
test_that("get_immune_response handles bad inputs", {
    SDY269$get_immune_response(assay = "assay"),
    "`assay` is not a valid dataset"

test_that("get_immune_response returns correct format", {
  resp <- SDY269$get_immune_response()
  expect_equal(colnames(resp), c("participant_id", "response"))
  expect_type(resp$response, "double")
  expect_equal(length(unique(resp$participant_id)), nrow(resp))

test_that("get_immune_response with dichotomize returns correct format", {
  resp_dich <- SDY269$get_immune_response(dichotomize = TRUE)
  expect_equal(colnames(resp_dich), c("participant_id", "response"))
  expect_type(resp_dich$response, "logical")
  expect_equal(length(unique(resp_dich$participant_id)), nrow(resp_dich))

test_that("get_immune_response only returns correct pids", {
  demog <- SDY269$getDataset("demographics")
  pids <- demog$participant_id[1:10]
  resp <- SDY269$get_immune_response(participant_ids = pids)
  expect_equal(pids, resp$participant_id)

  # pid which is not present in assay should still show up, with NA value
  pids <- c(pids, "TEST")
  resp <- SDY269$get_immune_response(participant_ids = pids)
  expect_equal(pids, resp$participant_id)
  expect_true(is.na(resp[participant_id == "TEST", response]))

test_that("get_immune_response neut_ab_titer", {
  resp <- SDY180$get_immune_response("neut_ab_titer")
  expect_equal(colnames(resp), c("participant_id", "response"))
  expect_type(resp$response, "double")
  expect_equal(length(unique(resp$participant_id)), nrow(resp))

test_that("get_immune_response elisa", {
  resp <- SDY269$get_immune_response(assay = "elisa")
  expect_equal(colnames(resp), c("participant_id", "response"))
  expect_type(resp$response, "double")
  expect_equal(length(unique(resp$participant_id)), nrow(resp))

test_that("get_de_genes filters correctly", {
  de_genes <- SDY269$get_de_genes(timepoint = 7)

  de_genes_tiv <- SDY269$get_de_genes(timepoint = 7, cohorts = "TIV Group 2008_PBMC")
  de_genes_laiv <- SDY269$get_de_genes(timepoint = 7, cohorts = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC")

  expect_gt(length(de_genes), length(de_genes_tiv))
  expect_equal(de_genes, union(de_genes_tiv, de_genes_laiv))

test_that("get_de_genes handles bad inputs", {
    SDY269$get_de_genes(SDY269, cohorts = "fake cohort"),
    "'fake cohort' is not a valid cohort."

    SDY269$get_de_genes(SDY269, timepoint = 9),
    "9 Days is not a valid timepoint"

test_that("get_fc_mx returns correct format", {
  get_fc_mx <- HIPCMatrix:::get_fc_mx
  # this eset has multiple entries per participant per timepoint
  eset <- SDY180$getGEMatrix(cohortType = "Study group 1 Saline_Whole blood")
  fc <- get_fc_mx(eset, timepoint = 0, timepoint_unit = "Days")
  expect_true(length(colnames(fc)) > 10000)

  fc <- get_fc_mx(eset, timepoint = 3, timepoint_unit = "Days")
  expect_true(length(colnames(fc)) > 10000)

  features <- c("SAT1", "PEAR1", "CD48")
  fc <- get_fc_mx(eset, timepoint = 0, timepoint_unit = "Days", features = features)
  expect_equal(features, colnames(fc))

  features <- c("SAT1", "PEAR1", "CD48", "FAKE_GENE")
  fc <- get_fc_mx(eset, timepoint = 0, timepoint_unit = "Days", features = features)
  expect_equal(features, colnames(fc))
  expect_true(all(is.na(fc[, "FAKE_GENE"])))

select_features <- HIPCMatrix:::select_features
test_that("select_features handles bad inputs", {
  # only one subject at selected timepoint
  FC <- rnorm(30)
  response_vector <- sample(0:6, 1)
    select_features(FC, response_vector),
    "Training cohort results in one participant at peak time point"

  # Only one gene selected
  FC <- matrix(rnorm(30), nrow = 30)
  response_vector <- sample(0:6, 30, replace = TRUE)
    select_features(FC, response_vector),
    "At least two genes are required for prediction"

  # All same responses
  FC <- matrix(rnorm(30 * 50), nrow = 30, ncol = 50)
  response_vector <- rep(1, 30)
    select_features(FC, response_vector),
    "All response calls in training cohort are the same"

  # Mismatched dimensions
  FC <- matrix(rnorm(30 * 50), nrow = 30, ncol = 50)
  response_vector <- sample(0:6, 35, replace = TRUE)
    select_features(FC, response_vector),
    "Number of observations in response_vector \\(35\\) not equal to number of rows in FC \\(30\\)"

  # data type for dichotomize
  FC <- matrix(rnorm(30 * 50), nrow = 30, ncol = 50)
  response_vector <- sample(0:6, 30, replace = TRUE)
    select_features(FC, response_vector, dichotomize = TRUE),
    "response_vector must be logical when dichotomize = TRUE"

test_that("select_features returns correct format", {
  FC <- matrix(rnorm(30 * 50), nrow = 30, ncol = 50)
  rownames(FC) <- paste0("sample", 1:30)
  colnames(FC) <- paste0("gene", 1:50)
  # Make response dependent on genes 1:10
  response_vector <- rowSums(FC[, 1:10])
  features <- select_features(FC, response_vector)
  expect_type(features, "character")
  expect_true(all(grepl("gene", features)))

  # Same but dichotomize
  response_vector <- response_vector >= 0
  features <- select_features(FC, response_vector)
  expect_type(features, "character")
  expect_true(all(grepl("gene", features)))

test_that("select_features selects fewer features than obs", {
  FC <- matrix(rnorm(5 * 50), nrow = 5, ncol = 50)
  rownames(FC) <- paste0("sample", 1:5)
  colnames(FC) <- paste0("gene", 1:50)
  # Make response dependent on genes 1:10
  response_vector <- rowSums(FC[, 1:10])
    features <- select_features(FC, response_vector),
    "You selected as many or more features"
  expect_length(features, 3)

get_fit <- HIPCMatrix:::get_fit
test_that("get_fit returns correct format", {
  FC <- matrix(rnorm(30 * 50), nrow = 30, ncol = 50)
  rownames(FC) <- paste0("sample", 1:30)
  colnames(FC) <- paste0("gene", 1:50)
  # Make response dependent on genes 1:10
  response_vector <- rowSums(FC[, 1:10])
  response_vector <- response_vector + rnorm(30)
  features <- colnames(FC)[1:10]
  fit <- get_fit(FC, response_vector, features)
  expect_s3_class(fit, "lm")
  expect_setequal(names(fit$coefficients), c("(Intercept)", features))
  # coefs should all be close to 1
  expect_gt(mean(fit$coefficients[2:length(fit$coefficients)]), 0.9)
  expect_lt(mean(fit$coefficients[2:length(fit$coefficients)]), 1.1)

  # dichotomize
  response_vector <- response_vector > 0
  # add a bit more randomness so it does not fit perfectly...
  response_sample <- sample(length(response_vector), 5)
  response_vector[response_sample] <- !response_vector[response_sample]
  fit <- get_fit(FC, response_vector, features, dichotomize = TRUE)
  expect_s3_class(fit, "glm")
  expect_setequal(names(fit$coefficients), c("(Intercept)", features))

test_that("predict_response", {
  irp_index <- SDY269$train_immune_response_predictors(
    cohorts = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
    timepoint = 3
  response <- SDY269$predict_response(
    cohort = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
    irp_index = irp_index
  expect_type(response, "double")

  # TODO: add tests for binomial response

test_that("format_predictor_table", {
  irp_index <- SDY269$train_immune_response_predictors(
    cohorts = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
    timepoint = 3
  tbl <- format_predictor_table(SDY269$get_irp(irp_index)$model)
  expect_equal(names(tbl), c("gene_symbol", "statistic", "p-value"))

  # Test weird gene names
  gene_names <- c("GENE", "GENE-2", "GENE/3", "gene.4", "gene5")
  fc <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(5 * 10),
    nrow = 10,
    ncol = 5
  colnames(fc) <- gene_names
  fc$outcome <- rowSums(fc) + rnorm(nrow(fc))
  formula <- stats::as.formula(paste0("outcome~`", paste(gene_names, collapse = "`+`"), sep = "`"))
  model <- lm(formula, fc)
  tbl <- format_predictor_table(model)
  expect_equal(tbl$gene_symbol, gene_names)

test_that("train_immune_response_predictor works", {
  irp_index <- SDY269$train_immune_response_predictors(
    cohorts = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
    timepoint = 3
  expect_true(class(irp_index) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))
  irp <- SDY269$get_irp(irp_index)
  expect_s3_class(irp, "ImmuneResponsePredictor")
  expect_equal(irp$cohorts$training, "LAIV group 2008_PBMC")

    irp_index2 <- SDY269$train_immune_response_predictors(
      cohorts = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
      timepoint = 3
    "returning model fit from cache"
  expect_equal(irp_index2, irp_index)

test_that("get_immune_response_predictor works for baseline predictor", {
  irp_index <- SDY269$train_immune_response_predictors(
    cohorts = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
    timepoint = 0
  expect_true(class(irp_index) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))
  irp <- SDY269$get_irp(irp_index)
  expect_s3_class(irp, "ImmuneResponsePredictor")
  expect_equal(irp$cohorts$training, "LAIV group 2008_PBMC")

    irp_index2 <- SDY269$train_immune_response_predictors(
      cohorts = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
      timepoint = 0
    "returning model fit from cache"
  expect_equal(irp_index2, irp_index)

test_that("get_immune_response_predictor works for elisa", {
  irp_index <- SDY269$train_immune_response_predictors(
    cohorts = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
    assay = "elisa",
    timepoint = 0
  expect_true(class(irp_index) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))
  irp <- SDY269$get_irp(irp_index)
  expect_s3_class(irp, "ImmuneResponsePredictor")
  expect_equal(irp$response$assay, "elisa")

    irp_index2 <- SDY269$train_immune_response_predictors(
      cohorts = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
      assay = "elisa",
      timepoint = 0
    "returning model fit from cache"
  expect_equal(irp_index2, irp_index)

test_that("test_immune_response_predictors returns correct format", {
  irp_index <- SDY269$train_immune_response_predictors(
    cohorts = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
    assay = "elisa",
    timepoint = 0
  test <- SDY269$test_immune_response_predictors(
    cohorts = c(
      "TIV Group 2008_PBMC",
      "LAIV group 2008_PBMC"
    irp_index = irp_index

  expect_s3_class(test, "data.table")
  expect_equal(names(test), c("participant_id", "observed", "predicted", "cohort", "set"))

  test <- SDY269$test_immune_response_predictors(
    cohorts = c(
      "TIV Group 2008_PBMC",
      "LAIV group 2008_PBMC"
    irp_index = 1
    unique(test[, .(cohort, set)]),
      cohort = c("TIV Group 2008_PBMC", "LAIV group 2008_PBMC"),
      set = c("Testing", "Training")

    SDY269$test_immune_response_predictors(cohorts = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC"),
    "irp_index not specified. Using most recent"

test_that("Full IRP workflow", {
  irp <- SDY269$run_irp(
    cohorts_train = "TIV Group 2008_PBMC",
    cohorts_test = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
    timepoint = 0

  expect_equal(irp$cohorts$training, "TIV Group 2008_PBMC")
  expect_equal(irp$cohorts$testing, "LAIV group 2008_PBMC")
  output <- capture.output(irp)
  expect_equal(output[1], "ImmuneResponsePredictor object")
  expect_match(output[2], "Predictors: \\d+ genes \\(expression at 0 Days\\)")
  expect_equal(output[3], "Response: hai")
  expect_equal(output[4], "Training: TIV Group 2008_PBMC")
  expect_equal(output[5], "Testing: LAIV group 2008_PBMC")

  # Genes in model do not appear in testing data!
  irp <- SDY269$run_irp(
    cohorts_train = "TIV Group 2008_PBMC",
    cohorts_test = "LAIV group 2008_PBMC",
    timepoint = 7,
    use_only_de_genes = FALSE

  irp <- SDY180$run_irp(
    cohorts_train = c("Study group 1 Saline_Whole blood", "Study group 1 2009-2010 Fluzone_Whole blood"),
    cohorts_test = c("Study group 2 2009-2010 Fluzone_Whole blood"),
    timepoint = 0,
    use_only_de_genes = FALSE

# test_that("run IRP return", {
#   cohorts_train <- "LAIV group 2008_PBMC"
#   cohorts_test <- "TIV Group 2008_PBMC"
#   timepoint = 7
#   assay <- "elisa"
#   fit <- SDY269$train_immune_response_predictors(cohorts_train,
#                                                  timepoint,
#                                                  assay = assay)
#   result_train <- SDY269$test_immune_response_predictors(cohorts_train,
#                                                          7,
#                                                          fit,
#                                                          assay = assay)
#   results_test <- SDY269$test_immune_response_predictors(cohorts_test,
#                                                          7,
#                                                          fit,
#                                                          assay = assay)
# })
RGLab/HIPCMatrix documentation built on Jan. 29, 2023, 5:13 a.m.