
## Send a get or delete request to synapse
## Author: Matthew D. Furia <matt.furia@sagebase.org>

.synapseGetDelete <- 
  function(uri, requestMethod, host = .getRepoEndpointLocation(), curlHandle=getCurlHandle(), 
    anonymous = .getCache("anonymous"), path = .getRepoEndpointPrefix(), opts = .getCache("curlOpts"), entity=NULL)
  ## constants
  kValidMethods <- c("GET", "DELETE")
  ## end constants
  if(!(requestMethod %in% kValidMethods)){
    stop("invalid request method")
    stop("a uri must be supplied of R type character")
  ## uris formed by the service already have their servlet prefix
  if(grepl(path, uri)) {
    uri <- paste(host, uri, sep="")
  }else {
    uri <- paste(host, path, uri, sep="")
  ## Add the provenance parameter, if applicable
  step <- .getCache("currentStep")
  if(!is.null(step)) {
    if(grepl("?", uri, fixed=TRUE)) {
      uri <- paste(uri, "&stepId=", propertyValue(step, "id"), sep="")
    } else {
      uri <- paste(uri, "?stepId=", propertyValue(step, "id"), sep="")			
  if(length(path) > 1)
    stop("put", paste(length(path), path))
  ## Prepare the header. If not an anonymous request, stuff the
  ## sessionToken into the header
  header <- .getCache("curlHeader")
  if(is.null(anonymous) || !anonymous) {
    header <- switch(authMode(),
      auth = .stuffHeaderAuth(header),
      hmac = .stuffHeaderHmac(header, uri),
      stop("Unknown auth mode: %s. Could not build header", authMode())
  ## Submit request and check response code
  d = debugGatherer()
  if(!is.null(.getCache("debug")) && .getCache("debug")) {
    message("REQUEST: ", requestMethod, " ", uri)
    response <- getURL(uri, 
      customrequest = requestMethod, 
      httpheader = header, 
      curl = curlHandle, 
    ## convert integers to characters
    for(ii in 1:length(entity)){
        entity[[ii]] <- as.character(as.integer(entity[[ii]]))
    httpBody <- toJSON(entity)
    if(.getCache("debug")) {
      message("REQUEST_BODY: ", httpBody)
    response <- getURL(uri, 
      postfields = httpBody, 
      customrequest = requestMethod, 
      httpheader = header, 
      curl = curlHandle, 
  if(!is.null(.getCache("debug")) && .getCache("debug")) {
    message("RESPONSE_BODY: ", response)
  .checkCurlResponse(curlHandle, response)
  if("GET" == requestMethod) {
    ## Parse response and prepare return value
Sage-Bionetworks/rSynapseClientRewrite documentation built on May 9, 2019, 7:06 p.m.