
Defines functions autoplot.ACF plot.ACF ACF

Documented in ACF autoplot.ACF plot.ACF

#' @title Auto-Covariance and Correlation Functions
#' @description The acf function computes the estimated
#' autocovariance or autocorrelation for both univariate and multivariate cases.
#' @param x      A \code{matrix} with dimensions \eqn{N \times S}{N x S} or N observations and S processes
#' @param lagmax A \code{integer} indicating the max lag.
#' @param cor    A \code{bool} indicating whether the correlation 
#' (\code{TRUE}) or covariance (\code{FALSE}) should be computed.
#' @param demean A \code{bool} indicating whether the data should be detrended
#'  (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE})
#' @return An \code{array} of dimensions \eqn{N \times S \times S}{N x S x S}.
#' @details 
#' \code{lagmax} default is \eqn{10*log10(N/m)} where \eqn{N} is the number of
#' observations and \eqn{m} is the number of series being compared. If 
#' \code{lagmax} supplied is greater than the number of observations, then one
#' less than the total will be taken.
#' @examples 
#' # Get Autocorrelation
#' m = ACF(datasets::AirPassengers)
#' # Get Autocovariance and do not remove trend from signal
#' m = ACF(datasets::AirPassengers, cor = FALSE, demean = FALSE)
ACF = function(x, lagmax = 0, cor = TRUE, demean = TRUE){

  # Force to matrix form
  if(is.ts(x) || is.atomic(x)){
    x2 = data.matrix(x)        
  o = .acf(x2, lagmax, cor, demean)
  # Try to get names...
  name_vars = colnames(x)
  # No names? No sweat. Just use NSE!
    name_vars = deparse(substitute(x))
  # Make pretty names
  dimnames(o)  = list(seq_len(nrow(o)), name_vars, name_vars)
  o = structure(o, type = (cor == 1), n = nrow(x2), class = c("ACF","array"))

#' @title Auto-Covariance and Correlation Functions
#' @description The acf function computes the estimated
#' autocovariance or autocorrelation for both univariate and multivariate cases.
#' @param x,object  An \code{"ACF"} object from \code{\link{ACF}}.
#' @param show.ci   A \code{bool} indicating whether to show confidence region
#' @param ci        A \code{double} containing the 1-alpha level. Default is 0.95
#' @param ...       Additional parameters
#' @return An \code{array} of dimensions \eqn{N \times S \times S}{N x S x S}.
#' @rdname plot.ACF
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # Calculate the Autocorrelation
#' m = ACF(datasets::AirPassengers)
#' # Plot with 95% CI
#' plot(m) 
#' # Plot with 90% CI
#' plot(m, ci = 0.90) 
#' # Plot without 95% CI
#' plot(m, show.ci = FALSE)
plot.ACF = function(x, show.ci = TRUE, ci = 0.95, ...){
  autoplot.ACF(object = x, show.ci = show.ci, ci = ci, ...)

#' @rdname plot.ACF
#' @export
autoplot.ACF = function(object, show.ci = TRUE, ci = 0.95, ...){
  # Quiet the warnings...
  Lag = xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax = NULL 
  # Wide to long array transform
  x2 = as.data.frame.table(object, responseName = "ACF")
  colnames(x2) = c("Lag", "Signal X", "Signal Y", "ACF")
  # Remove character cast
  x2$Lag = as.numeric(x2$Lag)
  # Create key
  x2$key = ifelse(
    x2$`Signal X` == x2$`Signal Y`,
    paste0(x2$`Signal X`),
    paste0(x2$`Signal X`, " & ", x2$`Signal Y`)
  # Plot with facetting
  g = ggplot(data = x2, mapping = aes(x = Lag, y = ACF)) +
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0)) +
    geom_segment(mapping = aes(xend = Lag, yend = 0)) +
    facet_wrap(~ key) + theme_bw()
    clim0 = qnorm( (1 + ci)/2 ) / sqrt(attr(object,'n'))

    ci.region = data.frame(xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymin = -clim0, ymax = clim0)

    g = g + geom_rect(data = ci.region, 
                      aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax,
                          ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax),
                      fill = "blue", alpha = 0.10,
                      inherit.aes = FALSE)
    g = g + ylab("Autocorrelation")
  } else{
    g = g + ylab("Autocovariance")
SMAC-Group/gmwm documentation built on Sept. 11, 2021, 10:06 a.m.