
# Script to subset BioTIME and Living Planet Database datasets to Quebec

# load libraries

# subset Living Planet Database to Quebec only ----

# load cropping function for Atlas (from Vincent Bellavance)
# source('data-raw/crop_qc.R')
# # subset Living Planet Database (LPD) to Quebec
# lpd_qc <- lpdCropQc("LPR2020data_public.csv", dir = "data_raw/")
# # save
# saveRDS(lpd_qc, "data/LPR2020data_public_qc.RDS")

# dataset manipulation ----

lpd_qc <- readRDS("data/LPR2020data_public_qc.RDS")

# convert to long format
lpd_qc_l <- lpd_qc %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = 30:98, values_to = "obs_value", names_to = "year_obs") %>%
  # remove NAs
  mutate_at(vars(obs_value), na_if, "NULL") %>% drop_na(obs_value) %>%
  # convert classes
  mutate_at(vars(obs_value), as.numeric) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(year_obs), as.integer) %>%
  # add column to identify source of the observation
  mutate(id_datasets = "LPD") %>% 
  mutate(plot = ID) %>% # add column to identify the plot within the study (to match biotime)
  mutate(org_event = ID) %>% # this is going to function as a population ID 
  st_sf() # spatialize

# rename column names (some to match Atlas)
lpd <- rename(lpd_qc_l, 
              "scientific_name" = "Binomial",
              "common_name" = "Common_name",
              "family"= "Family",
              "system" = "System",
              "unit" = "Units",
              "methods" = "Method",
              "org_id_obs" = "ID",
              "geom" = "pts_sfc") # need to keep this for biotime

# add taxonomic group category for input selection
lpd$taxa <- NA
lpd$taxa[which(lpd$Class == "Actinopteri" | lpd$Class == "Elasmobranchii" | lpd$Class == "Myxini")] <- "poissons"
lpd$taxa[which(lpd$Class == "Mammalia")] <- "mammifères"
lpd$taxa[which(lpd$Class == "Reptilia")] <- "reptiles"
lpd$taxa[which(lpd$Class == "Aves")] <- "oiseaux"
lpd$taxa[which(lpd$Class == "Amphibia")] <- "amphibiens"

# select necessary columns
lpd_sel <- select(lpd, c(id_datasets, org_event, plot, scientific_name, 
                         common_name, year_obs, obs_value, taxa, system))

lpd_sel$intellectual_rights <- "Living Planet Database"

# save object with sf geometry
saveRDS(lpd_sel, "data/lpd_qc.RDS")

## FAKE DATA FOR TEST PURPOSES ---- to remove after the prototype ## -----------

# create data frame to fill with fake data
fake <- matrix(NA, nrow = 150, ncol = ncol(lpd_sel), 
               dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(lpd_sel))) %>%

# fill in the data frame with 5 time series of 10 years for each missing group
fake$taxa <- c(rep("amphibiens", 50), rep("oiseaux", 50), rep("reptiles", 50))
fake$system <- "Terrestrial"
fake$year_obs <- rep(2000:2009, 15)
fake[,c("id_datasets", "plot")] <- "fake"
fake[,c("scientific_name", "common_name")] <- rep(letters[1:15], each = 10)
fake$obs_value <- runif(nrow(fake), min = 1, max = 1.5)
fake$intellectual_rights <- "Fake"
fake$org_event <- paste0(fake$scientific_name, fake$plot)

# assign random coordinates from original dataset
temp <- rep(runif(15, min = 1, max = nrow(lpd_qc)), each = 10)
fake$geom <- lpd_qc$pts_sfc[temp] + c(1,2)
fake <- st_as_sf(fake, sf_column_name = "geom", crs = st_crs(lpd_sel))
# add noise to coordinates so they don't overlap
#fake <- st_jitter(fake, amount = 1)
# bind to lpd dataframe
lpd_sel_fake <- bind_rows(lpd_sel, fake)

# save object with sf geometry
saveRDS(lpd_sel_fake, "data/lpd_qc_fake.RDS")

lpd_qc_fake <- lpd_sel_fake

usethis::use_data(lpd_qc_fake, overwrite = TRUE)
ReseauBiodiversiteQuebec/tableaulpi documentation built on March 30, 2022, 1:46 p.m.