
Defines functions rescaleGrid

Documented in rescaleGrid

##     rescaleGrid.R Grid rescaling
##     Copyright (C) 2017 Santander Meteorology Group (http://www.meteo.unican.es)
##     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##     (at your option) any later version.
##     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##     GNU General Public License for more details.
##     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title Grid rescaling
#' @description Rescale a grid (or compute anomalies)
#' @param grid Input grid to be rescaled
#' @param grid.clim Reference climatology to be subtracted to the input grid. If \code{NULL} (the default),
#' the climatology is directly computed from the grid via \code{\link{climatology}}, either member-by-member
#' or using the ensemble mean climatology, as specified by the \code{by.member} flag.
#' @param ref Reference grid. After subtracting to grid its climatology (as defined by \code{grid.clim}), the mean
#' climatology of this additional grid is added. Default to NULL, so no reference grid is used.
#' @param by.member Logical. In case of multimember grids, should the climatology be computed sepparately
#' for each member (\code{by.member=TRUE}), or a single climatology calculated from the ensemble mean
#'  (\code{by.member=FALSE})?. Default to \code{TRUE}. Argument passed to \code{\link{climatology}}.
#' @template templateParallelParams
#' @details The reference grid (\code{ref}) is used to correct the input grid, as follows:
#' \deqn{grid' = grid - mu_grid + mu_ref}
#' , where \emph{mu} corresponds to the monthly climatological mean considering the training period,
#' and \emph{grid'} is the corrected test data. The way \emph{mu_ref} and \emph{mu_grid} are computed in case
#' of multimember grids is controlled by the argument \code{by.member}.
#' Note that if both \code{grid.clim} and \code{ref} are set to \code{NULL}, the output grid corresponds
#' to the anomaly field of the input \code{grid} w.r.t. its own mean.
#' The \code{ref} usually corresponds to the control run of the GCM in the training period in climate change applications,
#' or the hindcast data for the training period in s2d applications. Note that by default \code{ref = NULL}. In this 
#' case it will be assumed to be the \code{pred} grid. This can be used for instance when train and test correspond
#' to the same model.
#' @importFrom abind abind asub
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @return A rescaled grid
#' @author J. Bedia
#' @export

rescaleGrid <- function(grid,
                        grid.clim = NULL,
                        ref = NULL,
                        by.member = TRUE,
                        parallel = FALSE,
                        max.ncores = 16,
                        ncores = NULL) {
      parallel.pars <- parallelCheck(parallel, max.ncores, ncores)
      if (is.null(grid.clim)) {
            grid.clim <- suppressMessages(climatology(grid,
                                     by.member = by.member,
                                     parallel = parallel,
                                     max.ncores = max.ncores,
                                     ncores = ncores))
      if (!identical(getSeason(grid.clim), getSeason(grid))) {
            stop("Seasons of input grid and grid.clim do not match", call. = FALSE)
      if (!is.null(ref) && !identical(getSeason(grid), getSeason(ref))) {
            stop("Seasons of input grid and reference grid do not match", call. = FALSE)
      lapply_fun <- selectPar.pplyFun(parallel.pars, .pplyFUN = "lapply")
      if (parallel.pars$hasparallel) on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(parallel.pars$cl))
      if (!is.null(ref)) {
            ref.clim <- suppressMessages(climatology(ref,
                                    by.member = by.member,
                                    parallel = parallel,
                                    max.ncores = max.ncores,
                                    ncores = ncores))
            if ("member" %in% getDim(grid.clim) && !("member" %in% getDim(ref))) {
                  n.mem <- getShape(grid.clim, "member") 
                  aux <- rep(list(ref.clim[["Data"]]), n.mem)
                  dimNames <- getDim(ref.clim)
                  ref.clim[["Data"]] <- unname(do.call("abind", c(aux, along = -1L)))
                  aux <- NULL
                  attr(ref.clim[["Data"]], "dimensions") <- c("member", dimNames)
      } else {
            ref.clim <- list()
            ref.clim[["Data"]] <- array(data = 0, dim = getShape(grid.clim))
            attr(ref.clim[["Data"]], "dimensions") <- attr(grid.clim[["Data"]], "dimensions")
      clim <- grid[["Data"]]
      dimNames <- getDim(grid)
      ind.time <- grep("^time", dimNames)
      n.times <- getShape(grid, "time")
      Xc <- drop(grid.clim[["Data"]])
      Xref <- drop(ref.clim[["Data"]])
      message("[", Sys.time(), "] Rescaling ...")
      aux.list <- lapply_fun(1:n.times, function(x) {
            X <- asub(clim, idx = x, dims = ind.time)
            X - Xc + Xref
      clim <- do.call("abind", c(aux.list, along = -1L))
      dimNames.aux <- c("time", dimNames[-grep("^time", dimNames)])
      attr(clim, "dimensions") <- dimNames.aux
      ## Dimension reordering
      perm <- na.omit(match(c("member","time","lat","lon"), dimNames.aux))
      clim <- aperm(clim, perm)
      grid[["Data"]] <- unname(clim)
      attr(grid[["Data"]], "dimensions") <- dimNames
      message("[", Sys.time(), "] Done.")
SantanderMetGroup/transformeR documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 6:42 a.m.