
Defines functions plotFit plotBoxes plotDistribution addFit plotPattern

Documented in addFit plotBoxes plotDistribution plotPattern

#' plotPattern
#' Function to plot time series pattern with minimal labels
#' @param yrs numeric vector of years
#' @param vals numeric vector of values
#' @param width line width, default is 1
#' @param color line color, default is "grey"
#' @param yrs.axis if TRUE, display the year axis. default is FALSE
#' @param vals.axis if true, display the value axis. default is FALSE
#' @param vals.lim vector of length 2 with y-axis limits
#' @param hgrid if TRUE, display horizontal grid lines. default is FALSE
#' @param vgrid if TRUE, display vertical grid lines. default is FALSE
#' @param vlines if not NULL, add red dashed vertical line (to show time window)
#' @param pch.val numeric value for plotting character. default is 19 (solid pt)
#' @param pch.bg  text string with color for point fill (if pch allows, e.g. 21)
#' @param pch.cex numeric value for point size
#' @export

plotPattern <- function(yrs,vals,width=1,color="grey",yrs.axis=FALSE,vals.axis=FALSE,
			vals.lim=NULL, hgrid=FALSE,vgrid=FALSE,vlines = NULL,pch.val=19,pch.bg=NULL,pch.cex =1){


# TO DO:
# - add option to label hgrid with modified values (e.g. plot logs, but label with raw numbers)

# old version: messes up the plots with the index data for birds
#if(is.null(vals.lim)){vals.lim <- c(0,max(pretty(vals)))}
if(is.null(vals.lim)){vals.lim <- range(pretty(vals))}





	yrs.range <- max(yrs)-min(yrs)

	segments(rep(min(yrs),length(ticks)),ticks,rep(max(yrs),length(ticks)),ticks ,lty=2,col="lightgrey",xpd=NA)

if(vgrid[1]!=FALSE){abline(v=vgrid,col="red",lty=2)	  }

lines(yrs, vals,lwd=width,col=color) # replot line to "move it in front of hgrid and v grid

# add a simple point with whichever symbol specified by pch.val
if(is.null(pch.bg)){points(yrs, vals,col=color,pch=pch.val,cex = pch.cex)} # NEW LAYOUT: larger points
# add a two-cloured point iv pch.bg is specified -> valid only for pch = 21-25
if(!is.null(pch.bg)){points(yrs, vals,col=color,pch=pch.val,bg=pch.bg,cex = pch.cex)}


#' addFit
#' Function to plot time series pattern with minimal labels
#' @param data.df data frame used for the slope calculation that produced the coefficients (using the Year column here)
#' @param coeff are the coefficients (median from posterior or MLE values)
#' @param col line color, default is "red"
#' @param lwd line width, default is 2
#' @export

addFit <- function(data.df, coeff,col = "red",lwd = 2,lty=1){
# To Do: add bounds for MCMC versions

segments(min(data.df$Year), coeff$intercept ,
         max(data.df$Year), coeff$intercept + length(data.df$Year) * coeff$slope , col=col,lwd=lwd,lty=lty)


#' plotDistribution
#' Function to plot one or more posterior distributions (density plots)
#' @param x.lab named list, each element is one set of MCMC sample
#' @param ref.lines names list, each element is one value for a vertical ref line
#' @param plot.range numeric vector of length 2, specifying the plotting range for the variable.
#' @export

plotDistribution <- function(x.lab,ref.lines = c(-70,-50,-30),samples,det.est = NULL, plot.range = NULL){

  num.samples <- length(names(samples))

  if(num.samples < 4){col.use <- c("darkblue","red", "red");lwd.use <- c(2,1,1); lty.use <- c(1,1,2)}
  if(num.samples >= 4){col.use <- c("darkgrey"); lwd.use <- 1; lty.use <- 1}

  kernels <- lapply(samples, function(x){dens.out <- density(x);  return(data.frame(x = dens.out$x, y = dens.out$y)) })

  dens.range <- c(0, max(unlist(lapply(kernels,function(z){ return(max(z$y))  }))))
  if(is.null(plot.range)){plot.range <- range(c(det.est, -70),unlist(lapply(kernels,function(z){ return(range(z$x))  }))   )  }

  plot(1:5,1:5,type="n", xlim = plot.range, ylim = dens.range,axes=FALSE, bty="n",xlab = x.lab, ylab = "Density")

  #if(num.samples < 4){legend("topright", legend = names(samples),bty="n",col=col.use,lwd=lwd.use,lty=lty.use)}

  if(!is.null(det.est)){ abline(v = det.est,col="darkblue",lty=2,lwd=2)
				text(det.est,par("usr")[4],labels = "Det",xpd=NA,adj = c(0.5,0),col="darkblue")

   abline(v = ref.lines,col="red")
    text(ref.lines,par("usr")[4],labels = paste0(ref.lines,"%"),xpd=NA,adj = c(0.5,-0.2),col="red")

   for(i in 1:length(names(kernels))){

} # end plotDistribution()

#' plotBoxes
#' Function to plot one or more posterior distributions (boxplots)
#' @param box.df data frame with 5 rows (values for top whisker, top of box, median, bottom of box, bottom whisker) and 1 column for each distribution. Columns labels become axis labels.
#' @param y.lab label for the value axis
#' @param ref.lines named list, each element is one value for a vertical ref line
#' @param plot.range numeric vector of length 2, specifying the plotting range for the variable.
#' @export

plotBoxes <- function(box.df, y.lab  = "Label", ref.lines = c(-70,-50,-30),det.est = NULL, plot.range = NULL){

num.boxes <- length(box.df)

if(is.null(plot.range)){plot.range <- range(c(box.df,-70),na.rm = TRUE)  }

plot(1:5,1:5,type="n", ylim = plot.range, xlim = c(0,num.boxes+1),axes=FALSE, bty="n",xlab = "", ylab = y.lab)
axis(1,at = 1:dim(box.df)[2], labels = names(box.df))

   abline(h = ref.lines,col="red")
    text(par("usr")[2],ref.lines,labels = paste0(ref.lines,"%"),adj = c(1,0),col="red")#xpd=NA,

for(i in 1:dim(box.df)[2]){



} # end plotBoxes

plotFit <- function(data.plot,fit.plot,title = "Fitted Trend (Bayesian / JAGS)",y.lab = "Log(Mature Individuals)",exp.do = FALSE){
# Using code from Ross Claytor

  plot.df <- data.frame(Year = data.plot$Year,
                        Val = log(data.plot[,2])  ) %>%
    mutate(Med = fit.plot["intercept","50%"] + fit.plot["slope","50%"] * 1:length(data.plot$Year)) %>%
    mutate(p2.5 = fit.plot["intercept","2.5%"] + fit.plot["slope","2.5%"] * 1:length(data.plot$Year)) %>%
    mutate(p97.5 = fit.plot["intercept","97.5%"] + fit.plot["slope","97.5%"] * 1:length(data.plot$Year))

  if(exp.do){ plot.df <- plot.df %>% mutate_at(2:5,exp)  }

  fit.ggplot <- ggplot() +
    geom_line(aes(x=plot.df$Year, y=plot.df$Val)) +
    geom_point(aes(x=plot.df$Year, y=plot.df$Val), shape=16) +
    geom_line(aes(x=plot.df$Year, y=plot.df$Med), linetype='solid') +
    geom_line(aes(x=plot.df$Year, y=plot.df$p2.5), linetype='dotdash') +
    geom_line(aes(x=plot.df$Year, y=plot.df$p97.5), linetype='dotdash') +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks= seq(min(plot.df$Year)-1,max(plot.df$Year)+1,2)) +
    xlab('') + ylab(y.lab) +
    theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
          panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")) +


  return(list(plot = fit.ggplot,data = plot.df))

SOLV-Code/MetricsCOSEWIC documentation built on Nov. 3, 2022, 8:59 p.m.