
## ----echo = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------
oo <- getOption("rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title")
on.exit(options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = oo))
options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)

## ----message = FALSE, warning = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------



newDir <- tempdir()
baseURL <- '' <- "YEWA_target_sites.rds"
url1 <- paste0(baseURL,, '?raw=true')
temp <- paste(newDir,, sep = '/')
utils::download.file(url1, temp, mode = 'wb')
YEWA_target_sites <- readRDS(temp)

YEWA_target_sites <- YEWA_target_sites[,c("Region","targetSite","geometry")]

# vector of target names #
targetNames <- c("Pacific and Central Mexico", "Atlantic Lowland Mexico",
                 "Central America", "South America")

## ----echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.cap="Yellow Warbler nonbreeding regions. The breeding regions (washed out) are defined by genoscape-defined populations and the nonbreeding regions were identified by ecoregions across the ranges"----
# Define the origin sites
file.names <- paste0("originSitesYEWA.", c("shp", "dbf", "prj", "shx"))
urls <- paste0(baseURL, file.names, '?raw=true')
temp <- paste(newDir, file.names, sep = '/')
for (i in 1:length(file.names))
  utils::download.file(urls[i], temp[i], mode = 'wb')
YEWA_origin_sites <- sf::st_read(temp[1], quiet = TRUE)
# vector of origin names 
originNames <- c("Arctic", "Pacific Northwest", "Southwest", "Central", "East")

# object with the number of originSites 
nOriginSites <- 5

#Plot function
lims <- rbind(st_bbox(YEWA_target_sites),st_bbox(YEWA_origin_sites))

mins <- apply(lims[,c(1,2)], 2, FUN = "min")
maxs <- apply(lims[,c(3,4)], 2, FUN = "max")

op <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
     ylim = c(mins[2],maxs[2]), 
     xlim = c(mins[1],maxs[1]), 
     col = c("#78a18d40", "#dece6640", "#a8a80040", "#56995940", "#c4d09740"), 
     border = "white", 
     lwd = 0.25)
plot(YEWA_target_sites$geometry, lwd = 0.25, add = TRUE, 
     col = c("#E9D097", "#67B8D6", "#1C77A3", "#DEA785"), border = "white")
legend("topright", legend = targetNames, 
       fill = c("#E9D097", "#67B8D6", "#1C77A3", "#DEA785"), border = "white")

## ----eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  # Load shapefile of origin sites derived from genoscape data
#  # Define the origin sites
#  file.names <- paste0("originSitesYEWA.", c("shp", "dbf", "prj", "shx"))
#  urls <- paste0(baseURL, file.names, '?raw=true')
#  temp <- paste(newDir, file.names, sep = '/')
#  for (i in 1:length(file.names))
#    utils::download.file(urls[i], temp[i], mode = 'wb')
#  YEWA_origin_sites <- sf::st_read(temp[1], quiet = TRUE)
#  # vector of origin names
#  originNames <- c("Arctic", "Pacific Northwest", "Southwest", "Central", "East")
#  # object with the number of originSites
#  nOriginSites <- 5

## ----echo = FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.cap="Yellow Warbler breeding regions. The breeding regions are defined by genoscape-defined populations and the nonbreeding regions (washed out) were identified by ecoregions across the ranges"----
par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
     ylim = c(mins[2],maxs[2]), 
     xlim = c(mins[1],maxs[1]), 
     col = c("#78a18dff", "#dece66ff", "#a8a800ff", "#569959ff", "#c4d097ff"), 
     border = "white", 
     lwd = 0.25)
     col = c("#E9D09740", "#67B8D640", "#1C77A340", "#DEA78540"),
     border = "white", lwd = 0.25, add = TRUE)
legend("topright", legend = originNames, 
       fill = c("#78a18dff", "#dece66ff", "#a8a800ff", "#569959ff", "#c4d097ff"), 
       border = "white")

## ----eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  #read in the data
#  genetic_samples <- read.delim("YEWA_nonbreeding_genetic_samples.txt",
#                                stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#  str(genetic_samples, 1)

## ----echo = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <- "YEWA.rep_indiv_est.Wintering.w_meta.txt"
url1 <- paste0(baseURL,, '?raw=true')
temp <- paste(newDir,, sep = '/')
utils::download.file(url1, temp, mode = 'wb')
genetic_samples <- read.delim(temp, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

names(genetic_samples) <- gsub(names(genetic_samples), pattern = "X[0-9]..", replacement = "")


## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note that we re-order the probabilities to match the order of originNames #
YEWA_genetics <- as.matrix(genetic_samples[,c("Alaska","WesternBoreal",

# give names to the object
dimnames(YEWA_genetics) <- list(as.character(genetic_samples$indiv), 

# Double-check that all rows sum to 1

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert the data into spatial object 
targetPoints_genetic <- st_as_sf(genetic_samples[,c("longitude","latitude")],
                                  coords = c("longitude","latitude"),
                                  crs = 4326) # WGS84

# Assign the data type to the spatial layer 

targetPoints_genetic$Type <- "Genetics Capture"

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Capture locations #
# See dates and summary data from Table 1. page 44.
# Maine #129
# Maine #132
# Maine #136
# Maine #137
# Wisconsin #139
# Wisconsin #144
# Wisconsin #146

caplocs <- cbind(c(rep(-70.6142,4),rep(-87.8123,3)),

# Departures #
departs <- as.POSIXct(c("2015-09-04",

## ----echo = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# read in the daily location data # <- "Yellow_Warbler_Witynski.csv"
url1 <- paste0(baseURL,, '?raw=true')
temp <- paste(newDir,, sep = '/')
utils::download.file(url1, temp, mode = 'wb')
EstLocs <- read.csv(temp)

# make it spatial 
YEWA_gl_locs <- sf::st_as_sf(EstLocs,
                             coords = c("location.long",
                             crs = 4326)

## ----eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  # read in the daily location data #
#  EstLocs <- read.csv("Yellow Warbler_Witynski.csv")
#  # make it spatial
#  YEWA_gl_locs <- sf::st_as_sf(EstLocs,
#                               coords = c("location.long",
#                                          ""),
#                               crs = 4326)

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Summarized nonbreeding locations reported in Witynski and Bonter

YEWA_GL_nb <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(bird = factor(c(129,132,136,137,139,144,146)),
                                      long = c(-75.09,-74.81,-74.30,-74.21,-68.72,-67.08,-65.39),
                                      lat = c(10.03,8.52,10.51,3.14,0.96,5.73,6.67)),
                               coords = c("long","lat"),
                               crs = 4326)

# assign type to GL spatial object
YEWA_GL_nb$Type <- "GL Estimated Target"

# Convert the capture locations to a spatial object
YEWA_GL_breed <- st_as_sf(data.frame(bird = c(129,132,136,137,139,144,146),
                                  longitude = caplocs[,1],
                                  latitude = caplocs[,2]),
                       coords = c("longitude","latitude"),
                       crs = 4326)

# assign type to GL spatial object
YEWA_GL_breed$Type <- "GL Capture"

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# project from WGS84 into meters #
YEWAmeters <- sf::st_transform(YEWA_gl_locs,'ESRI:102010')
CapMeters <- sf::st_transform(YEWA_GL_breed, 'ESRI:102010')

# split birds into their own data #
YEWAests <- split(YEWAmeters,
                  f = YEWAmeters$'individual.local.identifier')

# Empirical estimates of bias and vcov, but on mean locations by bird
ests2 <- mapply(x = YEWAests,
                lats = st_coordinates(CapMeters)[,2],
                lng = st_coordinates(CapMeters)[,1],
                z = departs,
                FUN = function(x,lats,lng,z){
              # keep only data from deployment until departure from breeding #
                  newdata <- x[x$timestamp<z,]

              # calculate the difference in meters from estimated location
              # to actual capture location
                  long <- mean(st_coordinates(newdata)[,1]) - lng
                  lat <- mean(st_coordinates(newdata)[,2]) - lats

                  return(c(difflong = long,
                                    difflat = lat))},

               SIMPLIFY = TRUE)

(geoBiasYEWA <- apply(ests2, 1, mean)) #Bias

(geoVCovYEWA <- cov(t(ests2))) #Variance-covariance matrix

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Set up input for running in estTransition

# Number of geolocator birds 
nGL <- nrow(YEWA_GL_breed)

# We have 0 birds with telemetry data
nTelemetry <- 0

# How many birds have raster data (isotopes; for this example, none)
nRaster <- 0

# How many birds have probability data (genetics)
nProb <- nrow(YEWA_genetics)

# Total number of animals 
nAnimals <- nGL + nTelemetry + nRaster + nProb

# Set up a vector of TRUE/FALSE indicating if the individual 
# has geolocator data 
isGLYEWA <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(nGL, nTelemetry + nRaster + nProb))

# Vector indicating whether an individual has telemetry data 
isTelemetryYEWA <- rep(FALSE, nAnimals)

# Vector indicating whether an individual has raster assignment data 
isRasterYEWA <- rep(FALSE, nAnimals)

# Vector indicating whether an individual has probability data 
isProbYEWA <- rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(nGL + nTelemetry + nRaster, nProb))

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# combine all the target locations into a single object 
# NOTE - we reorder the columns to match between the data sets
targetPointsYEWA <- rbind(YEWA_GL_nb[,c("Type","geometry")],

# Transform (re-project the data) into Equidistant conic projection
targetPointsYEWA <- st_transform(targetPointsYEWA, "ESRI:102010")

# A vector indicating where the birds were captured 
capturedYEWA <- rep(c("origin", "target"), c(nGL, nTelemetry + nRaster + nProb))

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Where birds were captured in the origin sites (i.e., geolocators)
originPointsYEWA <- CapMeters

# Transform (re-project) data into Equidistant conic projection 
targetSitesYEWA <- st_transform(YEWA_target_sites, "ESRI:102010")

# Create a vector of the target assignments of the input data
targetAssignment <- suppressMessages(unclass(sf::st_intersects(x = targetPointsYEWA,
                                                               y = targetSitesYEWA,
                                                               sparse = TRUE)))

# Set any target assignment that results in 0 to NA
targetAssignment[lengths(targetAssignment)==0] <- NA

# convert from a list to an array #
targetAssignment <- array(unlist(targetAssignment))

# If the assignment is NA - assign to the nearest targetSite
targetAssignment[] <- sf::st_nearest_feature(x = targetPointsYEWA[,],
                                                                    y = targetSitesYEWA)

## ----eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  # Read in data from eBird
#  library(ebirdst)
#  library(tidyverse)
#  sp_path <- ebirdst_download(species = "yelwar", path = "./")
#  run_review <- subset(ebirdst_runs, species_code == "yelwar")
#  yelwar_dates <- run_review %>%
#    # just keep the seasonal definition columns
#    select(setdiff(matches("(start)|(end)"), matches("year_round"))) %>%
#    # transpose
#    gather("label", "date") %>%
#    # spread data so start and end dates are in separate columns
#    separate(label, c("season", "start_end"), "_(?=s|e)") %>%
#    spread(start_end, date) %>%
#    select(season, start_dt = start, end_dt = end) %>%
#    filter(season != "resident")
#  # did the season pass review
#  quality_rating <- run_review[paste0(yelwar_dates$season, "_quality")]
#  yelwar_dates$pass <- as.integer(quality_rating) > 1
#  yelwar_dates
#  rastAbundMed <- load_raster(path = sp_path,
#                              product = "abundance",
#                              period = "weekly",
#                              resolution = "mr")
#  # dates for each abundance layer
#  weeks <- parse_raster_dates(rastAbundMed)
#  # assign to seasons
#  weeks_season <- rep(NA_character_, length(weeks))
#  for (i in seq_len(nrow(yelwar_dates))) {
#    s <- yelwar_dates[i, ]
#    # skip seasonal assignment if season failed
#    if (!s$pass) {
#      next()
#    }
#    # handle seasons cross jan 1 separately
#    if (s$start_dt <= s$end_dt) {
#      in_season <- weeks >= s$start_dt & weeks <= s$end_dt
#    } else {
#      in_season <- weeks >= s$start_dt | weeks <= s$end_dt
#    }
#    weeks_season[in_season] <- s$season
#  }
#  table(weeks_season)
#  b <- which(weeks_season == 'breeding')
#  w <- which(weeks_season == 'nonbreeding')

## ----eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  eBirdRelAbund <- function(wks, abund, regions, names=regions[,1], fun = max,
#                            regionFirst = FALSE, seasonalAlready = FALSE) {
#    regionSum <- array(NA, nrow(regions),
#                       list(names))
#    thing <- abund[[wks]]
#    for (j in 1:nrow(regions)){
#      region <- regions[j, ]
#      rastvals <- terra::extract(thing, terra::vect(region))[,1 + 1:length(wks)]
#      if (seasonalAlready) {
#        regionSum[j] <- sum(rastvals, na.rm = TRUE)
#      }
#      else if (regionFirst) {
#        sumByWeek <- apply(rastvals, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
#        regionSum[j] <-, list(x = sumByWeek, na.rm = TRUE))
#      }
#      else
#      {
#        valid <- apply(rastvals, 1, function(x) any(!
#        maxed <- apply(rastvals[valid, ], 1, fun, na.rm = TRUE)
#        regionSum[j] <- sum(maxed, na.rm = TRUE)
#      }
#    }
#    testII <- prop.table(regionSum)
#    return(testII)
#  }
#  targetSitesProj <- sf::st_transform(targetSitesYEWA, terra::crs(rastAbundMed))
#  originSitesProj <- sf::st_transform(YEWA_origin_sites, terra::crs(rastAbundMed))
#  relAbundYEWAWint <- eBirdRelAbund(w, rastAbundMed, targetSitesProj,
#                                    targetNames, mean)
#  relAbundYEWABreed <- eBirdRelAbund(b, rastAbundMed, originSitesProj,
#                                     originNames, mean)

## ----echo = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------
relAbundYEWABreed <- c(Arctic = 0.1711898, 'Pacific Northwest' = 0.1180323,  
                       Southwest = 0.2857159, Central = 0.2415061,
                       East = 0.1835559)
relAbundYEWAWint <- c('Pacific and Central Mexico' = 0.08557703,    
                      'Atlantic Lowland Mexico' = 0.16889791,
                      'Central America' = 0.46434053, 
                      'South America' = 0.28118453)

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# calculate distance between originSites
originCentersYEWA <- st_centroid(YEWA_origin_sites)
originCentersYEWA <- st_transform(originCentersYEWA, 4326)
originDistYEWA <- distFromPos(st_coordinates(originCentersYEWA$geometry))

# calculate distance between targetSites 
targetCentersYEWA <- st_centroid(YEWA_target_sites)
targetCentersYEWA <- st_transform(targetCentersYEWA, 4326)
targetDistYEWA <- distFromPos(st_coordinates(targetCentersYEWA$geometry))

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Run analysis for psi
system.time((psiYEWA <- estTransition(originSites = YEWA_origin_sites,
                                     targetSites = YEWA_target_sites,
                                     originPoints = originPointsYEWA,
                                     targetPoints = targetPointsYEWA,
                                     originAssignment = YEWA_genetics,
                                     originNames = originNames,
                                     targetNames = targetNames,
                                     nSamples = 10, # Set low for demonstration speed
                                     isGL = isGLYEWA,
                                     isTelemetry = isTelemetryYEWA,
                                     isRaster = isRasterYEWA,
                                     isProb = isProbYEWA,
                                     captured = capturedYEWA,
                                     geoBias = geoBiasYEWA,
                                     geoVCov = geoVCovYEWA,
                                     verbose = 2, 
                                     maxTries = 400,
                                     resampleProjection = st_crs(YEWA_origin_sites),
                                     nSim = 40,
                                     dataOverlapSetting = "none",
                                     targetRelAbund = relAbundYEWAWint)))

# Take a look at the results # 

## ----echo = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------

yewa_data <- list(originSites = YEWA_origin_sites,
                  targetSites = YEWA_target_sites,
                  originPoints = originPointsYEWA,
                  targetPoints = targetPointsYEWA,
                  originAssignment = YEWA_genetics,
                  originNames = originNames,
                  targetNames = targetNames,
                  nSamples = 10,
                  isGL = isGLYEWA,
                  isTelemetry = isTelemetryYEWA,
                  isRaster = isRasterYEWA,
                  isProb = isProbYEWA,
                  captured = capturedYEWA,
                  geoBias = geoBiasYEWA,
                  geoVCov = geoVCovYEWA,
                  verbose = 2, 
                  maxTries = 400,
                  resampleProjection = st_crs(YEWA_origin_sites),
                  nSim = 40,
                  dataOverlapSetting = "none",
                  targetRelAbund = relAbundYEWAWint,
                  originRelAbund = relAbundYEWABreed)


## ----fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.cap="Estimated transition probabilities of the Yellow Warbler between breeding and nonbreeding periods"----
par(mar = c(2,3,0,0))
plot(psiYEWA, legend = "top", cex = 0.4)

## ----eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  # Load in projections
#  data("projections")
#  # Define deployment locations (winter) #
#  captureLocations<-matrix(c(-77.93,18.04,   # Jamaica
#                             -80.94,25.13,   # Florida
#                             -66.86,17.97),  # Puerto Rico
#                              nrow=3, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE)
#  colnames(captureLocations) <- c("Longitude","Latitude")
#  # Convert capture locations into SpatialPoints #
#  CapLocs <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(captureLocations),
#                        coords = c("Longitude","Latitude"),
#                        crs = 4326)
#  # Project Capture locations #
#  CapLocsM<-sf::st_transform(CapLocs, 'ESRI:54027')
#  # Retrieve raw non-breeding locations from github
#  # First grab the identity of the bird so we can loop through the files
#  # For this example we are only interested in the error
#  # around non-breeding locations
#  # here we grab only the birds captured during the non-breeding season
#  # Using paste0 for vignette formatting purposes
#  winterBirds <- dget(paste0("",
#                      "SMBC-NZP/MigConnectivity/master/",
#                      "data-raw/GL_NonBreedingFiles/winterBirds.txt"))
#  # create empty list to store the location data #
#  Non_breeding_files <- vector('list',length(winterBirds))
#  # Get raw location data from Github #
#  for(i in 1:length(winterBirds)){
#  Non_breeding_files[[i]] <- dget(paste0("",
#                                          "SMBC-NZP/MigConnectivity/master/data-raw/",
#                                          "GL_NonBreedingFiles/NonBreeding_",
#                                          winterBirds[i],".txt"))
#  }
#  # Remove locations around spring Equinox and potential migration points
#  # same NB time frame as Hallworth et al. 2015
#  # two steps because subset on shapefile doesn't like it in a single step
#  Non_breeding_files <- lapply(Non_breeding_files,
#                        FUN = function(x){
#                        month <- as.numeric(format(x$Date,format = "%m"))
#                                 x[which(month != 3 & month != 4),]})
#  Jam <- c(1:9)   # locations w/in list of winterBirds captured in Jamaica
#  Fla <- c(10:12) # locations w/in list of winterBirds in Florida
#  PR <- c(13:16)  # locations w/in list of winterBirds in Puerto Rico
#  # Turn the locations into shapefiles #
#  NB_GL <- lapply(Non_breeding_files,
#                  FUN = function(x){
#                    sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(x),
#                                 coords = c("Longitude",
#                                            "Latitude"),
#                                 crs = 4326)})
#  # Project into UTM projection #
#  NB_GLmeters <- lapply(NB_GL,
#                        FUN = function(x){sf::st_transform(x,'ESRI:54027')})
#  # Process to determine geolocator bias and variance-covariance in meters #
#  # generate empty vector to store data #
#  LongError<-rep(NA,length(winterBirds))
#  LatError<-rep(NA,length(winterBirds))
#  # Calculate the error in longitude derived
#  # from geolocators from the true capture location
#  LongError[Jam] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Jam],
#                           FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,1]-
#                                                    sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[1,1])}))
#  LongError[Fla] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Fla],
#                           FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,1]-
#                                                    sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[2,1])}))
#  LongError[PR] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[PR],
#                          FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,1]-
#                                                   sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[3,1])}))
#  # Calculate the error in latitude derived from
#  # geolocators from the true capture location
#  LatError[Jam] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Jam],
#                          FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,2]-
#                                                    sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[1,2])}))
#  LatError[Fla] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Fla],
#                          FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,2]-
#                                                   sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[2,2])}))
#  LatError[PR] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[PR],
#                          FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,2]-
#                                                    sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[3,2])}))
#  # Get co-variance matrix for error of
#  # known non-breeding deployment sites
#  # lm does multivariate normal models if you give it a matrix dependent variable!
#  geo.error.model <- lm(cbind(LongError,LatError) ~ 1)
#  geo.bias <- coef(geo.error.model)
#  geo.vcov <- vcov(geo.error.model)

## ----eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  # Capture locations #
#  # See dates and summary data from Table 1. page 44.
#  # Maine #129
#  # Maine #132
#  # Maine #136
#  # Maine #137
#  # Wisconsin #139
#  # Wisconsin #144
#  # Wisconsin #146
#  caplocs <- cbind(c(rep(-70.6142,4),rep(-87.8123,3)),
#                   c(rep(42.9891,4),rep(42.5000,3)))
#  # Departures #
#  departs <- as.POSIXct(c("2015-09-04","2015-08-22","2015-09-04","2015-08-28","2015-08-24","2015-08-24","2015-08-30"))
#  # read in the daily location data #
#  EstLocs <- read.csv("Yellow Warbler_Witynski (1).csv")
#  YEWAsf <- st_as_sf(EstLocs, coords = c("location.long",""), crs = 4326)
#  caplocs_sf <- st_as_sf(data.frame(bird = c(129,132,136,137,139,144,146),
#                                    longitude = caplocs[,1],
#                                    latitude = caplocs[,2]),
#                         coords = c("longitude","latitude"),
#                         crs = 4326)
#  # project into meters #
#  YEWAmeters <- sf::st_transform(YEWAsf,'ESRI:102010')
#  CapMeters <- sf::st_transform(caplocs_sf, 'ESRI:102010')
#  # split birds into their own data #
#  YEWAests <- split(YEWAmeters, f=YEWAmeters$'individual.local.identifier')
#  # Empirical estimates of bias and vcov, but on mean locations by bird
#  ests2 <- mapply(x = YEWAests,
#                  lats = st_coordinates(CapMeters)[,2],
#                  lng = st_coordinates(CapMeters)[,1],
#                  z = departs,
#                  FUN = function(x,lats,lng,z){
#                    # keep only data from deployment until departure from breeding #
#                    newdata <- x[x$timestamp<z,]
#                    # calculate the difference in meters from estimated location
#                    # to actual capture location
#                    long <- mean(st_coordinates(newdata)[,1]) - lng
#                    lat <- mean(st_coordinates(newdata)[,2]) - lats
#                    return(c(difflong = long,
#                                      difflat = lat))},
#                 SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
#  (geoBiasYEWA <- apply(ests2, 1, mean)) #Bias
#  #  difflong   difflat
#  # -6512.898 50964.969
#  apply(ests2, 1, var) #Variances
#  apply(ests2, 1, sd)
#  (geoVCovYEWA <- cov(t(ests2))) #Variance-covariance matrix
#  #            difflong    difflat
#  # difflong  259401516 -894387951
#  # difflat  -894387951 4708578511
SMBC-NZP/MigConnectivity documentation built on March 26, 2024, 4:22 p.m.