
Defines functions glimpr

Documented in glimpr

#     glimpr.R GLM application for downscaling
#     Copyright (C) 2017 Santander Meteorology Group (http://www.meteo.unican.es)
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title GLM downscaling
#' @description Implementation of GLM's to downscale precipitation data
#' @param y A grid or station data containing the observed climate data for the training period
#' @param modelPars Output object from function ppModelSetup containing the predictors and test data
#' @param simulate Character. Options are "no", "yes" or "occurrence". The last option simulates the occurrence but not the amount.
#' @param wet.threshold Value below which precipitation amount is considered zero 
#' @param n.eofs Integer indicating the number of EOFs to be used as predictors 
#' @family downscaling
#' @author J Bedia, M Iturbide
#' @importFrom abind abind
#' @importFrom stats glm binomial predict runif Gamma rgamma na.exclude
#' @importFrom transformeR array3Dto2Dmat getCoordinates mat2Dto3Darray
#' @keywords internal

glimpr <- function(y = y, modelPars = modelPars, simulate =  c("none", "loocv", "kfold"), return.models = FALSE, wet.threshold = wet.threshold, n.pcs = n.pcs) {
      if (is.null(n.pcs)) {
            n.pcs <-  dim(modelPars$pred.mat)[2]
      # Prepare predictand matrix
      ymat <- if (isTRUE(modelPars$stations)) {
      } else {
            if (is.null(dim(y$Data))) {
            } else {
      # binarize      
      ymat.bin <- ymat
      ymat.bin[which(ymat < wet.threshold)] <- 0
      ymat.bin[which(ymat >= wet.threshold)] <- 1L
      #obtaining climatological frequencies of occurrences for probability threshold calibration
      wet.prob <- apply(ymat.bin, 2, function(x) {sum(x, na.rm = TRUE) / length(na.exclude(x))})
      # Filter empty gridcell series
      rm.ind <- which(is.na(wet.prob))
      # Valid columns or gridcells (cases)
      cases <- if (length(rm.ind) > 0) {
      } else {
      # Models
      message("[", Sys.time(), "] Fitting models ...")
      err <- numeric()
      pred.list <- list()
      mod.bin <- list()
      mod.gamma <- list()  
            for (x in 1:length(cases)) {
                  mod.bin.x <- glm(ymat.bin[ ,cases[x]] ~ ., data = as.data.frame(modelPars$pred.mat)[,1:n.pcs], family = binomial(link = "logit"))           
                  sims.bin <- sapply(1:length(modelPars$sim.mat), function(i) {
                        pred <- predict(mod.bin.x, newdata = as.data.frame(modelPars$sim.mat[[i]])[,1:n.pcs], type = "response")
                        if (simulate != "no") {
                              rnd <- runif(length(pred), min = 0, max = 1)
                              ind01 <- which(pred > rnd)
                              pred[ind01] <- 1
                              pred[-ind01] <- 0
                        } else {
                              pred[which(pred >= quantile(mod.bin.x$fitted.values, 1 - wet.prob[cases[x]], na.rm = TRUE))] <- 1L
                              #pred[which(pred >= 0.5)] <- 1L
                              pred <- as.integer(pred)
                  if (return.models == FALSE)  mod.bin <- NULL
                  wet <- which(ymat[ ,cases[x]] >= wet.threshold)
                  # TODO: handle exception when model is over-specified (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2000-January/009833.html)
                  Npcs <- n.pcs + 1
                  mod.gamma.x <- NULL
                  while (is.null(mod.gamma.x) & Npcs > 1) {
                        Npcs <- Npcs - 1
                        mod.gamma.x <- tryCatch(expr = {
                              glm(ymat[ ,cases[x]] ~., data = as.data.frame(modelPars$pred.mat)[ ,1:Npcs],
                                  family = Gamma(link = "log"),
                                  subset = wet)
                        error = function(err) {                
                              mod.gamma.x <- NULL
                  if (length(mod.gamma.x$model) - 1 < n.pcs) {
                        err[x] <- 1 
                  } else {
                        err[x] <- 0
                  if (is.null(mod.gamma.x)) {
                        sims <-  sapply(1:length(modelPars$sim.mat), function(i) {
                              matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(modelPars$sim.mat[[i]]))
                  } else {
                        sims <- sapply(1:length(modelPars$sim.mat), function(i) {
                              if (simulate == "yes") {
                                    predg <- unname(predict(mod.gamma.x, newdata = as.data.frame(modelPars$sim.mat[[i]])[,1:n.pcs], type = "response"))
                                    #                               predg[which(predg<=wet.threshold)] <- 0
                                    rgamma(n = length(predg), shape = 1/summary(mod.gamma.x)$dispersion, scale = summary(mod.gamma.x)$dispersion * predg) * sims.bin[,i] 
                              } else {
                                    unname(predict(mod.gamma.x, newdata = as.data.frame(modelPars$sim.mat[[i]])[,1:n.pcs], type = "response") ) * sims.bin[,i] 
                  if (return.models == FALSE)  mod.gamma.x <- NULL
                  pred.list[[x]] <- unname(sims)
                  sims <- NULL
                  mod.bin[[x]] <- mod.bin.x 
                  mod.gamma[[x]] <- mod.gamma.x
      mod <- list("binary" = mod.bin, "gamma" = mod.gamma)
      n.err <- length(which(err == 1))
      if (n.err > 0) {
            n <- round(n.err/length(err)*100, digits = 2)
            warning("In ", n,"% of the locations: glm.fit convergence reached after variable number reduction.")
      #       err <- lapply(1:length(pred.list), function(u){
      #             is.logical(pred.list[[u]])
      #       })
      #       n.err <- length(which(do.call("abind", err)==TRUE))
      #       if(n.err > 0){
      #             warning("glm.fit did not converge ", n.err, " times, NA returned.")
      #       }
      # Refill with NaN series
      if (length(rm.ind) > 0) {
            aux.list <- rep(list(matrix(nrow = nrow(modelPars$sim.mat[[1]]), ncol = length(modelPars$sim.mat))), ncol(ymat))
            aux.list[cases] <- pred.list
            pred.list <- aux.list
            aux.list <- NULL
      x.obs <- getCoordinates(y)$x
      y.obs <- getCoordinates(y)$y
      aux.list <- lapply(1:length(modelPars$sim.mat), function(i) {
            aux <- lapply(1:length(pred.list), function(j) {
                  pred.list[[j]][ ,i]
            aux.mat <- do.call("cbind", aux)
            out <- if (!modelPars$stations) {
                  mat2Dto3Darray(aux.mat, x.obs, y.obs)
            } else {
            aux.mat <- NULL
      # Data array - rename dims
      #       obs$Data <- 
      o <- drop(unname(do.call("abind", c(aux.list, along = -1))))
      aux.list <- NULL
      # Date replacement
      #       obs$Dates <- modelPars$sim.dates 
      message("[", Sys.time(), "] Done.")
      #       return(obs)
      if (isTRUE(return.models)) o <- list(o, "models" = mod)
      # return(sims.bin)
# End
SantanderMetGroup/downscaleR documentation built on July 4, 2023, 4:28 a.m.