
##' @title Validate ExtractionRates of Commodity Trees
##' @description This function perform Flag Validation for the commodity Tree
##' Validation. 
##' The possible flags are (decided with Data Team): 
##' Extraction Rates:
##' (T,-) = validated up do 2013 - protected
##' (E,t) = copied from 2014 onwards - not protected but that do not change during standardization process
##' (E,f) = manually changed by the user - protected
##' Shares: 
##' (E,-) = coming from old methodology - NOT protected. These values willbe overwritten
##' at any run of the module, except the values of oils, which are kept, unless manually changed
##' (E,f) = manually changed by the user - protected
##' (I,i) = calculated by the module - not protected
##' @param tree the commodity tree to check
##' @param min.er the lower limit of the range of acceptable values for Extraction Rates.
##' default to 0
##' @param max.er the upper limit of the range of acceptable values for Extraction Rates.
##' default to 7
##' @param validateShares if to check also shares flags and figures or only Extraction Rates.
##' Default set to TRUE
##' @return A message with indication of validation complete or a file with values to correct
##' an email if on the system.
##' @export

validateTree = function(tree= NULL, min.er = 0, max.er = 10, validateShares = TRUE){
    ## Data Quality Checks
        stop("No swsContext.datasets object defined.  Thus, you probably ",
             "won't be able to read from the SWS and so this function won't ",
    # Checks for data
    stopifnot(c("geographicAreaM49", "measuredElementSuaFbs", "measuredItemParentCPC", 
                "measuredItemChildCPC", "timePointYears", "Value", "flagObservationStatus", 
                "flagMethod") %in% colnames(tree))
        stop("Elements have to be expressed in names: extractionRate, share")
    # 5423 = Extraction Rate [hg/t]
    # 5431 = Share of utilization [%]
    tree=tree[,mget(c("geographicAreaM49", "measuredElementSuaFbs", "measuredItemParentCPC", 
                      "measuredItemChildCPC", "timePointYears", "Value", "flagObservationStatus", 
    ##create column for check
    ##(this column will be deleted)
    #################### CHECK FLAG VALIDITY  ####################
    vER=validateTreeExtractionRates(tree = tree, min.er = min.er, max.er = max.er)
        vSH=validateTreeShares(tree = tree)
            # Create the body of the message
            FILETYPE = ".csv"
            CONFIG <- faosws::GetDatasetConfig(swsContext.datasets[[1]]@domain, swsContext.datasets[[1]]@dataset)
            sessionid <- ifelse(length(swsContext.datasets[[1]]@sessionId), 
            basename <- sprintf("%s_%s",
            basedir <- tempfile()
            destfile <- file.path(basedir, paste0(basename, FILETYPE))
            # create the csv in a temporary foldes   
            write.csv(invalidTree, destfile, row.names = FALSE)  
            # define on exit strategy
            zipfile <- paste0(destfile, ".zip")
            withCallingHandlers(zip(zipfile, destfile, flags = "-j9X"),
                                warning = function(w){
                                    if(grepl("system call failed", w$message)){
                                        stop("The system ran out of memory trying to zip up your data. Consider splitting your request into chunks")
            on.exit(file.remove(zipfile), add = TRUE)
            body = paste("Standardization stopped because of:",
                         " ",
                         paste0("check Share = ",validateShares),
                         " ",
                         "Look attached file for details",
                         " ",
                         "The file can be modified and uploaded in the Commodity Tree",
                         " ",
                         "Valid Flags for Commodity Tree are the following",
                         " ",
                         "Extraction rates:",
                         "(T,-) = validated up do 2013 - protected",
                         "(E,t) = copied from 2014 onwards - not protected but that do not change during standardization process",
                         "(E,f) = manually changed by the user - protected",
                         " ",
                         "(E,-) = coming from old methodology - NOT protected. These values willbe overwritten",
                         "any run of the module, except the values of oils, which are kept, unless manually changed",
                         "(E,f) = manually changed by the user - protected",
                         "(I,i) = calculated by the module - not protected",
                         " ",
                         paste0("Valid Figures for Extraction Rates are in the range: ",min.er," to ", max.er)
            sendmailR::sendmail(from = "sws@fao.org",
                                to = swsContext.userEmail,
                                subject = sprintf("Standardization stopped for invalid Flags and/or Figures"),
                                msg = list(strsplit(body,"\n")[[1]], 
                                                                name = paste0(basename, FILETYPE)
            stop("Process Stopped")
            paste0("Email sent to ", swsContext.userEmail)
            dir.create(paste0(PARAMS$debugFolder,"/Batch_",batchnumber), showWarnings = FALSE,recursive=TRUE)
            write.csv(invalidTree, paste0(PARAMS$debugFolder,"/Batch_",batchnumber,"/B",batchnumber,"__0_invalidTreeRows.csv"), row.names = FALSE)  
            return(paste0("Process Stopped for Invalid rows in Commodity Tree. Csv file saved in: ", paste0(PARAMS$debugFolder,"/Batch_",batchnumber,"/B",batchnumber,"__0_invalidTreeRows.csv")))
    # else{  # End of case for which flags and/or figures are invalid
    #     if(!CheckDebug()){
    #         body = paste("The Commodity Tree is valid",
    #                      " ",
    #                      "If no check has been performed on Shares, be aware that shares might be invalid",
    #                      sep='\n')
    #         sendmailR::sendmail(from = "sws@fao.org",
    #                             to = swsContext.userEmail,
    #                             subject = sprintf("tree successfully downloaded and Checked"),
    #                             msg = strsplit(body,"\n")[[1]])
    #     }
    #     message("Commodity Tree Extraction Rates are valid")
    # }
SWS-Methodology/faoswsUtil documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:53 a.m.