# ORIGINAL BRI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Compute the benthic response index (BRI) score and BRI condition category.
#' @description
#' The BRI is the abundance weighted pollution tolerance score of the organisms present in a benthic sample. The higher
#' the BRI score, the more degraded the benthic community represented by the sample.
#' @details
#' The BRI is the 4th root relative abundance weighted pollution tolerance score of the organisms present in a benthic sample. The higher
#' the BRI score, the more degraded the benthic community represented by the sample.
#' Two types of data are needed to calculate the BRI:
#' (1) the abundance of each species
#' (2) species-specific pollution tolerance score (aka, P Value)
#' Tolerance Values are stored in the Southern California SQO Species List provided with this coded. Species names are periodically
#' updated by benthic experts.
#' The BRI is only calculated from those taxa with a tolerance score. The first step in the BRI calculation is to compute the 4th root
#' of the abundance of each taxon in the sample that have an associated tolerance score
#' The next step is to multiply the 4th root abundance value by the tolerance score for each taxon.
#' The next step is to sum all of the 4th root abundance values in a given sample.
#' The actual BRI score is calculated as:
#' \deqn{ \frac{\sum \left(\sqrt[p]{\textrm{Abundance}} \right) \times P}{\sum \sqrt[p]{\textrm{Abundance}}} }
#' The last step is to convert the BRI score to condition category using the category thresholds listed in Table 5.
#' <Table 5. To be included in R markdown file>
#' @param BenthicData a data frame with the following headings
#' \strong{\code{StationID}} - an alpha-numeric identifier of the location;
#' \strong{\code{Replicate}} - a numeric identifying the replicate number of samples taken at the location;
#' \strong{\code{SampleDate}} - the date of sample collection;
#' \strong{\code{Latitude}} - latitude in decimal degrees;
#' \strong{\code{Longitude}} - longitude in decimal degrees.
#' Make sure there is a negative sign for the Western coordinates;
#' \strong{\code{Species}} - name of the fauna, ideally in SCAMIT ed12 format, do not use sp. or spp.,
#' use sp only or just the Genus. If no animals were present in the sample use
#' NoOrganismsPresent with 0 abundance;
#' @usage
#' BRI(benthic_data)
#' @examples
#' data(benthic_sampledata) # load sample data
#' BRI(benthic_sampledata) # see the output
#' @import vegan
#' @import reshape2
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join filter rename select mutate group_by summarize summarise case_when
#' @export
BRI <- function(BenthicData, logfile = file.path(getwd(), 'logs', format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"), 'log.txt' ), verbose = F)
# This (as of now) is the main function used by the R package
# Initialize Logging
init.log(logfile, base.func.name = sys.call(), current.time = Sys.time(), is.base.func = length(sys.calls()) == 1, verbose = verbose)
writelog('\n### BEGIN: BRI function.\n', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# ---- Save the raw input to an RData file (for the sake of those who want the auditing logs) ----
rawinput.filename <- 'benthic.bri.input.RData'
if (verbose) {
save(BenthicData, file = file.path( dirname(logfile), rawinput.filename ))
# Point them to the manual
'\nYou may find the instructions for BRI calculation (for Southern California Marine Bays) on page 71 of the June 2021 Edition of the CASQO Technical Manual',
logfile = logfile,
verbose = verbose
# Create code block and download link to BRI input
'#### Input to BRI - BRI-step0.csv\n ',
logfile = logfile,
code = paste0("load('", rawinput.filename, "') ### This will load a dataframe called 'BenthicData' into your environment"),
data = BenthicData %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = BenthicData, logfile = logfile, filename = 'BRI-step0.csv', linktext = 'Download BRI initial input', verbose = verbose)
# SQO List New (Gets joined to the initial input for BRI)
'\n#### SQO List New (Gets joined to the initial input for BRI)',
logfile = logfile,
data = sqo.list.new %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = sqo.list.new, logfile = logfile, filename = 'BRI-sqo.list.new.csv', linktext = 'Download BRI "sqo.list.new" dataframe', verbose = verbose)
# BRI Step 1
# Join with sqo.list.new
bri1 <- BenthicData %>%
left_join(sqo.list.new, by = c('Taxon' = 'TaxonName'))
# Write to the logs for BRI Step 1
'\n#### BRI Step 1 - Join with sqo.list.new',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
bri1 <- BenthicData %>%
left_join(sqo.list.new, by = c('Taxon' = 'TaxonName'))
data = bri1 %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = bri1, logfile = logfile, filename = 'BRI-step1.csv', linktext = 'Download BRI step 1', verbose = verbose)
# BRI Step 2
# Remove missing tolerance scores
bri2 <- bri1 %>%
# I assume that the next line is something they had in there as a method of removing duplicates
# for this reason, this next line will likely be eliminated.
# They grouped by all the columns that were selected (In query BRI - 1)
# Instead, if need be we can use something from dplyr that deals with duplicates
# I actually found that it didn't appear to make a difference
filter(!is.na(ToleranceScore)) %>%
#rename(Stratum) %>%
select(Stratum, StationID, SampleDate, Replicate, Taxon, Abundance, ToleranceScore)
# Write to the logs for BRI Step 2
'\n#### BRI Step 2 - Remove missing tolerance scores to prepare for summation in later steps [As stated in 3rd paragraph of BRI section - Any taxa that lack P (Pollution Tolerance Score) values are not included in either sum.]\n ',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
bri2 <- bri1 %>%
filter(!is.na(ToleranceScore)) %>%
select(Stratum, StationID, SampleDate, Replicate, Taxon, Abundance, ToleranceScore)
data = bri2 %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = bri2, logfile = logfile, filename = 'BRI-step2.csv', linktext = 'Download BRI step 2', verbose = verbose)
# BRI Step 3
# Take the fourth root of the abundance
bri3 <- bri2 %>%
fourthroot_abun = Abundance ** 0.25,
tolerance_score = fourthroot_abun * ToleranceScore
# Write to the logs for BRI Step 3
'\n#### BRI Step 3 - Take the 4th root of the abundance, as well as get the product of the ToleranceScore and the 4th root of the abundance\n ',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
bri3 <- bri2 %>%
fourthroot_abun = Abundance ** 0.25,
tolerance_score = fourthroot_abun * ToleranceScore
data = bri3 %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = bri3, logfile = logfile, filename = 'BRI-step3.csv', linktext = 'Download BRI step 3', verbose = verbose)
writelog('\n#### Next get the Score - group by Stratum, StationID, SampleDate, Replicate and do: (sum of the tolerance scores)/(sum of fourthroot abundances)\n ', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
writelog('\n##### Then Get Categories (CASQO Technical Manual 3rd Edition Page 72 - Table 4.24)\n ', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
writelog('---- < 39.96 is Reference\n ', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
writelog('---- >=39.96 and <49.15 is Low\n ', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
writelog('---- >=49.15 and <=73.26 is Reference\n ', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
writelog('---- >73.26 is High\n ', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# BRI Step 4
# Sum of tolerance scores divided by fourthroot of abundance
bri4 <- bri3 %>%
Stratum, StationID, SampleDate, Replicate
) %>%
# Round score to 2 decimal places for the comparison with the threshold values
Score = sum(tolerance_score, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(fourthroot_abun, na.rm = TRUE)
# Write to the logs for BRI Step 4
'\n#### BRI Step 4 - Sum of tolerance scores divided by fourthroot of abundance',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
bri4 <- bri3 %>%
Stratum, StationID, SampleDate, Replicate
) %>%
# Round score to 2 decimal places for the comparison with the threshold values
Score = sum(tolerance_score, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(fourthroot_abun, na.rm = TRUE)
data = bri4 %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = bri4, logfile = logfile, filename = 'BRI-step4.csv', linktext = 'Download BRI step 4', verbose = verbose)
# BRI Step 5
# Output the BRI category given the BRI score and the thresholds for Southern California Marine Bays - [CASQO Technical Manual 3rd Edition Page 72 - Table 4.24]
# Round the score before comparison with the threshold cutoff values - since they are rounded to two decimal places
# Furthermore, when you read the technical manual, you can tell that the comparison is such that it expects the score to be rounded to two decimal places
# It treats "< 46.15" the same as "<= 46.14" which means it is almost treating the Score as a discrete number which would not exceed more than two decimal places
bri5 <- bri4 %>%
Score = round(Score, 2),
Category = case_when( (Score < 39.96) ~ "Reference",
(Score >= 39.96 & Score < 49.15) ~ "Low Disturbance",
(Score >= 49.15 & Score <= 73.26) ~ "Moderate Disturbance",
(Score > 73.26) ~ "High Disturbance"
# Write to the logs for BRI Step 5
'\n#### BRI Step 5 - Output the BRI category given the BRI score and the thresholds - [CASQO Technical Manual 3rd Edition Page 72 - Table 4.24]',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
# Round the score before comparison with the threshold cutoff values - since they are rounded to two decimal places
# Furthermore, when you read the technical manual, you can tell that the comparison is such that it expects the score to be rounded to two decimal places
# It treats '< 46.15' the same as '<= 46.14' which means it is almost treating the Score as a discrete number which would not exceed more than two decimal places
bri5 <- bri4 %>%
Score = round(Score, 2),
Category = case_when(
Score < 39.96 ~ 'Reference',
Score >= 39.96 & Score < 49.15 ~ 'Low Disturbance',
Score >= 49.15 & Score <= 73.26 ~ 'Moderate Disturbance',
Score > 73.26 ~ 'High Disturbance'
data = bri5 %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = bri5, logfile = logfile, filename = 'BRI-step5.csv', linktext = 'Download BRI step 5', verbose = verbose)
# BRI Final Step
# Output the BRI category score given the category for thresholds for Southern CA Marine Bays
bri_final <- bri5 %>%
`Category Score` = case_when( (Category == "Reference") ~ 1,
(Category == "Low Disturbance") ~ 2,
(Category == "Moderate Disturbance") ~ 3,
(Category == "High Disturbance") ~ 4 )
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Index = "BRI")
# Write to the logs for BRI Final Step
'\n#### BRI Final Step - Output the BRI category score given the category for thresholds for Southern CA Marine Bays',
logfile = logfile,
code = "
bri_final <- bri5 %>%
`Category Score` = case_when(
Category == 'Reference' ~ 1,
Category == 'Low Disturbance' ~ 2,
Category == 'Moderate Disturbance' ~ 3,
Category == 'High Disturbance' ~ 4
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Index = 'BRI')
data = bri_final %>% head(25),
verbose = verbose
create_download_link(data = bri_final, logfile = logfile, filename = 'BRI-final.csv', linktext = 'Download BRI Final Step', verbose = verbose)
writelog('\n### END: BRI function.\n', logfile = logfile, verbose = verbose)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERIC OFFSHORE BRI --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Nick Haring and David Gillett both pushed their own versions of the offshore BRI function - I am putting those functions in here
# tampering with the above BRI function may break certain things in terms of adjusting the package for the SQO audit of our calculations used for the '18 synth report
# So until that is overwith, I would like to be the one making any changes to the BRI function,
# (Although TBH it should be perfectly fine as long as the input args remain the same and the output dataframe has the same column name/datatype structure)
# But the below functions may be modified in any way without reservation
# So long as the have the roxygen comments typed correctly, they will be available when the package is loaded
# - Robert (6/27/2024)
# eventually, I believe we will want to replace the above "original" BRI function with the ones below
# Nick's Generic BRI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Compute the benthic response index (BRI) score and BRI condition category. This version is the generic offshore one
#' @description
#' The BRI is the abundance weighted pollution tolerance score of the organisms present in a benthic sample. The higher
#' the BRI score, the more degraded the benthic community represented by the sample.
#' This function should also work with offshore data
#' @import vegan
#' @import reshape2
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join filter rename select mutate group_by summarize summarise case_when
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd
#' @export
BRI.GenericOffshore.NH <- function(BenthicData) #BenthicData will need to be the species abundances for each sample in the correct format noted above and in support material
# I put these in the import statements in the roxygen comments
# I think the only function that may have came from tidyverse that this function needed was ymd from lubridate
# If others come up we can add them as needed, or if it becomes too much we can import the whole tidyverse package (@import tidyverse)
# - Robert 06.10.2024
#loading in packages needed to run function
# require(tidyverse)
# It appears that this version of the function works with all lowercase column names - Robert 06.10.2024
names(BenthicData) <- names(BenthicData) %>% tolower()
#loading in SQO species list that contains p codes, amongst other things
load("data/SoCal SQO LU 4_7_20.RData")
#I've created an issue, but we will need to periodically update the support files for the different indices,
# e.g., the SQO look up list or BRI ptaxa list.
# Do we want to date stamp the names of the dataframes and the RData files as they are updated? e.g., sqo.list.4_7_20 vs. a more generic name like sqo.list.
# if the former, we will need to update the internal call of the index functions to make sure it is pulling the correct version. However it is
# explicit as to what version is being used. Alternatively: if we do not date stamp the files, then the code would not need to be upadated each time the
# support file is updated. This requires less maintenance. However, it then becomes less clear which exact version of the the support file is being used.
#create empty dataframe to populate w/ bri scores
#incase a sample had no animals (e.g., taxon=NoOrganismsPresent), we force it into the High Disturbance category.
#the calculator would not be able to process that sample and would drop it, so we deal with it apriori
defaunated<-BenthicData %>%
filter(taxon=="NoOrganismsPresent") %>%
mutate(index="BRI",score=NaN, condition.category="High Disturbance", condition.category.score=4, note="Defaunated Sample") %>%
select(-taxon, -salinity,-exclude, -abundance, -latitude, -longitude )
#matching p codes to taxa in the submitted data
all.for.bri <- BenthicData %>%
filter(taxon!="NoOrganismsPresent") %>% #removing samples without any animals so the calculator doesn't get confused
left_join(., select(sqo.list.4_7_20, TaxonName, ToleranceScore), by = c('taxon' = 'TaxonName'))
#identify the taxa in the submitted data with a tolerance score and how many samples they occur in
taxa_w_pvalue<-all.for.bri %>%
group_by(taxon, ToleranceScore) %>%
summarise(Freq_of_Occ=length(stationid)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
#export as an interim file that the user can review
write.csv(taxa_w_pvalue, paste(output.path,"/", file.name, " interim - taxa with a tolerance score.csv", sep=""), row.names = FALSE)
#identify those taxa in the submitted data without a tolerance score and how many samples they occur in
group_by(taxon, ToleranceScore) %>%
summarise(Freq_of_Occ=length(stationid)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(is.na(ToleranceScore)) %>%
#export as an interim file that the user can review
write.csv(taxa_wo_pvalue, paste(output.path, "/", file.name, " interim taxa without a tolerance score.csv", sep=""), row.names = FALSE)
#calculate some summary values for context of index utility evaluation
# tol.inventory<-all.for.bri %>%
# mutate(tol.flag=if_else(is.na(ToleranceScore), "wo_tol_value", "w_tol_value")) %>% #group taxa by those without and with a tolerance score
# group_by(stationid, sampledate, replicate) %>%
# mutate(tot_abun=sum(abundance), S=length(taxon)) %>% #calcualte total abundance and taxa richness for each sample
# ungroup() %>%
# group_by(stationid, sampledate, replicate, tot_abun, S,tol.flag) %>%
# summarise(tol.abun=sum(abundance), tol.s=length(taxon)) %>% #calculating percent of abundance or richness with a tolerance value per sample
# ungroup() %>%
# mutate(pct_abun=round((tol.abun/tot_abun)*100, digits = 1), pct_taxa=round((tol.s/S)*100, digits=1)) %>%
# pivot_wider(id_cols =c(stationid, sampledate, replicate), names_from = tol.flag, values_from = c(pct_abun, pct_taxa) )#manipulating the shape of the data
bri.out<-all.for.bri %>%
drop_na(ToleranceScore) %>%
mutate(fourthroot_abun = abundance ** 0.25,
tolerance_value = fourthroot_abun * ToleranceScore) %>%
group_by(stationid, sampledate, replicate) %>%
summarize(numerator = sum(tolerance_value, na.rm = T), denomenator= sum(fourthroot_abun, na.rm = T), score=numerator/denomenator) %>%
select(stationid, sampledate, replicate, score) %>%
# Output the BRI category given the BRI score and the thresholds for Southern California Marine Bays
condition.category = case_when( (score < 39.96) ~ "Reference",
(score >= 39.96 & score < 49.15) ~ "Low Disturbance",
(score >= 49.15 & score < 73.27) ~ "Moderate Disturbance",
(score >= 73.27) ~ "High Disturbance"
)) %>%
# Output the BRI category score given the category for thresholds for Southern CA Marine Bays
condition.category.score = case_when( (condition.category == "Reference") ~ 1,
(condition.category == "Low Disturbance") ~ 2,
(condition.category == "Moderate Disturbance") ~ 3,
(condition.category == "High Disturbance") ~ 4 ),
bri.out.2<-bri.out.null %>%
bind_rows(bri.out, defaunated)
if(length(bri.out.2$stationid)>1)#if BRI scores are calculated, functin will drop the dummy data placeholders and report the data for the submitted samples
bri.out.3<-bri.out.2 %>%
filter(stationid!="dummy") %>%
mutate(note=if_else(is.na(note), "none", note))
bri.out.3<-bri.out.2 %>% # if BRI scores are not calculated, the functin will only report the dummy data placeholders
mutate(note="BRI scores not caculated")
# David's Generic BRI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instructions for use
# The function has 4 required inputs:
# 1. file_id - this is a quoted string for you to identify the data the BRI scores are associated with
# e.g., "Bight 23" or "2024 southern shelf" - this will be used to name all of the output files
# 2. infauna_path - a quoted string detailing the name and location of the .csv file with infauna abundance
# data. Remember with path names, that R use forward slashes "/" not the normal backslash "\" that windows typically uses.
# All column names should be lower case. The expectation is that the file will have, at a minimum, a column for each of:
# station_id - unique identifier for that station, preferably formatted as character/text value
# sample_date - the date on which the sample was collected, must be in a mm/dd/yyyy format
# replicate - a number identifying the replicate infauna sample collected from the specified station on the specified date
# taxon - character string identifying the organism. naming conventions should follow SCAMIT edition 12
# abundance - a numeric value indicating the number of individuals counted for the specified taxon from the sample
# 3. station_path - a quoted string detailing the name and location of the .csv file with station information for each infauna
# sample. All column names should be lower case. The expectation is that the file will have, at a minimum,a column for:
# station_id - unique identifier for that station, preferably as character/text value
# depth - station depth in meters
# latitude - station latitude in decimal degrees
# longitude - station longitude in decimal degrees (negative values for west longitudes)
# 4. output_path - a quoted string detailing the location where you want the output files to be saved. Remember to use "/" not "\"
offshore_bri_calc_ed12<-function(file_id, infauna_path, station_path, output_path)
####Input files
infauna <- read.csv(infauna_path) #the user's infauna to be submitted
station_info<-read.csv(station_path) #the user's station information to be submitted
load("data/pcode.RData") #pcode values by depth and taxa associated with pcodes
### Prep the data
#ensuring data are in the correct formats
station_info.2<-station_info %>%
infauna.2<-infauna %>%
sample_id=paste(station_id, sample_date, replicate, sep="_"))
#joining taxa names, and counts to depth and geographic information by the station field
taxa_to_calc<-infauna.2 %>% select(sample_id, station_id, replicate,sample_date,taxon, abundance) %>%
left_join(., select(station_info.2,station_id, depth, latitude, longitude), by="station_id") %>%
arrange(sample_id, desc(abundance))
#output the joined taxa-station info for review
write.csv(taxa_to_calc, paste(output_path, "/", file_id, " interim file 1 - taxa to be analyzed.csv", sep=""), row.names = FALSE)
#rearranging the pcode values to make them easier to join to the taxa
pcodes.2<-pcodes %>%
pivot_longer(cols=-p_code, names_to="bri_dz", values_to="tol_val") %>%
#joining pcode values to the taxa based upon the depth zone (bri_dz)
all.4.bri<-taxa_to_calc %>% mutate(bri_dz=case_when(depth<25~"shallow", depth>=25&depth<=35~"shallow_mid",depth>35&depth<110~"mid",
depth>=110&depth<=130~"mid_deep",depth>130&depth<=324~"deep")) %>% filter(abundance>0) %>%
left_join(.,ptaxa,by=c("taxon"="TaxonName")) %>% left_join(.,pcodes.2, by=c("PCode"="p_code", "bri_dz"))
# output taxa with their p-codes for review
with.pcode<-all.4.bri %>% distinct(taxon, bri_dz,PCode) %>% drop_na(PCode) %>% arrange(taxon)
write.csv(with.pcode, paste(output_path, "/", file_id, " interim file 2 - taxa w assigned pcodes.csv", sep=""), row.names = FALSE)
# output taxa without p-codes for review
no.pcode<-all.4.bri %>% distinct(taxon, bri_dz,PCode) %>% filter(is.na(PCode)) %>% arrange(taxon)
write.csv(no.pcode, paste(output_path, "/", file_id, " interim file 3 - taxa w-o pcodes.csv", sep=""), row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(all.4.bri, paste(output_path, "/", file_id, " interim file 4 - taxa and pcodes by sample.csv",sep=""), row.names=FALSE)
#### Calculate Scores
bri_scores<-all.4.bri %>% drop_na(tol_val) %>% #drop taxa w/o a pcode
mutate(cube_abun=(abundance)^(1/3), ) %>% #calculate cube root abundance
group_by(sample_id, station_id, sample_date, replicate) %>% #calculating scores by sample_id (station, date, and replicate)
mutate(tot_bri_abun=sum(abundance), #summing abundance of all taxa w/ a pcode
tot_cube_abun=sum(cube_abun), #summing abundance of cube root abundances for all all taxa w/ a pcode
tol_score=tol_val*cube_abun) %>% #multiplying cube root abundance by pcode tolerance values
bri_scores.2<-bri_scores %>%
group_by(sample_id, station_id, sample_date,replicate, tot_bri_abun, tot_cube_abun) %>%
summarise(numerator=sum(tol_score)) %>% #summing the cube root abundance weighted tolerance scores by station (numerator in BRI calculation)
ungroup() %>%
mutate(bri_score=numerator/tot_cube_abun, #calculation of BRI score
bri_cond=case_when(bri_score<25 ~"Reference", #assigning traditional condition classes, based on score
bri_score>=25&bri_score<34~"Marginal Deviation",
bri_score>=34&bri_score<44~"Biodiversity Loss",
bri_score>=44&bri_score<72~"Function Loss",
bri_class=case_when(bri_score<25 ~1, #assigning numeric condition class
bri_score>=72~5)) %>%
bri_station_info<-bri_scores.2 %>% #attaching station information to the BRI scores
left_join(., station_info.2, by=c("station_id"))
return(bri_station_info) #so you can see the scores in R Studio environment
#Saving the final table of BRI scores to the specified output path
write.csv(bri_station_info, paste(output_path, "/", file_id, " final file - BRI scores by station and replicate.csv", sep=""), row.names = FALSE)
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