
Defines functions landmarkMatrix

Documented in landmarkMatrix

## create matrix of landmarks by aligning modes of the data density estiamtes
## Number of modes per sample doesn't need to be the same, the algorithm will
## try to guess wich of the modes are to be aligned.
## Currently this uses k-means clustering
landmarkMatrix <- function(data, fres, parm, border=0.05, peakNr=NULL, densities=NULL, n=201,
    ## Some type-checking first
    flowCore:::checkClass(data, "flowSet")
    flowCore:::checkClass(fres, "list")
    flowCore:::checkClass(parm, "character")
    flowCore:::checkClass(border, "numeric", 1)
    ## get peaks of significant regions from curv1Filter results
    ranges <- fsApply(data, range)
    from <- min(sapply(ranges, function(z) z[1,parm]-diff(z[,parm])*0.15), na.rm=TRUE)
    to <- max(sapply(ranges, function(z) z[2,parm]+diff(z[,parm])*0.15), na.rm=TRUE)
    peaks <- list()
    regions <- list()
    eps <- .Machine$double.eps
    for(i in sampleNames(data)){
            dens <- densities
            x <- exprs(data[[i]][,parm])
            r <- ranges[[i]][,parm]
            x <- x[x>r[1]+eps & x<r[2]-eps]
            dens <- densities[,i]
            x <- NULL
        tmp <- curvPeaks(fres[[parm]][[i]], x, from=from, to=to, n=n,
                                borderQuant=border, densities=dens)
        peaks[[i]] <- tmp[["peaks"]][,"x"]
        regions[[i]] <- tmp[["regions"]]
    ## are multiple peaks reasonable?
    nrPeaks <- table(listLen(peaks))
    fnrPeaks <- as.numeric(max(names(which(nrPeaks/sum(nrPeaks) > 0.1))))
	peakNr <- min(as.numeric(names(which.max(nrPeaks)), peakNr))
    clustCenters <- if(fnrPeaks>1 && !is.null(peakNr)){
        fnrPeaks <- peakNr
        apply(matrix(unlist(peaks[(listLen(peaks)==peakNr)]), ncol=peakNr, byrow=T) ,2, mean)
    }else fnrPeaks
     resRegions <- list()
	 #Check if any peaks are detected as significant (why the 0.1 threshold above?)
        single <- which(listLen(peaks)==1)
        med <- median(unlist(peaks[single]), na.rm=TRUE)
        rmed <- apply(t(sapply(regions[single], c)), 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
        resPeaks <- numeric(length(peaks))
        resPeaks[single] <- unlist(peaks[single])
        resRegions[single] <- regions[single]
        resPeaks[-single] <- unlist(sapply(peaks[-single],
                                           function(x) x[which.min(abs(x-med))]))
        resRegions[-single] <- mapply(function(x,y) y[which.min(abs(x-med)),,drop=FALSE],
                                      y=regions[-single], SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
        resPeaks[is.na(resPeaks)] <- med
        resRegions[is.na(resPeaks)] <- matrix(rmed, ncol=2)
        names(resRegions) <- sampleNames(data)
            m <- matrix(resPeaks, ncol=1)
            attr(m, "regions") <- resRegions
            attr(m, "cdists") <- matrix(0, nrow=length(data), ncol=1,
            return(matrix(1, ncol=1, nrow=length(resPeaks),
                          dimnames=list(sampleNames(data), NULL)))
    ## cluster peaks in k cluster where k is max number of peaks for a sample
    mat <- matD <- matrix(nrow=length(peaks), ncol=fnrPeaks)
    rownames(mat) <-  rownames(matD) <- sampleNames(data)
    pvect <- unlist(peaks)
    names(pvect) <- rep(names(peaks), listLen(peaks))
    sel <- !is.na(pvect)
    km <- kmeans(pvect[sel], clustCenters)
    km$cluster <- match(km$cluster, order(km$centers))
    clusterDist <- numeric(length(km$cluster))
    for(i in seq_along(km$cluster))
        clusterDist[i] <- abs(pvect[i] - km$centers[km$cluster[i]])
    cList <- split(data.frame(cluster=km$cluster, dist=clusterDist,
                       landmark=pvect[sel], index=unlist(sapply(peaks, seq_along))[sel]),
    cList <- lapply(cList, function(x) x[order(x$dist),][1:min(nrow(x),
    ## put peaks in matrix according to clustering where row=sample and
    ## col=cluster
    for(i in rownames(mat)){
        cl <- cList[[i]]
        tmp <- matrix(NA, ncol=2, nrow=fnrPeaks)
        tmp[cl$cluster,] <- regions[[i]][cl$index,,drop=FALSE]
        resRegions[[i]] <- matrix(tmp, ncol=2)
        mat[i,cl$cluster] <- if(!indices) cl$landmark else cl$index
        matD[i,cl$cluster] <- cl$dist/diff(ranges[[1]][,parm])
    resRegions <- resRegions[rownames(mat)]
    # TODO: Somehow it is possible for a landmark column to be NA for all samples
    # and this is seed-dependent. This is a deeper bug, but for now remove these
    # problematic landmarks so they don't cause obscure errors later
    valid_landmarks <- apply(mat, 2, function(col) !all(is.na(col)))
    mat <- mat[,valid_landmarks]
    regRegions <- lapply(resRegions, function(sample_regions){
    matD <- matD[,valid_landmarks]
    attr(mat, "regions") <- resRegions
    attr(mat, "cdists") <- matD
RGLab/flowStats documentation built on July 20, 2023, 1:33 a.m.