
Defines functions sort_at_path cont_n_onecol cont_n_allcols

Documented in cont_n_allcols cont_n_onecol sort_at_path

#' Score functions for sorting `TableTrees`
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @return A single numeric value indicating score according to the relevant metric for `tt`, to be used when sorting.
#' @export
#' @rdname score_funs
cont_n_allcols <- function(tt) {
  ctab <- content_table(tt)
  if (NROW(ctab) == 0) {
      "cont_n_allcols score function used at subtable [",
      obj_name(tt), "] that has no content table."
    function(cv) cv[1]

#' @param j (`numeric(1)`)\cr index of column used for scoring.
#' @seealso For examples and details, please read the documentation for [sort_at_path()] and the
#' [Sorting and Pruning](https://insightsengineering.github.io/rtables/latest-tag/articles/sorting_pruning.html)
#' vignette.
#' @export
#' @rdname score_funs
cont_n_onecol <- function(j) {
  function(tt) {
    ctab <- content_table(tt)
    if (NROW(ctab) == 0) {
        "cont_n_allcols score function used at subtable [",
        obj_name(tt), "] that has no content table."

#' Sorting a table at a specific path
#' Main sorting function to order the sub-structure of a `TableTree` at a particular path in the table tree.
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param scorefun (`function`)\cr scoring function. Should accept the type of children directly under the position
#'   at `path` (either `VTableTree`, `VTableRow`, or `VTableNodeInfo`, which covers both) and return a numeric value
#'   to be sorted.
#' @param decreasing (`flag`)\cr whether the scores generated by `scorefun` should be sorted in decreasing order. If
#'   unset (the default of `NA`), it is set to `TRUE` if the generated scores are numeric and `FALSE` if they are
#'   characters.
#' @param na.pos (`string`)\cr what should be done with children (sub-trees/rows) with `NA` scores. Defaults to
#'   `"omit"`, which removes them. Other allowed values are `"last"`  and `"first"`, which indicate where `NA` scores
#'   should be placed in the order.
#' @param .prev_path (`character`)\cr internal detail, do not set manually.
#' @return A `TableTree` with the same structure as `tt` with the exception that the requested sorting has been done
#'   at `path`.
#' @details
#' `sort_at_path`, given a path, locates the (sub)table(s) described by the path (see below for handling of the `"*"`
#' wildcard). For each such subtable, it then calls `scorefun` on each direct child of the table, using the resulting
#' scores to determine their sorted order. `tt` is then modified to reflect each of these one or more sorting
#' operations.
#' In `path`, a leading `"root"` element will be ignored, regardless of whether this matches the object name (and thus
#' actual root path name) of `tt`. Including `"root"` in paths where it does not match the name of `tt` may mask deeper
#' misunderstandings of how valid paths within a `TableTree` object correspond to the layout used to originally declare
#' it, which we encourage users to avoid.
#' `path` can include the "wildcard" `"*"` as a step, which translates roughly to *any* node/branching element and means
#' that each child at that step will be *separately* sorted based on `scorefun` and the remaining `path` entries. This
#' can occur multiple times in a path.
#' A list of valid (non-wildcard) paths can be seen in the `path` column of the `data.frame` created by
#' [formatters::make_row_df()] with the `visible_only` argument set to `FALSE`. It can also be inferred from the
#' summary given by [table_structure()].
#' Note that sorting needs a deeper understanding of table structure in `rtables`. Please consider reading the related
#' vignette
#' ([Sorting and Pruning](https://insightsengineering.github.io/rtables/latest-tag/articles/sorting_pruning.html))
#' and explore table structure with useful functions like [table_structure()] and [row_paths_summary()]. It is also
#' very important to understand the difference between "content" rows and "data" rows. The first one analyzes and
#' describes the split variable generally and is generated with [summarize_row_groups()], while the second one is
#' commonly produced by calling one of the various [analyze()] instances.
#' Built-in score functions are [cont_n_allcols()] and [cont_n_onecol()]. They are both working with content rows
#' (coming from [summarize_row_groups()]) while a custom score function needs to be used on `DataRow`s. Here, some
#' useful descriptor and accessor functions (coming from related vignette):
#'  - [cell_values()] - Retrieves a named list of a `TableRow` or `TableTree` object's values.
#'  - [formatters::obj_name()] - Retrieves the name of an object. Note this can differ from the label that is
#'  displayed (if any is)  when printing.
#'  - [formatters::obj_label()] - Retrieves the display label of an object. Note this can differ from the name that
#'  appears in the path.
#'  - [content_table()] - Retrieves a `TableTree` object's content table (which contains its summary rows).
#'  - [tree_children()] - Retrieves a `TableTree` object's direct children (either subtables, rows or possibly a mix
#'    thereof, though that should not happen in practice).
#' @seealso
#' * Score functions [cont_n_allcols()] and [cont_n_onecol()].
#' * [formatters::make_row_df()] and [table_structure()] for pathing information.
#' * [tt_at_path()] to select a table's (sub)structure at a given path.
#' @examples
#' # Creating a table to sort
#' # Function that gives two statistics per table-tree "leaf"
#' more_analysis_fnc <- function(x) {
#'   in_rows(
#'     "median" = median(x),
#'     "mean" = mean(x),
#'     .formats = "xx.x"
#'   )
#' }
#' # Main layout of the table
#' raw_lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'   split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#'   split_rows_by(
#'     "RACE",
#'     split_fun = drop_and_remove_levels("WHITE") # dropping WHITE levels
#'   ) %>%
#'   summarize_row_groups() %>%
#'   split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%
#'   summarize_row_groups() %>%
#'   analyze("AGE", afun = more_analysis_fnc)
#' # Creating the table and pruning empty and NAs
#' tbl <- build_table(raw_lyt, DM) %>%
#'   prune_table()
#' # Peek at the table structure to understand how it is built
#' table_structure(tbl)
#' #  Sorting only ASIAN sub-table, or, in other words, sorting STRATA elements for
#' # the ASIAN group/row-split. This uses content_table() accessor function as it
#' # is a "ContentRow". In this case, we also base our sorting only on the second column.
#' sort_at_path(tbl, c("ASIAN", "STRATA1"), cont_n_onecol(2))
#' # Custom scoring function that is working on "DataRow"s
#' scorefun <- function(tt) {
#'   # Here we could use browser()
#'   sum(unlist(row_values(tt))) # Different accessor function
#' }
#' # Sorting mean and median for all the AGE leaves!
#' sort_at_path(tbl, c("RACE", "*", "STRATA1", "*", "AGE"), scorefun)
#' @export
sort_at_path <- function(tt,
                         decreasing = NA,
                         na.pos = c("omit", "last", "first"),
                         .prev_path = character()) {
  if (NROW(tt) == 0) {

  ## XXX hacky fix this!!!
  ## tt_at_path removes root even if actual root table isn't named root, we need to match that behavior
  if (path[1] == "root") {
    ## always remove first root element but only add it to
    ## .prev_path (used for error reporting) if it actually matched the name
    if (obj_name(tt) == "root") {
      .prev_path <- c(.prev_path, path[1])
    path <- path[-1]
  if (identical(obj_name(tt), path[1])) {
    .prev_path <- c(.prev_path, path[1])
    path <- path[-1]

  curpath <- path
  subtree <- tt
  backpath <- c()
  count <- 0
  while (length(curpath) > 0) {
    curname <- curpath[1]
    oldkids <- tree_children(subtree)
    ## we sort each child separately based on the score function
    ## and the remaining path
    if (curname == "*") {
      oldnames <- vapply(oldkids, obj_name, "")
      newkids <- lapply(
        function(i) {
            path = curpath[-1],
            scorefun = scorefun,
            decreasing = decreasing,
            na.pos = na.pos,
            ## its ok to modify the "path" here because its only ever used for
            ## informative error reporting.
            .prev_path = c(.prev_path, backpath, paste0("* (", oldnames[i], ")"))
      names(newkids) <- oldnames
      newtab <- subtree
      tree_children(newtab) <- newkids
      if (length(backpath) > 0) {
        ret <- recursive_replace(tt, backpath, value = newtab)
      } else {
        ret <- newtab
    } else if (!(curname %in% names(oldkids))) {
        "Unable to find child(ren) '",
        curname, "'\n\t occurred at path: ",
        paste(c(.prev_path, path[seq_len(count)]), collapse = " -> "),
        "\n  Use 'make_row_df(obj, visible_only = TRUE)[, c(\"label\", \"path\", \"node_class\")]' or \n",
        "'table_structure(obj)' to explore valid paths."
    subtree <- tree_children(subtree)[[curname]]
    backpath <- c(backpath, curpath[1])
    curpath <- curpath[-1]
    count <- count + 1
  real_backpath <- path[seq_len(count)]

  na.pos <- match.arg(na.pos)
  ##    subtree <- tt_at_path(tt, path)
  kids <- tree_children(subtree)
  ## relax this to allow character "scores"
  ## scores <- vapply(kids, scorefun, NA_real_)
  scores <- lapply(kids, function(x) tryCatch(scorefun(x), error = function(e) e))
  errs <- which(vapply(scores, is, class2 = "error", TRUE))
  if (length(errs) > 0) {
    stop("Encountered at least ", length(errs), " error(s) when applying score function.\n",
      "First error: ", scores[[errs[1]]]$message,
      "\n\toccurred at path: ",
      paste(c(.prev_path, real_backpath, names(kids)[errs[1]]), collapse = " -> "),
      call. = FALSE
  } else {
    scores <- unlist(scores)
  if (!is.null(dim(scores)) || length(scores) != length(kids)) {
      "Score function does not appear to have return exactly one ",
      "scalar value per child"
  if (is.na(decreasing)) {
    decreasing <- if (is.character(scores)) FALSE else TRUE
  ord <- order(scores, na.last = (na.pos != "first"), decreasing = decreasing)
  newkids <- kids[ord]
  if (anyNA(scores) && na.pos == "omit") { # we did na last here
    newkids <- head(newkids, -1 * sum(is.na(scores)))

  newtree <- subtree
  tree_children(newtree) <- newkids
  tt_at_path(tt, path) <- newtree
Roche/rtables documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 10:17 a.m.