
Defines functions .cat_line .bullet .done datapackage.skeleton datapackage_skeleton .codefile_validate

Documented in datapackage_skeleton datapackage.skeleton

#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom usethis create_package
.codefile_validate <- function(code_files) {
  # do they exist?
    code_files, file.exists
  ))), msg = "code_files do not all exist!")
  # are the .Rmd files?
  assertthat::assert_that(all(grepl(".*\\.r$", tolower(code_files)) |
    grepl(".*\\.rmd$", tolower(code_files))),
  msg = "code files are not Rmd or R files!"

#' Create a Data Package skeleton for use with DataPackageR.
#' Creates a package skeleton directory structure for use with DataPackageR.
#' Adds the DataVersion string to DESCRIPTION, creates the DATADIGEST file, and the data-raw directory.
#' Updates the Read-and-delete-me file to reflect the additional necessary steps.
#' @name datapackage_skeleton
#' @param name  \code{character} name of the package to create.
#' @rdname datapackage_skeleton
#' @param path A \code{character} path where the package is located. See \code{\link[utils]{package.skeleton}}
#' @param force \code{logical} Force the package skeleton to be recreated even if it exists. see \code{\link[utils]{package.skeleton}}
#' @param code_files Optional \code{character} vector of paths to Rmd files that process raw data
#' into R objects.
#' @param r_object_names \code{vector} of quoted r object names , tables, etc. created when the files in \code{code_files} are run.
#' @param raw_data_dir \code{character} pointing to a raw data directory. Will be moved with all its subdirectories to "inst/extdata"
#' @param dependencies \code{vector} of \code{character}, paths to R files that will be moved to "data-raw" but not included in the yaml config file. e.g., dependency scripts.
#' @returns No return value, called for side effects
#' @note renamed \code{datapackage.skeleton()} to \code{datapackage_skeleton()}.
#' @importFrom crayon bold green
#' @export
datapackage_skeleton <-
  function(name = NULL,
             path = ".",
             force = FALSE,
             code_files = character(),
             r_object_names = character(),
             raw_data_dir = character(),
             dependencies = character()) {
    if (! getOption('DataPackageR_verbose', TRUE)){
      withr::local_options(list(usethis.quiet = TRUE))
    if (is.null(name)) {
      stop("Must supply a package name", call. = FALSE)
    # if (length(r_object_names) == 0) {
    #  stop("You must specify r_object_names", call. = FALSE)
    # }
    # if (length(code_files) == 0) {
    #  stop("You must specify code_files", call. = FALSE)
    # }
    if (force) {
      unlink(file.path(path, name), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
    package_path <- usethis::create_package(
      path = file.path(path, name),
      rstudio = FALSE, open = FALSE
    # compatibility between usethis 1.4 and 1.5.
    # create the rest of the necessary elements in the package
      package_path <- file.path(path, name)
    description <-
      desc::desc(file = file.path(package_path, "DESCRIPTION"))
    description$set("DataVersion" = "0.1.0")
    description$set("Version" = "1.0")
    description$set("Package" = name)
    description$set_dep("R", "Depends", ">= 3.5.0")
    description$set("Roxygen" = "list(markdown = TRUE)")
    .done(paste0("Added DataVersion string to ", crayon::blue("'DESCRIPTION'")))

    # .done("Created data and data-raw directories")

    con <-
      file(file.path(package_path, "Read-and-delete-me"), open = "w")
        "Edit the DESCRIPTION file to reflect",
        "the contents of your package.",
        "Optionally put your raw data under",
        "'inst/extdata/'. If the datasets are large,",
        "they may reside elsewhere outside the package",
        "source tree. If you passed R and Rmd files to",
        "datapackage.skeleton, they should now appear in 'data-raw'.",
        "When you call package_build(), your datasets will",
        "be automatically documented. Edit datapackager.yml to",
        "add additional files / data objects to the package.",
        "After building, you should edit dat-raw/documentation.R",
        "to fill in dataset documentation details and rebuild.",
        "If your code relies on other packages,",
        "add those to the @import tag of the roxygen markup.",
        "The R object names you wish to make available",
        "(and document) in the package must match",
        "the roxygen @name tags and must be listed",
        "in the yml file."

    # Rather than copy, read in, modify (as needed), and write.
    # process the string
    .copy_files_to_data_raw <- function(x, obj = c("code", "dependencies")) {
      if (length(x) != 0) {
        # copy them over
        obj <- match.arg(obj, c("code", "dependencies"))
        for (y in x) {
          file.copy(y, file.path(package_path, "data-raw"), overwrite = TRUE)
          .done(paste0("Copied ", basename(y),
                       " into ", crayon::blue("'data-raw'")))

    .copy_data_to_inst_extdata <- function(x) {
      if (length(x) != 0) {
        # copy them over
        file.copy(x, file.path(package_path, "inst/extdata"),
          recursive = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE
        .done(paste0("Moved data into ", crayon::blue("'inst/extdata'")))
    .copy_files_to_data_raw(code_files, obj = "code")
    .copy_files_to_data_raw(dependencies, obj = "dependencies")

    yml <- construct_yml_config(code = code_files, data = r_object_names)
    yaml::write_yaml(yml, file = file.path(package_path, "datapackager.yml"))
    .done(paste0("configured ", crayon::blue("'datapackager.yml'"), " file"))

    oldrdfiles <-
        path = file.path(package_path, "man"),
        pattern = "Rd",
        full.names = TRUE
    file.remove(file.path(package_path, "NAMESPACE"))
    oldrdafiles <-
        path = file.path(package_path, "data"),
        pattern = "rda",
        full.names = TRUE
    oldrfiles <-
        path = file.path(package_path, "R"),
        pattern = "R",
        full.names = TRUE

#' @rdname datapackage_skeleton
#' @name datapackage.skeleton
#' @param list Not used.
#' @param environment Not used.
#' @aliases datapackage_skeleton
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(rmarkdown::pandoc_available()){
#' f <- tempdir()
#' f <- file.path(f,"foo.Rmd")
#' con <- file(f)
#' writeLines("```{r}\n tbl = data.frame(1:10) \n```\n",con=con)
#' close(con)
#' pname <- basename(tempfile())
#' datapackage_skeleton(name = pname,
#'    path = tempdir(),
#'    force = TRUE,
#'    r_object_names = "tbl",
#'    code_files = f)
#'    }
datapackage.skeleton <- function(name = NULL,
                                 list = character(),
                                 environment = .GlobalEnv,
                                 path = ".",
                                 force = FALSE,
                                 code_files = character(),
                                 r_object_names = character()) {
  warning("Please use datapackage_skeleton() instead of datapackage.skeleton()")
  proj_path <- datapackage_skeleton(
    name = name,
    path = path,
    force = force,
    code_files = code_files,
    r_object_names = r_object_names

.done <- function(...) {
  .bullet(paste0(...), bullet = crayon::green("\u2714"))

.bullet <- function(lines, bullet) {
  lines <- paste0(bullet, " ", lines)

.cat_line <- function(...) {
  if (getOption('DataPackageR_verbose', TRUE)) cat(..., "\n", sep = "")
RGLab/preprocessData documentation built on April 17, 2024, 4:43 p.m.