
#' Extension for formula-based plotting
#'plotBy(log(Sepal.Length) + Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species, data=iris, fit="gam")
#'plotBy(log(Sepal.Length) + Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species, data=iris, fit="lm")
#'plotBy(log(Sepal.Length) + Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species, data=iris, how="colour")
#'plotBy(log(Sepal.Length) + Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species, data=iris, how="panel")
#'chickw <- subset(ChickWeight, !Chick %in% c("18","16"))
#'plotBy(weight ~ Time|Chick, fit="gam", data=chickw, kgam=5, linecols="black", band=F, lwd=1)
#'plotBy(weight ~ Time|Chick, type='l', data=chickw)
plotBy <- function(formula, data, how=c("colour","panel"), fit=c("none","gam","lm"), ...){
  how <- match.arg(how)
  fit <- match.arg(fit)
  # List with every component a dataframe for the left-hand variables in the formula
  e <- parse_formula(formula, data)
  for(i in 1:length(e)){
    plot_group(e[[i]],how,fit, ...) 

has_plus <- function(f){
  any(grepl("+", as.character(f), fixed=TRUE))

split_formula <- function(f){
  fc <- as.character(f)
  # Check if more than one variable on left-hand side
  p <- parse.formula(f)
    lhs <- fc[2]
    lhs_vars <- strsplit(lhs, "+", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
    l <- lapply(lhs_vars, function(x)as.formula(paste(x, "~", fc[3])))
  } else {
    l <- list(f)

parse_formula <- function(f, data){
  # list of formulas, possibly split by lhs variables (but always a list)
  l <- split_formula(f)
  # eval
  e <- lapply(l, latticeParseFormula, data=data)

plot_group <- function(x, how, fit, ...){
  if(fit != "none"){
    dat <- x[c("left","right","condition")]
    dat$condition <- dat$condition[[1]]
    dat <- as.data.frame(dat)
    plot_gam(right, left, condition, data=dat, fittype=fit, ...)
  } else {
    X <- split(x$right, x$condition[[1]])
    Y <- split(x$left, x$condition[[1]])
    if(how == "colour"){
      plot(x$right, x$left, type='n')
      for(i in 1:length(X)){
        points(X[[i]], Y[[i]], col=recycle(palette(),length(X))[i], ...)
    if(how == "panel"){
      for(i in 1:length(X)){
        plot(X[[i]], Y[[i]], col=recycle(palette(),length(X))[i], ...)
RemkoDuursma/plover documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:39 a.m.