tiff_to_array: Make Array from .tif file(s)

View source: R/tiff_to_array.R

tiff_to_arrayR Documentation

Make Array from .tif file(s)


Create an array from one or more .tif files. Looks for .tif in the working directory


tiff_to_array(channels, split, multi, multi.name)



Character vector with name(s) of channels. Channel names should be in the names of the .tif files


Logical indicating if all z-stacks are in one .tif (FALSE) or in a folder with a .tif for each z-stack (TRUE)


Integer. If the .tif contains multiple images this varible should indicate how to divide them up. Three images, each composed of 50, 100, and 150 layers: c(50,100,150). 10 images with each 50 layers. rep(50, 10). If NULL, input is assumed to be a single 3D image


If multi is not NULL, a vector with names for images.


If the .tif file has a color.space attribute saying "white is zero" (and split=FALSE) the binary coding of the image is reversed. Not that multi indicates if the .tif files contains multiple 3D images, and split indicates if the .tif files contains multiple layers (z-direction). If split is TRUE, multi cannot be non-NULL.


Arrays as RDS files in working directory

Russel88/RCon3D documentation built on Dec. 14, 2022, 11:06 p.m.