
Defines functions fit_ThermalQuenching

Documented in fit_ThermalQuenching

#' @title Fitting Thermal Quenching Data
#' @description Applying a nls-fitting to thermal quenching data.
#' @details
#' **Used equation**\cr
#' The equation used for the fitting is
#' \deqn{y = (A / (1 + C * (exp(-W / (k * x))))) + c}
#' *W* is the energy depth in eV and *C* is dimensionless constant. *A* and *c* are used to
#' adjust the curve for the given signal. *k* is the Boltzmann in eV/K and *x* is the absolute
#' temperature in K.
#' **Error estimation**\cr
#' The error estimation is done be varying the input parameters using the given uncertainties in
#' a Monte Carlo simulation. Errors are assumed to follow a normal distribution.
#' **`start_param`** \cr
#' The function allows the injection of own start parameters via the argument `start_param`. The
#' parameters needs to be provided as names list. The names are the parameters to be optimised.
#' Examples: `start_param = list(A = 1, C = 1e+5, W = 0.5, c = 0)`
#' **`method_control`** \cr
#' The following arguments can be provided via `method_control`. Please note that arguments provided
#' via `method_control` are not further tested, i.e., if the function crashes your input was probably
#' wrong.
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' **ARGUMENT** \tab **TYPE** \tab **DESCRIPTION**\cr
#' `upper` \tab named [vector] \tab sets upper fitting boundaries, if provided boundaries for all arguments
#' are required, e.g., `c(A = 0, C = 0, W = 0, c = 0)` \cr
#' `lower` \tab names [vector] \tab sets lower fitting boundaries (see `upper` for details) \cr
#' `trace`   \tab [logical] \tab enables/disables progression trace for [minpack.lm::nlsLM]\cr
#'  `weights` \tab [numeric] \tab option to provide own weights for the fitting, the length of this
#'  vector needs to be equal to the number for rows of the input `data.frame`. If set to `NULL` no weights
#'  are applied. The weights are defined by the third column of the input `data.frame`.
#' }
#' @param data [data.frame] (**required**): input data with three columns, the first column contains
#' temperature values in deg. C, columns 2 and 3 the dependent values with its error
#' @param start_param [list] (optional): option to provide own start parameters for the fitting, see
#' details
#' @param method_control [list] (optional): further options to fine tune the fitting, see details for
#' further information
#' @param n.MC [numeric] (*with default*): number of Monte Carlo runs for the error estimation. If `n.MC` is
#' `NULL` or `<=1`, the error estimation is skipped
#' @param verbose [logical] (*with default*): enables/disables terminal output
#' @param plot [logical] (*with default*): enables/disables plot output
#' @param ... further arguments that can be passed to control the plotting, support are `main`, `pch`,
#' `col_fit`, `col_points`, `lty`, `lwd`, `xlab`, `ylab`, `xlim`, `ylim`, `xaxt`
#' @return
#' The function returns numerical output and an (*optional*) plot.
#' -----------------------------------\cr
#' -----------------------------------\cr
#' **`RLum.Results`**-object
#' **slot:** **`@data`**
#' `[.. $data : data.frame]`\cr
#'  A table with all fitting parameters and the number of Monte Carlo runs used for the error estimation.
#' `[.. $fit : nls object]` \cr
#'  The nls [stats::nls] object returned by the function [minpack.lm::nlsLM]. This object
#'  can be further passed to other functions supporting an nls object (cf. details section
#'  in [stats::nls])
#' **slot:** **`@info`**
#' `[.. $call : call]`\cr
#' The original function call.
#' -----------------------------------\cr
#' -----------------------------------\cr
#' Plotted are temperature against the signal and their uncertainties.
#' The fit is shown as dashed-line (can be modified). Please note that for the fitting the absolute
#' temperature values are used but are re-calculated to deg. C for the plot.
#' @section Function version: 0.1.0
#' @author Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @references
#' Wintle, A.G., 1975. Thermal Quenching of Thermoluminescence in Quartz. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. 41, 107–113.
#' @seealso [minpack.lm::nlsLM]
#' @examples
#' ##create short example dataset
#' data <- data.frame(
#'   T = c(25, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110),
#'   V = c(0.06, 0.058, 0.052, 0.051, 0.041, 0.034, 0.035, 0.033, 0.032),
#'   V_X = c(0.012, 0.009, 0.008, 0.008, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, 0.005, 0.004))
#' ##fit
#' fit_ThermalQuenching(
#'  data = data,
#'  n.MC = NULL)
#' @md
#' @export
fit_ThermalQuenching <- function(
  start_param = list(),
  method_control = list(),
  n.MC = 100,
  verbose = TRUE,
  plot = TRUE,

  # Self-call -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if(inherits(data, "list")){

    ##get arguments
    args <- as.list(match.call())
    args[[1]] <- NULL
    args$data <- NULL

    ##run function
    results_list <- lapply(data, function(x){
       do.call(fit_ThermalQuenching, c(list(data = x),args))

    ##combine and return


  # Integrity checks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if(!inherits(data, 'data.frame')){
    stop("[fit_ThermalQuenching()] 'data' must by of type 'data.frame' or list of 'data.frames'!", call. = FALSE)

    if(nrow(data) < 1 || ncol(data) < 3)
      stop("[fit_ThermalQuenching()] 'data' is empty or has less than three columns!", call. = FALSE)

    if(ncol(data) > 3)
      warning("[fit_ThermalQuenching()] 'data' has more than 3 columns, taking only the first three!", call. = FALSE)

      warning("[fit_ThermalQuenching()] NA values in 'data' automatically removed!", call. = FALSE)

    ##this we do anyway, you never know
    data <- na.exclude(data[,1:3])

  # Prepare data --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##set formula for quenching accordingt to Wintle 1973
  ##we here add a constant, otherwise the fit will not really work
  k <- 8.6173303e-05
  f <- y ~ (A / (1 + C * (exp(-W / (k * x))))) + c

  ##set translate values in data.frame to absolute temperature
  data_raw <- data
  data[[1]] <- data[[1]] + 273.15

  ##start parameter
  start_param <- modifyList(x = list(
    A = max(data[[2]]),
    C = max(data[[1]] * 10e+5),
    W = 0.5,
    c = 0),
    val = start_param)

  ##method control
  method_control <- modifyList(
    x = list(
     lower = c(A = 0, C = 0, W = 0, c = 0),
     upper = c(A = 10 * start_param$A, C = Inf, W = 10, c = start_param$A),
     trace = FALSE,
     weights = data[[3]]
    val = method_control)

  # Fitting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##guine fitting
  fit <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
    formula = f,
    data = data.frame(x = data[[1]], y = data[[2]]),
    weights = if(is.null(method_control$weights)){
      rep(1, length(data[[2]]))
      } else {
    control = list(
      maxiter = 500,
      maxfev = 1000,
      trace = method_control$weights
    start = start_param,
    lower = method_control$lower,
    upper = method_control$upper
  ), silent = TRUE)

  ##only continue if the first fitting worked out
  if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")){

    ##reset n.MC
    if(is.null(n.MC) || n.MC < 1)
      n.MC <- 1

    ##Prepare MC runs for the fitting
    x_MC <- data[[1]]
    y_MC <- matrix(
      data = data[[2]] + rnorm(n.MC * length(x_MC)) * data[[3]],
      nrow = length(x_MC),
      ncol = n.MC)
    y_MC[y_MC < 0] <- 0

    ##run fitting
    fit_MC <- lapply(1:n.MC, function(x){
      temp <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(
        formula = f,
        data = data.frame(x = x_MC, y = y_MC[,x]),
        weights = if(is.null(method_control$weights)){
          rep(1, length(data[[2]]))
        } else {
        control = list(
          maxiter = 500,
          maxfev = 1000
        start = start_param,
        lower = method_control$lower,
        upper = method_control$upper
      ), silent = TRUE)

      ##return value
      if(inherits(temp, 'try-error')) {
      } else{

    message("[fit_ThermalQuenching()] Error: Fitting failed, NULL returned!")

  ## remove NULL (the fit was not successful)
  fit_MC <- fit_MC[!sapply(X = fit_MC, is.null)]
  n.MC <- length(fit_MC)

# Extract values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   ##(1) - extract parameters from main fit
   fit_coef <- coef(fit)
   A <- fit_coef[["A"]]
   C <- fit_coef[["C"]]
   W <- fit_coef[["W"]]
   c <- fit_coef[["c"]]

   ##(2) - extract values from MC run
   fit_coef_MC_full <- vapply(X = fit_MC, FUN = coef, FUN.VALUE = numeric(4))
   fit_coef_MC <- round(matrixStats::rowSds(fit_coef_MC_full),3)

   A_MC_X <- fit_coef_MC[1]
   C_MC_X <- fit_coef_MC[2]
   W_MC_X <- fit_coef_MC[3]
   c_MC_X <- fit_coef_MC[4]

# Terminal output -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    cat(" A = ", A, " \u00b1 ",A_MC_X,"\n")
    cat(" C = ", C, " \u00b1 ",C_MC_X,"\n")
    cat(" W = ", W, " \u00b1 ",W_MC_X, " eV\n")
    cat(" c = ", c, " \u00b1 ",c_MC_X, "\n")
    cat(" --------------------------------\n")


# Potting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if(plot) {
    ##plot settings
    plot_settings <- list(
      xlim = range(data[[1]]),
      ylim = c(min(data[[2]]) - data[[3]][which.min(data[[2]])],
               max(data[[2]]) + data[[3]][which.max(data[[2]])]),
      pch = 1,
      xaxt = "n",
      xlab = "Temperature [\u00b0C]",
      ylab = "Dependent [a.u.]",
      main = "Thermal quenching",
      lty = 2,
      col_points = "black",
      col_fit = "red",
      lwd = 1.3,
      mtext = if(n.MC == 1) "" else paste0("n.MC = ", n.MC)

    ##overwrite settings
    plot_settings <- modifyList(x = plot_settings, val = list(...))

    ##create plot window
      x = NA,
      y = NA,
      xlim = plot_settings$xlim,
      ylim = plot_settings$ylim,
      xaxt = plot_settings$xaxt,
      xlab = plot_settings$xlab,
      ylab = plot_settings$ylab,
      main = plot_settings$main

    ##add axis with correct temperature
    if(!is.null(plot_settings$xaxt) && plot_settings$xaxt == "n"){
      at <- pretty(round(axTicks(side = 1) - 273.15))
      axis(side = 1, at = at + 273.15, labels = at)


    ##reset n.MC
    if(!is.null(n.MC) && n.MC > 1){
      ##add MC curves
      for(i in 1:n.MC){
        A <- fit_coef_MC_full[1,i]
        C <- fit_coef_MC_full[2,i]
        W <- fit_coef_MC_full[3,i]
        c <- fit_coef_MC_full[4,i]
        x <- 0
        curve((A / (1 + C * (exp(-W / (k * x))))) + c, col = rgb(0,0,0,.1), add = TRUE)


    ##add points and uncertainties
    points(data[, 1:2],
           pch = plot_settings$pch,
           lwd = 2,
           col = plot_settings$col_points)
    segments(x0 = data[[1]], x1 = data[[1]],
             y0 = data[[2]] + data[[3]],
             y1 = data[[2]] - data[[3]],
             col = plot_settings$col_points

    ##add central fit
      A <- fit_coef[["A"]]
      C <- fit_coef[["C"]]
      W <- fit_coef[["W"]]
      c <- fit_coef[["c"]]

    x <- 0
    curve((A / (1 + C * (exp(
      -W / (k * x)
    )))) + c,
    lty = plot_settings$lty,
    lwd = plot_settings$lwd,
    col = plot_settings$col_fit,
    add = TRUE

    ##add mtext
    mtext(side = 3, text = plot_settings$mtext)


  # Return --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  output_df <- data.frame(
    A = A,
    A_X = A_MC_X,
    C = C,
    C_X = C_MC_X,
    W = W,
    W_X = W_MC_X,
    c = c,
    c_X = c_MC_X,
    n.MC = n.MC

  output <- set_RLum(
    class = "RLum.Results",
    data = list(
      data = output_df,
      fit = fit
    info = list(
      call = sys.call()



R-Lum/Luminescence documentation built on Sept. 22, 2024, 9:14 p.m.