
Defines functions impact.table weight.density0 weight.density impact.barplot0 impact.barplot extend.vector interactive.selection slider checkcolumn checkbox checkedges radiogrid

Documented in checkbox checkcolumn checkedges impact.barplot impact.barplot0 impact.table interactive.selection radiogrid slider weight.density weight.density0

##' Construct a grid of radio buttons to select from a range of options
##' that are common to many items.
##' @title Grid of Radio Buttons
##' @param parent the parent window
##' @param label the label for the enclosing frame
##' @param rows the labels for the rows/items
##' @param choices the labels for the columns/choices
##' @param initial the initial selection
##' @param label.rows whether to label rows
##' @return Returns an object of class radiogrid with elements
##' \item{\code{window}}{the widget}
##' \item{\code{selected}}{function that returns the state of the radiobuttons}
##' \item{\code{state}}{the tclVars representing the state of the radiobuttons}
##' @import tcltk
##' @import tcltk2
radiogrid <- function(parent,label,rows,choices,initial=1,label.rows=TRUE) {
  if(is.null(names(choices))) names(choices) <- as.character(choices)
  initial <- rep(initial,length=length(rows))
  state <- lapply(initial,function(k) tclVar(names(choices)[k]))
  names(state) <- rows
  tk.frame <- tk2labelframe(parent,text=label)
  for(col in seq_along(choices))
  for(row in seq_along(rows)) {
    tkgrid(tk2label(tk.frame,text=if(label.rows) rows[row] else ""),
    for(col in seq_along(choices))
  r <- list(window=tk.frame,
            selected=function() {
              r <- choices[sapply(state,tclvalue)]
              names(r) <- rows
  class(r) <- "radiogrid"

##' Construct an edge selection widget
##' Makes a widget consisting of a grid of check buttons that allow
##' the user to select edges of the network.
##' @title Edge Selection Widget
##' @param parent the parent window
##' @param label the label for the enclosing frame
##' @param rows the labels for the rows (node names)
##' @param edges an nx2 matrix that defines the edges
##' @param group a numeric vector that groups edges
##' @param label.rows whether to label rows
##' @return Returns an object of class checkedges with elements
##' \item{\code{window}}{the widget}
##' \item{\code{selected}}{function that returns the state of the check buttons}
##' \item{\code{state}}{the tclVars representing the state of the check buttons}
##' @import tcltk
##' @import tcltk2
checkedges <- function(parent,label,rows,edges,group=NULL,label.rows=TRUE) {
  group <- if(is.null(group)) seq_len(nrow(edges)) else match(group,unique(group))
  state <- lapply(unique(group),function(k) tclVar("0"))[group]
  tk.frame <- tk2labelframe(parent,text=label)
  for(k in seq_along(rows)) {
    tkgrid(tk2label(tk.frame,text=if(label.rows) rows[k] else ""),row=k,column=0,sticky="w")
  for(k in seq_len(nrow(edges)))

  r <- list(window=tk.frame,
            selected=function() sapply(state,tclvalue)=="1",
  class(r) <- "checkedges"

##' Construct a checkbox widget
##' The \code{checkbox} function makes a single checkbox widget, while
##' \code{checkcolumn} makes a widget containing a column of
##' checkboxes.
##' @title Checkbox widgets
##' @param parent the parent window.
##' @param label the label for the enclosing frame.
##' @param initial the initial state of the checkbox
##' @param rows the row labels
##' @param label.rows whether to label rows.
##' @return Returns an object of class checkbox or checkcolumn with elements
##' \item{\code{window}}{the widget}
##' \item{\code{selected}}{function that returns the state of the checkboxes}
##' \item{\code{state}}{the tclVars representing the state of the checkboxes}
##' @import tcltk
##' @import tcltk2
checkbox <- function(parent,label,initial=0) {
  state <- tclVar(initial)
  w.check <- tk2checkbutton(parent,text=label,variable=state)
  r <- list(window=w.check,
            selected=function() tclvalue(state)=="1",
  class(r) <- "checkbox"

##' @rdname checkbox
checkcolumn <- function(parent,label,rows,label.rows=TRUE) {
  state <- lapply(rows,function(k) tclVar("0"))
  names(state) <- rows
  tk.frame <- tk2labelframe(parent,text=label)
  for(row in seq_along(rows))
    tkgrid(tk2checkbutton(tk.frame,text=if(label.rows) rows[[row]] else "",
  r <- list(window=tk.frame,
            selected=function() sapply(state,tclvalue)=="1",
  class(r) <- "checkcolumn"

##' Construct a slider widget.
##' The \code{slider} function creates a widget containing a single
##' horizontal slider.
##' @title Slider Widgets
##' @param parent the parent window
##' @param initial the initial values of the sliders
##' @param from minimum slider values
##' @param to maximum slider value
##' @param orient slider orientation
##' @return Returns an object of class slider with elements
##' \item{\code{window}}{the widget}
##' \item{\code{selected}}{function that returns the state of the sliders}
##' \item{\code{state}}{the tclVars representing the state of the sliders}
##' @import tcltk
##' @import tcltk2
slider <- function(parent,initial=1,from=0,to=100,orient="horizontal") {
  state <- tclVar(initial)
  w.slider <- tk2scale(parent,orientation=orient,from=to,to=from,variable=state)
  r <- list(window=w.slider,
            selected=function() as.numeric(tclvalue(state)),
  class(r) <- "slider"

##' Construct control widget
##' Constructs a toplevel window that allows the allowing the user to
##' interactively select nodes to perturb/monitor, from a subset of
##' models, and then perform a given action.
##' The \code{action} argument must be function of five arguments
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{perturb} the nodes that were perturbed
##' \item \code{monitor} the outcome of the monitoring
##' \item \code{edge} the edges to select
##' \item \code{check} the state of a checkbutton
##' \item \code{slider} the state of a slider
##' }
##' @title Interactive Selection Widget
##' @param action function to perform the widgets action
##' @param nodes node labels
##' @param edges edge labels
##' @param slider slider label
##' @param checkbox checkbox label
##' @param perturb should a node perturbation control be rendered
##' @param monitor should a node monitoring control be rendered
##' @import tcltk
interactive.selection <- function(action,nodes,edges=NULL,
                                  perturb=TRUE,monitor=TRUE) {

  tk.top <- tktoplevel()
  tktitle(tk.top) <- "Node Selector"
  label <- TRUE
  w.perturb <- if(perturb) radiogrid(tk.top,"Perturb",nodes,c("-"=-1,"0"=0,"+"=1),initial=2,label.rows=label && !(label <- FALSE))
  w.monitor <- if(monitor) radiogrid(tk.top,"Monitor",nodes,c("-"=-1,"0"=0,"+"=1,"?"=NA),initial=4,label.rows=label && !(label <- FALSE))
  w.edges <- if(!is.null(edges)) checkedges(tk.top,"Edges",nodes,edges,label.rows=label && !(label <- FALSE))
  w.checkbox <- if(!is.null(checkbox)) checkbox(tk.top,checkbox,0)
  w.slider <- if(!is.null(slider)) slider(tk.top,slider$initial,slider$to,slider$from)

  update <- function() {
    action(perturb=if(!is.null(w.perturb)) w.perturb$selected(),
           monitor=if(!is.null(w.monitor)) w.monitor$selected(),
           edges=if(!is.null(w.edges)) w.edges$selected(),
           check=if(!is.null(w.checkbox)) w.checkbox$selected(),
           slider=if(!is.null(w.slider)) w.slider$selected())

  close <- function() {

  col <- -1
  if(!is.null(w.perturb)) tkgrid(w.perturb$window,padx=2,pady=2,row=0,column=(col <- col+1),sticky="n")
  if(!is.null(w.monitor)) tkgrid(w.monitor$window,padx=2,pady=2,row=0,column=(col <- col+1),sticky="n")
  if(!is.null(w.edges)) tkgrid(w.edges$window,padx=2,pady=2,row=0,column=(col <- col+1),sticky="n")
  tk.frame <- tkframe(tk.top)

         if(!is.null(w.checkbox)) w.checkbox$window,
         if(!is.null(w.slider)) w.slider$window)


## Utility function
extend.vector <- function(named,nodes,default) {
    v <- rep(named,length.out=length(nodes))
  else {
    k <- match(names(named),nodes)
      warning("Unknown nodes:",paste(names(named)[is.na(k)],collapse=" "))
    v <- rep(default,length(nodes))
    v[k] <- named

##' Display the impact of a perturbation as a barplot
##' This control constructs a barplot that shows the fraction of
##' simulations in which a positive (orange), negative (blue) or zero
##' (off white) outcome occurs at each node following a given
##' perturbation.
##' The user may specify the perturbation of the nodes, and any
##' outcome known from monitoring the network, and then construct a
##' barplot of the frequency table of outcomes at each node.
##' \code{impact.barplot0} is a non-interactive variant for
##' programmatic use.
##' @title Impact Barplot
##' @param sim the result from \code{system.simulate}
##' @param epsilon outomes below this in absolute magnitude are treated as zero.
##' @param main text for plot title
##' @param cex.axis character expansion factor for the edge labels
##' @param perturb a named vector that indicates which nodes were
##' perturbed and the relative magnitude of the perturbation.
##' @param monitor n named vector of signs (-1,0,1) or NA that indicates the outcome of the perturbation.
##' @export
impact.barplot <- function(sim,epsilon=1.0E-5,main="",cex.axis=1) {
  action <- function(perturb,monitor,edges,check,slider) {

##' @rdname impact.barplot
##' @importFrom graphics barplot par strwidth
##' @export
impact.barplot0 <- function(sim,perturb=0,monitor=NA,
                            epsilon=1.0E-5,main="",cex.axis=1) {

  As <- sim$A
  nodes <- node.labels(sim$edges)
  pal <- c("#92C5DE", "#808080", "#F4A582")
  results <- matrix(0,length(nodes),3)

  perturb <- extend.vector(perturb,nodes,0)
  monitor <- extend.vector(monitor,nodes,NA)

  for(i in seq_along(As)) {
    impact <- signum(drop(As[[i]]%*%perturb),epsilon=epsilon)
    if(all(monitor==impact,na.rm=TRUE)) {
      results <- results + outer(impact,-1:1,'==')
  rownames(results) <- nodes
  lwidth <- max(strwidth(nodes,units="inches",cex=cex.axis))
  opar <- par(mai=c(1,lwidth+0.2,0.4,0.4)+0.2)

##' Display weights of valid and invalid matrices as a density plots
##' This control constructs density plots that show the distribution
##' of selected edge weights for the cases that meet the selected
##' validation criteria (blue), and those that do not (red), following
##' a given perturbation.
##' The slider controls the level of smoothing of the densities.
##' Edges are labelled by pairs of integers for compactness, where the
##' integer codes correspond to the ordering of the node labels.
##' \code{weight.density0} is a non-interactive variant for
##' programmatic use.
##' @title Weight Density Plots
##' @param sim the result from \code{system.simulate}
##' @param epsilon outomes below this in absolute magnitude are treated as zero.
##' @param main text for plot title
##' @param perturb a named vector that indicates which nodes were
##' perturbed and the relative magnitude of the perturbation.
##' @param monitor n named vector of signs (-1,0,1) or NA that indicates the outcome of the perturbation.
##' @param edges logical vector indicating which edges to plot.
##' @param smooth double in the range [0,1] controlling the level of smoothing applied.
##' @export
weight.density <- function(sim,epsilon=1.0E-5,main="") {
  edges <- sim$edges

  nodes <- node.labels(edges)
  colnames(sim$w) <- paste(unclass(edges$To),unclass(edges$From),sep=":")

  action <- function(perturb,monitor,edges,check,slider) {

##' @rdname weight.density
##' @importFrom stats density
##' @importFrom graphics lines plot title
##' @export
weight.density0 <- function(sim,perturb,monitor,edges,
                            smooth=1,epsilon=1.0E-5,main="") {
  pal <- c("#0571B0", "#CA0020")
  As <- sim$A
  ws <- sim$w
  nodes <- node.labels(sim$edges)

  perturb <- extend.vector(perturb,nodes,0)
  monitor <- extend.vector(monitor,nodes,NA)

  if(any(edges)) {
    keep <- rep(FALSE,nrow(ws))
    for(i in seq_along(As)) {
      impact <- signum(drop(As[[i]]%*%perturb),epsilon=epsilon)
      if(all(monitor==impact,na.rm=TRUE)) keep[i] <- TRUE
    n <- ceiling(sqrt(sum(edges)))
    m <- ceiling(sum(edges)/n)

    opar <- par(mfrow=c(m,n),mar=c(5,4,1,1)+0.1)
    for(k in which(edges)) {
      d1 <- if(sum(keep) > 10) density(ws[keep,k],adjust=smooth) else list(x=c(),y=c())
      d2 <- if(sum(!keep) > 10) density(ws[!keep,k],adjust=smooth) else list(x=c(),y=c())

##' Tabulate the impact of every positive perturbation as table.
##' Crosstabulate the mean impact (positive or negative) at each node
##' for a positive perturbation of each node.  The k-th column
##' corresponds to a perturbation of the k-th node, and shows the mean
##' impact on each node.
##' @title Impact Table
##' @param sim the result from \code{system.simulate}
##' @param epsilon outomes below this in absolute magnitude are treated as zero.
##' @return The crosstabulation as a matrix
##' @export
impact.table <- function(sim,epsilon=1.0E-5) {
  nodes <- node.labels(sim$edges)
  results <- matrix(0,length(nodes),length(nodes),
  for(i in seq_along(sim$A))
    results <- results + signum(sim$A[[i]],epsilon=epsilon)
SWotherspoon/QPress documentation built on Sept. 26, 2022, 2:27 a.m.