
Defines functions h_summarize_add_stats h_calc_report_label_percentage h_barplot_percentages

Documented in h_barplot_percentages h_calc_report_label_percentage h_summarize_add_stats

#' Convenience function to make barplots of percentages
#' @param x vector of samples
#' @param description xlab string
#' @param xaxisround rounding for xaxis labels (default: 0, i.e. integers will
#' be used)
#' @return the ggplot2 object
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_histogram aes xlab ylab xlim
h_barplot_percentages <- function(x, description, xaxisround = 0) {
  assert_number(xaxisround, lower = 0)
  assert_character(description, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)

  tabx <- table(x) / length(x)
  dat <- data.frame(x = as.numeric(names(tabx)), perc = as.numeric(tabx) * 100)
  ggplot() +
    geom_bar(aes(x = x, y = perc),
      data = dat,
      stat = "identity",
      position = "identity",
      width = ifelse(nrow(dat) > 1, min(diff(dat$x)) / 2, 1)
    ) +
    xlab(description) +
    ylab("Percent") +
      breaks =
        round(dat$x, xaxisround)

#' Helper function to calculate percentage of true stopping rules for
#' report label output
#' calculates true column means and converts output into percentages
#' before combining the output with the report label; output is passed
#' to [`show()`] and output with cat to console
#' @param stop_report object from summary method
#' @return named list with label and percentage of rule activation

h_calc_report_label_percentage <- function(stop_report) {
  stop_pct <- colMeans(stop_report) * 100
  stop_pct_to_print <- stop_pct[!is.na(names(stop_pct))]

#' Helper function to calculate average across iterations for each additional
#' reporting parameter
#' extracts parameter names as specified by user and averaged the values
#' for each specified parameter to [`show()`] and output with cat to console
#' @param stats_list object from simulation with nested parameter values
#' (sublist for each parameter)
#' @return list of parameter names and averaged values for console output

h_summarize_add_stats <- function(stats_list) {
  # Extract the parameter names
  param_names <- names(stats_list[[1]])

  # Calculate the average for each parameter
  averages <- lapply(param_names, function(param) {
    values <- sapply(stats_list, function(x) x[[param]])

  return(list(param_names, averages))
Roche/crmPack documentation built on July 16, 2024, 2:15 a.m.