
Defines functions gstreeexperiment gs_get_cell_pop_labels sce_to_gs gs_to_sce gsexperiment

Documented in sce_to_gs

#' @importClassesFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @export
setClass("gsexperiment", contains = c("SingleCellExperiment"))

#' @export
gsexperiment <- function(gs, pop = "root"){
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame SimpleList
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @export
gs_to_sce <- function(gs, pop = "root"){
  leaf <- gs_get_leaf_nodes(gs, pop, path = "auto", showHidden = FALSE)
  sns <- sampleNames(gs)
  selist <-  lapply(sns, function(sn){
    gh <- gs[[sn]]
    cf <- gh_pop_get_data(gh, pop)
    ca <- CytoArray(cf)
    pd <- pData(parameters(cf))
    ## somehow can't coerse df to DF
    # pd$name <- as.character(pd$name)
    # pd$desc <- as.character(pd$desc)
    # as(pd, "DataFrame")
    rd <- DataFrame(#name = pd$name
                     desc = pd$desc
                    # , range = pd$range
                    # , minRange = pd$minRange
                    # , maxRange = pd$maxRange
                    , row.names = pd$name #rownames(pd)
    #label each cell with leaf nodes
    ncell <- nrow(cf)
    idx.ancestor <- gh_pop_get_indices(gh, pop)
    idx <- rep(F, ncell)
    pop.col <- rep(NA_character_, ncell)
    for(node in leaf)
      #global idx
      idx1 <- gh_pop_get_indices(gh, node)
      #convert to local
      idx1 <- idx1[idx.ancestor]
      #check if idx overlap among leaf
        stop(node, " cells overlap with other leaf nodes!")
      #label the cells with current node
      pop.col[idx1] <- node
    #convert to factor to save space
    pop.col <- factor(pop.col, levels = leaf)
    cd <- DataFrame(pop = pop.col, sample = factor(rep(sn, ncell), levels = sns))
    SingleCellExperiment(assays = SimpleList(intensity = ca), rowData = rd, colData = cd)
  #cbind samples
  se <- do.call(cbind, selist)
  as(se, "gsexperiment")

setMethod("GatingSet",c("SingleCellExperiment"),function(x, ...){
  sce_to_gs(x, ...)  

#' convert SingleCellExperiment to a GatingSet
#' note that only selected assay and rowData columns will be extracted into the GatingSet
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param assay_type select assay to use
#' @param sample select the column from colData to represent sample ID
#' @param channel select the column from rowData to represent channels
#' @param marker select the column from rowData to represent markers
#' @export
sce_to_gs <- function(sce
                      , assay_type = "intensity" # expr matrix to use
                      , sample = "sample" # the column from colData to represent sample ID
                      , channel = NA # the column from rowData to represent channels
                      , marker = NA # the column from rowData to represent markers
                      , ...) 
  if(!assay_type %in% assayNames(sce))
    stop("assay_type: ", assay_type, " doesn't exist in sce object!")
  ##parse channel and marker
  rd <- rowData(sce)
    chnls <- rownames(rd)
    chnls <- rd[[channel]]
  mkrs <- rd[[marker]]
  names(mkrs) <- chnls
  #split sce by sample col
  sn_vec <- colData(sce)[[sample]]
  cflist <- sapply(as.character(unique(sn_vec)), function(sn){
                      sce1 <- sce[, sn_vec == sn]
                      #convert assay into cytoframes
                      mat <- assays(sce1)[[assay_type]]  
                      mat <- t(mat)
                      mat <- as.matrix(mat)
                      fr <- flowFrame(mat)
                      markernames(fr) <- mkrs
                      cf <- flowFrame_to_cytoframe(fr)
                      rownames(cf) <- rownames(mat)
  cs <- cytoset(cflist)

gs_get_cell_pop_labels <- function(gs){

#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom TreeSummarizedExperiment TreeSummarizedExperiment
#' @export
gstreeexperiment <- function(gs, ancestor = "root", path = "auto"){
  path <- match.arg(path, c("auto", "full"))
  this_phylo <- gs_get_phylo(gs, ancestor, tip.label = path)
  leaves <- gs_get_leaf_nodes(gs, ancestor, path = path)
  counts <- gs_pop_get_count_fast(gs, subpopulations = leaves, path = path)
  counts <- counts %>%
    select(name, Count, Population) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = Count) %>%
  tse <- TreeSummarizedExperiment(assays = list(counts), rowTree = this_phylo, colData = pData(gs))
RGLab/cytoUtils documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 11:26 p.m.