length(signal.integral.Tx) *
    }, FUN.VALUE = vector(mode = "numeric", length = 1L))

    Y.i_TnTx <- na.exclude(Y.i_TnTx)
    sigmab.TnTx <- abs(var(Y.i_TnTx) - mean(Y.i_TnTx))

  } else{
    ## provide warning if m is < 25, as suggested by Rex Galbraith
    ## low number of degree of freedom
    if (m.Tx < 25 && use_previousBG == FALSE) {
      warning("[calc_OSLLxTxRatio()] Number of background channels for Tx < 25; error estimation might not be reliable!",
              call. = FALSE)


    sigmab.TnTx <- abs((var(Tx.curve[background.integral.Tx]) -
                          mean(Tx.curve[background.integral.Tx])) * n.Tx)

  ##account for a manually set sigmab value
  if (!is.null(sigmab)) {
      if (length(sigmab) == 2) {
        sigmab.LnLx <- sigmab[1]
        sigmab.TnTx <- sigmab[2]

        sigmab.LnLx <- sigmab[1]
        sigmab.TnTx <- sigmab[1]


  ## Calculate relative error of the background subtracted signal
  ## according to Galbraith (2002), equation (6) with changes
  ## from Galbraith (2014), equation 6
  ## Discussion with Rex Galbraith via e-mail (2014-02-27):
  ## Equation 6 is appropriate to be implemented as standard

  if(background.count.distribution == "poisson"){

    ##(c.1) estimate relative standard error for assuming a poisson distribution
    LnLx.relError <- sqrt((Y.0 + Y.1/k^2))/(Y.0-Y.1/k)        ##  rse(mu.s)
    TnTx.relError <- sqrt((Y.0_TnTx + Y.1_TnTx/k^2))/(Y.0_TnTx-Y.1_TnTx/k)


    ##(c.2) estimate relative standard error for a non-poisson distribution
    if(background.count.distribution != "non-poisson"){
      warning("Unknown method for background.count.distribution. A non-poisson distribution is assumed!", call. = FALSE)}

    LnLx.relError <- sqrt(Y.0 + Y.1/k^2 + sigmab.LnLx*(1+1/k))/
      (Y.0 - Y.1/k)
    TnTx.relError <- sqrt(Y.0_TnTx + Y.1_TnTx/k^2 + sigmab.TnTx*(1+1/k))/
      (Y.0_TnTx - Y.1_TnTx/k)


  ##calculate absolute standard error
  LnLx.Error <- abs(LnLx*LnLx.relError)
  TnTx.Error <- abs(TnTx*TnTx.relError)

    ##we do not want to have NaN values, as they are mathematically correct, but make
    ##no sense and would result in aliquots that become rejected later
    if(is.nan(LnLx.Error)) LnLx.Error <- 0
    if(is.nan(TnTx.Error)) TnTx.Error <- 0

  ##combine results
  LnLxTnTx <- cbind(

  ##(4) Calculate LxTx error according Galbraith (2014)

  #transform results in a data.frame
  LnLxTnTx <- as.data.frame((LnLxTnTx))

  #add col names
  colnames(LnLxTnTx)<-c("LnLx", "LnLx.BG",
                        "TnTx", "TnTx.BG",
                        "Net_LnLx", "Net_LnLx.Error",
                        "Net_TnTx", "Net_TnTx.Error")

  ##calculate Ln/Tx
  LxTx <- LnLxTnTx$Net_LnLx/LnLxTnTx$Net_TnTx

    ##set NaN
    if(is.nan(LxTx)) LxTx <- 0

  ##calculate Ln/Tx error
  LxTx.relError <- sqrt(LnLx.relError^2 + TnTx.relError^2)
  LxTx.Error <- abs(LxTx * LxTx.relError)

    ##set NaN
    if(is.nan(LxTx.Error)) LxTx.Error <- 0

    ##add an extra component of error
    LxTx.Error <- sqrt(LxTx.Error^2 + (sig0 * LxTx)^2)

  ##return combined values
  temp <- cbind(LnLxTnTx,LxTx,LxTx.Error)

  ##apply digits if wanted
    temp[1,] <- round(temp[1,], digits = digits)


  calc.parameters <- list(
    sigmab.LnLx = sigmab.LnLx,
    sigmab.TnTx = sigmab.TnTx,
    k = k)

  ##set results object
      class = "RLum.Results",
      data = list(
        LxTx.table = temp,
        calc.parameters = calc.parameters),
      info = list(call = sys.call())

R-Lum/Luminescence documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 8 a.m.