#' @name findim_hcpc
#' @title Discovering Dimension
#' @description Finds the test dimension for a dichotomous logistic model by using Loadings and Factorial Analysis, according to the Paez & Montenegro methodology.
#' @usage findim_hcpc(data, verbose, probit)
#' @param data A binary matrix or dataframe that holds the response data with N individuals (columns) and P items (rows).
#' @param verbose a boolean, if TRUE all procedures are descibed in console. The adjusted eigen values are allways shown.
#' @param probit a boolean, if FALSE correction of probit to logit model is made (multiplying by 1.702 de discrimination vectors).
#' @details Implementation of a tecnique to evaluate the number of latent constructs presented by data.
#' @return L_data_Clust: list of matrices formed by clusters, each matrix has an associated set of binary vectors of items.
#' @return M_data: matrix of the join of objects in L_data_Clust.
#' @return dim_new: numeric, Dimension found by the algorithm.
#' @return dim_old: numeric, Initial Dimension of the algorithm (set by parallel analysis).
#' @return sc: vector, The size of each cluster of L_data_Clust.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' file = paste(system.file(package = "LatentREGpp"),"/dataset/TUN.txt",sep = "")
#' TUN = data.matrix(read.table(file))
#' findim_hcpc(TUN)
#' findim_hcpc(TUN, verbose = T)
#' }
#' @references Paez S. Montenegro A. and Pardo C. (2017). Principles and Methodology to Find Dimension on Latent Regression Models. Novel based approach.
#' British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. (Submitted)
#' @references John L. Horn (1965). A rationale and test for the number of factors
#' in factor analysis. Psychometrika, Volume 30, Number 2, Page 179.
#' @references Lebart L, Morineau A, Piron M (1997). Statistique Exploratoire Multidimensionnelle. Dunod.
#' @references Reckase M (2009). Multidimensional item response theory. Springer.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{itemfit}}
#' @export
findim_hcpc<- function(data, verbose=FALSE, probit = F)
colnames(data)<- paste("V",1:ncol(data), sep="")
## a conservative analysis with different result!
# Using Paralell Analysis to
# found a initial dimension
if(verbose) {cat("Using Paralel Analysis \n")}
paran<- try(paran::paran(data, iterations=500, centile=95, graph=T), silent=T)
if(class(paran) == "try-error")
stop("There are not eigen values greater than 1, then it is not even 1 dimension")
#***** Adjusted eigen values ****#
#***** Greater than 1 are selected ****#
dim<- paran$Retained
acp<- ade4::dudi.pca(data, nf=dim, scannf = FALSE)
Axis<- -acp$li
Prod<- t(Axis)%*%as.matrix(data)
#***** Wait user to continue ****#
#***** ****#
cat("\nPress [enter] to continue: ")
# Selecting items to be fixed
# items with the max projection
# over each principal direction
# of the PCA are fixed
index_prod<- vector()
for(i in 1:dim)
index_prod[i]<- which(Prod[i,] == apply(Prod,1, sort, decreasing=T)[,i][j])
if(i > 1)
while(end==FALSE) {
l= length(unique(index_prod))
if(l < i)
index_prod[i]<- which(Prod[i,] == apply(Prod,1, sort, decreasing=T)[,i][j])
if(l == i)
# Preparing to use noharm
PPatt<- matrix(0, ncol=dim, nrow=dim)
FPatt<- matrix(1, ncol=dim, nrow=ncol(data))
FPatt[index_prod,]<- matrix(0, ncol=dim, nrow=dim)
PVal<- diag(dim)
FVal<- matrix(1, ncol=dim, nrow=ncol(data))
FVal[index_prod,]<- diag(dim)
if(verbose){ cat("\n++++ Computing items' directions ++++")}
fit <- sirt::noharm.sirt(dat= data, Ppatt= PPatt, Fpatt= FPatt, Pval=PVal, Fval= FVal)
#***** Normalizing item slopes ****#
#***** to generate directions ****#
A<- fit$loadings.theta
if(!probit){A<- fit$loadings.theta*1.702}
norm<- sqrt(apply(A^2, 1, sum))
A_norm<- A/matrix(norm, ncol=dim, nrow=nrow(A))
# Using HCPC from FactoMineR
# to generate groups of items
if(verbose){ cat("\n++++ Making new clusters which generate new dimension ++++")}
if(dim == 1)
stop("There is just one dimension")
acp_dir<- FactoMineR::PCA(A_norm, graph=FALSE)
hcpc_dir<- FactoMineR::HCPC(acp_dir)
clust<- hcpc_dir$data.clust[, (dim+1)]
#***** Number of clusters is ****#
#***** The new dimension ****#
dim.new<- length(unique(clust))
#***** Saving new clusters ****#
CLUST<- list()
for(i in 1:dim.new)
CLUST[[i]]<- data[,which(clust==i)]
colnames(CLUST[[i]])<- colnames(data)[which(clust==i)]
if(verbose){ cat("\n++++ Done 'Dim_found_hcpc' ++++")}
res<- list("L_data_Clust" = CLUST, "M_data" = do.call(cbind, CLUST),"dim_new" = dim.new, "dim_old" = dim,
"sc" = unlist(lapply(CLUST, ncol)))
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