
Defines functions as_parse_data valid_parse_data as.data.frame.parseData `sort.parse-data` `-.parse-data` `[.parse-data` `subset.parse-data` get_parse_data.default get_parse_data.function get_parse_data.srcref get_parse_data.srcfile get_parse_data fix_eq_assign get_srcfile

Documented in as_parse_data get_parse_data get_parse_data.function get_parse_data.srcfile get_parse_data.srcref valid_parse_data

# get_parse_data.R #####################################################
#                                                                     #
# This file is part of the R package `parsetools`.                    #
#                                                                     #
# Author: Andrew Redd                                                 #
# Copyright: 2018 The R Consortium                                    #
#                                                                     #
# LICENSE                                                             #
# ========                                                            #
# The R package `parsetools` is free software:                        #
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the     #
# GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software        #
# Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)    #
# any later version.                                                  #
#                                                                     #
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,    #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of      #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                        #
#                                                                     #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License   #
# along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.  #

.pd.expected.names <-{c( 'line1', 'col1', 'line2', 'col2', 'id'
                       , 'parent', 'token', 'terminal', 'text'

# Internal Helpers =====================================================

get_srcfile <- function(x){
    #! replicate of unexported function get_srcfile from utils.
    result <- attr(x, "srcfile")
    if (!is.null(result))
    srcref <- attr(x, "wholeSrcref")
    if (is.null(srcref)) {
        srcref <- utils::getSrcref(x)
        if (is.list(srcref) && length(srcref))
            srcref <- srcref[[length(srcref)]]
    attr(srcref, "srcfile")
    ex.file <- system.file("examples", "example.R", package="parsetools")
    exprs <- parse(ex.file, keep.source = TRUE)
    pd <- get_parse_data(exprs)

    sf <- attr(exprs, 'srcfile')
    expect_identical(get_srcfile(exprs), sf)
    attr(exprs, 'srcfile') <- NULL

    expect_identical(get_srcfile(exprs), sf)
    attr(exprs, "wholeSrcref") <- NULL

    expect_identical(get_srcfile(exprs), sf)

fix_eq_assign <-
function( pd  #< The [parse-data] to fix
    #! Fix the parents for expressions associated with EQ_ASSIGN tokens.
    # if ( R.version$major > 3
    #   || ( R.version$major == 3
    #     && R.version$minor >= 6.0 ))
    #     return (pd)

    ids <- pd[pd[['token']] == "EQ_ASSIGN", 'id']

    for(id in rev(ids)) if (!identical(token(parent(id)), 'equal_assign'))

        fam.pd <- get_children_pd(parent(id), pd, .check=FALSE)
        fam.pd <- fam.pd[order(fam.pd$id), ]
        fam.pd <- utils::head(fam.pd[fam.pd$id >= id, ], 3)

        new.id <- max(pd$id)+1L
        fam.pd$parent <- new.id

        line1   = min(fam.pd$line1)
        col1    = min(fam.pd[fam.pd$line1==line1, 'col1'])
        line2   = max(fam.pd$line2)
        col2    = max(fam.pd[fam.pd$line2==line2, 'col2'])

        pd <-
        rbind( pd[!(pd$id %in% c(fam.pd$id)), ]
             , data.frame( line1, col1
                         , line2, col2
                         , id      = new.id
                         , parent  = parent(id)
                         , token   = 'equal_assign'
                         , terminal= FALSE
                         , text    = ''
             , fam.pd
    pd[do.call(order, pd), ]
if(F){#! @testthat
    pd <- utils::getParseData(parse(text="a=1", keep.source=TRUE))
    fixed.pd <- fix_eq_assign(pd)
    expect_true('equal_assign'%in% fixed.pd$token)
    expect_true('EQ_ASSIGN'%in% fixed.pd$token)
    expect_that(sum(fixed.pd$parent==0), equals(1))
    expect_identical(fixed.pd, fix_eq_assign(fixed.pd))

    pd <- utils::getParseData(parse(text="a=1\nb<-2\nc=3\nd<<-4", keep.source=TRUE))
    fixed.pd <- fix_eq_assign(pd)
    expect_true('equal_assign'%in% fixed.pd$token)
    expect_true('EQ_ASSIGN'%in% fixed.pd$token)
    expect_that(sum(fixed.pd$parent==0), equals(4))
    expect_identical(fixed.pd, fix_eq_assign(fixed.pd))

    pd <- utils::getParseData(parse(text="a=b=1", keep.source=TRUE))
    fixed.pd <- fix_eq_assign(pd)
    expect_true('equal_assign'%in% fixed.pd$token)
    expect_true('EQ_ASSIGN'%in% fixed.pd$token)
    expect_that(sum(fixed.pd$parent==0), equals(1))
    expect_identical(fixed.pd, fix_eq_assign(fixed.pd))

# get_parse_data =======================================================
#' @aliases parse-data
#' @title Parse Data
#' @param x     an object to get parse-data from.
#' @param ...   options for specific type of objects.
#' @description
#' Parsing data is at the core of parse tools and thus at the core
#' of the documentation package. The \code{get_parse_data} function is
#' essentially a customized version of `<getParseData>` that will return
#' a cleaned up version of the parse data for a variety of objects.
#' This version also fails less often, even reparsing text when
#' needed.
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/example-get_parse_data.R
get_parse_data <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("get_parse_data")
    text <- "    my_function <- function(object #< An object to do something with
        #' A title
        #' A Description
        print(\"It Works!\")
        #< A return value.
    source(textConnection(text), keep.source = TRUE)

    # Get parse data from a function
    (pd <- get_parse_data(my_function))
    # which must have a srcref attribute.
    # You can call the get_parse data directly on the srcref object.
    src <- utils::getSrcref(my_function)
    pd2 <- get_parse_data(src)

    identical(pd, pd2)

    # Objects must have a srcref.
    expect_error(get_parse_data(rnorm), "x does not have a valid srcref.")

#' @describeIn get_parse_data
#' @export
get_parse_data.srcfile <-
function( x
        , ...                               #< discarded
    #' @rdname get_parse_data
    stopifnot(inherits(x, 'srcfile'))
    df <-    if (!is.null(x$parseData)) as.data.frame.parseData(x$parseData, x, ...)
        else if (!is.null(x$lines    ) && length(x$lines) ) utils::getParseData(parse(text=x$lines, keep.source=TRUE), ...)
        else if (!is.null(x$filename ) && x$filename != "") utils::getParseData(parse(x$filename  , keep.source=TRUE), ...)
        else stop("could not retrieve parse-data for ", deparse(substitute(x)))
    structure(as_parse_data(df), srcfile = x)
    text <- "    my_function <- function(object #< An object to do something with
        #' A title
        #' A Description
        print(\"It Works!\")
        #< A return value.
    tmp <- tempfile()
    writeLines(text, tmp)

    source(tmp, keep.source = TRUE)

    srcref  <- utils::getSrcref(my_function)
    srcfile <- attr(srcref, 'srcfile')
    expect_equal(srcfile$filename, tmp)
    expect_is(srcfile$parseData, 'parseData')
    pd <- get_parse_data.srcfile(srcfile)
    expect_is(pd, 'parse-data', info = "srcfile with parseData")
    expect_identical(attr(pd, 'srcfile'), srcfile, info='carried forward srcfile')

    remove('parseData', envir = srcfile)
    expect_is(srcfile$lines, 'character')
    pd <- get_parse_data.srcfile(srcfile)
    expect_is(pd, 'parse-data', info = "srcfile from lines")

    remove('lines', envir = srcfile)
    expect_null(srcfile$lines, 'character')
    pd <- get_parse_data.srcfile(srcfile)
    expect_is(pd, 'parse-data', info = "srcfile from file directly")

    remove('filename', envir = srcfile)
    expect_error(get_parse_data.srcfile(srcfile), "could not retrieve parse-data for srcfile")


#' @export
get_parse_data.srcref <-
function( x
        , ...                               #< passe to <getParseData>
        , ignore.groups            = TRUE
        , include.doc.comments     = TRUE
        , include.regular.comments = FALSE
    #' @rdname get_parse_data
    #' @inheritParams ascend_to_root
    #' @inheritParams get_family_pd
    stopifnot(inherits(x, 'srcref'))
    pd <- get_parse_data.srcfile(attr(x, 'srcfile'), ...)
    id <- pd_identify(pd, x)
    root <- ascend_to_root(id, pd, ignore.groups=ignore.groups)
    if  (!length(root)) return(NULL) # nocov
    structure(id = id, root=root,
    get_family_pd( root, pd
                 , include.doc.comments     = include.doc.comments
                 , include.regular.comments = include.regular.comments
    text <-{"my_function <-
        function( object #< An object to do something with
            #' A title
            #' A Description
            print('It Works!')
            #< A return value.
        another_f <- function(){}
    p <- parse(text=text, keep.source=TRUE)
    e <- new.env()
    eval(p, envir=e)
    srcref <- utils::getSrcref(e$my_function)
    srcfile <- get_srcfile(e$my_function)

    expect_is(srcref, 'srcref')
    pd <- get_parse_data.srcref(srcref)
    expect_is(pd, 'parse-data')
    expect_identical(attr(pd, 'srcfile'), srcfile)

#' @export
get_parse_data.function <-
function(x, ...){
    #' @describeIn get_parse_data Get parse information from a function.
    #'                            The function must have a [`srcref`][base::srcref].
    if (methods::isGeneric(fdef=x)) {
        default <- attr(x, 'default')
        if (is.null(default) || !is.function(default))
            stop( deparse(substitute(x))
                , " appears to be a generic, but could not find the"
                , " default method, where parse data should be found.")
        return(Recall(default, ...))
    get_parse_data.default(x, ...)
if(FALSE){#@test get_parse_data.function basic
test.text <-
"#' Roxygen Line Before
hw <-
    #' line inside
    cat(\"hello world\")
another_fun <- function(){TRUE}
eval(parse(text=test.text, keep.source=TRUE))
x <- fun <- hw
pd.regular <- get_parse_data(hw)
expect_that(pd.regular, is_a("data.frame"))
expect_that(pd.regular[1,"text"], equals("#' Roxygen Line Before"))
if(FALSE){#@test get_parse_data.function grouped
grouped.text <-
"{#' Roxygen Line Before
hw <-
    #' line inside
    cat(\"hello world\")
parsed <- parse(text=grouped.text, keep.source=TRUE)
raw.pd <- get_parse_data(parsed)
fun <- hw
pd <- get_parse_data(hw)
expect_is(pd, "parse-data")
expect_that(pd[1,"text"], equals("#' Roxygen Line Before"))
if(FALSE){#@test get_parse_data.function nested
nested.text <-{
"{# Section Block
#' Roxygen Line Before
nested <-
    #' line inside
    cat(\"hello world\")
eval(parse(text=nested.text, keep.source=TRUE))
x <- fun <- nested
pd <- get_parse_data(nested)
expect_is(pd, "data.frame")
expect_is(pd, "parse-data")

# pd <- get_parse_data(function(){})
# expect_that(pd, is_a("data.frame"))
if(FALSE){#@test get_parse_data.function S4 Generic
    # Note that testthat:::test_code will strip comments from code
    # this requires a parse & eval statement.
    p <- parse(text="setGeneric(\"my_generic\",
        function(object #< An object to do something with
            #' A title
            #' A Description
            print(\"It Works!\")
            #< A return value.
        })", keep.source=TRUE)
    expect_true(isGeneric(fdef = my_generic))
    pd <- get_parse_data(my_generic)
    expect_is(pd, 'parse-data')
if(FALSE){#@test get_parse_data.function
    p <- parse(text='setGeneric("test_generic",
            value <- standardGeneric("test_generic")
        })', keep.source=TRUE)
    expect_true(isGeneric(fdef = test_generic))
    expect_error( get_parse_data(test_generic)
                , "could not find the default method")
#' @export
get_parse_data.default <-
function( x, ...){
    #! the default get_parse_data method
    #! This extracts the [base::srcref()] and uses that to obtain the parse data.
    #! Currently I have only found srcrefs as attributes of functions.
    srcref <- utils::getSrcref(x)
    if (!is.null(srcref) && inherits(srcref, 'srcref')) {
            get_parse_data.srcref(srcref, ...)
    } else {
        srcfile <- get_srcfile(x)
        if (!is.null(srcfile))
            stop(deparse(substitute(x)), " does not have a valid srcref.")
    x <-
    exprs <- parse(text=c('x <- rnorm(10, mean=0, sd=1)'
                         ,'y <- mean(x)'
                         ), keep.source=TRUE)
    pd <- get_parse_data(exprs, keep.source=TRUE)
    expect_is(pd, 'parse-data', info = "get_parse_datwa.default with srcfile")

                , "datasets::iris does not have a valid srcref\\.")

#' @export
`subset.parse-data` <- function(x, ...)structure(NextMethod(), class=c('parse-data', 'data.frame'))
    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={
    "{# Section Block
    #' Roxygen Line Beore
    nested <-
        #' line inside
        cat(\"hello world\")
    }, keep.source=TRUE))
    expect_is(pd, 'parse-data')
    pd2 <- pd[pd$line1 > 3, ]
    expect_is(pd2, 'parse-data')
    expect_equal(min(pd2$line1), 4)

# S3 Methods ===========================================================

#' @export
`[.parse-data` <- function(x, ...){
    result <- NextMethod()
    if (inherits(result, 'data.frame'))
        structure(result, class=c('parse-data', 'data.frame'))
    pd       <- get_parse_data(parse(text='rnorm(10, mean=0, sd=1)', keep.source=TRUE))
    expect_is(pd, 'parse-data')
    expect_is(pd[pd$parent==0, ], 'parse-data')
    expect_false(methods::is(pd[pd$parent==0, 'id'], 'parse-data'))

#' @export
`-.parse-data` <- function(e1, e2){
    stopifnot( inherits(e2, 'parse-data')
             , inherits(e1, 'parse-data')
    subset(e1, !(e1$id %in% e2$id))
if(FALSE){#@test `-.parse-data`
pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={
"{# Section Block
#' Roxygen Line Beore
nested <-
    #' line inside
    cat(\"hello world\")
}, keep.source=TRUE))
comments <- nodes(all_comment_ids(pd))
expect_is(comments, 'parse-data')
clean.pd <- pd - comments

expect_is(clean.pd, 'parse-data')
expect_true(!any(comments$id %in% clean.pd$id))

#' @export
`sort.parse-data` <- function(x, decreasing=FALSE, ...){
    x[do.call(order, append(x, list(decreasing=decreasing))),]
if(FALSE){#TODO test for parse-data
    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={
        "{# Section Block
        #' Roxygen Line Beore
        nested <-
            #' line inside
            cat(\"hello world\")
    }, keep.source=TRUE))

#' @export
as.data.frame.parseData <-
function( x, ...){
    x <- t(unclass(x))
    colnames(x) <- c( "line1", "col1", "line2", "col2"
                    , "terminal", "token.num", "id", "parent"
    x <- data.frame( x[, -c(5, 6), drop = FALSE]
                   , token    = attr(x, "tokens")
                   , terminal = as.logical(x[, "terminal"])
                   , text     = attr(x, 'text')
                   , stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    o <- order(x[, 1], x[, 2], -x[, 3], -x[, 4])
    x <- x[o, ]
    rownames(x) <- x$id
    p <- parse(text={"
    my_function <- function(object #< An object to do something with
        #' A title
        #' A Description
        print(\"It Works!\")
        #< A return value.
    }"}, keep.source=TRUE)
    srcfile <- attr(p, 'srcfile')
    x <- srcfile$parseData

    df1 <- as.data.frame.parseData(x, srcfile=srcfile)

# Others ===============================================================

#' @export
valid_parse_data <-
function( df ){
    #' @rdname get_parse_data
    #' @param df a data.frame object.
    #' @description
    #' \subsection{valid_parse_data}{
    #' The \code{valid_parse_data} function tests if the object \code{df}
    #' conforms to the expected conventions of a \code{parse-data} object.
    #' Returns TRUE if valid otherwise returns the reason it is not valid.
    #' }
    if (!inherits(df, "data.frame")) return("Not a data.frame object")
    if (!all(.pd.expected.names %in% names(df))) return("names of data do not conform.")
    df <- utils::getParseData(parse(text="rnorm(10,0,1)", keep.source=TRUE))
    expect_true (valid_parse_data(df), 'parse-data')
    expect_equal(valid_parse_data(datasets::iris      ), "names of data do not conform.")
    expect_equal(valid_parse_data(stats::rnorm(10,0,1)), "Not a data.frame object")

as_parse_data <- function(df){
    #' @rdname get_parse_data
    #' @description
    #' \subsection{as_parse_data}{
    #' The \code{as_parse_data} function tests if a data frame is valid through
    #' \code{valid_parse_data} then returns the data with the comments
    #' classified, as is expected for parse-data objects.  All parse data for
    #' use with parsetools functions should be obtained either through
    #' get_parse_data or converted through as_parse_data.
    #' }
    is.valid <- valid_parse_data(df)
    if (!isTRUE(is.valid)) stop("Cannot convert to parse-data: ", is.valid)
    sort(structure( fix_eq_assign(classify_comment(df))
                  , class=c( 'parse-data', 'data.frame')
    df <- utils::getParseData(parse(text="rnorm(10,0,1)", keep.source=TRUE))
    expect_is   (as_parse_data(df), 'parse-data')
    expect_error(as_parse_data(datasets::iris), "Cannot convert to parse-data: names of data do not conform.")
    expect_error(as_parse_data(stats::rnorm(10,0,1)), "Cannot convert to parse-data: Not a data.frame object")
RDocTaskForce/parsetools documentation built on April 10, 2020, 11:58 p.m.