#' RunScatter plot
#' @param data MidarExperiment object
#' @param y_var Variable to plot
#' @param transition_filter Filter features containing
#' @param filter_exclude Exclude or include transition_filter
#' @param cap_values Cap y axis to ignore outliers
#' @param cap_SPL_SD Minimum s.d. of samples
#' @param cap_QC_SD Minimum s.d. of QCs
#' @param cap_top_n Cap top n values
#' @param QC_TYPE_fit QC TYPE used for loess fit
#' @param show_driftcorrection Show drift correction
#' @param trend_samples_fun Function used for drift correction. Default 'loess'
#' @param trend_samples_col Color of drift line
#' @param after_correction Show before/after correction
#' @param plot_other_qc Plot all QCS
#' @param show_batches Show batches
#' @param batches_as_shades Show batches as shades
#' @param batch_line_color batch separator color
#' @param batch_shading_color batch shade color
#' @param outputPDF save as PDF
#' @param filename file name of PDF
#' @param cols_page columns per page
#' @param rows_page rows per page
#' @param annot_scale scale factor of text elements
#' @param paper_orientation Landscape/Portrait
#' @param point_transparency Alpha of points
#' @param point_size point size
#' @param page_no Show page number
#' @param y_label_text Overwrite y label with this text
#' @param silent Verbose or silent
#' @param point_stroke_width point stroke width
#' @param base_size base font size of plot
#' @param return_plot_list return list with plots
#' @return A list of ggplot2 plots or NULL
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats na.omit setNames
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom MASS rlm
#' @importFrom scales percent_format
#' @importFrom ggpmisc stat_poly_line stat_poly_eq
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @importFrom utils head
plot_runscatter <- function(data, y_var, transition_filter, filter_exclude = FALSE,
cap_values, cap_SPL_SD, cap_QC_SD, cap_top_n, QC_TYPE_fit,
show_driftcorrection, trend_samples_fun = "loess", trend_samples_col , after_correction, plot_other_qc = TRUE,
show_batches, batches_as_shades, batch_line_color, batch_shading_color,
outputPDF, filename, cols_page, rows_page, annot_scale, paper_orientation = "LANDSCAPE" ,
point_transparency=1, point_size=2, point_stroke_width = .8, page_no = NA, y_label_text=NA, silent = FALSE, return_plot_list = TRUE, base_size = 7) {
y_var_s <- rlang::sym(y_var)
y_label <- dplyr::if_else(cap_values, paste0(ifelse(is.na(y_label_text), y_var, y_label_text), " (capped at min(", cap_SPL_SD, "x SD[SPL]) ,", cap_QC_SD, "x SD[QC]"), y_var)
# Re-order QC_TYPE levels to define plot layers, e.g. that QCs are plotted over StudySamples
data@dataset$QC_TYPE <- factor(as.character(data@dataset$QC_TYPE), pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_levels)
# filter data
dat_filt <- data@dataset %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$FEATURE_NAME, .data$RUN_ID) %>%
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(.data$FEATURE_NAME, paste0("^$|", transition_filter), negate = filter_exclude))
# cap upper range of dataset to avoid skewness
dat_filt <- dat_filt %>%
dplyr::mutate(value = !!y_var_s)
dat_filt <- dat_filt %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$FEATURE_NAME) %>%
value_max_spl = mean(.data$value[.data$QC_TYPE=="SPL"], na.rm=T) + cap_SPL_SD * sd(.data$value[.data$QC_TYPE=="SPL"], na.rm=T),
value_max_qc = mean(.data$value[.data$QC_TYPE==QC_TYPE_fit], na.rm=T) + cap_QC_SD * sd(.data$value[.data$QC_TYPE==QC_TYPE_fit]), na.rm=T,
value_max = max(.data$value_max_spl, .data$value_max_qc, na.rm=T),
value_mod = dplyr::if_else(.data$value > .data$value_max & cap_values, .data$value_max, .data$value)
) %>%
dat_filt <- dat_filt %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$FEATURE_NAME) %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$value) %>%
value = ifelse(dplyr::row_number() < cap_top_n, .data$value[cap_top_n], .data$value)
) |>
dplyr::arrange(.data$FEATURE_NAME, .data$RUN_ID) %>%
if (outputPDF & !is.na(filename)){
filename = ifelse(stringr::str_detect(filename, ".pdf"), filename, paste0(filename, ".pdf"))
if(paper_orientation == "LANDSCAPE")
pdf(file=filename , onefile=T, paper="A4r", useDingbats=FALSE, width=28/2.54, height=20/2.54)
pdf(file=filename , onefile=T, paper="A4", useDingbats=FALSE, height=28/2.54, width=20/2.54)
page_range <- 1:ceiling(dplyr::n_distinct(dat_filt$FEATURE_NAME)/(cols_page * rows_page))
page_range <- page_no
if(!silent) print(paste0("Plotting ", max(page_range), " pages..."))
#p_list <- vector("list", length(page_range))
p_list <- list()
for (i in page_range){
if(!silent) print(paste0("page ", i))
p <- runscatter_one_page(dat_filt = dat_filt, data= data, d_batches = data@annot_batch_info, cols_page = cols_page, rows_page = rows_page, show_driftcorrection = show_driftcorrection,
trend_samples_fun, trend_samples_col, after_correction = after_correction, QC_TYPE_fit = QC_TYPE_fit, outputPDF = outputPDF, page_no = i,
point_size = point_size, cap_values = cap_values, point_transparency = point_transparency, annot_scale = annot_scale,
show_batches = show_batches, batches_as_shades = batches_as_shades, batch_line_color = batch_line_color, plot_other_qc,
batch_shading_color = batch_shading_color, y_label=y_label, base_size=base_size, point_stroke_width=point_stroke_width)
p_list[[i]] <- p
on.exit(if(outputPDF) {dev.off()})
if(return_plot_list) return(p_list)
runscatter_one_page <- function(dat_filt, data, d_batches, cols_page, rows_page, page_no,
show_driftcorrection, after_correction = FALSE, QC_TYPE_fit,cap_values,
show_batches, batches_as_shades, batch_line_color, batch_shading_color, trend_samples_fun, trend_samples_col, plot_other_qc,
outputPDF, annot_scale, point_transparency, point_size=2, y_label, base_size, point_stroke_width){
point_size = ifelse(missing(point_size), 2, point_size)
point_stroke_width <- dplyr::if_else(outputPDF, .3, .2 * (1 + annot_scale/5))
# subset the dataset with only the rows used for plotting the facets of the selected page
n_cmpd <- length(unique(dat_filt$ANALYSIS_ID))
row_start <- n_cmpd * cols_page * rows_page * (page_no - 1) + 1
row_end <- n_cmpd * cols_page * rows_page * page_no
dat_subset <- dat_filt %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$FEATURE_NAME, .data$RUN_ID) %>%
dat_subset$QC_TYPE <- forcats::fct_relevel(dat_subset$QC_TYPE, c("SPL", "UBLK", "SBLK", "TQC", "BQC", "RQC", "LTR", "NIST", "PBLK"))
dat_subset <- dat_subset %>%
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46327431/facet-wrap-add-geom-hline
dMax <- dat_subset %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$FEATURE_NAME) %>%
dplyr::summarise(y_max = max(.data$value_mod, na.rm = TRUE)*1.0)
d_batch_data <- d_batches %>% dplyr::slice(rep(1:dplyr::n(), each = nrow(dMax)))
d_batch_data$FEATURE_NAME <- rep(dMax$FEATURE_NAME, times = nrow(d_batches))
d_batch_data <- d_batch_data %>% dplyr::left_join(dMax, by=c("FEATURE_NAME"))
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dat_subset, ggplot2::aes_string(x="RUN_ID", label = "ANALYSIS_ID"))
if (show_batches) {
if (!batches_as_shades) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_vline(data = d_batch_data %>% dplyr::slice(-1), ggplot2::aes(xintercept = .data$id_batch_start - 0.5), colour = batch_line_color, linetype = "solid", size = .5)
else {
d_batches_temp <- d_batch_data %>% dplyr::slice(-1) %>% dplyr::filter(.data$BATCH_NO %% 2 != 1)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_rect(data = d_batches_temp, ggplot2::aes(xmin = .data$id_batch_start - 0.5 , xmax = .data$id_batch_end + 0.5, ymin = 0, ymax = .data$y_max, label = .data$BATCH_ID),
inherit.aes = FALSE, fill = batch_shading_color, color = NA, alpha = 0.5, linetype = "solid", size = 0.3)
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_point(aes_string(x = "RUN_ID", y= "value_mod", color="QC_TYPE", fill="QC_TYPE", shape="QC_TYPE", group="BATCH_ID"), size=point_size, alpha=point_transparency, stroke = point_stroke_width)
if(after_correction & show_driftcorrection){
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_line(aes_string(x = "RUN_ID", y= "value_fitted", group = "BATCH_ID"), color = pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_fillcol[QC_TYPE_fit], size = .5)
p <- p +
ggh4x::facet_wrap2(ggplot2::vars(.data$FEATURE_NAME), scales = "free_y", ncol = cols_page, nrow = rows_page,trim_blank = FALSE) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(y = 0) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_col, drop=TRUE) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_fillcol, drop=TRUE)+
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values=pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_shape, drop=TRUE)
if(after_correction) {
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(data = filter(dat_subset, .data$QC_TYPE == QC_TYPE_fit), ggplot2::aes_string(x = "RUN_ID", y= "value", group = "BATCH_ID"), se=TRUE,
colour=pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_fillcol[QC_TYPE_fit], fill = pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_fillcol[QC_TYPE_fit],
method = MASS::rlm, alpha = 0.2, size=0.4) +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(data = filter(dat_subset, .data$QC_TYPE == "SPL"), ggplot2::aes_string(x = "RUN_ID", y= "value", group = "BATCH_ID"), colour=trend_samples_col, fill = trend_samples_col,
method = trend_samples_fun, se=TRUE, alpha = 0.2, size=.4, na.rm = FALSE)
other_qc <- dplyr::if_else(QC_TYPE_fit == "BQC", "TQC", "BQC")
other_qc_col <- pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_fillcol[other_qc]
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(data = dplyr::filter(dat_subset, .data$QC_TYPE == other_qc), ggplot2::aes_string(x = "RUN_ID", y= "value", group = "BATCH_ID"), colour=other_qc_col, fill = other_qc_col,
method = trend_samples_fun, se=TRUE, alpha = 0.2, size=.4, na.rm = FALSE)
else {
p <- p +
geom_smooth(data = dplyr::filter(dat_subset, .data$QC_TYPE == "SPL"), ggplot2::aes_string(x = "RUN_ID", y= "value", group = "BATCH_ID"), colour=trend_samples_col, fill = trend_samples_col,
method = trend_samples_fun, se=TRUE, alpha = 0.2, size=.4, na.rm = FALSE)
other_qc <- dplyr::if_else(.data$QC_TYPE_fit == "BQC", "TQC", "BQC")
other_qc_col <- pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_fillcol[other_qc]
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(data = dplyr::filter(dat_subset, .data$QC_TYPE == other_qc), ggplot2::aes_string(x = "RUN_ID", y= "value", group = "BATCH_ID"), colour=other_qc_col, fill = other_qc_col,
method = trend_samples_fun, se=TRUE, alpha = 0.2, size=.4, na.rm = FALSE)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_hline(data = dMax, ggplot2::aes(yintercept = .data$y_max), color = "#C7C5BF", size = 3, alpha = .3)
p <- p +
#aes(ymin=0) +
ggplot2::xlab("Injection number") +
ggplot2::ylab(label = y_label) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, NA), expand = ggplot2::expansion(mult = c(0.02,0.03))) +
#expand_limits(y = 0) +
ggplot2::theme_light(base_size = base_size) +
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size=1, face="bold"),
strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=10*annot_scale, face="bold"),
strip.background = ggplot2::element_rect(size=0.0001,fill="#8C8C8C"),
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text( size=9*annot_scale, face=NULL),
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text( size=7*annot_scale, face=NULL),
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_line(size=0.00001,colour = "#DEDEDE",linetype = "dotted"),
strip.switch.pad.wrap = ggplot2::unit(0,"mm"))
# Define function to plot 1 page
plot_responsecurves_page <- function(dataset,
y_var <- rlang::sym(response_variable)
ggplot2::ggplot(data = dataset,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$RELATIVE_SAMPLE_AMOUNT ,
y = !!y_var,
color = .data$RQC_SERIES_ID)) +
ggpmisc::stat_poly_line(data = subset(dataset, dataset$RELATIVE_SAMPLE_AMOUNT<= (regr_max_percent/100)),
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$RELATIVE_SAMPLE_AMOUNT ,
y = !!y_var,
color = .data$RQC_SERIES_ID),
se = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE, size = line_width, inherit.aes = FALSE) +
ggplot2::aes(group = .data$RQC_SERIES_ID, label = ggplot2::after_stat(.data$rr.label)),
size = 2* text_scale_factor, rr.digits = 3, vstep = .1) +
#color = ifelse(after_stat(r.squared) < 0.80, "red", "darkgreen")), size = 1.4) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("#4575b4", "#91bfdb","#fc8d59", "#d73027"))+
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, NA)) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, NA),
breaks = c(0,0.5,1,1.5,2,4),
labels = scales::percent_format(accuracy = NULL))+
scales = "free",
nrow = rows_page,
ncol = columns_page,
trim_blank = FALSE) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = point_size) +
ggplot2::xlab("Sample Amount (Relative to BQC/TQC)")+
ggplot2::theme_light(base_size = base_size) +
ggplot2::theme(strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size=9*text_scale_factor, face="bold"),
strip.background = ggplot2::element_rect(size=0.0001,fill="#8C8C8C"))
#' Response curves plot
#' @param data MidarExperiment object
#' @param output_PDF Save as PDF
#' @param response_variable Variable to plot
#' @param include_features_containing Filter features containing
#' @param exclude_features_containing Exclude features containing
#' @param regr_max_percent Max relative sample amount to use in regressionb
#' @param pdf_file_name file name of pdf file
#' @param rows_page rows per page
#' @param columns_page columns per page
#' @param point_size point size
#' @param line_width regression line width
#' @param text_scale_factor text scale factor
#' @param return_plot_list return plot as list
#' @param base_size base font size
#' @return A list of ggplot2 objects
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats na.omit setNames
#' @importFrom utils tail
plot_responsecurves <- function(data,
response_variable = "Intensity",
include_features_containing = "",
exclude_features_containing = "",
regr_max_percent = NA,
pdf_file_name = "",
rows_page = 4,
columns_page = 5,
point_size = 2,
line_width = 1,
text_scale_factor = 1,
return_plot_list = FALSE, base_size = 7) {
if (output_PDF & pdf_file_name == "") stop("Please set 'pdf_file_name'")
rows_page = rows_page
columns_page = columns_page
d_rqc <- data@dataset |>
c("ANALYSIS_ID", "FEATURE_NAME", "Intensity", "normIntensity")
)) |>
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(.data$FEATURE_NAME, paste0("^$|", include_features_containing))) |>
dplyr::filter(!stringr::str_detect(.data$FEATURE_NAME, paste0("^$|", exclude_features_containing, negate = TRUE))) |>
dplyr::right_join(data@annot_responsecurves, by = c("ANALYSIS_ID" = "ANALYSIS_ID"))
regr_max_percent <-
max(d_rqc$RELATIVE_SAMPLE_AMOUNT * 100),
d_rqc_grp <- d_rqc %>%
dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(FEATURE_NAME = unique(d_rqc$FEATURE_NAME)) |>
mutate(grp = ceiling(
row_number() / (rows_page * columns_page)
)), by = "FEATURE_NAME") %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$grp) %>%
tidyr::nest() %>%
dplyr::mutate(plt = purrr::map(
dataset = x,
include_features_containing = include_features_containing,
exclude_features_containing = exclude_features_containing,
output_PDF = output_PDF,
response_variable = response_variable,
regr_max_percent = regr_max_percent,
pdf_file_name = pdf_file_name,
rows_page = rows_page,
columns_page = columns_page,
point_size = point_size,
line_width = line_width,
text_scale_factor = text_scale_factor,
base_size = base_size
# Print pages
if (!output_PDF) {
if (!return_plot_list)
} else{
file = pdf_file_name,
onefile = TRUE,
paper = "A4r",
width = 11
if (return_plot_list)
#' PCA plot for QC
#' @param data MidarExperiment object
#' @param variable which variable to use for plot
#' @param log_transform log transform data for plot
#' @param dim_x PCA dimension on x axis
#' @param dim_y PCA dimension on y axis
#' @param grouping field used for ellipses
#' @param point_size size of points
#' @param fill_alpha transparency of points
#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @export
plot_pca_qc <- function(data, variable, log_transform, dim_x, dim_y, grouping, point_size = 2, fill_alpha = 0.1) {
d_wide = data@dataset_QC_filtered %>%
filter(.data$QC_TYPE %in% c("BQC", "TQC", "NIST", "LTR", "SPL"), !stringr::str_detect(.data$FEATURE_NAME, "\\(IS"), .data$isQUANTIFIER ) %>%
dplyr::select("ANALYSIS_ID", "QC_TYPE", "BATCH_ID", "FEATURE_NAME", {{variable}})
d_filt <- d_wide %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = "ANALYSIS_ID", names_from = "FEATURE_NAME", values_from = {{variable}})
d_metadata <- d_wide %>% dplyr::select("ANALYSIS_ID", "QC_TYPE", "BATCH_ID") |> dplyr::distinct()
#if(!all(d_filt |> pull(ANALYSIS_ID) == d_metadata |> pull(AnalyticalID))) stop("Data and Metadata missmatch")
m_raw <- d_filt |>
dplyr::select(where(~!any(is.na(.)))) |>
tibble::column_to_rownames("ANALYSIS_ID") |>
if(log_transform) m_raw <- log2(m_raw)
# get pca result with annotation
pca_res <- prcomp(m_raw, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)
pca_annot <- pca_res |> broom::augment(d_metadata)
pca_contrib <- pca_res |> broom::tidy(matrix = "eigenvalues")
p <- ggplot(data = pca_annot, aes_string(paste0(".fittedPC", dim_x),
paste0(".fittedPC", dim_y),
color = "QC_TYPE",
fill = "QC_TYPE",
shape = "QC_TYPE",
label = "ANALYSIS_ID"
)) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = 0.4, color = "grey80") +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = 0, size = 0.4, color = "grey80") +
ggplot2::stat_ellipse(geom = "polygon", level = 0.95,alpha = fill_alpha, size = 0.3) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = point_size)
p <- p +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_col, drop=TRUE) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_fillcol, drop=TRUE)+
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values=pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_shape, drop=TRUE)
p <- p +
ggplot2::theme_light(base_size = 8) +
ggplot2::xlab(glue::glue("PC{dim_x} ({round(pca_contrib[[dim_x,'percent']]*100,1)}%)"))+
ggplot2::ylab(glue::glue("PC{dim_y} ({round(pca_contrib[[dim_y,'percent']]*100,1)}%)"))+
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.3, color = "grey95"),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_rect(size = 1, color = "grey70"),
plot_pca_pairs <- function(data, variable, dim_range = c(1,8), log_transform = TRUE, grouping = "QC_TYPE", sliding = FALSE, ncol = 3,
point_size = 0.5, fill_alpha = 0.1, legend_pos = "right"){
d_wide = data@dataset %>% filter(.data$QC_TYPE %in% c("BQC", "TQC", "NIST", "LTR", "SPL"), !stringr::str_detect(.data$FEATURE_NAME, "\\(IS") ) %>%
dplyr::select("ANALYSIS_ID", "QC_TYPE", "BATCH_ID", "FEATURE_NAME", {{variable}})
d_filt <- d_wide %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = "ANALYSIS_ID", names_from = "FEATURE_NAME", values_from = {{variable}})
d_metadata <- d_wide %>% dplyr::select("ANALYSIS_ID", "QC_TYPE", "BATCH_ID") |> dplyr::distinct()
#if(!all(d_filt |> pull(ANALYSIS_ID) == d_metadata |> pull(AnalyticalID))) stop("Data and Metadata missmatch")
m_raw <- d_filt |>
dplyr::select(where(~!any(is.na(.)))) |>
tibble::column_to_rownames("ANALYSIS_ID") |>
if(log_transform) m_raw <- log2(m_raw)
# get pca result with annotation
pca_res <- prcomp(m_raw, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)
pca_annot <- pca_res |> broom::augment(d_metadata)
pca_contrib <- pca_res |> broom::tidy(matrix = "eigenvalues")
dim_range <- seq(dim_range[1]:dim_range[2])
if(sliding) dim_range <- dim_range[-length(dim_range)] else
dim_range <- dim_range[seq(1, length(dim_range), 2)]
plot_list <- list()
j = 1
for(i in dim_range) {
p <- ggplot(data = pca_annot, aes_string(paste0(".fittedPC", i),
paste0(".fittedPC", i+1),
color = grouping,
shape = grouping,
fill = grouping )) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = 0.2, color = "grey80") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, size = 0.2, color = "grey80") +
ggplot2::stat_ellipse(geom = "polygon", level = 0.95,alpha = fill_alpha, size = 0.2) +
geom_point(size = point_size)
p <- p +
scale_color_manual(values=pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_col, drop=TRUE) +
scale_fill_manual(values=pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_fillcol, drop=TRUE)+
scale_shape_manual(values=pkg.env$qc_type_annotation$qc_type_shape, drop=TRUE)
p <- p +
ggplot2::theme_light(base_size = 6) +
ggplot2::xlab(glue::glue("PC{i} ({round(pca_contrib[[i,'percent']]*100,1)}%)"))+
ggplot2::ylab(glue::glue("PC{i+1} ({round(pca_contrib[[i+1,'percent']]*100,1)}%)"))+
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.2, color = "grey95"),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_rect(size = .5, color = "grey70"),
plot_list[[j]] <- p + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
j = j + 1
lg <- cowplot::get_legend(plot_list[[1]] + theme(legend.position = legend_pos,
legend.margin = ggplot2::margin(c(0,0,0,0))))
pl1 <- cowplot::plot_grid( plotlist = plot_list, ncol = ncol)
print(cowplot::plot_grid( pl1,lg, ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1,0.2)))
plot_pca_loading_coord <- function(data, variable, log_transform, dim_x, dim_y, top_n, text_size = 1, fill_alpha = 0.1){
PCx = rlang::sym(paste0("PC",dim_x))
PCy = rlang::sym(paste0("PC",dim_y))
d_wide = data@dataset %>% filter(.data$QC_TYPE %in% c("BQC", "TQC", "NIST", "LTR", "SPL"), !stringr::str_detect(.data$FEATURE_NAME, "\\(IS") ) %>%
dplyr::select("ANALYSIS_ID", "QC_TYPE", "BATCH_ID", "FEATURE_NAME", {{variable}})
d_filt <- d_wide %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = "ANALYSIS_ID", names_from = "FEATURE_NAME", values_from = {{variable}})
m_raw <- d_filt |>
dplyr::select(where(~!any(is.na(.)))) |>
tibble::column_to_rownames("ANALYSIS_ID") |>
if(log_transform) m_raw <- log2(m_raw)
pca_res <- prcomp(m_raw, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)
d_loading <- pca_res %>%
broom::tidy(matrix = "rotation") %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "PC", names_prefix = "PC", values_from = "value")
d_top_loadings <- d_loading |> dplyr::select("column", !!PCx, !!PCy) |> mutate(vl = (!!PCx)^2 + (!!PCy)^2) |> dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(.data$vl)) |> head(top_n)
x_max <- max(abs(d_top_loadings[, glue::glue("PC{dim_x}")]))
y_max <- max(abs(d_top_loadings[, glue::glue("PC{dim_y}")]))
# define arrow style for plotting
arrow_style <- ggplot2::arrow(
angle = 20, ends = "first", type = "closed", length = grid::unit(6, "pt")
p <- ggplot(d_top_loadings, aes_string(glue::glue("PC{dim_x}"), glue::glue("PC{dim_y}"))) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(xend = 0, yend = 0, arrow = arrow_style, color = "grey60", size = 0.3) +
aes(label = .data$column),
size = text_size,
hjust = 0, nudge_x = -0.01,
color = "#904C2F"
) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-x_max*1.2, x_max*1.2), expand = ggplot2::expansion(mult = .2))+
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-y_max*1.2, y_max*1.2), expand = ggplot2::expansion(mult = .2))+
#coord_fixed(xlim = c(-x_max, x_max), ylim = c(-y_max, y_max)) + # fix aspect ratio to 1:1
ggplot2::theme_light(base_size = 7) +
plot_pca_loading <- function(data, variable, log_transform, pc_dimensions, top_n, scale_pos_neg = FALSE, point_size = 2, fill_alpha = 0.1){
d_wide = data@dataset %>% filter(.data$QC_TYPE %in% c("BQC", "TQC", "NIST", "LTR", "SPL"), !stringr::str_detect(.data$FEATURE_NAME, "\\(IS") ) %>%
dplyr::select("ANALYSIS_ID", "QC_TYPE", "BATCH_ID", "FEATURE_NAME", {{variable}})
d_filt <- d_wide %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = "ANALYSIS_ID", names_from = "FEATURE_NAME", values_from = {{variable}})
m_raw <- d_filt |>
tibble::column_to_rownames("ANALYSIS_ID") |>
dplyr::select(where(~!any(is.na(.)))) |>
if(log_transform) m_raw <- log2(m_raw)
pca_res <- prcomp(m_raw, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)
d_loading <- pca_res %>%
broom::tidy(matrix = "rotation") %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "PC", names_prefix = "PC", values_from = "value") |>
dplyr::rename(Compound = .data$column)
d_loadings_selected <- d_loading |>
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -.data$Compound, names_to = "PC", values_to = "Value") |>
dplyr::mutate(PC = as.numeric(stringr::str_remove(.data$PC, "PC"))) |>
filter(.data$PC %in% pc_dimensions)
d_loadings_selected <- d_loadings_selected |>
dplyr::rowwise() |>
dplyr::mutate(direction = if_else(.data$Value < 0, "neg", "pos"),
Value = dplyr::if_else(!scale_pos_neg, abs(.data$Value), .data$Value),
abs_value = abs(.data$Value)) |>
group_by(.data$PC) |>
dplyr::arrange(.data$abs_value) |>
dplyr::slice_max(order_by = .data$abs_value, n = .data$top_n) |>
ungroup() |>
tidyr::unite("E", .data$Compound, .data$PC, remove = FALSE) |>
mutate(PC = as.factor(.data$PC),
E = forcats::fct_reorder(.data$E, .data$abs_value))
p <- ggplot(d_loadings_selected, ggplot2::aes(x = .data$E, y = .data$Value, color = .data$direction, fill = .data$direction)) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(ggplot2::vars(.data$PC), nrow=1,scales = "free") +
ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(labels=d_loadings_selected$Compound, breaks=d_loadings_selected$E) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("neg" = "blue", "pos" = "red")) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = c("neg" = "blue", "pos" = "red")) +
ggplot2::coord_flip() +
ggplot2::theme_light(base_size = 8)
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