inverseLogicleTransform: Computes the inverse of the transform defined by the...

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inverseLogicleTransformR Documentation

Computes the inverse of the transform defined by the 'logicleTransform' function or the transformList generated by 'estimateLogicle' function


inverseLogicleTransform can be use to compute the inverse of the Logicle transformation. The parameters w, t, m, a for calculating the inverse are obtained from the 'trans' input passed to the 'inverseLogicleTransform' function. (The inverseLogicleTransform method makes use of the C++ implementation of the inverse logicle transform contributed by Wayne Moore et al.)





An object of class 'transform' created using the 'logicleTransform' function or class 'transformList' created by 'estimateLogicle'. The parameters w, t, m, a for calculating the inverse are obtained from the 'trans' input passed to the 'inverseLogicleTransform' function.


A name to assigned to the inverse transformation. Used by the transform routines.


not used.


Wayne Moore, N. Gopalakrishnan


Parks D.R., Roederer M., Moore W.A.(2006) A new "logicle" display method avoids deceptive effects of logarithmic scaling for low signals and compensated data. CytometryA, 96(6):541-51.

See Also


Other Transform functions: arcsinhTransform(), biexponentialTransform(), linearTransform(), lnTransform(), logTransform(), logicleTransform(), quadraticTransform(), scaleTransform(), splitScaleTransform(), truncateTransform()


samp <- GvHD[[1]] 

#########inverse the transform object###############
logicle  <- logicleTransform(t = 10000, w = 0.5, m = 4.5 , a =0 ,"logicle")
## transform FL1-H parameter using logicle transformation
after <- transform(samp, transformList('FL1-H', logicle))

## Inverse transform the logicle transformed data to retrieve the original data
invLogicle <- inverseLogicleTransform(trans = logicle)
before <- transform (after, transformList('FL1-H', invLogicle))

#########inverse the transformList object###############
translist <- estimateLogicle(samp, c("FL1-H", "FL2-H"))
after <- transform(samp, translist)
## Inverse 
invLogicle <- inverseLogicleTransform(translist)
before <- transform (after, invLogicle)

RGLab/flowCore documentation built on March 19, 2024, 9:45 p.m.