
Defines functions generateParameterTable parRelabel generateAllParameterTables

# Generate multiple par tables:
generateAllParameterTables <- function(...){
  curMaxPar <- 0
  dots <- list(...)
  res <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(dots)){
    res[[i]] <- do.call(generateParameterTable,c(dots[[i]],list(curMaxPar=curMaxPar)))
    if (length(res[[i]]$partable$par)>0){
      curMaxPar <- max(curMaxPar,res[[i]]$partable$par)  
  res <- list(
    partable = do.call(rbind,lapply(res,"[[","partable")),
    mattable = do.call(rbind,lapply(res,"[[","mattable"))
  # Order parameter table by group id:
  res$partable <- res$partable %>% arrange(.data[['group_id']])
  # Relabel the parameter labels to be a bit more consistent:
  # res$partable$par[res$partable$par!=0] <- as.numeric(factor(res$partable$par[res$partable$par!=0], 
  #           levels = unique(res$partable$par[res$partable$par!=0])))
  res$partable <- parRelabel(res$partable)
  # Return:

# Parameter relabel:
parRelabel <- function(x){
  x$par[x$par!=0] <- as.numeric(factor(x$par[x$par!=0], 
                                       levels = unique(x$par[x$par!=0])))

generateParameterTable <- function(x, mat, op, curMaxPar, symmetrical = FALSE, sampletable, rownames, colnames, rowid, colid, sparse = FALSE, posdef = FALSE, diag0=FALSE, diagonal = FALSE,
                                   lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, start, lowertri=FALSE, allFixed = FALSE,
                                   incomplete = FALSE,
                                   ... # Ignored dummy arguments
  # rowid and colid can be missing:
  if (missing(rowid)){
    rowid <- seq_along(rownames)
  if (missing(colid)){
    colid <- seq_along(colnames)
  # Indices to use:
  if (incomplete){
    ind <- !is.na(x)
  } else if (diagonal){
    ind <- array(FALSE,dim=dim(x))
    for (i in 1:dim(ind)[3]){
      ind[,,i] <- diag(nrow(ind[,,i,drop=FALSE])) == 1
  } else if (symmetrical || lowertri){
    ind <- array(TRUE,dim=dim(x))
    for (i in 1:dim(ind)[3]){
      ind[,,i] <- lower.tri(ind[,,i],diag=!diag0)
    # ind <- lower.tri(x,diag=TRUE)
  } else {
    ind <- rep(TRUE,length(x))
  # Obtain row:
  row <- slice.index(x,1)[ind]
  if (length(dim(x)) == 3){
    # Obtain col:
    col <- slice.index(x,2)[ind]
    # Obtain group:
    group <- slice.index(x,3)[ind]    
  } else {
    # Obtain col:
    col <- 1
    # Obtain group:
    group <- slice.index(x,2)[ind]
  # Est = 0 if matrix != symmetrical, 1 for diagonals if matrix = symmetrical:
  if (symmetrical || lowertri || incomplete){
    est <- array(diag(nrow(x)),dim(x))[ind]
  } else {
    est <- rep(0,length(x))
  # Fixed are values that are zero:
  fixed <- x[ind] == 0
  # Fixed values are always set to zero:
  est[fixed] <- 0
  # Initiate pars at zero:
  par <- rep(0,length=length(est))
  # All ones, make increasing sequence:
  if (any(x[ind]==1)){
    par[x[ind]==1] <- curMaxPar + seq_len(sum(x[ind]==1))
    curMaxPar <- max(par)    
  # Now loop if needed:
  if (any(x[ind] > 1)){
    for (p in unique(x[ind & x!=0 & x!=1])){
      par[x[ind] == p] <- curMaxPar + 1
      curMaxPar <- curMaxPar + 1
  # var1:
  var1 <- rownames[row]
  var1_id <- rowid[row]
  if (length(dim(x))>2){
    var2 <- colnames[col]
    var2_id <- colid[col]    
  } else {
    var2 <- NA
    var2_id <- NA
  group_name <- sampletable@groups$label[group]
  group_id <- group
  # Fix lower and upper limits:
  if (!all(lower == -Inf)){
    if (length(dim(lower))!=3){
      lower <- array(lower,dim = dim(x))
  if (!all(upper == Inf)){
    if (length(dim(lower))!=3){
      upper <- array(upper,dim = dim(x))
  if (length(lower)==1){
    lower <-  array(lower,dim = dim(x))
  if (length(upper)==1){
    upper <-  array(upper,dim = dim(x))
  # Make the table:
  if (length(est) > 0){
    partable <- data.frame(
      var1 = var1,
      var1_id = var1_id,
      op = op,
      var2 = var2,
      var2_id = var2_id,
      est = est,
      std = NA,
      se = NA,
      p = NA,
      se_boot = NA,
      p_boot = NA,
      matrix = mat,
      row = row,
      col = col,
      par = par,
      group = group_name,
      group_id = group_id,
      fixed = fixed,
      mi = NA, # Modification index
      pmi = NA, #p-value modification index
      epc = NA,
      mi_free = NA, # Modification index
      pmi_free = NA, #p-value modification index
      epc_free = NA,
      mi_equal = NA, # Modification index constraning groups to be equal
      pmi_equal = NA, #p-value modification index constraining groups to be equal
      epc_equal = NA, #p-value modification index constraining groups to be equal
      minimum = lower[ind],
      maximum = upper[ind],
      identified = FALSE,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    # Set all to be fixed:
    if (isTRUE(allFixed)){
      partable$fixed <- TRUE
      partable$identified <- TRUE
      partable$par <- 0
    if (!missing(start)){
      partable$est <- start[ind]
    # Table for matrices:
    mattable <- data.frame(
      name = mat,
      nrow = dim(x)[1],
      ncol = ifelse(length(dim(x)) > 2,dim(x)[2],1),
      # ngroup = max(group_id),
      symmetrical = symmetrical,
      sparse = sparse,
      diagonal= diagonal,
      lowertri = lowertri,
      incomplete = incomplete
  } else {
    partable <-data.frame(
      var1 = character(0),
      var1_id = integer(0),
      op = character(0),
      var2 = character(0),
      var2_id = integer(0),
      est = numeric(0),
      std = numeric(0),
      se = numeric(0),
      p = numeric(0),
      se_boot = numeric(0),
      p_boot = numeric(0),
      matrix = character(0),
      row = numeric(0),
      col = numeric(0),
      par = integer(0),
      group = character(0),
      group_id = integer(0),
      fixed = logical(0),
      mi = numeric(0), # Modification index
      pmi = numeric(0), #p-value modification index
      epc = numeric(0),
      mi_free = numeric(0), # Modification index
      pmi_free = numeric(0), #p-value modification index
      epc_free = numeric(0),
      mi_equal = numeric(0), # Modification index constraning groups to be equal
      pmi_equal = numeric(0), #p-value modification index constraining groups to be equal
      epc_equal = numeric(0), #p-value modification index constraining groups to be equal
      minimum = numeric(0),
      maximum = numeric(0),
      identified = logical(0), # Indicating a parameter is fixed to identify the model!
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    # Table for matrices:
    mattable <- data.frame(
      name = mat,
      nrow = dim(x)[1],
      ncol = ifelse(length(dim(x)) > 2,dim(x)[2],1),
      # ngroup = max(group_id),
      symmetrical = symmetrical,
      sparse = sparse,
      diagonal= diagonal,
      lowertri = lowertri,
      incomplete = incomplete
  # #FIXME: Temporary fix to make diagonals of symmetrical matrices non-negative:
  # if (symmetrical){
  #   partable$minimum[partable$var1_id == partable$var2_id] <- 1e-14
  # }
    partable = partable,
    mattable = mattable
SachaEpskamp/psychonetrics documentation built on July 25, 2024, 12:08 p.m.