
##' SWS Dimension Aggregation
##' Aggregate the suppled data.table along the named dimension using the
##' supplied aggregation tree.
##' Aggregates the data in the supplied data.table according to the supplied key
##' tree. The function works from the bottom of the key tree upwards, cascading 
##' the aggregation until it reashes the highest level of the tree structure. 
##' The level at which the aggregation stops can be controlled using the 
##' \code{high_level} parameter. If the \code{agg_flags} parameter is supplied,
##' it should contain a data.table with a single row containing the flag(s) to
##' be applied to aggregated values; column names should be the same as those 
##' supplied in the \code{data} parameter. Any orphans are present as an 
##' attribute.
##' @param data A long form data.table with the data to be aggregated - result
##'   of a \code{faosws::GetData} call
##' @param keys A vector containing the data.table key column names (i.e. not
##'   the value of flag columns)
##' @param dim_name The name of the dimension to be aggregated
##' @param key_tree The aggregation tree in the form data.table (parent,
##'   children)
##' @param agg_flags A data.table containing the flags to attach to aggregated
##'   values (optional)
##' @param high_level The highest level to which to aggregate (by default, 0,
##'   the highest possible)
##' @return The aggregated rows of data as a data.table
##' @examples \dontrun{
##' library(faosws)
##' library(data.table)
##' data <- GetData(swsContext.datasets[[1]])
##' keys <- colnames(data)
##' keys <- keys[!(keys %in% c("Value", "flagObservationStatus", "flagMethod"))]
##' key_tree <- GetCodeTree (domain = "agriculture", dataset = "aproduction", 
##'                          dimension = "measuredItemCPC")
##' flags <- data.table(flagObservationStatus = c("I"), flagMethod = c("s"))
##' ag_data <- aggregateDimension(data, keys, "measuredItemCPC", key_tree, agg_flags = flags)
##' ## Another example
##' flags <- data.table(myFlag = c("A")) 
##' key_tree <- data.table(
##'   parent = c(rep("a", 3), rep ("a.1", 3), rep("b", 3)),
##'   children = c("a.1", "a.2", "a.3",
##'                "a.1.x", "a.1.y", "a.1.z",
##'                "b.1", "b.2", "b.3")
##' )
##' data <- data.table(
##'   targetDimension = c("a.2", "a.3",
##'                       "a.1.x", "a.1.y", "a.1.z",
##'                       "b.1", "b.2", "b.3", "c.1"),
##'   otherDimension = c(rep("10", 9)),
##'   Value = c(1:9),
##'   myFlag = c(rep("-", 9))
##' )
##' keys <- colnames(data)
##' keys <- keys[!(keys %in% c("Value", "myFlag"))]
##' ## Do the aggregation
##' aggs <- aggregateDimension(data, keys, "targetDimension",
##'                            key_tree, agg_flags = flags)
##' aggs
##' str(aggs)
##' attr(aggs, "orphans")
##' }
##' @author N.A.Connell
##' @import faosws data.table plyr
##' @export aggregateDimension

aggregateDimension = function(data, keys, dim_name, key_tree, agg_flags = NULL, high_level = 0) {
    IS_AGG_COL <- "is_aggregate"
    IS_AGG_VAL <- "yes"
    orig_col_order <- colnames(data)
    ## Prepare the key table, stripped of unused entries and with level info
    key_table <- preprocess_key_tree(data, dim_name, key_tree)
    setnames(x = key_table, old = "children", new = dim_name)
    ## Prepare the flags by adding a join column
    if (!is.null(agg_flags))
        agg_flags[, (IS_AGG_COL) := IS_AGG_VAL]
    ## Merge the key and the data
    keyed_data <-
        merge(data, key_table, by = dim_name, all.x = TRUE,
               allow.cartesian = TRUE)
    setkeyv(x = keyed_data, cols = dim_name)
    ## Work out the range of aggregation levels
    min_level <- high_level
    curr_level <- max(keyed_data$level, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## This is no longer a global variable - R users do not expect side effects of functions
    orphans <- NULL
    if (curr_level > 0)
        orphans <- keyed_data[is.na(parent)]
        keyed_data <- keyed_data[!is.na(parent)]
    ## columns <- all keys but the dimension being aggregated
    aggregate_index <- c("parent", keys)
    aggregate_index <- aggregate_index[!aggregate_index %in% dim_name]
    ## prepare for the first loop
    aggregated_data <- NULL
    pass_data <- keyed_data
    ## Aggregate the levels, bottom up
    while (curr_level >= min_level)
        aggregated_level <-
            pass_data[pass_data$level == curr_level,
                      list(Value = sum(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
                           is_aggregate = IS_AGG_VAL),
                      by = aggregate_index]
        ## If we have any, set the flag(s)
        if (!is.null(agg_flags))
            agg_flags[, (IS_AGG_COL) := IS_AGG_VAL]
            aggregated_level <- plyr::join(aggregated_level, agg_flags, by = IS_AGG_COL)
        aggregated_level[, (IS_AGG_COL) := NULL]
        ## Change the parent column to be the name of the dimension ready for
        ## the merge
        setnames(aggregated_level, "parent", dim_name)
        ## Attach the parent to each aggregation entry
        keyed_data <-
            merge(aggregated_level, key_table, by = dim_name, all.x = TRUE,
                   allow.cartesian = TRUE)
        setkeyv(x = keyed_data, cols = dim_name)
        ## The aggregates just calculated belong in the next level up
        keyed_data[, level := (curr_level - 1)]
        ## remove and log orphans - these are missing entries from the hierarchy
        if (curr_level > 0) ## the top level does not have parents
            if (is.null(orphans))
                orphans <- keyed_data[is.na(parent)]
            } else
                orphans <- rbind(orphans, keyed_data[is.na(parent)])
            aggregated_level <- keyed_data[!is.na(parent)]
        } else
            aggregated_level <- keyed_data
        if (is.null(aggregated_data))
            aggregated_data <- aggregated_level
        } else
            aggregated_data <- rbind(aggregated_data, aggregated_level)
        ## Prepare the data for the next level, it consists of everything input
        ## to this level plus the aggregates from this level
        if (curr_level > 0)
            pass_data <- rbind(pass_data, aggregated_level)
        curr_level <- curr_level - 1
    ## Transform the output aggregated data to match the incoming raw data
    if (!is.null(aggregated_data))
        aggregated_data[, c("level", "parent") := c(NULL, NULL)]
        setcolorder(aggregated_data, as.vector(orig_col_order))
    setattr(aggregated_data, "orphans", orphans)

##' Preprocess key tree
##' This performs two functions, #1 it removes any key values
##'	not present in the supplied data, #2 it parses the tree and gives each entry
##'	a level number, where level zero is where the parent of the branch has not
##'	parents of its own (i.e. is a root)
##' @rdname preprocess_key_tree
##' @keywords internal
##' @param data The data to be aggregated
##' @param dim_name The name of the dimension in the data to aggregate
##' @param key_table_in The key tree to prepare in the form
##'   data.table(parent,children)
##' @return The prepared key tree with an added "level" column
preprocess_key_tree = function(data, dim_name, key_table_in) {
  ## Copy the key table supplied so we don't modify the original
  key_table <- copy(key_table_in)
  ## Filter key_table to only have parents of current keys
  key_table <- key_table[, keep := FALSE]
  data_keys <- unique(data[,(dim_name), with = FALSE])
  key_table[children %in% data_keys[[1]], keep := TRUE]
  newSum <- key_table[, sum(keep)]
  oldSum <- 0
  while (newSum > oldSum)
    ## Keep parents of keys which are being kept
    keptKeys <- key_table[(keep), unique(parent)]
    key_table[children %in% keptKeys, keep := TRUE]
    oldSum <- newSum
    newSum <- key_table[, sum(keep)]
  key_table <- key_table[(keep), ]
  key_table[, keep := NULL]
  ## Set the tree entry levels (zero == root)
  curr_level <- 0
  key_table[!(parent %in% children), level := curr_level]
  next_generation <- unique(key_table[key_table$level == curr_level]$children)
  while (length(next_generation) > 0)
    curr_level <- curr_level + 1
    key_table[parent %in% next_generation, level := curr_level]
    next_generation <- unique(key_table[key_table$level == curr_level]$children)
SWS-Methodology/faoswsUtil documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:53 a.m.