
Defines functions kComponents

# @title Estimation algorithm for K components
# @description calculates the K components by iteratively calling function oneComponent
# @export
# @param X matrix (n*p) containing the standardized covariates
# @param Y matrix (n*q) containing dependent variables
# @param AX matrix of additional covariates used in the generalized regression but not entering the linear
# combinations giving components
# @param K integer specifying the number of components
# @param family a vector of the same length as the number of responses containing characters
# identifying the distribution families of the dependent variables.
# "bernoulli", "binomial", "poisson" or "gaussian" are allowed.
# @param size matrix of size statistical units * number of binomial responses, giving the number of trials
# for binomial dependent variables.
# @param offset used for the poisson dependent variables.
# A vector or a matrix of size: number of observations * number of Poisson dependent variables is expected
# @param crit a list of maxit and tol, default is 50 and 10e-6. If responses are bernoulli variables only, tol should generally be increased
# @param method optimization algorithm used for loadings and components. Object of class "method.SCGLR"
# built by \code{\link{methodEigen}} or \code{\link{methodIng}}
# @return a list
# @return \item{u}{matrix of size (number of regressors * number of components), contains the component-loadings,
# i.e. the coefficients of the regressors in the linear combination giving each component}
# @return \item{comp}{matrix of size (number of statistical units * number of components) having the components as column vectors}
# @return \item{compr}{matrix of size (number of statistical units * number of components) having the standardized components as column vectors}
# @return \item{ds}{the final value of the regularization degree}
kComponents <- function(X, Y, AX, K, family, size=NULL, offset=NULL, crit, method) {
  n <- dim(X)[1]
  F <- NULL
  out <- oneComponent(X, Y, AX, F=F, family=family, size=size,
    offset=offset, crit=crit, method=method)
    custom_stop("convergence_failed", "k=1")
  u <- out$u
  f <- X %*% u
  F <- f
  Fr <- f/sqrt(c(crossprod(f, f))/n)
  # next component if K>1
  if(K>1) {
    for (k in 2:K) {
      FAX <- cbind(F, AX)
      out <- oneComponent(X, Y, FAX, F, family=family, size=size,
        offset=offset, crit=crit, method=method)
        custom_stop("convergence_failed", "k=", k)
      f <- X %*% out$u
      Fr <- cbind(Fr, f/sqrt(c(crossprod(f, f))/n))
      u <- cbind(u, out$u)
      F <- cbind(F, f)
  u <- as.matrix(u)
  colnames(u) <- paste0("u", 1:ncol(u))
  colnames(F) <- paste0("sc", 1:ncol(F))
  colnames(Fr) <- paste0("sc", 1:ncol(Fr))
  gamma <- out$gamma
  if(is.null(AX)) {
    rownames(gamma) <- c("(intercept)", colnames(Fr))
  } else {
    gamma <- gamma[c(1:K, (nrow(gamma)), (K+1):(nrow(gamma)-1)), , drop=FALSE]
    rownames(gamma) <- c("(intercept)", colnames(Fr), colnames(AX))
  return(list(u=u, F=F, Fr=Fr, gamma=gamma))
SCnext/SCGLR documentation built on May 3, 2024, 8:06 p.m.