
#' Part of the FAO Loss Module
#' @author Alicia English

WorldBankAPIData <- function(LossPercentages){
  # Adds the factors for estimation to the loss factors, these are factors that are included from the literature
  # As well as other factors that are considered proxies for losses. 
  # Args:
  #   LossFactorSet: Matrix of Loss Factors that includes ISO3Code, Year, Country, CPC, Description, loss%, ID
  # Returns: 
  #   BaseVar
  WB1_M <-   timeSeriesData
  #WB1_M <-LossPercentages
  ###### Api based data merge#######
  url <- ''
  countryWB <- read.csv('WB_UN_CoutryCodes.csv')
  countryWB$Country <- tolower(countryWB$Country) 
  country1 <- merge(WB1_M, countryWB, by.x = c('geographicaream49'), by.y = c('M49_Code'), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE, allow.cartesian=TRUE)
  DataSource <- '/indicators/'
  WB_indicators_Metadata<- read.csv('WB_indicators_Metadata.csv')
  frmt <- '?format=json'
  for (j in 1:length(WB_indicators_Metadata[, 1])){
    WBdf <- data.frame(country = character(), indicator = character(), date = integer(), value = double())  
    factor1 <- 0
    for (i in(2:length(unique(WB1_M$geographicaream49)))){
      yr <- unique(WB1_M$timepointyears)
      date_min <- min(yr, na.rm = T)
      date_max <- max(yr, na.rm = T)
      date <- paste('?date=', date_min, ':', date_max, sep = "")
      # data access on the worldbank api
      if(GET(paste(url, unique(country1$Code)[i], DataSource, WB_indicators_Metadata[j, 1], date, sep = ""),path="/")$status != 200){
        WorldBank1 <- tryCatch(xmlParse(paste(url, unique(country1$Code)[i], DataSource, WB_indicators_Metadata[j, 1], date, sep = "")), error=function(cond) cond = next)
      WorldBank1 <- xmlToDataFrame(WorldBank1)
      # lower country names to match easier
      WorldBank1$country <- tolower(WorldBank1$country)
      WBdf <- rbind(WorldBank1, WBdf)
    colnames( WBdf)[length( WBdf)-1] <-WB_indicators_Metadata[, 1][j]
    colnames( WBdf)[2] <- "Country"
    colnames( WBdf)[3] <- "Year"
    write.csv(WBdf, paste(dirmain,'\\data\\',WB_indicators_Metadata[, 1][j],'_WB_CI.csv',sep=""),row.names=FALSE)
    # WBdf$date <- as.numeric(levels(WBdf$date ))[WBdf$date ]
    # WB1_M <- merge(WB1_M[c('Country','ISOCode','M49Code', 'Year'),], WBdf, by.x = c('Country', 'Year'), by.y = c('country', 'date'), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
    # colnames(WB1_M )[length(WB1_M )-1] <- gsub(" ", "", WBdf$indicator[1])
    # print(j)
    # drops = c( 'decimal.x',
    #            'decimal.y',
    #            'decimal',
    #            'indicator',
    #            'indicator.x',
    #            'indicator.y'
    # )
    # WB1_M[,c(names(WB1_M)[names(WB1_M) %in% drops]) := NULL]  
  #LossFactor_train_SWSProdOnly <-  WB1_M 
  #LossFactor_Predict <-  WB1_M 
#' Part of the FAO Loss Module
#' @author Alicia English

WorldBankAPIData <- function(LossPercentages){
  # Adds the factors for estimation to the loss factors, these are factors that are included from the literature
  # As well as other factors that are considered proxies for losses. 
  # Args:
  #   LossFactorSet: Matrix of Loss Factors that includes ISO3Code, Year, Country, CPC, Description, loss%, ID
  # Returns: 
  #   BaseVar
  WB1_M <-LossPercentages
  #WB1_M <-LossPercentages
  ###### Api based data merge#######
  url <- ''
  CountryGroup <- ReadDatatable("a2017regionalgroupings_sdg_feb2017")
  CountryGroup$countryname <- tolower(CountryGroup$countryname)
  CountryGroup[isocode == "PRK", "countryname"] <-"Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea"
  CountryGroup[isocode == "LAO", "countryname"] <-"Lao Peoples Democratic Republic"
  countryWB <- read.csv('WB_UN_CoutryCodes.csv')
  countryWB$Country <- tolower(countryWB$Country) 
  country1 <- merge(WB1_M, countryWB, by.x = c('geographicaream49'), by.y = c('M49_Code'), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE, allow.cartesian=TRUE)
  DataSource <- '/indicators/'
  WB_indicators_Metadata<- read.csv('WB_indicators_Metadata.csv')
  frmt <- '?format=json'
  for (j in 1:nrow(WB_indicators_Metadata)){
    keepCol = c("isocode", "country","geographicaream49", "indicator", "date", "value")
    WBdf <- data.frame(country = character(),isocode = character(), geographicaream49 = character(), indicator = character(), date = integer(), value = double())  
    factor1 <- 0
    for (i in(1:length(unique(CountryGroup$geographicaream49)))){
      yr <- unique(WB1_M$Year)
      date_min <- 1970
      date_max <- 2017
      date <- paste('?date=', date_min, ':', date_max, sep = "")
      # data access on the worldbank api
      if(GET(paste(url, unique(CountryGroup$iso2code)[i], DataSource,  WB_indicators_Metadata[j, 1], date, sep = ""),path="/")$status != 200){
        WorldBank1 <- tryCatch(xmlParse(paste(url, tolower(unique(CountryGroup$iso2code))[i], DataSource,  WB_indicators_Metadata[j, 1], date, sep = "")), error=function(cond) cond = next)
      WorldBank1 <- xmlToDataFrame(WorldBank1)
      WorldBank1 <-
      WorldBank1[,isocode := unlist(CountryGroup[iso2code == unique(CountryGroup$iso2code)[i],"isocode"])]
      WorldBank1[,geographicaream49 := unlist(CountryGroup[iso2code == unique(CountryGroup$iso2code)[i],"geographicaream49"])]
      # lower country names to match easier
      WorldBank1$country <- tolower(gsub("[[:punct:]]"," ",WorldBank1$country))
      WBdf <- rbind(WorldBank1, WBdf)
    names(WBdf)[names( WBdf) =='date'] <- "timepointyears"
    names(WBdf)[names( WBdf) =='indicator'] <- "description"
                c("isocode", "country", "description", "timepointyears", "value","geographicaream49") )
    names(WBdf)[names(WBdf) == "value"] <- tolower(gsub("[[:punct:]]","_",as.character(WB_indicators_Metadata[j, 1]))) 
    WBdf <- WBdf %>% filter(!
    write.csv(WBdf, paste(paste(dirmain,'\\data\\',sep=""),WB_indicators_Metadata[j, 1],'_WB_CI.csv',sep=""),row.names=FALSE)
    # WBdf$date <- as.numeric(levels(WBdf$date ))[WBdf$date ]
    # WB1_M <- merge(WB1_M[c('Country','ISOCode','M49Code', 'Year'),], WBdf, by.x = c('Country', 'Year'), by.y = c('country', 'date'), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
    # colnames(WB1_M )[length(WB1_M )-1] <- gsub(" ", "", WBdf$indicator[1])
    # print(j)
    # drops = c( 'decimal.x',
    #            'decimal.y',
    #            'decimal',
    #            'indicator',
    #            'indicator.x',
    #            'indicator.y'
    # )
    # WB1_M[,c(names(WB1_M)[names(WB1_M) %in% drops]) := NULL]  
  #LossFactor_train_SWSProdOnly <-  WB1_M 
  #LossFactor_Predict <-  WB1_M 

SWS-Methodology/faoswsLoss documentation built on Dec. 31, 2019, 12:02 p.m.