
Defines functions bs4CardLayout cardComment userBlock bs4SocialCard cardProfileItem cardProfile bs4UserDescription bs4UserCard bs4TabCard bs4InfoBox bs4ValueBox dropdownDivider cardDropdownItem cardDropdown updatebs4CardSidebar updatebs4Card bs4CardSidebar bs4CardLabel bs4Card

Documented in bs4Card bs4CardLabel bs4CardLayout bs4CardSidebar bs4InfoBox bs4SocialCard bs4TabCard bs4UserCard bs4UserDescription bs4ValueBox cardComment cardDropdown cardDropdownItem cardProfile cardProfileItem dropdownDivider updatebs4Card updatebs4CardSidebar userBlock

#' Create a Boostrap 4 card
#' Build an adminLTE3 card
#' @param ... Contents of the box.
#' @param title Optional title.
#' @param footer Optional footer text.
#' @param status The status of the item. This determines the item's background
#'   color.  Valid statuses are defined as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{primary}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#007bff")}.
#'   \item \code{secondary}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#6c757d")}.
#'   \item \code{info}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#17a2b8")}.
#'   \item \code{success}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#28a745")}.
#'   \item \code{warning}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#ffc107")}.
#'   \item \code{danger}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#dc3545")}.
#'   \item \code{gray-dark}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#343a40")}.
#'   \item \code{gray}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#adb5bd")}.
#'   \item \code{white}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#fff")}.
#'   \item \code{indigo}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#6610f2")}.
#'   \item \code{lightblue}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#3c8dbc")}.
#'   \item \code{navy}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#001f3f")}.
#'   \item \code{purple}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#605ca8")}.
#'   \item \code{fuchsia}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#f012be")}.
#'   \item \code{pink}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#e83e8c")}.
#'   \item \code{maroon}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#d81b60")}.
#'   \item \code{orange}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#ff851b")}.
#'   \item \code{lime}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#01ff70")}.
#'   \item \code{teal}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#39cccc")}.
#'   \item \code{olive}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#3d9970")}.
#' }
#' @param solidHeader Should the header be shown with a solid color background?
#' @param background If NULL (the default), the background of the box will be
#'   white. Otherwise, a color string. Valid colors are listed in
#'   \link{validColors}. See below:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{primary}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#007bff")}.
#'   \item \code{secondary}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#6c757d")}.
#'   \item \code{info}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#17a2b8")}.
#'   \item \code{success}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#28a745")}.
#'   \item \code{warning}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#ffc107")}.
#'   \item \code{danger}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#dc3545")}.
#'   \item \code{gray-dark}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#343a40")}.
#'   \item \code{gray}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#adb5bd")}.
#'   \item \code{white}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#fff")}.
#'   \item \code{indigo}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#6610f2")}.
#'   \item \code{lightblue}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#3c8dbc")}.
#'   \item \code{navy}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#001f3f")}.
#'   \item \code{purple}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#605ca8")}.
#'   \item \code{fuchsia}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#f012be")}.
#'   \item \code{pink}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#e83e8c")}.
#'   \item \code{maroon}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#d81b60")}.
#'   \item \code{orange}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#ff851b")}.
#'   \item \code{lime}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#01ff70")}.
#'   \item \code{teal}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#39cccc")}.
#'   \item \code{olive}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#3d9970")}.
#' }
#' @param width The width of the box, using the Bootstrap grid system. This is
#'   used for row-based layouts. The overall width of a region is 12, so the
#'   default card width of 6 occupies 1/2 of that width. For column-based
#'   layouts, use \code{NULL} for the width; the width is set by the column that
#'   contains the box.
#' @param height The height of a box, in pixels or other CSS unit. By default
#'   the height scales automatically with the content.
#' @param collapsible If TRUE, display a button in the upper right that allows
#'   the user to collapse the box.
#' @param collapsed If TRUE, start collapsed. This must be used with
#'   \code{collapsible=TRUE}.
#' @param closable If TRUE, display a button in the upper right that allows the user to close the box.
#' @param maximizable If TRUE, the card can be displayed in full screen mode.
#' @param icon Header icon. Displayed before title. Expect \code{\link[shiny]{icon}}.
#' @param gradient Whether to allow gradient effect for the background color. Default to FALSE.
#' @param boxToolSize Size of the toolbox: choose among "xs", "sm", "md", "lg".
#' @param elevation Card elevation.
#' @param headerBorder Whether to display a border between the header and body.
#' TRUE by default
#' @param label Slot for \link{boxLabel}.
#' @param dropdownMenu List of items in the boxtool dropdown menu. Use \link{boxDropdown}.
#' @param sidebar Slot for \link{boxSidebar}.
#' @param id Box unique id. \link{updateBox} target.
#' @rdname box
#' @family cards
#' @examples
#' # A box with label, sidebar, dropdown menu
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(bs4Dash)
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = dashboardPage(
#'       dashboardHeader(),
#'       dashboardSidebar(),
#'       dashboardBody(
#'         box(
#'           title = "Closable Box with dropdown",
#'           closable = TRUE,
#'           width = 12,
#'           status = "warning",
#'           solidHeader = FALSE,
#'           collapsible = TRUE,
#'           label = boxLabel(
#'             text = 1,
#'             status = "danger"
#'           ),
#'           dropdownMenu = boxDropdown(
#'             boxDropdownItem("Link to google", href = "https://www.google.com"),
#'             boxDropdownItem("item 2", href = "#"),
#'             dropdownDivider(),
#'             boxDropdownItem("item 3", href = "#", icon = icon("table-cells"))
#'           ),
#'           sidebar = boxSidebar(
#'             startOpen = TRUE,
#'             id = "mycardsidebar",
#'             sliderInput(
#'               "obs",
#'               "Number of observations:",
#'               min = 0,
#'               max = 1000,
#'               value = 500
#'             )
#'           ),
#'           plotOutput("distPlot")
#'         )
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {
#'       output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
#'         hist(rnorm(input$obs))
#'       })
#'     }
#'   )
#' }
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @export
bs4Card <- function(..., title = NULL, footer = NULL, status = NULL,
                    solidHeader = FALSE, background = NULL, width = 6, height = NULL,
                    collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE, closable = FALSE, maximizable = FALSE, icon = NULL,
                    gradient = FALSE, boxToolSize = "sm", elevation = NULL, headerBorder = TRUE, label = NULL, dropdownMenu = NULL,
                    sidebar = NULL, id = NULL) {

  if (is.null(status)) solidHeader <- TRUE
  # multiple validation
    title = title,
    label = label,
    sidebar = sidebar,
    dropdownMenu = dropdownMenu,
    status = status,
    gradient = gradient,
    collapsible = collapsible,
    collapsed = collapsed,
    solidHeader = solidHeader,
    background = background,
    elevation = elevation,
    width = width

  props <- dropNulls(
      title = if (!is.null(title)) {
        if (inherits(title, "list")) {
              lapply(title, function(e) {
                if (inherits(e, "shiny.tag.list") ||
                  inherits(e, "shiny.tag")) {
        } else {
      } else {
      status = status,
      solidHeader = solidHeader,
      background = background,
      width = width,
      height = height,
      collapsible = collapsible,
      closable = closable,
      maximizable = maximizable,
      gradient = gradient

  # set card class
  cardCl <- setBoxClass(

  # set style
  style <- setBoxStyle(height, sidebar)

  cardToolTag <- NULL
  # create card tools whenever necessary
  if (collapsible || closable || maximizable || 
      !is.null(dropdownMenu) || !is.null(sidebar) || !is.null(label)) {
    cardToolTag <- shiny::tags$div(class = "card-tools float-right")

  # update boxToolTag
  cardToolTag <- shiny::tagAppendChildren(

  # header
  if (is.null(title) && 
    (maximizable || closable || collapsible || 
    !is.null(dropdownMenu) || !is.null(sidebar) || !is.null(label)
  )) title <- "\u200C"

  headerTag <- shiny::tags$div(
    class = if (headerBorder) "card-header" else "card-header border-0",
    shiny::tags$h3(class = "card-title", icon, title)
  headerTag <- shiny::tagAppendChild(headerTag, cardToolTag)

  # body
  bodyTag <- shiny::tags$div(
    class = "card-body",
    style = style,

  # footer
  footerTag <- if (!is.null(footer)) {
      class = "card-footer",

  cardTag <- shiny::tags$div(class = cardCl, id = id)
  cardTag <- shiny::tagAppendChildren(cardTag, headerTag, bodyTag, footerTag)
  # wrapper
    class = if (!is.null(width)) paste0("col-sm-", width),
    # config script to be used by card input binding
      type = "application/json",
      `data-for` = id,
        x = props,
        auto_unbox = TRUE,
        json_verbatim = TRUE

#' Create a label for Boostrap 4 card
#' @param text Label text. In practice only few letters or a number.
#' @param status label color status. See \link{getAdminLTEColors}.
#' @param tooltip Label tooltip text on hover.
#' @family boxWidgets
#' @rdname boxLabel
#' @export
bs4CardLabel <- function(text, status, tooltip = NULL) {
  if (nchar(text) > 10) warning("Avoid long texts in avaCardLabel.")

    class = paste0("badge bg-", status),
    title = if (!is.null(tooltip)) tooltip,
    `data-toggle` = if (!is.null(tooltip)) "tooltip",

#' Create a sidebar for Boostrap 4 card
#' To insert in the sidebar slot of \link{box}.
#' @param ... Sidebar content.
#' @param id Unique sidebar id. Useful if you want to use \link{updateBoxSidebar}.
#' @param width Sidebar opening width in percentage. 50\% by default, 
#' means the card sidebar will take 50% of the card width, when opened. 
#' A numeric value between 25 and 100.
#' @param background Sidebar background color. Dark by default.
#' @param startOpen Whether the sidebar is open at start. FALSE by default.
#' @param icon Sidebar icon. Expect \code{\link[shiny]{icon}}.
#' @param easyClose Whether to close sidebar on click outside. Default to TRUE. 
#' @rdname boxSidebar
#' @family boxWidgets
#' @export
bs4CardSidebar <- function(..., id = NULL, width = 50, background = "#333a40",
                           startOpen = FALSE, icon = shiny::icon("gears"), 
                           easyClose = TRUE) {

  stopifnot(width >= 25 && width <= 100)
  # Toggle to insert in bs4Card
  toolbarTag <- shiny::tags$button(
    id = id,
    `data-background`= background, 
    `data-width` = width,
    `data-widget` = "chat-pane-toggle",
    `data-toggle` = "tooltip",
    `data-original-title` = "More",
    `data-start-open` = tolower(startOpen),
    `data-easy-close` = tolower(easyClose),
    type = "button",

  # sidebar content
  contentTag <- shiny::tags$div(
    style = "z-index: 1; height: inherit;",
    class = "direct-chat-contacts",
      class = "contacts-list",

  shiny::tagList(toolbarTag, contentTag)

#' Update an AdminLTE3 card from the server side
#' To update \link{box} on the server side.
#' @param id Card id.
#' @param action Action to trigger: \code{c("remove", "toggle", "toggleMaximize", "restore", "update")}.
#' @param options If action is update, a list of new options to configure the box, such as
#' \code{list(title = "new title", status = NULL, solidHeader = FALSE,
#' background = "red", width = 6, height = "200px", collapsible = FALSE, closable = FALSE)}.
#' @param session Shiny session.
#' @export
#' @rdname box
#' @examples
#' # Toggle a box on the client
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(bs4Dash)
#'   ui <- dashboardPage(
#'     dashboardHeader(),
#'     dashboardSidebar(),
#'     dashboardBody(
#'       tags$style("body { background-color: ghostwhite}"),
#'       fluidRow(
#'         actionButton("toggle_box", "Toggle Box"),
#'         actionButton("remove_box", "Remove Box", class = "bg-danger"),
#'         actionButton("restore_box", "Restore Box", class = "bg-success")
#'       ),
#'       actionButton("update_box", "Update Box", class = "bg-info"),
#'       actionButton("update_box2", "Update Box 2", class = "bg-info"),
#'       br(),
#'       br(),
#'       box(
#'         title = textOutput("box_state"),
#'         id = "mybox",
#'         status = "danger",
#'         background = "maroon",
#'         solidHeader = TRUE,
#'         gradient = TRUE,
#'         collapsible = TRUE,
#'         closable = TRUE,
#'         plotOutput("plot")
#'       )
#'     )
#'   )
#'   server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'     output$plot <- renderPlot({
#'       req(!input$mybox$collapsed)
#'       plot(rnorm(200))
#'     })
#'     output$box_state <- renderText({
#'       state <- if (input$mybox$collapsed) "collapsed" else "uncollapsed"
#'       paste("My box is", state)
#'     })
#'     observeEvent(input$toggle_box, {
#'       updateBox("mybox", action = "toggle")
#'     })
#'     observeEvent(input$remove_box, {
#'       updateBox("mybox", action = "remove")
#'     })
#'     observeEvent(input$restore_box, {
#'       updateBox("mybox", action = "restore")
#'     })
#'     observeEvent(input$mybox$visible, {
#'       collapsed <- if (input$mybox$collapsed) "collapsed" else "uncollapsed"
#'       visible <- if (input$mybox$visible) "visible" else "hidden"
#'       message <- paste("My box is", collapsed, "and", visible)
#'       showNotification(message, type = "warning", duration = 1)
#'     })
#'     observeEvent(input$update_box, {
#'       updateBox(
#'         "mybox",
#'         action = "update",
#'         options = list(
#'           title = h2("hello", dashboardBadge(1, color = "primary")),
#'           status = "warning",
#'           solidHeader = TRUE,
#'           width = 12,
#'           background = NULL,
#'           height = "900px",
#'           closable = FALSE
#'         )
#'       )
#'     })
#'     observeEvent(input$update_box2, {
#'       updateBox(
#'         "mybox",
#'         action = "update",
#'         options = list(
#'           status = NULL,
#'           solidHeader = FALSE,
#'           width = 4,
#'           background = "green",
#'           height = "500px",
#'           closable = TRUE
#'         )
#'       )
#'     })
#'   }
#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
updatebs4Card <- function(id, action = c("remove", "toggle", "toggleMaximize", "restore", "update"),
                          options = NULL, session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
  action <- match.arg(action)
  # for update, we take a list of options
  if (action == "update") {
    # handle case whare options are shiny tag or a list of tags ...
    options <- lapply(options, function(o) {
      if (inherits(o, "shiny.tag") || inherits(o, "shiny.tag.list")) {
        o <- as.character(o)
      if (inherits(o, "list")) {
        o <- unlist(
            lapply(o, function(e) {
              if (inherits(e, "shiny.tag.list") ||
                inherits(e, "shiny.tag")) {
              } else {
    message <- dropNulls(c(action = action, options = list(options)))
    session$sendInputMessage(id, message)
  } else {
    session$sendInputMessage(id, message = match.arg(action))
  session$sendInputMessage(id, action)

#' Programmatically toggle a bs4Card sidebar
#' @param id Card sidebar id.
#' @param session Shiny session object.
#' @rdname boxSidebar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Toggle a box sidebar
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(bs4Dash)
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = dashboardPage(
#'       header = dashboardHeader(),
#'       body = dashboardBody(
#'         box(
#'           title = "Update box sidebar",
#'           closable = TRUE,
#'           width = 12,
#'           height = "500px",
#'           solidHeader = FALSE,
#'           collapsible = TRUE,
#'           actionButton("update", "Toggle card sidebar"),
#'           sidebar = boxSidebar(
#'             id = "mycardsidebar",
#'             p("Sidebar Content")
#'           )
#'         )
#'       ),
#'       sidebar = dashboardSidebar()
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output, session) {
#'       observe(print(input$mycardsidebar))
#'       observeEvent(input$update, {
#'         updateBoxSidebar("mycardsidebar")
#'       })
#'     }
#'   )
#' }
updatebs4CardSidebar <- function(id, session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
  session$sendInputMessage(id, NULL)

#' Create a box dropdown item list
#' Can be used to add dropdown items to a cardtool.
#' @param ... Slot for \link{cardDropdownItem}.
#' @param icon Dropdown menu icon.
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @rdname boxDropdown
#' @family boxWidgets
#' @export
cardDropdown <- function(..., icon = shiny::icon("wrench")) {
  contentTag <- shiny::tags$div(
    class = "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right",
    role = "menu",

  # for bs4Card toolbar
  toolbarTag <- shiny::tags$div(
    class = "btn-group",
      type = "button",
      `data-toggle` = "dropdown",


#' Create a box dropdown item
#' To insert in \link{boxDropdown}.
#' @param ... Item content.
#' @param id If passed, the item will behave like an action button.
#' @param href Target url or page.
#' @param icon Optional icon. Expect \link[shiny]{icon}.
#' @rdname boxDropdown
#' @export
cardDropdownItem <- function(..., id = NULL, href = NULL, icon = NULL) {
    id = id,
    class = paste0("dropdown-item", if (!is.null(id)) " action-button"),
    href = if (!is.null(href)) href else "#",
    target = if (!is.null(href)) {

#' Create a box dropdown divider
#' @note Useful to separate 2 sections of dropdown items.
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @export
dropdownDivider <- function() {
  shiny::div(class = "dropdown-divider")

#' Boostrap 4 value box
#' A beautiful AdminLTE3 value box.
#' @param value The value to display in the box. Usually a number or short text.
#' @param subtitle Subtitle text.
#' @param icon An icon tag, created by \code{\link[shiny]{icon}}.
#' @param color The color of the item. This determines the item's background
#'   color.  Valid colors are defined as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{primary}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#007bff")}.
#'   \item \code{secondary}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#6c757d")}.
#'   \item \code{info}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#17a2b8")}.
#'   \item \code{success}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#28a745")}.
#'   \item \code{warning}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#ffc107")}.
#'   \item \code{danger}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#dc3545")}.
#'   \item \code{gray-dark}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#343a40")}.
#'   \item \code{gray}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#adb5bd")}.
#'   \item \code{white}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#fff")}.
#'   \item \code{indigo}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#6610f2")}.
#'   \item \code{lightblue}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#3c8dbc")}.
#'   \item \code{navy}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#001f3f")}.
#'   \item \code{purple}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#605ca8")}.
#'   \item \code{fuchsia}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#f012be")}.
#'   \item \code{pink}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#e83e8c")}.
#'   \item \code{maroon}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#d81b60")}.
#'   \item \code{orange}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#ff851b")}.
#'   \item \code{lime}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#01ff70")}.
#'   \item \code{teal}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#39cccc")}.
#'   \item \code{olive}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#3d9970")}.
#' }
#' @param width The width of the box, using the Bootstrap grid system. This is
#'   used for row-based layouts. The overall width of a region is 12, so the
#'   default width of 4 occupies 1/3 of that width. For column-based
#'   layouts, use \code{NULL} for the width; the width is set by the column that
#'   contains the box.
#' @param href An optional URL to link to in the footer. Should both `footer`
#'   and this parameter be set, `footer` will take precedence.
#' @param footer Optional html content for the footer of the box.
#' @param gradient Whether to use gradient style for background color. Default to FALSE.
#' @param elevation Value box elevation.
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @rdname valueBox
#' @family cards
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(bs4Dash)
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = dashboardPage(
#'       header = dashboardHeader(),
#'       sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
#'       controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
#'       footer = dashboardFooter(),
#'       title = "test",
#'       body = bs4DashBody(
#'         fluidRow(
#'           valueBox(
#'             value = 150,
#'             subtitle = "New orders",
#'             color = "primary",
#'             icon = icon("cart-shopping")
#'           ),
#'           valueBox(
#'             value = "53%",
#'             subtitle = "New orders",
#'             color = "indigo",
#'             icon = icon("gears"),
#'             footer = div("Hello World")
#'           ),
#'           valueBox(
#'             value = "44",
#'             subtitle = "User Registrations",
#'             color = "teal",
#'             icon = icon("sliders")
#'           )
#'         )
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {}
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
bs4ValueBox <- function(value, subtitle, icon = NULL, color = NULL, width = 3,
                        href = NULL, footer = NULL, gradient = FALSE, elevation = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(icon)) {
    tagAssert(icon, type = "i")

  if (is.null(color) && gradient) {
    stop("color cannot be NULL when gradient is TRUE. 
         fill cannot be TRUE when color is NULL.")

  # check conditions
  if (!is.null(width)) {
    # respect the bootstrap grid
    stopifnot(width <= 12)
    stopifnot(width >= 0)

  if (!is.null(elevation)) {
    stopifnot(elevation < 6)
    stopifnot(elevation >= 0)

  if (!is.null(footer) & !is.null(href)) {
    stop("Choose either href or footer.")

  valueBoxCl <- "small-box"
  if (!is.null(color)) {
    if (gradient) {
      valueBoxCl <- paste0(valueBoxCl, " bg-gradient-", color)
    } else {
      valueBoxCl <- paste0(valueBoxCl, " bg-", color)
  if (!is.null(elevation)) valueBoxCl <- paste0(valueBoxCl, " elevation-", elevation)

  innerTag <- shiny::tags$div(
    class = "inner",
    shiny::tags$p(class = "small-box-subtitle", subtitle)

  iconTag <- if (!is.null(icon)) {
      class = "icon",
  } else {

  footerTag <- if (!is.null(footer)) {
      class = "small-box-footer",
  } else {
    if (!is.null(href)) {
        href = href,
        target = "_blank",
        class = "small-box-footer",
        "More info",
    } else {
      shiny::tags$div(class = "small-box-footer", style = "height: 30px;")

  valueBoxTag <- shiny::tags$div(class = valueBoxCl)
  valueBoxTag <- shiny::tagAppendChildren(valueBoxTag, innerTag, iconTag, footerTag)

    class = if (!is.null(width)) paste0("col-sm-", width),

#' Boostrap 4 info box
#' A beautiful AdminLTE3 info box.
#' @param title Info box title.
#' @param value The value to display in the box. Usually a number or short text.
#' @param subtitle Any extra UI element.
#' @param icon An icon tag, created by \code{\link[shiny]{icon}}.
#' @param color A color for the box. Valid colors are defined as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{primary}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#007bff")}.
#'   \item \code{secondary}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#6c757d")}.
#'   \item \code{info}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#17a2b8")}.
#'   \item \code{success}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#28a745")}.
#'   \item \code{warning}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#ffc107")}.
#'   \item \code{danger}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#dc3545")}.
#'   \item \code{gray-dark}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#343a40")}.
#'   \item \code{gray}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#adb5bd")}.
#'   \item \code{white}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#fff")}.
#'   \item \code{indigo}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#6610f2")}.
#'   \item \code{lightblue}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#3c8dbc")}.
#'   \item \code{navy}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#001f3f")}.
#'   \item \code{purple}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#605ca8")}.
#'   \item \code{fuchsia}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#f012be")}.
#'   \item \code{pink}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#e83e8c")}.
#'   \item \code{maroon}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#d81b60")}.
#'   \item \code{orange}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#ff851b")}.
#'   \item \code{lime}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#01ff70")}.
#'   \item \code{teal}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#39cccc")}.
#'   \item \code{olive}: \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{bs4Dash:::rd_color_tag("#3d9970")}.
#' }
#' @param width The width of the box, using the Bootstrap grid system. This is
#'   used for row-based layouts. The overall width of a region is 12, so the
#'   default width of 4 occupies 1/3 of that width. For column-based
#'   layouts, use \code{NULL} for the width; the width is set by the column that
#'   contains the box.
#' @param href An optional URL to link to.
#' @param fill If FALSE (the default), use a white background for the content, and
#' the color argument for the background of the icon. If TRUE, use the color argument
#' for the background of the content; the icon will use the same color with a slightly
#' darkened background.
#' @param gradient Whether to use gradient style for background color. Default to FALSE.
#' @param elevation Box elevation.
#' @param iconElevation Icon elevation compared to the main content (relief). 3 by default.
#' @param tabName Optional: \link{infoBox} behaves like \link{menuItem} and
#' may be used to navigate between multiple \link{tabItem}.
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @rdname infoBox
#' @family cards
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(bs4Dash)
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = dashboardPage(
#'       header = dashboardHeader(),
#'       sidebar = dashboardSidebar(
#'         sidebarMenu(
#'           menuItem(
#'             text = "Item 1",
#'             tabName = "tab1"
#'           ),
#'           menuItem(
#'             text = "Item 2",
#'             tabName = "tab2"
#'           )
#'         )
#'       ),
#'       controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
#'       footer = dashboardFooter(),
#'       title = "test",
#'       body = dashboardBody(
#'         tabItems(
#'           tabItem(
#'             tabName = "tab1",
#'             fluidRow(
#'               infoBox(
#'                 title = "Messages",
#'                 value = 1410,
#'                 icon = icon("envelope"),
#'                 color = "orange",
#'                 fill = TRUE,
#'               ),
#'               infoBox(
#'                 title = "Bookmarks",
#'                 color = "info",
#'                 value = 240,
#'                 icon = icon("bookmark"),
#'                 tabName = "tab2"
#'               )
#'             )
#'           ),
#'           tabItem(
#'             tabName = "tab2",
#'             infoBox(
#'               title = "Comments",
#'               color = "indigo",
#'               gradient = TRUE,
#'               value = 41410,
#'               subtitle = "A subtitle",
#'               icon = icon("comments"),
#'               tabName = "tab1"
#'             )
#'           )
#'         )
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {}
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
bs4InfoBox <- function(title, value = NULL, subtitle = NULL, icon = shiny::icon("chart-bar"),
                       color = NULL, width = 4, href = NULL, fill = FALSE, gradient = FALSE,
                       elevation = NULL, iconElevation = NULL, tabName = NULL) {

  # check conditions
  tagAssert(icon, "i")
  if (!is.null(color)) validateStatusPlus(color)

  if (is.null(color) && (fill || gradient)) {
    stop("color cannot be NULL when gradient is TRUE. 
         fill cannot be TRUE when color is NULL.")

  if (gradient && !fill) {
    stop("gradient cannot be TRUE when fill is FALSE.")

  if (!is.null(width)) {
    # respect the bootstrap grid
    stopifnot(width <= 12)
    stopifnot(width >= 0)

  if (!is.null(elevation)) {
    stopifnot(elevation < 6)
    stopifnot(elevation >= 0)

  if (!is.null(iconElevation)) {
    stopifnot(iconElevation < 6)
    stopifnot(iconElevation >= 0)

  infoBoxCl <- "info-box"
  if (!is.null(color)) {
    if (fill) {
      if (gradient) {
        infoBoxCl <- paste0(infoBoxCl, " bg-gradient-", color)
      } else {
        infoBoxCl <- paste0(infoBoxCl, " bg-", color)

  if (!is.null(elevation)) infoBoxCl <- paste0(infoBoxCl, " elevation-", elevation)

  # icon is mandatory
  infoBoxIconCl <- "info-box-icon"
  if (!is.null(color)) {
    if (!fill) infoBoxIconCl <- paste0(infoBoxIconCl, " bg-", color)
  if (!is.null(iconElevation)) infoBoxIconCl <- paste0(infoBoxIconCl, " elevation-", iconElevation)

  iconTag <- shiny::tags$span(
    class = infoBoxIconCl,
    id = if (!is.null(tabName)) paste0("icon-", tabName),
    # icon

  contentTag <- shiny::tags$div(
    class = "info-box-content",
      class = "info-box-text",
    if (!is.null(value)) {
        class = "info-box-number",
    if (!is.null(subtitle)) shiny::p(subtitle)

  if (!is.null(href)) {
    contentTag <- shiny::a(
      href = href,
      target = "_blank",
      style = "color: inherit;"

  infoBoxTag <- shiny::tags$div(class = infoBoxCl)
  infoBoxTag <- shiny::tagAppendChildren(infoBoxTag, iconTag, contentTag)

  # handle tabName 
  infoBoxTag <- shiny::tagList(
    if (!is.null(tabName)) {
                "$(function() {
                    $('#icon-", tabName, "').on('click', function() {
                    $('#tab-", tabName, "').click();

    class = if (!is.null(width)) paste0("col-sm-", width),

#' Create a Boostrap 4 tabCard
#' Build an adminLTE3 card with tabs
#' @inheritParams bs4Card
#' @inheritParams tabsetPanel
#' @param side \link[shiny]{tabPanel} side. Either left or right.
#' @family cards
#' @rdname tabBox
#' @note User will access the \link{tabBox} input with input$<id>_box. This allows
#' to get the state of the box and update it on the server with \link{updateBox}.
#' Don't forget that the title should not be too long, especially
#' if you have more than 3 tabs and want the box to be collapsible,
#' closable and maximizable, as these elements take extra horizontal space.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(bs4Dash)
#'   menu_tab <- lapply(1:3, function(i) {
#'     tabPanel(
#'       sprintf("Menu %s", i),
#'       sprintf("Hello tab %s", i)
#'     )
#'   })
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = dashboardPage(
#'       header = dashboardHeader(),
#'       sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
#'       controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
#'       footer = dashboardFooter(),
#'       title = "tabBox",
#'       body = dashboardBody(
#'         tabBox(
#'           id = "tabcard",
#'           title = "A card with tabs",
#'           selected = "Tab 2",
#'           status = "primary",
#'           solidHeader = FALSE,
#'           type = "tabs",
#'           tabPanel(
#'             title = "Tab 1",
#'             "Content 1"
#'           ),
#'           tabPanel(
#'             title = "Tab 2",
#'             "Content 2"
#'           ),
#'           tabPanel(
#'             title = "Tab 3",
#'             "Content 3"
#'           )
#'         ),
#'         tabBox(
#'          id = "mybox2",
#'          title = "",
#'          .list = menu_tab
#'         ),
#'         selectInput(
#'         "tab",
#'         "Selected a tab",
#'         choices = paste("Menu", 1:3),
#'         "Menu 2"
#'        )
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output, session) {
#'       observeEvent(input$tab, {
#'        updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "mybox2", input$tab)
#'       })
#'     }
#'   )
#' }
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @export
bs4TabCard <- function(..., id = NULL, selected = NULL, title = NULL, width = 6,
                       height = NULL, side = c("left", "right"), type = NULL,
                       footer = NULL, status = NULL, solidHeader = FALSE, background = NULL,
                       collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE, closable = FALSE, maximizable = FALSE,
                       icon = NULL, gradient = FALSE, boxToolSize = "sm", elevation = NULL,
                       headerBorder = TRUE, label = NULL, dropdownMenu = NULL,
                       sidebar = NULL, .list = NULL) {
  side <- match.arg(side)
  if (is.null(type)) type <- "pills"
  # If the card has ribbon, we must apply more margin to the
  # title when the tabs position is left (title right side).
  body_items <- list(...)
  has_ribbon <- unlist(lapply(body_items, function(item) {
    if (item$attribs$class == "ribbon-wrapper") TRUE
  if (is.null(has_ribbon)) has_ribbon <- FALSE 

  # Build tabs
  content <- tabsetPanel(
    id = id,
    selected = selected,
    type = type,
    .list = .list

  # Re-use box function
  boxTag <- box(
    title = title,
    footer = footer,
    status = status,
    solidHeader = solidHeader,
    background = background,
    width = width,
    height = height,
    collapsible = collapsible,
    collapsed = collapsed,
    closable = closable,
    maximizable = maximizable,
    icon = icon,
    gradient = gradient,
    boxToolSize = boxToolSize,
    elevation = elevation,
    headerBorder = headerBorder,
    label = label,
    dropdownMenu = dropdownMenu,
    sidebar = sidebar,
    id = NULL

  # add card-tabs class
  boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$class <- paste0(
    if (solidHeader || type == "pills") {
      " card-tabs"
    } else {
      " card-outline-tabs"

  # change header class
  boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs$class <- paste0(
    if (type != "pills") {
      if (solidHeader) {
        " p-0 pt-1"
      } else {
        " p-0 border-bottom-0"

  # Remove title and add it to tab list
  titleTag <- boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]
  if (type == "tabs") {
    titleTag$attribs$class <- paste(
  boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]] <- NULL
  titleNavTag <- shiny::tags$li(
    class = if (side == "left") {
      if (has_ribbon) "pt-2 px-5 ml-auto" else "pt-2 px-3 ml-auto"
    } else {
      "pt-2 px-3"
  boxToolTag <- boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]
  boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]] <- NULL
  if (side == "right") {
    content$children[[1]] <- tagInsertChild(
  } else {
    content$children[[1]] <- tagInsertChild(
  # Insert box tools at the end of the list
  if (
      length(boxToolTag$children[[1]]) > 0 || 
      length(boxToolTag$children[[2]]) > 0
  ) {
    content$children[[1]] <- tagInsertChild(
      shiny::tags$li(class = if (side == "left") "ml-0" else "ml-auto", boxToolTag),

  # Insert tabs at different position in the header tag
  if (side == "right") {
    boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]] <- tagInsertChild(
  } else {
    boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]] <- tagInsertChild(

  # add custom input id. User will access the tabBox input with input$<tabset_id>_box
  boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$id <- if (!is.null(id)) paste0(id, "_box")
  boxTag$children[[2]]$attribs$`data-for` <- if (!is.null(id)) paste0(id, "_box")

#' @title AdminLTE3 widget user card
#' @description \link{userBox} creates a user card.
#' @inheritParams bs4Card
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @rdname userBox
#' @family cards
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(bs4Dash)
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = dashboardPage(
#'       header = dashboardHeader(),
#'       sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
#'       controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
#'       footer = dashboardFooter(),
#'       title = "test",
#'       body = dashboardBody(
#'         userBox(
#'           title = userDescription(
#'             title = "Nadia Carmichael",
#'             subtitle = "lead Developer",
#'             type = 2,
#'             image = "https://adminlte.io/themes/AdminLTE/dist/img/user7-128x128.jpg",
#'           ),
#'           status = "primary",
#'           gradient = TRUE,
#'           background = "primary",
#'           boxToolSize = "xl",
#'           "Some text here!",
#'           footer = "The footer here!"
#'         ),
#'         userBox(
#'           title = userDescription(
#'             title = "Alexander Pierce",
#'             subtitle = "Founder & CEO",
#'             type = 1,
#'             image = "https://adminlte.io/themes/AdminLTE/dist/img/user1-128x128.jpg",
#'           ),
#'           status = "indigo",
#'           closable = TRUE,
#'           "Some text here!",
#'           footer = "The footer here!"
#'         ),
#'         userBox(
#'           title = userDescription(
#'             title = "Elizabeth Pierce",
#'             subtitle = "Web Designer",
#'             image = "https://adminlte.io/themes/AdminLTE/dist/img/user3-128x128.jpg",
#'             backgroundImage = "https://cdn.statically.io/img/wallpaperaccess.com/full/1119564.jpg",
#'           ),
#'           status = "olive",
#'           closable = TRUE,
#'           maximizable = TRUE,
#'           "Some text here!",
#'           footer = "The footer here!"
#'         )
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {}
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
bs4UserCard <- function(..., title = NULL, footer = NULL, status = NULL,
                        background = NULL, width = 6, height = NULL,
                        collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE, closable = FALSE, maximizable = FALSE,
                        gradient = FALSE, boxToolSize = "sm", elevation = NULL, headerBorder = TRUE,
                        label = NULL, dropdownMenu = NULL, sidebar = NULL, id = NULL) {

  # userBox is built on top of the box function. The difference is the title tag
  # that is replaced by userDescription ...
  boxTag <- box(
    title = title,
    footer = footer,
    status = status,
    solidHeader = TRUE,
    background = background,
    width = width,
    height = height,
    collapsible = collapsible,
    collapsed = collapsed,
    closable = closable,
    maximizable = maximizable,
    icon = NULL,
    gradient = gradient,
    boxToolSize = boxToolSize,
    elevation = elevation,
    headerBorder = headerBorder,
    label = label,
    dropdownMenu = dropdownMenu,
    sidebar = sidebar,
    id = id
  # remove status class from box that is not necessary for userBox
  if (!is.null(status)) {
    temp_pattern <- paste0("card-", status)
    boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$class <- gsub(temp_pattern, "", boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$class) 

  # find the selected type
  type <- title[[2]]

  # specific class for userDescription
  boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$class <- paste0(boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$class, " card-widget user-card")
  if (!is.null(type)) {
    boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$class <- paste0(boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$class, " widget-user-", type)
  } else {
    boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$class <- paste0(boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$class, " widget-user")

  # Change color
  if (!is.null(status)) {
    if (gradient) {
      if (inherits(title[[1]], "shiny.tag.list")) {
        title[[1]][[1]]$attribs$class <- paste0(title[[1]][[1]]$attribs$class, " bg-gradient-", status)
      } else {
        title[[1]]$attribs$class <- paste0(title[[1]]$attribs$class, " bg-gradient-", status)
    } else {
      if (inherits(title[[1]], "shiny.tag.list")) {
        title[[1]][[1]]$attribs$class <- paste0(title[[1]][[1]]$attribs$class, " bg-", status)
      } else {
        title[[1]]$attribs$class <- paste0(title[[1]]$attribs$class, " bg-", status)

  # recover box tools
  boxTools <- boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[2]]

  # replace title tag by the user widget
  boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]] <- title[[1]]

  # inject box tools
  if (inherits(boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]], "shiny.tag.list")) {
    boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]][[1]] <- tagInsertChild(
  } else {
    boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]] <- tagInsertChild(


#' User Description
#' \link{userDescription} creates a customized title tag for \link{userBox}.
#' @param title User card title.
#' @param subtitle User card subtitle.
#' @param image User image url or path.
#' @param backgroundImage image url, if any. Background needs to be TRUE.
#' @param type User card type. Either 1 or 2. 1 corresponds to a centered user image,
#' while 2 is a left aligned user image.
#' @param imageElevation User card image elevation (numeric). NULL by default.
#' @rdname userBox
#' @export
bs4UserDescription <- function(title, subtitle = NULL, image, backgroundImage = NULL,
                               type = c(1, 2), imageElevation = NULL) {
  headerCl <- "widget-user-header"

  # if type is not explicitly provided, it will use the default value, c(1, 2).
  # Below we ensure that whenever it is the case, we only select the first element
  # by default. We also need to convert to character for match.arg
  if (length(type) == 2) {
    type <- as.character(type[1])
    type <- match.arg(type)

  # once type is assigned, if it is "1" we actually put it back to NULL since
  # the class widget-user-1 does not exist (only widget-user-2).
  if (!is.null(type)) {
    type <- as.character(type)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type == "1") type <- NULL

  headerImageTag <- shiny::tags$div(
    class = "widget-user-image",
      class = if (!is.null(imageElevation)) {
        paste0("img-circle elevation-", imageElevation)
      } else {
      src = image,
      alt = "User Avatar"

  if (!is.null(backgroundImage)) headerCl <- paste0(headerCl, " bg-black")

  userDescriptionTag <- if (is.null(type)) {
        class = headerCl,
        style = if (!is.null(backgroundImage)) {
          paste0("background: url('", backgroundImage, "') center center;")
        # title and subtitle
        shiny::tags$h3(class = "widget-user-username", title),
        if (!is.null(subtitle)) shiny::tags$h5(class = "widget-user-desc", subtitle)
  } else {
      class = headerCl,
      style = if (!is.null(backgroundImage)) {
        paste0("background: url('", backgroundImage, "') center center;")
      # title and subtitle
      shiny::tags$h3(class = "widget-user-username", title),
      if (!is.null(subtitle)) shiny::tags$h5(class = "widget-user-desc", subtitle)

  list(userDescriptionTag, type)

#' AdminLTE3 card profile
#' \link{boxProfile} goes inside a \link{box}. Displays user informations in an elegant
#' container.
#' @param ... Any element such as \link{boxProfileItem}.
#' @param image Profile image, if any.
#' @param title Title.
#' @param subtitle Subtitle.
#' @param bordered Whether the container should have a border or not. FALSE by default.
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(bs4Dash)
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = dashboardPage(
#'       header = dashboardHeader(),
#'       sidebar = dashboardSidebar(
#'         sidebarMenu(
#'           sidebarHeader("Main content"),
#'           menuItem(
#'             "Profile Card",
#'             tabName = "profile_card",
#'             icon = icon("desktop")
#'           )
#'         )
#'       ),
#'       controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
#'       footer = dashboardFooter(),
#'       title = "boxProfile",
#'       body = dashboardBody(
#'         tabItems(
#'           tabItem(
#'             tabName = "profile_card",
#'             bs4Card(
#'               status = "primary",
#'               solidHeader = TRUE,
#'               boxProfile(
#'                 image = "https://adminlte.io/themes/AdminLTE/dist/img/user4-128x128.jpg",
#'                 title = "Nina Mcintire",
#'                 subtitle = "Software Engineer",
#'                 bordered = TRUE,
#'                 boxProfileItem(
#'                   title = "Followers",
#'                   description = 1322
#'                 ),
#'                 boxProfileItem(
#'                   title = "Following",
#'                   description = 543
#'                 ),
#'                 boxProfileItem(
#'                   title = "Friends",
#'                   description = 13287
#'                 )
#'               )
#'             )
#'           )
#'         )
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {}
#'   )
#' }
#' @rdname boxProfile
#' @family boxWidgets
#' @export
cardProfile <- function(..., image = NULL, title, subtitle = NULL, bordered = FALSE) {
  cl <- if (bordered) "list-group" else "list-group list-group-unbordered"

    class = "card-profile",
    if (!is.null(image)) {
        class = "text-center",
        shiny::img(class = "profile-user-img img-fluid img-circle", src = image)
    shiny::h3(class = "profile-username text-center", title),
    if (!is.null(subtitle)) shiny::p(class = "text-muted text-center", subtitle),
      class = cl,

#' @title AdminLTE3 card profile item
#' @description Create card profile item
#' @param title Item title.
#' @param description Item info.
#' @rdname boxProfile
#' @export
cardProfileItem <- function(title, description) {
    class = "list-group-item",
    shiny::a(class = "float-right", description)

#' @title AdminLTE3 social card
#' @description \link{socialBox} Creates social card
#' @inheritParams bs4Card
#' @rdname socialBox
#' @family cards
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(bs4Dash)
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = dashboardPage(
#'       dashboardHeader(),
#'       dashboardSidebar(),
#'       dashboardBody(
#'         socialBox(
#'           title = userBlock(
#'             image = "https://adminlte.io/themes/AdminLTE/dist/img/user4-128x128.jpg",
#'             title = "Social Box",
#'             subtitle = "example-01.05.2018"
#'           ),
#'           "Some text here!",
#'           attachmentBlock(
#'             image = "https://adminlte.io/themes/v3/dist/img/user1-128x128.jpg",
#'             title = "Test",
#'             href = "https://google.com",
#'             "This is the content"
#'           ),
#'           lapply(X = 1:10, FUN = function(i) {
#'             boxComment(
#'               image = "https://adminlte.io/themes/AdminLTE/dist/img/user3-128x128.jpg",
#'               title = paste("Comment", i),
#'               date = "01.05.2018",
#'               paste0("The ", i, "-th comment")
#'             )
#'           }),
#'           footer = "The footer here!"
#'         )
#'       ),
#'       controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
#'       title = "socialBox"
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) { }
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
bs4SocialCard <- function(..., title = NULL, footer = NULL, width = 6, height = NULL,
                          collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE, closable = FALSE, maximizable = FALSE,
                          boxToolSize = "sm", elevation = NULL, headerBorder = TRUE, label = NULL, dropdownMenu = NULL,
                          sidebar = NULL, id = NULL) {
  items <- list(...)
  # recover comments

  comments <- extractSocialItem(items)
  otherItems <- extractSocialItem(items, FALSE)

  # userBox is built on top of the box function. The difference is the title tag
  # that is replaced by userDescription ...
  boxTag <- box(
    title = title,
    footer = footer,
    width = width,
    height = height,
    collapsible = collapsible,
    collapsed = collapsed,
    closable = closable,
    maximizable = maximizable,
    icon = NULL,
    gradient = FALSE,
    boxToolSize = boxToolSize,
    elevation = elevation,
    headerBorder = headerBorder,
    label = label,
    dropdownMenu = dropdownMenu,
    sidebar = sidebar,
    id = id

  # specific class
  boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$class <- paste0(boxTag$children[[1]]$attribs$class, " card-widget social-card")

  # replace title tag by the user widget
  boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]] <- title

  # inject any comments
  if (length(comments) > 0) {
    commentsTag <- shiny::tags$div(
      class = "card-footer card-comments",
      style = "overflow-y: auto; max-height: 150px; display: block;",

    # insert in boxTag structure
    boxTag$children[[1]]$children[[2]]$children <- otherItems
    boxTag$children[[1]] <- tagInsertChild(


#' User block
#' \link{userBlock} goes in the title of \link{socialBox}.
#' @param image User image.
#' @param title A title, user name,...
#' @param subtitle Any subtitle.
#' @rdname socialBox
#' @family boxWidgets
#' @export
userBlock <- function(image, title, subtitle = NULL) {
    class = "user-block",
    shiny::img(class = "img-circle", src = image),
      class = "username",
      shiny::a(href = "javascript:void(0)", title)
    if (!is.null(subtitle)) shiny::tags$span(class = "description", subtitle)

#' @title BS4 card comment container
#' @description Create a card comment to insert in \link{socialBox}
#' @param ... Comment content.
#' @param image Author image, if any.
#' @param title Comment title.
#' @param date Date of publication.
#' @rdname socialBox
#' @family boxWidgets
#' @export
cardComment <- function(..., image, title = NULL, date = NULL) {
  comment <- list(...)
  if (length(comment) == 0) stop("You must enter a comment.")

  cardCommentTag <- shiny::tags$div(
    class = "card-comment",
    shiny::img(class = "img-circle img-sm", src = image),
      class = "comment-text",
        class = "username",
        if (!is.null(date)) shiny::tags$span(class = "text-muted float-right", date)

  class(cardCommentTag) <- c(class(cardCommentTag), "card-comment")

#' Bootstrap 4 container for cards
#' @param ... Slot for bs4Dash cards.
#' @param type Container type. See \url{https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/card/#card-layout}
#' for more details.
#' @export
#' @family cards
#' @note Cards must have width argument set to NULL.
#' @rdname boxLayout
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(shiny)
#'   library(bs4Dash)
#'   # with group
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = dashboardPage(
#'       header = dashboardHeader(),
#'       sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
#'       body = dashboardBody(
#'         boxLayout(
#'           type = "group",
#'           lapply(1:4, function(i) {
#'             box(
#'               width = NULL,
#'               title = paste("Card", i),
#'               closable = FALSE,
#'               collapsible = FALSE,
#'               "Lorem ipsum is so fun!"
#'             )
#'           })
#'         )
#'       ),
#'       controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
#'       title = "Box layout group"
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {}
#'   )
#'   # with deck
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = dashboardPage(
#'       header = dashboardHeader(),
#'       sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
#'       body = dashboardBody(
#'         boxLayout(
#'           type = "deck",
#'           lapply(1:4, function(i) {
#'             box(
#'               width = NULL,
#'               title = paste("Card", i),
#'               closable = FALSE,
#'               collapsible = FALSE,
#'               "Lorem ipsum is so fun!"
#'             )
#'           })
#'         )
#'       ),
#'       controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
#'       title = "Box layout deck"
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {}
#'   )
#'   # with columns
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = dashboardPage(
#'       header = dashboardHeader(),
#'       sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
#'       body = dashboardBody(
#'         boxLayout(
#'           type = "columns",
#'           lapply(1:12, function(i) {
#'             box(
#'               width = NULL,
#'               title = paste("Card", i),
#'               closable = FALSE,
#'               collapsible = FALSE,
#'               height = if (i %% 2 == 1) "200px",
#'               status = if (i %% 2 == 0) "primary",
#'               if (i %% 2 == 0) "Lorem ipsum is so fun!",
#'               if (i == 1 | i == 7 | i == 12) img(src = "https://via.placeholder.com/290x160")
#'             )
#'           })
#'         )
#'       ),
#'       controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
#'       title = "Box layout columns"
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {}
#'   )
#' }
bs4CardLayout <- function(..., type = c("group", "deck", "columns")) {
  cards <- list(...)
  if (inherits(cards[[1]], "list")) cards <- cards[[1]]
  # stop if width is accidentally passed
  cards <- lapply(seq_along(cards), function(i) {
    if (length(grep("col-sm", cards[[i]]$attribs$class)) > 0) {
      stop("The card width parameter must be NULL")
    } else {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  shiny::tags$div(class = paste0("card-", type), cards)
RinteRface/bs4Dash documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 2:11 p.m.