outputLibs: Output NGS libraries to R as variables

View source: R/experiment.R

outputLibsR Documentation

Output NGS libraries to R as variables


By default loads the original files of the experiment into the global environment, named by the rows of the experiment required to make all libraries have unique names.
Uses multiple cores to load, defined by multicoreParam


  type = "default",
  paths = filepath(df, type),
  param = NULL,
  strandMode = 0,
  naming = "minimum",
  library.names = name_decider(df, naming),
  output.mode = "envir",
  chrStyle = NULL,
  envir = envExp(df),
  verbose = TRUE,
  force = TRUE,
  BPPARAM = bpparam()



an ORFik experiment


a character(default: "default"), load files in experiment or some precomputed variant, like "ofst" or "pshifted". These are made with ORFik:::convertLibs(), shiftFootprintsByExperiment(), etc. Can also be custom user made folders inside the experiments bam folder. It acts in a recursive manner with priority: If you state "pshifted", but it does not exist, it checks "ofst". If no .ofst files, it uses "default", which always must exists.
Presets are (folder is relative to default lib folder, some types fall back to other formats if folder does not exist):
- "default": load the original files for experiment, usually bam.
- "ofst": loads ofst files from the ofst folder, relative to lib folder (falls back to default)
- "pshifted": loads ofst, wig or bigwig from pshifted folder (falls back to ofst, then default)
- "cov": Load covRle objects from cov_RLE folder (fail if not found)
- "covl": Load covRleList objects, from cov_RLE_List folder (fail if not found)
- "bed": Load bed files, from bed folder (falls back to default)
- Other formats must be loaded directly with fimport


character vector, the filpaths to use, default filepath(df, type). Change type argument if not correct. If that is not enough, then you can also update this argument. But be careful about using this directly.


NULL or a ScanBamParam object. Like for scanBam, this influences what fields and which records are imported. However, note that the fields specified thru this ScanBamParam object will be loaded in addition to any field required for generating the returned object (GAlignments, GAlignmentPairs, or GappedReads object), but only the fields requested by the user will actually be kept as metadata columns of the object.

By default (i.e. param=NULL or param=ScanBamParam()), no additional field is loaded. The flag used is scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery=FALSE) for readGAlignments, readGAlignmentsList, and readGappedReads. (i.e. only records corresponding to mapped reads are loaded), and scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery=FALSE, isPaired=TRUE, hasUnmappedMate=FALSE) for readGAlignmentPairs (i.e. only records corresponding to paired-end reads with both ends mapped are loaded).


numeric, default 0. Only used for paired end bam files. One of (0: strand = *, 1: first read of pair is +, 2: first read of pair is -). See ?strandMode. Note: Sets default to 0 instead of 1, as readGAlignmentPairs uses 1. This is to guarantee hits, but will also make mismatches of overlapping transcripts in opposite directions.


a character (default: "minimum"). Name files as minimum information needed to make all files unique. Set to "full" to get full names. Set to "fullexp", to get full name with experiment name as prefix, the last one guarantees uniqueness.


character vector, names of libraries, default: name_decider(df, naming)


character, default "envir". Output libraries to environment. Alternative: "list", return as list. "envirlist", output to envir and return as list. If output is list format, the list elements are named from: bamVarName(df.rfp) (Full or minimum naming based on 'naming' argument)


a GRanges object, TxDb, FaFile, , a seqlevelsStyle or Seqinfo. (Default: NULL) to get seqlevelsStyle from. In addition if it is a Seqinfo object, seqinfo will be updated. Example of seqlevelsStyle update: Is chromosome 1 called chr1 or 1, is mitocondrial chromosome called MT or chrM etc. Will use 1st seqlevel-style if more are present. Like: c("NCBI", "UCSC") -> pick "NCBI"


environment to save to, default envExp(df), which defaults to .GlobalEnv, but can be set with envExp(df) <- new.env() etc.


logical, default TRUE, message about library output status.


logical, default TRUE If TRUE, reload library files even if matching named variables are found in environment used by experiment (see envExp) A simple way to make sure correct libraries are always loaded. FALSE is faster if data is loaded correctly already.


how many cores/threads to use? default: bpparam(). To see number of threads used, do bpparam()$workers. You can also add a time remaining bar, for a more detailed pipeline.


The functions checks if the total set of libraries have already been loaded: i.e. Check if all names from 'library.names' exists as S4 objects in environment of experiment.


NULL (libraries set by envir assignment), unless output.mode is "list" or "envirlist": Then you get a list of the libraries.

See Also

Other ORFik_experiment: ORFik.template.experiment(), ORFik.template.experiment.zf(), bamVarName(), create.experiment(), experiment-class, filepath(), libraryTypes(), organism,experiment-method, read.experiment(), save.experiment(), validateExperiments()


## Load a template ORFik experiment
df <- ORFik.template.experiment()
## Default library type load, usually bam files
# outputLibs(df, type = "default")
## .ofst file load, if ofst files does not exists
## it will load default
# outputLibs(df, type = "ofst")
## .wig file load, if wiggle files does not exists
## it will load default
# outputLibs(df, type = "wig")
## Load as list
outputLibs(df, output.mode = "list")
## Load libs to new environment (called ORFik in Global)
# outputLibs(df, envir = assign(name(df), new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)))
## Load to hidden environment given by experiment
# envExp(df) <- new.env()
# outputLibs(df)

Roleren/ORFik documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 4:13 p.m.