#' Procure an LD matrix for fine-mapping
#' Calculate and/or query linkage disequilibrium (LD) from reference panels
#' (UK Biobank, 1000 Genomes), a user-supplied pre-computed LD matrix.
#' If need be, \code{query_dat} will automatically be lifted over
#' to the genome build of the target LD panel before query is performed.
#' @param locus_dir Storage directory to use.
#' @param query_dat SNP-level summary statistics subset
#' to query the LD panel with.
#' @param force_new_LD If LD file exists, create a new one.
#' @param LD_reference LD reference to use:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"1KGphase1" : }{1000 Genomes Project Phase 1 (genome build: hg19).}
#' \item{"1KGphase3" : }{1000 Genomes Project Phase 3 (genome build: hg19).}
#' \item{"UKB" : }{Pre-computed LD from a British
#' European-decent subset of UK Biobank.
#' \emph{Genome build} : hg19}
#' \item{"<vcf_path>" : }{User-supplied path to a custom VCF file
#' to compute LD matrix from.\cr
#' \emph{Accepted formats}: \emph{.vcf} / \emph{.vcf.gz} / \emph{.vcf.bgz}\cr
#' \emph{Genome build} : defined by user with \code{target_genome}.}
#' \item{"<matrix_path>" : }{User-supplied path to a pre-computed LD matrix
#' \emph{Accepted formats}: \emph{.rds} / \emph{.rda} / \emph{.csv} /
#' \emph{.tsv} / \emph{.txt}\cr
#' \emph{Genome build} : defined by user with \code{target_genome}.}
#' }
#' @param query_genome Genome build of the \code{query_dat}.
#' @param target_genome Genome build of the LD panel.
#' This is automatically assigned to the correct genome build for each LD panel
#' except when the user supplies custom vcf/LD files.
#' @param superpopulation Superpopulation to subset LD panel by
#' (used only if \code{LD_reference} is "1KGphase1" or "1KGphase3").
#' See \link[echoLD]{popDat_1KGphase1} and \link[echoLD]{popDat_1KGphase3}
#' for full tables of their respective samples.
#' @param local_storage Storage folder for previously downloaded LD files.
#' If \code{LD_reference} is "1KGphase1" or "1KGphase3",
#' \code{local_storage} is where VCF files are stored.
#' If \code{LD_reference} is "UKB", \code{local_storage} is where
#' LD compressed numpy array (npz) files are stored.
#' Set to \code{NULL} to download VCFs/LD npz from remote storage system.
#' @param fillNA Value to fill LD matrix NAs with.
#' @param remove_tmps Remove all intermediate files
#' like \emph{vcf}, \emph{npz}, and \emph{plink} files.
#' @param as_sparse Convert the LD matrix to a sparse matrix.
#' @param leadSNP_LD_block Only return SNPs within the same LD block
#' as the lead SNP (the SNP with the smallest p-value).
#' @param force_new_LD Force new LD subset.
#' @param subset_common Subset \code{LD_matrix} and \code{dat} to only the
#' SNPs that are common to them both.
#' @inheritParams echotabix::query_vcf
#' @inheritParams downloadR::downloader
#' @inheritParams echodata::mungesumstats_to_echolocatoR
#' @returns A named list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"LD": }{Symmetric LD matrix of pairwise SNP correlations.}
#' \item{"DT": }{Standardised query data filtered to only the
#' SNPs included in both \code{query_dat} and the LD matrix.}
#' \item{"path": }{The path to where the LD matrix was saved.}
#' }
#' @family LD
#' @export
#' @importFrom echodata mungesumstats_to_echolocatoR
#' @examples
#' query_dat <- echodata::BST1[seq(1, 50), ]
#' locus_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), echodata::locus_dir)
#' LD_list <- echoLD::get_LD(
#' locus_dir = locus_dir,
#' query_dat = query_dat,
#' LD_reference = "1KGphase1")
get_LD <- function(query_dat,
standardise_colnames = FALSE,
force_new_LD = FALSE,
LD_reference = c("1KGphase1", "1KGphase3", "UKB"),
query_genome = "hg19",
target_genome = "hg19",
samples = character(0),
superpopulation = NULL,
local_storage = NULL,
leadSNP_LD_block = FALSE,
fillNA = 0,
verbose = TRUE,
remove_tmps = TRUE,
as_sparse = TRUE,
subset_common = TRUE,
download_method = "axel",
conda_env = "echoR_mini",
nThread = 1) {
# echoverseTemplate:::source_all();
# echoverseTemplate:::args2vars(echoLD:::get_LD)
LD_reference <- LD_reference[1]
LD_ref_type <- LD_reference_options(LD_reference = LD_reference,
verbose = verbose)
RDS_path <- get_rds_path(
locus_dir = locus_dir,
LD_reference = LD_reference
#### Standardise colnames ####
query_dat <- echodata::mungesumstats_to_echolocatoR(
dat = query_dat,
standardise_colnames = TRUE,
verbose = verbose)
#### Import existing LD ####
if (file.exists(RDS_path) & (isFALSE(force_new_LD))) {
LD_list <- read_LD_list(LD_path=RDS_path,
} else if (LD_ref_type=="ukb") {
#### UK Biobank ####
LD_list <- get_LD_UKB(
query_dat = query_dat,
query_genome = query_genome,
locus_dir = locus_dir,
force_new_LD = force_new_LD,
local_storage = local_storage,
download_method = download_method,
fillNA = fillNA,
return_matrix = TRUE,
as_sparse = as_sparse,
conda_env = conda_env,
remove_tmps = remove_tmps,
nThread = nThread,
verbose = verbose,
subset_common = subset_common
} else if (LD_ref_type=="1kg") {
#### 1000 Genomes ####
LD_list <- get_LD_1KG(
locus_dir = locus_dir,
query_dat = query_dat,
query_genome = query_genome,
local_storage = local_storage,
LD_reference = LD_reference,
samples = samples,
superpopulation = superpopulation,
leadSNP_LD_block = leadSNP_LD_block,
fillNA = fillNA,
as_sparse = as_sparse,
remove_tmps = remove_tmps,
conda_env = conda_env,
verbose = verbose,
subset_common = subset_common
} else if (LD_ref_type=="vcf") {
#### Custom vcf ####
LD_list <- get_LD_vcf(
locus_dir = locus_dir,
query_dat = query_dat,
LD_reference = LD_reference,
query_genome = query_genome,
target_genome = target_genome,
samples = samples,
superpopulation = superpopulation,
leadSNP_LD_block = leadSNP_LD_block,
fillNA = fillNA,
as_sparse = as_sparse,
remove_tmps = remove_tmps,
conda_env = conda_env,
verbose = verbose,
subset_common = subset_common
} else if (LD_ref_type=="matrix"){
#### Custom matrix ####
LD_list <- get_LD_matrix(locus_dir = locus_dir,
query_dat = query_dat,
LD_reference = LD_reference,
query_genome = query_genome,
target_genome = target_genome,
fillNA = fillNA,
as_sparse = as_sparse,
verbose = verbose)
load_or_create <- function(...){
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