
## Detect whether the code is running on an immunespace server
## @return A \code{logical}. TRUE if the code is executed on one of the
## immunespace servers. FALSE otherwise.
## @name isRunningOnServer
#  isRunningOnServer = function(){
#    onServer <- ifelse(Sys.info()["user"] == "immunespace", TRUE, FALSE)
#    names(onServer) <- NULL
#    return(onServer)
#  }

#' makeMatrix
#' Create a standard expression matrix from a given set of files or GEO
#' accession numbers.
#' @param con An \code{ImmuneSpaceConnection}. The connection to the study that
#'  is processed.
#' @param gef A \code{data.table}. The gene_expression_files dataset, filtered
#'  for the selected cohort and relvant files or accession numbers.
#' @param isGEO A \code{logical}. Set to TRUE if the Matrix should be generated
#'  from GEO accession numbers instead of data on disk.
#' @name makeMatrix 
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @importFrom GEOquery getGEO
#' @export
makeMatrix <- function(con, gef, isGEO = FALSE){
  cohort <- unique(gef$arm_name)
  if(length(cohort) > 1){
    message("There are more than one cohort selected in this HIPCMatrix run")
    norm_exprs <- .process_GEO(gef)
    inputFiles <- unique(gef$file_info_name)
    ext <- unique(file_ext(inputFiles))
    inputFiles <- file.path("/share/files/", con$config$labkey.url.path, "@files/rawdata/gene_expression", inputFiles)
    # Filetypes
    # After this step norm_exprs is a matrix with features as rownames and expsample as colnames
    if(length(ext) > 1){
      stop(paste("There is more than one file extension:", paste(ext, collapse = ",")))
    } else if(ext == "CEL"){
      norm_exprs <- .process_CEL(con, gef, inputFiles)
    } else if(ext == "txt" | study %in% c("SDY162", "SDY180", "SDY212")){
      norm_exprs <- .process_others(gef, inputFiles)
    } else if(ext == "tsv"){
      norm_exprs <- .process_TSV(gef, inputFiles)
    } else{
      stop("File extension not supported.")
    if(!is(norm_exprs, "data.table")){
      norm_exprs <- data.table(norm_exprs, keep.rownames = TRUE)
      setnames(norm_exprs, "rn", "feature_id")
    # This step should eventually be removed as we move from biosample to expsample
  norm_exprs <- .es2bs(con, norm_exprs)

# Process GEO accession
# Returns a data.table with a feature_id column and one column per expsample_accession
#' @importFrom Biobase exprs sampleNames
.process_GEO <- function(gef){
  gef <- gef[geo_accession != ""] #Make sure we only have rows with GEO.
  gsm <- getGEO(gef[1, geo_accession])
  gse <- gsm@header$series_id[1] #Assumes that the serie is the first one (SuperSeries with higher ID)
  es <- getGEO(gse)[[1]]
  es <- es[, sampleNames(es) %in% gef$geo_accession]
  if(all(gef$geo_accession %in% sampleNames(es))){ #All selected samples are in the series
    #sampleNames are GEO accession
    sampleNames(es) <- gef[match(sampleNames(es), geo_accession), expsample_accession] 
    cnames <- colnames(es)
    rnames <- rownames(es)
    exprs <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles(exprs(es))
    colnames(exprs) <- cnames
    rownames(exprs) <- rnames
    norm_exprs <- log2(pmax(exprs, 1))
    norm_exprs <- data.table(norm_exprs)
    norm_exprs <- norm_exprs[, feature_id := featureNames(es)]
    setcolorder(norm_exprs, c("feature_id", cnames))
  } else{
    stop(paste0("Some of the selected gene_expression_files rows are not part of ",
               gse, ". Add code!"))

# Process CEL files
# @param gef A \code{data.table} the gene_expression_files table or a subset of
#  it.
# @param inputFiles A \code{character}. The filenames.
# @return A \code{matrix} with biosample_accession as cols and feature_id as rownames
#' @importFrom affy ReadAffy rma
.process_CEL <- function(con, gef, inputFiles){
  affybatch <- ReadAffy(filenames = inputFiles)                                 
  eset <- rma(affybatch)                                                        
  norm_exprs <- exprs(eset)                                                     
  if (all(file_ext(colnames(norm_exprs)) == "CEL")) {#If filenames used as samplenames
    colnames(norm_exprs) <- gef[match(colnames(norm_exprs), gef$file_info_name), biosample_accession]

# This will work for files that follow the standards from immport
# Eventually, all tsv files should be rewritten to follow this standard.
# @return A matrix with biosample_accession as cols and feature_id as rownames
#' @importFrom preprocessCore normalize.quantiles
#' @importFrom reshape2 acast
.process_TSV <- function(gef, inputFiles){
  exprs <- fread(inputFiles, header = TRUE)
  if(min(exprs[, lapply(.SD, min), .SDcols = grep("^BS", names(exprs))]) == 0 &
     max(exprs[, lapply(.SD, max), .SDcols = grep("^BS", names(exprs))]) > 100){
    #RNA-Seq data. Assume it is already count base.
  } else{
    exprs <- .clean_colnames(exprs)
    if(!all(c("target_id", "raw_signal") %in% colnames(exprs))){
      stop("The file does not follow HIPC standards.")
    try(setnames(exprs, "experiment_sample_accession", "expsample_accession"))
    try(setnames(exprs, "target_id", "feature_id"))
    if("expsample_accession" %in% colnames(exprs)){
      EorB <- "expsample_accession"
    } else if("biosample_accession" %in% colnames(exprs)){
      EorB <- "biosample_accession"
    } else{
      stop("The input file must contain either biosample_accession or expsample_accession")
    exprs <- acast(exprs, formula = paste("feature_id ~", EorB), value.var = "raw_signal")
    cnames <- colnames(exprs)
    rnames <- rownames(exprs)
    exprs <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles(exprs)
    colnames(exprs) <- cnames 
    rownames(exprs) <- rnames 
    norm_exprs <- log2(pmax(exprs, 1))
    norm_exprs <- norm_exprs[, c(colnames(norm_exprs) %in% gef[[EorB]])]

#biosample_accession as colnames
#Works for SDY212 & 162
#' @importFrom preprocessCore normalize.quantiles
.process_others <- function(gef, inputFiles){
  exprs <- fread(inputFiles, header = TRUE)
  sigcols <- grep("Signal", colnames(exprs), value = TRUE)
  rnames <- exprs[, PROBE_ID]
  if(length(sigcols) > 0){
    exprs <- exprs[, sigcols, with = FALSE]
    #exprs <- exprs[, c("PROBE_ID", sigcols), with = FALSE]
    setnames(exprs, gsub(".AVG.*$", "", colnames(exprs)))
    #try(setnames(exprs, "PROBE_ID", "feature_id"))
    #setnames(exprs, c("PROBE_ID", colnames(exprs)),
    #         c("feature_id", gsub(".AVG.*$", "", colnames(exprs))))
  } else if(all(gef$biosample_accession %in% colnames(exprs))){
    exprs <- exprs[, gef$biosample_accession, with = FALSE]
  } else{
    stop("Unknown format: check data and add code if needed.")
  cnames <- colnames(exprs)
  #rnames <- rownames(exprs)
  exprs <- as.matrix(exprs)
  exprs <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles(exprs)
  colnames(exprs) <- cnames
  rownames(exprs) <- rnames
  norm_exprs <- log2(pmax(exprs, 1))
  norm_exprs <- norm_exprs[, c(colnames(norm_exprs) %in% gef$biosample_accession)]
.clean_colnames <- function(table){
  setnames(table, tolower(chartr(" ", "_", names(table))))

# Change colnames from expsample_accession to biosample_accession
.es2bs <- function(con, table){
  ess <- grep("^ES", colnames(table), value = TRUE)
  if(length(ess) > 0){
    esFilter <- makeFilter(c("expsample_accession", "IN", paste0(ess, collapse = ";")))
    bs2es <- data.table(labkey.selectRows(con$config$labkey.url.base,
                                          "immport", "biosample_2_expsample",
                                          colFilter = esFilter,
                                          colNameOpt = "rname"))
    bss <- bs2es[match(ess, bs2es$expsample_accession), biosample_accession]
    setnames(table, ess, bss)
SRenan/ImmuneSpaceData documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:43 a.m.