
Defines functions calcgis

Documented in calcgis

#' @title Calculate missing station data
#' @description Calculate missing station data for \code{XerMtn} and \code{CondQR50}
#' @param station \code{data.frame} for input station data
#' @return The original station data with calculated fields where applicable.
#' @details 
#' \code{XerMtn} is calculated from \code{PSA6C} if the latter is present with no \code{NA} value. If \code{XerMtn} is 
#' present with \code{NA} values, \code{PSA6C} is used if present with no \code{NA} values. \code{XerMtn = 1} if
#' \code{PSA6C} is \code{'SN', 'NC'}, otherwise \code{XerMtn = 0} if \code{PSA6C} is \code{'CH', 'CV', 'DM', 'SC'}.
#' \code{CondQR50} is calculated from the \code{\link[quantregForest]{quantregForest}} object in \code{\link{rfmods}}
#' if all predictors are present in stations and no missing values are in the predictors.  Similar to \code{XerMtn}, 
#' \code{NA} values will be predicted per row only if the column already exists.  The required predictors are \code{'CaO_Mean', 
#' 'MgO_Mean', 'S_Mean', 'UCS_Mean', 'LPREM_mean', 'AtmCa', 'AtmMg', 'AtmSO4', 'MINP_WS', 'MEANP_WS', 'SumAve_P',
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{chkinp}}
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate mutate_if
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom stringr str_squish
#' @importFrom glue glue_collapse
#' @import quantregForest
#' @examples
#' # this calculates CondQR50 and XerMtn
#' calcgis(demo_station)
#' \dontrun{
#' # get XerMtn from PSA6c
#' tmp <- demo_station[, !names(demo_station) %in% 'XerMtn']
#' calcgis(tmp)
#' # error, cannot get XerMtn if PSA6C not found
#' tmp <- demo_station[, !names(demo_station) %in% c('XerMtn', 'PSA6C')]
#' calcgis(tmp)
#' # get conductivity
#' tmp <- demo_station
#' calcgis(tmp)
#' # get conductivity for only NA 
#' tmp <- demo_station
#' tmp$CondQR50[1] <- 200
#' calcgis(tmp)
#' # error, cannot calculate conductivity if missing predictors
#' tmp <- demo_station[, !names(demo_station) %in% c('TMAX_WS', 'AtmSO4')]
#' calcgis(tmp)
#' # error, cannot calculate conductivity if missing values in predictors
#' tmp <- demo_station
#' tmp$MINP_WS[2] <- NA
#' tmp$AtmSO4[3] <- NA
#' calcgis(tmp)
#' }
calcgis <- function(station){
  nms <- names(station)
  station <- station %>%
    mutate_if(is.character, str_squish)
  PSA6C_values <- c(
    'NC','North Coast',
    'DM','Deserts Modoc',
    'CV','Central Valley',
    'SC','South Coast',
    'SN','Sierra Nevada'
  # XerMTN
  # if XerMtn not found, calculate from PSA6c if found
  if(!'XerMtn' %in% nms){
    if(!'PSA6C' %in% nms){
      stop('Cannot calculate XerMtn if PSA6C is missing', call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      # This block will always get executed if they have PSA6C
        stop('Cannot calculate XerMtn if any missing values in PSA6C', call. = FALSE)
      if(!all(station$PSA6C %in% PSA6C_values)){
        badvals <- setdiff(station$PSA6C,PSA6C_values)
        stop(paste("unrecognized PSA6C values: ",glue_collapse(badvals, sep = ', ')),
          call. = FALSE
      } else {
        # Susie's request that we allow the long names
        # But we need them to be in abbreviated format, so we convert it here.
        station <- station %>%
            PSA6C = case_when(
              PSA6C == 'North Coast' ~ 'NC',
              PSA6C == 'Deserts Modoc' ~ 'DM',
              PSA6C == 'Chaparral' ~ 'CH',
              PSA6C == 'Central Valley' ~ 'CV',
              PSA6C == 'South Coast' ~ 'SC',
              PSA6C == 'Sierra Nevada' ~ 'SN',
              TRUE ~ PSA6C
    station <- station %>% 
        XerMtn = case_when(
          PSA6C %in% c('CH', 'CV', 'DM', 'SC') ~ 0, 
          PSA6C %in% c('SN', 'NC') ~ 1
  # if XerMtn is found, replace any NA using PSA if found
  if('XerMtn' %in% nms){
      if(!'PSA6C' %in% nms)
        stop('Cannot calculate XerMtn if PSA6C is missing', call. = FALSE)
        stop('Cannot calculate XerMtn if any missing values in PSA6C', call. = FALSE)
        stop('Cannot calculate XerMtn if any missing values in PSA6C', call. = FALSE)
      if(!all(station$PSA6C %in% PSA6C_values)){
        badvals <- setdiff(station$PSA6C,PSA6C_values)
        stop(paste("unrecognized PSA6C values: ",glue_collapse(badvals, sep = ', ')),
             call. = FALSE
      } else {
        # Susie's request that we allow the long names
        # But we need them to be in abbreviated format, so we convert it here.
        station <- station %>%
            PSA6C = case_when(
              PSA6C == 'North Coast' ~ 'NC',
              PSA6C == 'Deserts Modoc' ~ 'DM',
              PSA6C == 'Chaparral' ~ 'CH',
              PSA6C == 'Central Valley' ~ 'CV',
              PSA6C == 'South Coast' ~ 'SC',
              PSA6C == 'Sierra Nevada' ~ 'SN',
              TRUE ~ PSA6C
      station <- station %>% 
          XerMtn = case_when(
            is.na(XerMtn) & PSA6C %in% c('CH', 'CV', 'DM', 'SC') ~ 0, 
            is.na(XerMtn) & PSA6C %in% c('SN', 'NC') ~ 1

  # CondQR50

  # predictors for conductivity model
  condvals <- c("CaO_Mean", "MgO_Mean", "S_Mean", "UCS_Mean", "LPREM_mean",
                "AtmCa", "AtmMg", "AtmSO4", "MINP_WS", "MEANP_WS", "SumAve_P",
                "TMAX_WS", "XWD_WS", "MAXWD_WS", "LST32AVE", "BDH_AVE", "KFCT_AVE",
  nms <- names(station)
  # message if missing conductivity predictors
  msgmissprd <- setdiff(condvals, nms) %>% 
    paste(collapse = ', ') %>% 
    paste('Missing the following conductivity predictors in station data:', .)
  # message if NA values in conductivity predictors
  msgnaprd <- station[, nms %in% condvals] %>% 
    apply(2, anyNA) %>% 
    which %>% 
    names %>% 
    paste(collapse = ', ') %>% 
    paste('Missing values in conductivity predictors:', .)
  # conductivity model
  condmod <- rfmods$cond.qrf

  # if CondQR50 not found, calculate from predictors if found
  if(!'CondQR50' %in% nms){

    # must have all predictors
    if(sum(nms %in% condvals) < 18)
      stop(msgmissprd, call. = FALSE)
    # must have no NA values in predictors
    if(anyNA(station[, condvals]))
      stop(msgnaprd, call. = FALSE)

    # get predictions
    station <- station %>%
        CondQR50 = predict(condmod, newdata = .[, condvals], what = 0.5)
  # if CondQR50 is found with NA, calculate from predictors if found
    # must have all predictors
    if(sum(nms %in% condvals) < 18)
      stop(msgmissprd, call. = FALSE)
    # must have no NA values in predictors
    if(anyNA(station[, condvals]))
      stop(msgnaprd, call. = FALSE)
    # get predictions
    station <- station %>%
        CondQR50 = case_when(
          is.na(CondQR50) ~ as.numeric(predict(condmod, newdata = .[, condvals], what = 0.5)), 
          T ~ as.numeric(CondQR50)

  # return calculated info
  out <- station
SCCWRP/ASCI documentation built on May 6, 2024, 7:31 p.m.